My life is a canvass upon which many memories are painted Some good, some bad, some happy, some sad Some for which I have no emotion Some promote anger and rage Some indecision and confusion Some scaring my soul Blues, greens, reds, whites, blacks, yellows swirling together In the mix of my emotions Blue like the sky I can soar high and fly free as a bird Blue like the ocean I can swim in its depths that surround me with peace and tranquility Green like the grass Comforting my tired feet as I walk along life's journey Green like the leaves of a tree Blowing cool breezes upon my face and refreshing my lungs with its air White like the clouds dancing across the sky Not caring where they have come or where they are going White like snowflakes falling from above Moving through the air like doves Black like night Surrounding me in a blanket of peaceful slumber Black like a storm Moving quickly across the land Viciously destroying and stealing peace and beauty from me Red like a sunset Reaching across the sky grasping for each end of the horizon Red like a fire Glowing, crackling and snapping out it's cries of anger and rage Yellow like the sun Warming my body in a cold and heartless society Yellow like a candle's flame Showing only one true light to follow Memories and emotions flood back to me Like paints flowing from a brush onto a canvass Mixing together to create many pictures, many images, many thoughts These are but one thing... Myself |