Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1171860-Kiyoko-Sound-Leaf-and-Mist--Part-1
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1171860
This girl has three types of clans, and three types of trouble!
Kiyoko walked into the classroom as the eyes of the other ninjas starred down

upon her. Silence fell among the class as she moved down the steps a girl with

blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail broke the silence by calling her out “they

actually let you graduate!?!” she hissed a bunch of girls laughed at this

commit “let’s face it your weirder then Naruto” Naruto turned around in his seat as

fight went on “I mean what’s with the snake thing did snakes like raise you or

something?” the girl’s continued to laugh but Kiyoko just passed them politely to

look for a seat everyone put their feet up when she came by, all but one, a boy with

Black hair and a blue shirt with tan pants his hands were on his chin in boredom

she walked over to were he sat her brown bag clinging to her side. The boy didn’t

acknowledge as she walked by better then being insulted she said to herself she

was about to sit down when the Blonde haired girl and the rest of the girls in the

class stormed up to her “hey what do you think your doing” one of them

said “sitting down” she replied “do you even know who that is? That’s Sasuke

Uchiha” Kiyoko looked at the boy then looked back at the girl “so” she replied “so,

someone like you can never sit next to Sasuke” the girl with blonde hair said with

anger in her voice. Sasuke was hearing the whole conversation, he hated all the

girls smothering him all the time great another crazed girl to add to the pack he

said to himself, he closed his eyes but when he opened them Kiyoko was leaning

right in his face. Her beauty was like nothing he ever seen her face was flawless,

her hair was up into two pigtails, her was a dark purple in the center and striped on

one sleeve on her other arm was a holder for weapons she had on a skirt which was

cut up into strips up to her ankles, she was wearing black tights underneath the

skirt. When he looked into her lusciously purple eyes is was a magical moment

she rose gracefully and turned toward the blonde girl “you know nothing about this

boy and apparently he has no feelings toward you, so why fight for him? he is

nothing special” the girls were speechless as Kiyoko sat down Sasuke turned

towards her seeing her face made him smile but he quickly got rid of it “whatever”

he said aloud the girl turned to him and gave him a little smile “thanks for letting me

sit here” she exclaimed he blushed at the site of this, she giggled and turned her

head back forward.

Class soon began as Eurka Sensei ,the teacher of the class, called out the teams

Sasuke was hoping with all his might to be on Kiyoko’s team “SQUAD 7” Eurka


girl with pink hair squealed to find she was in Sasuke’s group. Sasuke’s heart sank

to find he and Kiyoko wouldn’t be in the same group “NEXT SQUAD INO




after many other squads finally Eurka finished “YOU WILL MEET UP WITH YOUR

SENSEI’S TOMORROW” Kiyoko stood “what about me?” “Kiyoko you well meet

with your sensei today were still searching for a squad with evenly matched

abilities as you” she nodded and walked out of the classroom “CLASS

DISMISSED” he bellowed. Sasuke looked down and noticed Kiyoko left her bag

excellent another reason to see hear again he thought to himself he quickly stood

and ran out the room “Sasuke! Hey Sasuke wait for me” Sakura cried “I’ll wait for

you Sakura” Naruto said beamingly “awww get lost Naruto” “grrrr Sasuke, Sasuke,

Sasuke its always about Sasuke!” Naruto stormed off.

Were could she have gone Sasuke thought to himself as he searched for

Kiyoko “There she is” he exclaimed “KIYOKO, HEY KIYOKO” Kiyoko turned and

smiled as Sasuke came running to her side “Hello Sasuke” “you umm left this in

the classroom” Kiyoko giggled and took the bag “thank you for retuning it to me” he

blushed and replied “no problem” “Would you like to walk with me Sasuke?” “Sure”

Kiyoko jumped with delight and grabbed Sasuke’s hand

she suddenly started running faster and faster Sasuke was clinging to her side

trying to keep up (though it wasn’t really hard). The two ran up a hill “come on, don’t

drag your feet” “Kiyoko I thought you said we were walking” the girl just giggled,

when the two reached the top Sasuke’s eyes almost burst out of his head, you

could see the whole village from here “Isn’t it spectacular?” he nodded though it

wasn’t the village he was looking at it was the girl. She noticed he was starring at

her and blushed slightly “I’d come up here all the time, its my favorite spot” “I can

see why” Sasuke said as he sat down Kiyoko sat down as well “so why did Ino

compare you with snakes?” he asked, she paused “cause I can control them” she

moved her hand up then down and two snakes appeared she made them make a

figure 8 with her fingers “what kind of Jutsue is that?” he said with great enthusiasm

she sighed “I’m not really sure, its more like a gift my great grandmother had it now

I have it, I don’t really know how it works though” “well why don’t you just ask your

parents” Kiyoko’s happy, spiritual face turned bitter with sadness “because my clan

was destroyed when I was very little” Sasuke took Kiyoko’s hands into his “My clan

was also destroyed when I was very little” silence fell among the two as they just

sat and starred into each other’s eyes “Kiyoko you there” Kiyoko’s sensei walked

in “o I hope I’m not interrupting anything, Kiyoko its time to begin your training”

Kiyoko nodded “I’ll be right with you” the man turned and started his way back

down the mountain “well I guess this is goodbye” Sasuke sighed “its hard being

alone” Kiyoko turned and kissed Sasuke on the cheek she whispered in his

ear “thanks for being so sweet” before she ran off she turned to the dazed boy

“just so you know Sasuke you’ll never be alone as long as you have me” she

smiled and ran down the mountain.
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