Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1162565-The-Child-Who-Sits-In-The-Pew-Before-Me
Rated: E · Other · Inspirational · #1162565
Loving observations of a mentally disabled child
I have always suspected that individuals with mental disabilities were sent into this world by God to show us "normal" people how we ought to "really" be. Every Sunday when I sit in church and watch the young man sitting before me, I can't help but think that he and others like him are the closest thing on earth to seeing the face of Jesus.

He can not speak as most would call normal
Yet when the congregation breaks into melodious gospel song,
His soft squeals of joy and hands clapping toward heaven are surely the purest of praise.

Money he does not comprehend,
Yet when the collection plate is passed, he squirms with anticipation,
Cheerfully eager to give something to God.

I go to church, seeking through song to be drawn closer in spirit to God
I listen to the sermons to learn knowledge of how God would have me be,
But it is from the beautiful child sitting in the pew before me that I have gained the most.
Could it be that he was sent by Christ Himself to be an example for me to follow?
© Copyright 2006 Sweet Georgia Brown (writer4god at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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