Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1175499-a-definition-of-love-and-hate
Rated: 13+ · Essay · Opinion · #1175499
Love and hate consume, confuse, and confound you. Here are my thoughts.
In order to understand love, you must first know hate and vice versa. It is like living in a world that has no sunshine; how will you know that you are living in darkness if you have never seen the light? One must exist for the other to thrive.

Love and hate are the two strongest and most powerful emotions that a human being can ever feel. They both drive a heart to kill and to die for; once they take your soul captive, it never releases you. From that point on, you are under its power and are a slave to it; they light a fire in you, a desire in you, and it consumes you… It motivates your every thought and your every action.

Love is the physical, emotional, psychological, technical, perpetual need for someone. Your very heart beats in rhythm with theirs and every breath you breathe is taken for the sole reason that they are alive and that they are happy. They are beautiful, from the outside in. When you look at them, you see a radiance brighter than every star in the night sky combined. You can look in their soul and see what God intended when he first created people. This one person is as close to perfect as any human being could ever achieve. Your dreams are haunted by their face and you can think of nothing else but what they are doing or thinking at that moment. You would lay down your own life for them. For, you know deep down in your heart of hearts and soul of souls, that your entire life, everything you have ever wanted or needed, all your hopes, dreams, and ambitions, what makes you who you are, can be summed up in one twinkle of their eye. Love is beautiful…

…but love is tragic because it breaks your heart.

Hate is the burning desire and wish for someone to be destroyed. You want them to die, painfully and infinitely die, and would do it yourself, with pleasure and no remorse. Hate is the cause for every war in the history of time. Hate is what flew two airplanes into the World Trade Center. Hate is what drives a heart to steal the life of another person. You want nothing more than to watch them catch fire and burn and burn and scream and scream and it still wouldn’t be enough to satisfy the flame ravaging your own heart. It seems that their very existence infuriates you and every time they laugh or smile, it is another stab to your soul. They bring out the bad in you; reveal your darkest and most sinister side. Hate is ugly….

…and hate is tragic because it breaks your heart.

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