Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1184505-Introduction-to-their-lives
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1184505
Emilia and Adam didn't know each other, at all. Until one day...
Em didn't like plain things. See, her hair wasn't just blonde - it was dyed black on the bottom. Her stepsister and her loved to do these kinds of things. Em and Liza would spend ages in the shops trying on new clothes or at the hairdressers, flicking through the latest magazine to pick out a new do. But Em had this style for ages - she liked it way too much to change just yet. So her latest trip to the hairdressers for to find what kind of style Liza would want as her birthday surprise. Sounds strange, doesn't it? Well, she is to be taken into the hairdressers (blindfolded) and her hair would be styled based on Em's choice. Brilliant birthday present for an 18-year-old-to-be, right? Liza was ecstatic. So, this afternoon was dedicated purely to her.


Adam's hand reached for the purse. He was reluctant, but tried not to breathe too loud. A hand under the dressing room door was not something an old lady trying on a dress would want to see. So when his hand finally came out, he didn't smile. Just sighed. He had stolen a purse...And that wasn't good. Slouching, the 16-year-old made his way out of the dressing rooms, trying not to let anyone see. Because, obviously, he was a guy. His short, chocolate brown hair fell over his light brown eyes and his glasses slouched slightly on his nose, forcing him to stop and put them back in their right position. And stopping was his big mistake.


Em opened the door to the hairdressers and the little bell at the top rang, signalling the girl at the desk to wake up.
Who's she? Emilia thought as she walked over, slightly hesitant. The mass of curls in her hair bobed along as she did and when she reached the desk, she blinked her hazel eyes at the girl.
"Hi, isn't Carlita here today?" She asked, her fully lipglossed lips moving along to the crystal clear sound of her voice.
The girl looked at her, chewing on her Chewits bubblegum. She blew a bubble, popped it and grinned.
"Haven;t you heard? Carlita moved. She went to the Netherlands with her fiance. That slut..." The girl continued to chew and leant back in her chair. Seeing the disguisted look on Em's face, she smiled.
"You must be...Liza's stepsister, Emilia?" Em nodded along to the girl.
"Well, Carlita said that you could still have that party for her. I just have to give you the magazine..." The girl looked at her table and started to look for this so-called magazine under the piles of junk.
"Actually, forget it. I...uh...just came to say that I didn't really want the party anymore." Em lied, and quite successfully. The bubblegum girl popped another bubble in surprise and let Emilia walk out of the hairdressers, just like that.


"You!" The cashier from the desk nerby shouted. Adam's face went white. "What were you doing in there?" Her voice sounded mean and horrble....like Dad's. Adam shook the thought out of his head and straightened up, regaining the colour in his face.
"I...uh...went to see my mum. She wanted to see if the dress she got looked good on her. She's wants another one now."
Wow, thought Adam.That was good...And in record time. He glanced at the cashier, waiting for an answer.
"Go get your mother, dear." The lady spoke again. Her tone was less harsh than before, but Adam could still tell that she wasn't happy. "Now. I'm not conv-"
"Lady, will you take my order or not?!" An angry customer interrupted the cashier. "Stop harming the poor boy! He was going to see him mother for heavens' sake!" The man folded his arms. The cashier just sighed, looking uncomfortable. And when she turned around, Adam was gone. Poof.


Emilia walked down the road, her face blazing red.
"Carlita didn't tell us, that....Urgh!" The 16-year-old refrained from swearing and stomped on the concrete instead, making sure that a cloud of dust formed afterwards. Her curls looked stressed, frazzled. Em rubbed her forehead in vain.
What am I gonna do now? she looked down the road to see how long it was going to take her to pigeon-step down the road.
Liza needs a birthday present...Of some sort...
So when Em finished her long walk home, (which took precisely 114 pigeon-steps) she opened her front door and plopped on to her living room couch. She could tell that Liza had been reading her magazines again - they were spread in every possible corner of the floor. The shining faces of the cover girls stared up at Emilia, smiling. And that's when it hit her.


Adam ran through the multiple floors of the Brighton Galleria, trying to find the Emporium Cafe. That was where Dad was going to meet him. Adam sighed as he stopped outside a Travel Agent's, and took a deep breath to regain the air that he had lost. He knew that he woudn't be able to find the cafe in the two minutes he had left, so he went to a bench to soothe his aching leg muscles. Adam was a lanky boy. Tall with floppy brown hair and tanned skin, he had a slight summer glow to him every year. He wasn't highly attractive, mainly just cute. His hazel eyes looked scared - the two minutes were up in what seemed like seconds to Adam and he knew his father was going to be anxious. And then his eyes fell upon the wonderous place - Emporium Cafe. Only a few doors away from the travel agent's opposite. The boy let out a weak smile and stood up, facing the future in front of him.

What happens next, you will never find out from the two of these characters. Why are they so connected? What will happen? Well, it is simple. Adam, who finds his father in Emporium Cafe, hands the stolen purse over to him. Father congratulates him on a successful steal when they realise that inside is a hefty amount of money - £6,000. Adam's dad uses the money to pay for a secret criminal project, and Adam decides to leave home for a trip to America with the school.
And what about Emilia? Her birthday presentto Liza ended up being a ticket to America to have a photoshoot. And not just any photoshoot - for the cover of Cosmo. Liza was going to be 18 in less than a week, which meant that she was old enough. So, Liza accepts her "new-and-improved" present and her and Em go to America.

But that's not all.

When Adam and Emilia get on the plane, they find they are separated from their siblings/friends. They end up sitting next to each other (yes, they are on the same plane!) and talking. And neither notices how scarecely alike the two of them look. Until, that is Liza finally finds Em.
And the plane experienced a technical difficulty just 4 hours later, when they were over Bermuda.
By that time, the two of them realise that their lives have been connected all along - Em doesn't know her father, and Adam has no clue about his mother...Only their names are known. And they match.

After that, you can imagine the horrific situation - after the plane experienced a technical difficulty, the pilot finds he can no longer contrlo the plane. The aircraft begins to gradually, but steeply descend towards the ground and Em and Adam are forced to experience the force of possible death against their bodies.

But they do not die.

And that's what brings us here - to Karakinu Island.
© Copyright 2006 Cassandra Midnight (scruffbucket at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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