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A story about Marla's moral of how she manages to live in happiness once more. |
It was not long until night time has taken over the sunlight of dusk, as it will become clear to us that wherever fate leads, there will be a chance that what ever the circumstances of whether you are feeling down and depressed, there will be times where you will slowly heal and will be swept off the pathway, leading a positive yet mysteries pathway for you to follow, and now I will tell you Marla’s life, where changes will be made, but will she make it? Not long from the distance, was a modern house which was built from red brick layers, painted into newly creamy white coloured paint. Inside the house, was a teenage girl, who had moved in with her aunty not long ago. This girl wasn’t the brightest in her year of her school; however she is a hardworking, and manages to never give up hope into her own life, through education. If you take a glance at her youthful feature, her eyes are like two deep blackened orbs stared back at you, shone with the feeling of lost and sets upon mysteries through the thin eyelashes. Her cheeks are like a field of little flowers, so delicate, with each touch, smooth and silky, like freshly made sheets made out of cotton, and tinted with lightly coloured peachy-pink rosy cheeks beside with her cute nose, which had fitted perfectly on the beauty of her face. Her eyebrows are curved like the dolls’, like a wondrous calligraphy, with one stroke, a perfectly contented shape. Her lips are like colours of a lightly coloured of a ruby red hue, yet so tender and kissable to touch, as it has been the most intriguing feature of her, as to some guys would secretly have desires of wanting to go out with her just to get their lips upon hers. And finally, her hair, deepest colour, like the nights of a black sky, bold and enriched with the scent of lavender, which beholds every part of her delicate face. It was only 9:30PM, and daylight was not even near enough to see things clearly, through one of the newly painted windows, which smelt of burnt plastics. The girl was in the living room, ready to head straight to her bedroom. Not a word to her aunty, she smiled at her, and at a moment later, she headed to her bedroom. The house was still new to her, but she had been living for only three days, and had gotten used to knowing most of the places in the house, where and whenever she needs to go. Inside the bedroom, dimmed by the moonlight, shone out by her medium sized window, she came in with her tiresome body. Her eyes are droopy, and wanting to touch the softness of her comfy bed. She quickly took her pyjamas and started to change. Her own casual clothes that she was wearing a moment ago, was dashed on to the floor, and was too tired to even to put them away nicely. It wasn’t a moment then, from the shadows, she laid her tired body on the single bed, still willingly tired, she thought about three days event that has happened to her, before she had moved in with her aunty, as this was one her painful memories, which was certain that it was hard to forget. She wept into her insanity as she could still feel her bruises of still freshly pains from her bruised arms and legs. The only reason she lived with her aunty was because she couldn’t stand the tension of being around with her actual parents. Her parents were cruel and didn’t understand why their daughter isn’t what they wanted her to be, and often neglected into their eyes. There were nothing wrong with her parents, but there was one thing that they did not provide or that she couldn’t understand. It was the need of a 6 year old could have eagerly wanted at that early age. It was the overall meaning of what a family truly is from a child point of view, but into her parent’s eyes, there were no such things as what a child needs or gets, all it was, was to force her into being somebody else, as she isn’t right now. After weeping for the most part of the hours she had used, she sat up momentarily, from the corner, where her bed was already in placed. She looked oppositely to where she was, as the window, still glows from the shone of moonlight. All she could ever see now, through the window glass panes, was the peaceful starry night with the beautiful calm movement of the lake, streaming from side to side, as the sky, blooming with colours, of lightly coloured blue, red, orange and yellow, with a few stripes of tainted purple. It was drawing nearer to the lightly brisk of dawn, as the girl slowly, slips into a comfy position and cover her tired body, sleeping soundly off to sleep, and with still un-wiped little pear drops of tears, spilling sideways onto the flourish smell of her own pillow. It wasn’t long until morning finally approached, and now, her aunty crept into her bedroom slowly, and saw her pillow covered in places of damp spots, that was still able to see. Her aunt’s face saddens as she couldn’t help her cope with the feelings that she is in, but understands how she feels. She slowly