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by Kagami
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Teen · #1170746
Part 3 of this random TR
As the morning approached, a chill breeze woke Audrey. It was still dark. She'd forgotten to shut the window last night, and now the cool, fresh air awoke her. She sat up in her bed and touched her feet to the cold, wooden floor. The clock flashed 3:37 across the surface of her nightstand. Audrey walked slowly across her room and leaned out on the window sill. The salty, ocean air blew across her face and hair. She breathed it in and wasn't tired anymore. The ocean always had an effect on Audrey she couldn't explain, it revived her and refreshed her spirit. She decided she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, and that getting ready for the day would wake her mom, so she decided to take a walk. Audrey reached out and grabbed the old, but sturdy palm tree that grew in their front yard. She'd done this many times, and had much practice getting down it without making a sound. Her feet touched the dew-covered grass and she padded across the yard. She headed to the beach, to her "special place". The sidewalk was cold and rough, only to be complimented by the soft, smooth sand. It scrunched between her toes, and took the shape of her feet, as if it were made for them. Her tranquility was disturbed by a sound. Audrey looked up, and didn't find her space empty as usual, but occupied. She jumped behind the nearest tree and peered around the edge. All she could see in the soft moonlight was a boy. He was tall, and seemed about Audrey's age. His hair was a dark color from what she could tell. He had a posture that was relaxed yet tense. He had his hands in his pockets, and was just standing there, looking over the waves.

"You can come out now" His voice was strong yet childish in a way.

Audrey didn't reply, she just froze and held her position behind the trunk of the tree.

"It's alright I won't hurt you" He sounded sincere, she decided to speak up.

"How do I know, you're not some rapist or something?" Even when she was scared, Audrey's voice was still calm and quiet.

"Well I guess you don't, but there's no point in hiding anymore, considering I know you're here." Audrey stepped out into the moonlight. The boy turned his head to acknowledge her, but the rest of his body still faced the water. Dark brown hair fell into his face as he tilted his head towards Audrey. "You come here often, don't you?"

"So you're stalking me?" Audrey took a step back, ready to run at the drop of a dime.

He laughed quietly, "Not exactly, I just find you rather fascinating is all. I've seen you at school, you're always in Mrs. B's room after school."

Audrey relaxed a bit, but was still ready for anything,

"So you go to my school?"

"Yes." At this he turned around to completely face Audrey. She took a step back again, "You look even more beautiful in the moonlight."

A snide remark had come to her mind, but Audrey decided not to instigate anything, she want to see the daylight again,

"I've never seen you before, how do you know who I am?" was all Audrey could think to ask.

"I'm sure you've seen me, you just seem to wrapped up in your own world to notice anyone else. I've never seen you with anyone, do you have friends, a boyfriend?"

"Why do you care?" Audrey started getting snippy, "I don't need anyone else, I'm fine on my own."

"You don't even have friends?"

"No." Audrey quickly shot back.

"Will you tell me what your name is?" He took his hands out of his pockets, the look on his face was focused but still kind.

"You're my stalker, you would know." Audrey started to turn and walk away, who does he think he is? Just invading my life, and then having the nerve to interrogate me! she thought.

"Wait don't leave, please just tell me your name." Audrey turned back around and faced him.

"Audrey." She responded, with a slightly kinder tone. "Satisfied?" She didn't wait for a response, she walked off and left the mystery boy in the darkness.
© Copyright 2006 Kagami (wolvenjezeriah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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