Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1158331-forever-twilight
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Fantasy · #1158331
chapter 1#
forever twilight

Lightning flashes in the distance on a desolate highway in the midwest.
Out of the darkness two yellow eyes suddenly come over the hill,and a barley inaudible rumble can be heard.
The boy jams his foot on the clutch and hammers the gear shifter as the car bucks and jumps as the speedometer climbs to 80mph and increases every second.
A little girl in the seat next to him hugs her teddy bear and gazes out the window with a look of sadness and fear.
Gabe where are we going?
Anywhere but the way we came Newt.
But i dont want to leave again,i liked Mrs. Snow and so did teddy.
Listen Newt do you think we would have left if i didnt think he was close? something was wrong,i could feel it and i know you could too.
The little girl whined,but Gabe me and teddy listened to all the stuff you told us to do,we didnt go outside or anything...
I know you havent Newt, you did real good and i promise I'll find us a place where he wont ever be able to find us agian.
The boy looked over at his sister and he knew he didnt have the heart to tell her Mrs.Snow was dead.
He found her last night out in the barn behind the house,he had never heard her make a noise that night but the animals in the barn had woken him up.
Something was spooking them,as he opened the door to barn he could feel it to, something like a shadow of hate washing over him making his legs weak.
There laying the in the middle of the barn floor in a pool of blood was Mrs.Snow,her head was twisted in a awkward angle and her mouth was open in what looked like a scream that had never gotten out.
He took two step into the barn then stopped,something was moving on the floor,not actually moving ,more like spreading,as he looked down at his feet he could see what he thought was a pool of blood at first glance was actually something else, something dark and sinister,and as it spread towards him he could see the shape of a hand emerging from the blackness.
Thats when he knew for sure that he had found them,the man of Twilight would never give up.
Gabe turned to run but was frozen in placeby fear.a fear so complete that his body refused to move,then one of the horses whinnied and kick the stall, that broke the hold on him and when with his heart about to explode from his chest he turned and raced from the barn towards the house.
Just as he pulled the front door open,out of the corner of his eye he could see the shape of a man rising up out of the inky blackness of the barn floor, with renewed fear he ran into the house and directly to Newts room, wake up were leaving!
Get up now!
He didnt have time to explain,he reached down and grabed the six year old by her waist and yanked her up.
Wait!!..wait!! you forgot teddy, please Gabe please.
He reached down and grabed the toy bear and ran straight for the backdoor,as soon as he reached the backyard he made a beeline for his car.
He tossed Newt in through the passenger side window, then slide across the hood to the drivers side, he pulled his keys out and jammed them into the ignition and started it up, he felt the fimilar rumble of the chevy 350 small block and popped the clutch and sent the car into a fishtail as the roared out of the driveway and onto route 87 just outside of OLD Witchita.

Gabe im hungry.
Look in the glove box I have a three musketeer in there, have that for now until we stop and i can find us some real food.
But i have to go to the bathroom to, can we stop please?
Gabe just realized that they had been driving for almost 6 hours non stop, they had past atleast three towns on the way, some abandon and some not, juding by the smoke rising from the burning buildings, but in this day and age sometimes going hungry wasnt a bad option compared to what might be waiting for you in the podunk town out in the middle of no where.
See everything was different now since the Big rock fell and changed life as we knew it, that was 3 years ago, the asteroid had slamed into the atlantic ocean with the force of 100 million hiroshima bombs, it was what the scientific community called a global killer, but what did they really know, no one had ever experienced anything like this first hand.
The initial impact had instantly killed almost 800million people, the dust and smoke that were thrown into the atmosphere blocked out the sun, at the beginning this was referd to as a nuclear winter.
It was said that 90% of all life would be dead in the next two years, but the scientis were wrong agian, yeah the dust blocked out the sun, but the dust also absorbed the suns rays and now glows withe a errie light all its own.
No longer is there truly a day or a night, now it just forever twilight.

Broken down and burnt cars line the sides of the road on a deserted stretch of route 87 east of Old Witchita.
In the shadow of a burned out pickup truck something seems to move and slither, a rat runs from its hiding place and scurries across the road as a man steps out of the shadow of the pickup truck and onto the road, he gazes east at the fading tail lights of a 75 camaro as it just fades from view over the top of a distant hill, and smiles, soon he would have back what was stolen from him.
He starts walking east down route 87 and steps into the shadow of a burned out Toyota Celica.
Seconds later a man steps out of the shadow of a abandon car a half a mile up the road and starts walking east on route 87, smiling ......

© Copyright 2006 j tucker (jammer43 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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