touches her hair, and move closer to her right ear. “It’s morning, my dearest Marla, wake up. It’s nearly time for school and you got to be prepared”, she said to her, with a sweet voice. Marla moaned, as she sits up, with her hands rubbing her eyes. Her aunty smiled straight at her, as Marla said with a sweet voice, “Good morning, Aunty Dora.” “Good morning, my dearest, Marla”, her aunty replied, still leaving a smile on her face. Marla got out of the bed, as her aunty moved aside and said, “Well, I’ll be on my way downstairs and doing a few chores around the house, and if you need any help in anything, just call me and I’ll be on my way to help you find the things you need, and it would be the best that I can do.” Dora kisses Marla on the forehead and made her way downstairs. Marla on the other hand, got out of bed and got dressed into her uniform. She made her way to the bathroom and refreshes herself, brushing her teeth accordingly afterwards and washes her face with water soaked in her creamy-white coloured cloth. After that, she quickly got all of her old pencil-case and books for school into her black gothic bag that she sees, hanging behind brand new looking door of her bedroom. She then carries it behind her back, quickly and headed straight downstairs in the dinning area. It wasn’t before it was really nearly into her rush hours of her school and almost running late, but she had enough time to grab something to eat before she walks to school, alone. Marla walks in the dinning area, and sees that Dora had already made breakfast for her on the table with a plate sitting on it, just like she always does, since she had moved in with her. It was the hardship of her aunty trying to comfort her whenever she feels down, that she always likes and knowing that she is very close to her aunty very much. Marla continues to quickly eating her small portions of breakfast, using her knife and fork. Fifteen minutes later, she was prepared to go to school. She made her way to the corridors with her bag still on her back, and puts on her black leather shoes, which is part of her school uniform. She had then opened the door with a golden handle, which was stiff to open at first, but had managed it without the trouble of a doubt. She was in the street the moment after and walked quickly, just able to catch the school bus, as she couldn’t been able to walk to school on time. At school, she hurried inside the building, nearly tripping over the stairs as she ran. The bell rang loudly and Marla was just on time. It wasn’t before then; she made her way to her classroom and had started her first period of her lesson. During most of the year, Marla had been deranged by her thoughts deep down of how her parents treated her, and never fully manage to let the feelings out. The few of the friends that she hangs out with, never really was her true friends to begin with, as they do not like people who would share a lot of feelings, but only to be together to endure the loneliness in the school. Marla, this year had graduated the tenth year and now moving onwards to the eleventh grade. She wasn’t excited over this year, as she thought that every year is the same. She started being an individualist, a steady loner, but with sometimes, someone to hang out with, as she was a girl who never had the intensions of staring at all of the popular people or had been interested in a guy at her own school. Most of her friends have already by passed the misery, and now had their own boyfriends to keep them company. It wasn’t long before the bell can be heard again, as it was a few hours later before break time had arrived and another day of having her break time over by an old tree, after purchasing some sandwiches over by the medium sized canteen, over at a corner of the building. A few friends of hers, spotted her sitting quietly on her own, and eating sandwiches, when they decided to invite her to introduce someone new to this school. They all walked towards Marla. Catherlin up stood herself and turned towards Marla. She begins to speak, “Hey Marla, we were thinking...” Marla looked up towards Catherlin before taking a looked at the others. “Oh hiya, and yes Catherlin? You were thinking about…? “... And well, we want you to introduce you to someone ...who is new to this school...Don’t worry, we only met him in one of our lessons and he is really nice.” Marla finished her last bite of her tuna sandwich and stared at Catherlin for a few seconds. She felt awkward at first, but find enough courage into answering Catherlin, “Erm...Sure, why not. Just give me a moment and I’ll be right there.” “Okay. Just be sure you meet us near the hallway in 5 minutes and we’ll be waiting for you over there.” Catherlin and the others walked away with small footsteps which they take and in taking their time in heading their way to the hallway. They saw the new boy hanging out with their boyfriends and began to talk amongst themselves. Meanwhile, Marla was ready to head straight to the hallway without any trouble, because she had already known how