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by Justin
Rated: E · Other · Drama · #1163949
short story i wrote for english
Silence. A seven letter word that is deadly when heard in the right moment but killed by a object as petite as a pin. Silence. A seven letter word that can make someone anxious and fear for their life.Silence is what Troy hears when they arnt around. And silence is what Troy hear when they sneak up on him. Silence is something that will always make him sob softly when hes all by himself, no one to comfort him. Silence is what Troy heard on an early morning in november,
When his parents wernt at the ktichen table, taking shallow sips out of there mourning coffee, sharing gossip and trading laughs. They're always there troy replayed in his mind, refusing to hit stop, only focusing on the fact that his parents appeared no more. With a panic pace, he forced his sore limbs to run up to his older brothers room for comfort, only to find he wasnt locked up in the smooth brown blanket. Steady comforts Troy found in the people closest to him forgotten and abondan him, whilst all he knew, his whole world started colasping in front of his feet. This all happened at the tender age of 6. Its ten years later, and Troy is still grasping for life.

Gunshots could be heard shot wildly in the distance while the beating of his worn shoes hitting the dieing grass made a violent melody. The forest was always the resort for Troy to escape, the towering great oaks provioded cover from oncoming attacks. With bat readyed at his right hand, and his body positioned behind the largest tree he could pick out, Troy scouted the area for soldiers before relaxing his nerves and sitting on the ground, ignoring his cramping left leg. The gunshots died down, while the clouds revealed a streak of sunshine, aimed directly at Troy. A scarce moment of serinety was in his hands, trees were moving gracfully in the weak wind, as birds made soothin noises overhead. The leaves rustling together made a romantic melody that attached to troys eardums. The rare moment labeled peace was before Troy and he was digesting every second of it. Relaxed, distance memorys were being forced out, still pictures engravened into the back of his mind. Pictures of the women who took him in that november day, after Troy left his house searching for his parents. Distant syncronized marching gave away that soldiers where in the area, heading closer to Troys house with each passing second. His mouth earged to yell out for his parents guidence. Air floaded his lungs as he vocal chords were ready to strike the loudest noise possible, when a protective hand covered his mouth, as if to keep him quiet.

"Be queit young one, theyll be able to hear you, but dont worry, jsut come with me, everything will be fine."

"but wheres mum and dad? i couldnt find them..." Those words made the strangers eyes choke up tears as words came out like knives.

"There looking for you, everythings gunna be ok." Several years passed as Troy was stuck with the stranger in an abandon home. The stranger was a women in her mid thirtys named Josie. Having troubles conceiving a proper egg, and always wanting a child herself, she took in Troy after she found him by himself. At age 11, Josie revealed to Troy that a revolution had broken out and his parents were taken captive by the soldiers, but they must of missed him, and seeing as he had no way to defend himself, she took him in. At age 12, Josie found a boy around the age of 15 wounded by the side of the house. For 2 years,
the soldiers were in and out of the city, preforming routenne checks to see if anybody was liberating, but to the three, it was them searching for them, the cast aways. Whenever the soldiers broke into houses at random, and it was by the hideaway, all Troy knew was to hide in the closet and keep quiet, and for the most part he was adapted to this defencive procedure, but one day the soldiers broke into Josie's hideaway.

"God, I never ask for anything, but now i want to wish one thing, that Josie and Charles can be ok. I didnt have time to save them. After the soldiers broke down the door, Charles tried to fight them back while Josie screamed at me ""run troy run."", so i ran. I know i shoulda stayed back and fought, but i was scared. Please forgive me for abandoning my new family. Send my blessings to them. Amen" and with that troy lifted his elbows off of the half rotten log, stood up abruptedly, glanced around, and realized he was on his own from here on out.

The wind brushing agaisnt Troys check broke him away from his daydream. Hours must of passed as he replayed that memory over and over, wondering how much his life would of been altered if he didnt run, if he stood his ground and fought for josie. Leaves rustling unnaturaly in the distants revealed that a unknown person was circling the area. Troy felt around the grainy forest floor for his worn bat, to many times has it saved his and others lives. But the bat was no where to be found. His eyes raped the ground in search of the bat, but all that remained was the indent from where the bat was. His knees touched his chest as his arms huged his legs, as the footsteps rustling the leaves drew closer. Troy knew it was a soldier from the chains rattleing and the click from the gun being freshly loaded. He rested the back of his head on the great oak as tears forced his ways out of his closed eyes. The chains stoped ratling when the sound reached infront of Troy. He cautiously forced his eyes open expecting to be looking up a barrell of a m34, but instead, he got a chance to glance at a helping hand. The face belonging to the hand was vagley familair, but troy took no chancs when it came to soldiers, they were all agaisnt him, no matter if they looked familiar or not. His leg was ready to underswipe the soldier but gave up after he realized hes been running for 2 years; and has finally gaven up.

Go ahead, kill me..Im tired of running" Troy half-heartedly sputtered, as the soldier slowly raised his gun to Troys face.

"I could kill you, but than Id be breaking my promise to Josie that if i find you I would help you out of this revolution."


"Ya, Dont just sit there, theres a boat to catch. I was doing a last sweep of the Forest area to see if any people were left. I couldnt beleive it was you when I first spotted you."

"But how did you survive the attack on our home that day?"

"They recruited me, I fought back so well, they thought they could use my help. Ive been fighting with them ever since."

"So that means Josies ok....right"

"No.....they told me they would transport her to a solitude, but killed her when I left. ITs kidna hard to hide the sound of a gun being fired, but ill explain everything when we get on the boat, I cant beleive i found you. The boats heading back to Germany. I'll tell them your an injured soldier"

Hours passed before Troy and Charles reached the boat carrying hundreds of soldier. The harbor was docking hundreds of boats, being able to hold six hundred soliders. As troy got on the boat, he looked behind him to see the revolution was still going on without him. The boats started to head out as Troy watched the city growing smaller. He was traveling away from everything he knew, his home city, his victory.
© Copyright 2006 Justin (freakyblueeyes at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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