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Rated: GC · Short Story · Supernatural · #1157203

It was the third time Ted passed the wall in his den when something touched him. He knew it wasn’t his imagination the touch was cold very damp, and very real. It was a blank wall nothing there not even a picture or a nail to hold a picture. He passed his hand along the wall at the same height of where he was touched, thinking maybe a draft or some crack in the sheetrock.

“Nothing humm.” he muttered.

He continue to exam the wall standing two feet from it facing it moving from right to left sideways past the spot of the touch. He looked for anything different, or out of place. Now this was really becoming very interesting the window was on the other side of the room. The air vents for the A.C. were in the corner far away from were he was, beside it wasn’t even on.

Ted tried to reason away all the possibility of where this cold damp feel was coming from. As he stood facing the wall he eliminated everything the only thing was left was his shadow.

He was the kind of person that felt that everything had an answer. There weren’t any unseen forces at work that made things happen. Everything happen for a reason it just wasn’t random ocurent or happen chance.

“Susan, Susan, come here Susan.” Ted yelled.

“What, what do you want? I’m busy what is it? Susan yelled back.

“You can stop for a minute can’t you?” He sounded a little irritated.

“Oh alright if I want to finish.” Susan said as she entered the room. “What?”

“There’s something strange going on here I passed this wall three times. Each time I did something cold, and damp touched me.”

“This is really puzzling I examined all the facts there is nothing here that would account for this,” he made a gesture that showed his bewilderment. “everything here is normal nothing strange or unusual that can be factored out.
Now this perked up Susan’s attention these types of things were very interesting to her. Unlike Ted, she has always like strange things that were on the edge different than normal reality. Things that can’t be explained, Susan, always had a thing for mystery.

“Have your brother been here today?” Ted curiously asked.

“No, why you ask that? You think he had something to do with this? “Susan shot him an irritated look.

“Well you know he is good at practical jokes.” Ted said trying to explain this strange occurrence.

“No he hadn’t been here today. You said it touched you right over here? Well there is nothing here just a blank wall. “ Susan dismissed his accusation she was more concerned with the phenomenon.

“ Yea I know that at first I dismissed it. Then the second time it was longer more forceful. The third time was really strange it griped me like a hand.”

“Hey you’re not playing a joke on me?”

“ No it really happened” Ted was getting really fustrated that she wouldn’t believe him.

“Well I thought that since I just came back from that field trip with my Para-normal Association you where just trying to have some fun with me?”

“I may not believe in the supernatural or that kind of stuff like you do. But I would never make fun of you.” Ted flared back defensibly.

“Ok well did you rule out every normal thing? You said cold and damp the window is closed it’s not raining, there isn’t a draft. Well the ceiling fan is on I just washed the blades. Maybe?”

“No it didn’t feel like that.”

“I have been reading about doorways to other dimensions where the brain waves can be attuned to a certain vibration, or level that would allow it to open pathways to these dimensions.” Susan offered.

“Interesting, how could these brainwaves be tuned to these vibrations?” Ted felt maybe he was grabbing for straws. He needed an answer to what was happening.

Well from the expression on Ted’s face Susan could see he was not fooling around.

“Well in some cultures they use music, sound, or light to reflected or modify the brain waves. Some African tribes use gems to increase the intensity of light to cut thought the dimensional vibration. Combined with sound and brainwaves these three elements shatter the walls that are between the two dimensions.”

Ted listened intently as Susan talked about the Egyptians the Incas how other cultures summons sprits. She talked about the Entergy of other inter-dimensional demons who seize bodies from other realms of existence.

As she spoke about the ways that these cultures summoned sprits she moved back, and forth along the wall where Ted was standing examining every inch of it. From every direction she looked ruling out certain things as she turned from left to right.
“Nothing not a cold spot on the wall, not a crack or anything just your shadow. Are you sure you’re not playing a joke on me? Susan asked as she turned to face him.

“No I’m not, I ‘m serious about this. “ he was getting furious that he couldn’t explain this.

“Well if you come up with anything let me know I have work to finish.”

When she left the room Ted turned his back to the wall to see what was directly across from him. There was a window in front of the window was a table that held Susan’s artifacts some statutes from her field trips. Off to the side was an old chair that her grandmother had given her before she died. On the other side there was a large plant a small picture of hummingbirds.

Then he heard a sound that came just past the picture as he focus he realize there was a small wind chime moving in the breeze that the ceil fan made.

The sound made Ted think about what Susan said about some cultures use sound, and light to open doorways. Quickly he turned toward the table with the artifacts looking at the window he saw the shades were open it was a bright summer day. The light that flowed in brightens the whole room. A single beam of a greenish blue light flashed in his eye.