to go there, without fail. She grabbed her bag and proceeded her way to the hallway. Not far away, she saw her friends with a bunch of guys, that was such strangers to her, as you would have known, she was never interested in wanting to know a guy’s personality, hence their opportunity of dating her. She stopped walking as she was nearby her friends. A few seconds later, her friend had noticed her behind Leona. They all smiled upon her approached, as Marla spoke out with a normal tone, “Hello.” Marla gives a sweet yet knowingly she is showing a fake smile. They all replied with welcoming voices and smiled at her, “Hey there, Marla” A voice could be heard on the left as Marla faced upon a tall handsome guy, which made her slightly blushed. “We’ve been expecting you…” Without any discussion, Catherlin introduced the new person, who is a guy at her school. She began to talk with kindness, “Well, I like to introduce you to Joey. The one you were looking at before. On the right is my boyfriend, Jason, the one next to him is Sam, who is Leona’s boyfriend and finally Mike, who is Lisa’s boyfriend.” Marla looks upon the guys that she introduced, each one, and nods accordingly, and smiling, especially to Joey, who is also staring her beauty. The others noticed that Joey and Marla, staring and each others’ eyes as they approached to a decision of leaving them alone. The others began to walk away slowly, as Leona decided to have her last say to Marla, before the others lead her to another place. Leona began to ask Marla with a curious yet tender voice, “Marla, we’ve got to go somewhere now, will you be okay?” Marla replied with her head slightly titled sideward, “Erm…Yeah, I will be alright.” Leona left her alone with Joey and went away with the others, as Marla stared at Joey without saying a word, making this situation very awkward. Joey suddenly asked, “So…Marla…Erm…I was thinking…Are you free tomorrow?” “Yes…” Marla replied nervously. Joey continued as his heart began to pace, “I know it’s very random of me saying but…when I first saw you in my eyes, you look absolutely beautiful…and I want to invite you to go and buy a drink sometime, just to have a chat.” Joey paused for a second, as Marla blushed and then made an impression as though she is having doubts. Joey begins to ask, “I know it’s awkward of me saying this but, I just can’t help noticing that you looked a bit depressed lately…Is there something wrong?” Marla was speechless and was surprised to see that there is somebody in this world who is able to see that she is indeed depressed about something. Momentarily afterwards, Marla answered, “Oh my gosh…Do you know, Joey, you’re the first one in my school that has ever asked me that question, and noticing on how I feel. How did you know?” Joey said again with a content voice, “The only reason why I asked is because I saw you at another time, walking down this very hallway before with your head mostly looking at the ground and had a feeling of you wanting someone to understand you and comfort you, and that I often wished that it would be me who would be the first to do so, and now I am happy to hear that I am indeed the first.” Both still slightly blushing, as Joey gazed upon her. Joey felt an unease to talk as she was drawn towards her perfect beauty. It wasn’t until then, Joey had remembered since that day, within his pass, that he had been rejected by a few of the girls he had fancied, and never did he gave up hope into finding the right one that will accept his proposal into being his girlfriend. He always imagine what his perfect beauty in his arms would be like and often ask himself, on why the girls he had fancied had rejected him. In the end, he overheard a conversation and finally understood why. It was because in their eyes, he was a jerk, that wasn’t living up to their standards. This time, it was different, as both, Joey and Marla had the same thing in common. They both have horrid passes that can be talked within themselves and that they both had enjoyed each others’ company. Marla blushed even pinker than before and can be seen tilting her head downwards, and didn’t know how to answer invitation, so she answered it with a nod on the head. The bell came again, but this time it was time to go home. Joey offered his company into walking Marla home, and Marla accepted it. By the time when they finally reached to Marla’s home, Marla and Joey waved goodbye to each other and Joey left. Marla got of her shoes and stepped further to the house, and went up stairs to her bedroom. She got her bag off and then took a warm refreshing bath, in the bathroom just opposite to her bedroom that she always liked. Within the time she was in the bath, she thought about Joey, and dreamt the days where she would like him to be his first date, as she finds him very thoughtful, caring and understanding person. She didn’t think about her pass neither wanting to ever again, because since that very day she had met Joey, she was consume within the happiness and no longer feeling in the need to be sad again. |