Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1189867-Snow-White-Queen
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1189867
This is a stalker halloween story about a girl Lea getting sick letters
Snow White Queen

         The school bell rings meaning the end of the school year. Leah, Cindy, and Andrew run out of the school building. “Yes Yes Yes!” yells Leah. “This is the end of our senior year.” As the three of them get into Cindy car Andrew ask, “Where should we go Cindy?” Cindy puts on a quizzing look “ How about we go to Lea house and celebrate?” Leah responds “Sure why not my parents are on vacation and won’t be home until next week”. Cindy puts the car in drive and drives to Leah’s house. As the three teens get out of the car Leah hands her house key to Andrew. “ I am going to check the mail you two go on”. Leah walks towards her mailbox and looks into it. There is a letter it’s address to her. In small letters it is titled Snow White Queen. Leah hands began to  shake and her eyes grow big. This is the fourth letter see has gotten from this mystery person.  And they weren’t love letters either they were sick threatening ones. Always with no return address. She walks into the house and closes the door and turns the lock. She drops the letter on the coffee table. Cindy walks in with a sprite in her hand. Looking at her best friend with a worry expression. “ Leah what is wrong why are you crying? Did something happen to your parents?” Leah was crying, “No it’s not my parents it’s this sick bastard who keeps sending me these letters.” Andrew walks into the living room and looks at the letter on the table “ Who is it from?” Leah looks up at Andrew and wipes her tears from her face. She has had crush on him for years now. They have known each other since middle school. Leah replies “ Don’t worry about it come on lets have some fun.” Leah gets a rock cd and puts into the stereo. The three start to jump up and down rocking their heads back and forth. Andrew acting like he is playing the guitar. Leah is screaming into her clenched fist. And Cindy has wooden spoons playing drums. Later on that night Cindy and Andrew say goodbye and leave. Leah locks the door. As she makes sure everything is locked she sees the letter from today. She goes and picks it up and opens it. Leah wonders if this one were like the other ones. The first three just keep saying how she would die each one different. She reads the letter out loud “ Hello Leah this is going to be a fun night and not just because we graduate today. Nope even better by the end of tonight you will be six feet under my Snow White Queen.” Leah tears the letter apart angry and scared at the same time. She decides to call Cindy she could always trust her. As begins to reach the phone it rings. Leah picks it up “Hello?” She could only hear breathing. “Hello?” Leah says again. “Leah please help something terrible has happen this is Cindy.” “Cindy what is wrong?” “It’s Andrew his dead his dead and his heart missing.” Leah tries not to throw up. “What o my God how is Andrew heart missing?” Cindy says, “ I don’t know it looks like someone carved his heart out can I please stay with you?” “Yea sure I will leave the door unlocked.” She hangs up the phone and begins to cry she can’t believe he was dead the only guy she has ever loved is dead. Cindy walks in with a brown bag in her hand what ever it was it smelled bad. Leah runs up to her and gives her a hug. Cindy asks Leah to sit on the living room couch. Leah goes and sits on the couch. Cindy sitting next to her sings a song “ You poor sweet innocent thing dry your eyes and testify.” Leah lays her head on
Cindy shoulder. Cindy says “ There, there everything we be ok my Snow White Queen.” Leah gets up she couldn’t believe what she heard “ What did you just say?” ask Leah.  Cindy looks at her with an evil smile and says in a raspy voice “Snow White Queen.” Cindy pulls out the object in the bag it’s a heart. Leah looked like she was about to vomit again. “Is that Andrew’s heart?” “Yes it is it’s still bloody and warm do you want to touch it?” Leah screams, “ You sick Son of a I will kill you.” Cindy just laughs “ Funny I thought I was doing all the killing.” Now Leah was pissed “ why did you kill him he did nothing to you.” Cindy reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a knife “Because he loved you and you loved him. But I loved him more than you ever know.” Leah backs up and reaches down under the couch to pick up a knife. Then Leah with the knife in her hand ran upstairs. Cindy chuckles while chasing Leah. She sees Leah run into her room. Cindy follows and walks into the dark room. “ Come out come out wherever you are?” Cindy sang. As she looks around she sees a window open and walks towards it thinking maybe Leah tried climbed on the roof. Leah watches Cindy go towards the window. Thinking that this will probably the last chance she will get. Leah raises her knife and runs at Cindy. Cindy dodges the attack. Leah eyes grow big and she flip over out the window. Cindy waits to hear the splat, but doesn’t hear it she goes towards the window only to see Leah holding onto the window seal with one hand. Cindy takes her knife and stabs at Leah hand that is keeping her alive. Leah screams in pain. Cindy grabs Leah bloody hand that was holding her up and says  “Tell Andrew I said hi.” Leah says gasping knowing what she must do next  “ Tell him yourself bitch.” With that statement she pulls Cindy towards her. Leah and Cindy both fall and scream then there was silence. At Cindy’s funeral Leah and her parents look at her grave. Leah goes to Andrew’s grave and lays a rose on his grave. Her parent’s come over to her Leah’s mom gives her a hug. “Everything be ok my Snow White Queen.” Leah looks at her mom with a serious face “Never say that again.” Her mom shakes her head yes and they leave-thanking God that the nightmare was finally over.
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