He moved his head slightly to see where it was coming from saw that it was coming from the table. There on the table were statutes of animals from other countries. Some African huts, a pyramid to his surprise there next to a statute of a tree was a tall slender African man. He was holding a spear in one hand his other hand was held over his head he held a greenish blue stone in it.

“No that’s impossible.” He mumbled softly.

The entire three elements that Susan talked about were present.

This was unbelievable that these things could come together to create this situation. Well for sure this was something he should tell Susan. If she saw the connection maybe she could figure out what was going on?
Before he could call her he notice that the room was changing becoming like a ripple of disturbed water on a quiet pond.

Ted felt the temperature in the room drop the light from the stone grew a darker shade the chimes seem to have a distinct rhythm to them. He saw out of the corner of his eye some movement. When he turned to look the light shined directly on the middle of his head …… than that touch.

There was a cold damp grip on his shoulder, which made him turn to the wall quickly. In front of him there was his shadow outlined by a greenish-blue glow than something emerged from the middle of the shadow in the shape of a hand.

Ted tried to pull away but it had a strong hold on him he reached out his hands to brace himself but that was unwise. His hands melted into his shadow like quicksand the force pulled him into darkness.

He tried to call out to Susan but nothing came out of his mouth, The darkness engulfed him every part even his voice. He couldn’t see anything but darkness he felt like his body was dripped into a vat of tar. As the force pulled him deeper in it felt like his body was being torn apart. Then the pressure eased he began to feel limp then he passed out.

He heard a distance sound of a chant, which pulled him back to awareness .The darkness, was still there all around him like velvet satin. His body felt like he had swan 20 miles his legs were trembling his heart was racing wildly. Lying on the ground, or whatever he was on he could tell it was solid enough to stand on. His head began to clear but he was still confused as to what just happen.

Ted focused his attention on the sound of the chant he began slowly turning toward the direction it was coming from. As he turned a greenish-blue light flashed in his eye he stopped quickly, and was thankful at least he could see. Straining to see in the darkness it seemed unmistakable the sound was coming from the same direction as the light.

“Well what do I have to lose?” the words came out slow, and thick.

He began walking slowly in the direction of the light the closer he came to it the brighter his surrounding became. Ted was able to see some movement in the light the sound became louder as he came closer the chants began to sound like voices.

Once reaching the light the darkness just disappeared to his amazement there was a big campfire with 8 to 10 tall slender figures dancing around it. As he looked around there were more figures sitting on the ground playing what seemed to be drums others just stood around clapping, and dancing in one spot.

They were all so caught up in their dance no one noticed him. Than a greenish-blue light appeared from the other side of the fire followed by a taller man with a spear in one hand, and a large stone in the other. The light came from the stone glowing and covering everything and everyone it was so soft and soothing.

To his amazement he recognized the man with the spear as the same man as the statute on Susan’s artifact table. He was so confused his mind couldn’t begin to understand the coincident of the two.

The chanting music grew louder faster as the man danced around the fire with the upraised stone glowing light on everything it touched. Than the light grew thicker as it engulfed the man until there was nothing left except a big ball of blueish-green light. Suddenly it became cold, damp without warning the light exploded into a million shimmers of light.
At first the bust of light made it hard for Ted to focus on the figure of the man. The blinding light subsided his eyes began to adjust to the surrounding to his surprise Ted saw a much larger figure than the man with the spear.

It was much taller with a fuller body dark gray hair covering it entirely. The eyes where sparkling emerald green with three shining small rings of blue around them. The arms were longer more ape like the nose was flat with two small holes.

The creature raised its arms up over its head, which made it taller than it looked before. The thing let out a loud spine spitting sound that ended in a deep earth-shattering roar. The men continue to dance around chanting to the music not even showing any fear of this thing.

From the other side of the fire another shape emerged dancing in rhythm to the music. It was smaller more graceful than the others who danced around the fire. The figure danced around the fire as the glow shined on it exposing a beautiful naked young woman. The woman danced as if she was in a trance her feet floating on air her body moving in smooth rhythm to the music.

She danced around this thing without any fear of this half man half animal. It stood motionless as she moved around it getting close than pulling away in some type of a tease.

The music began to get faster the chanting became almost like one voice the dancers became wilder.

The girl spun around in one spot dropped to her knees the chanting music stopped. The creature raised up its arms again its eyes brighter than before the blue rings around its eyes began flashing than it made that loud sound.

The creature looked down at the girl wrapped its arms around her in one smooth motion covered her whole body. From the size of this thing the girl disappeared from sight once it closed its arms together. When it opened its arms it raised them to the sky than made that awful sound again. To his surprise the girl was gone.

Ted stood motionless for a moment his whole body began to tremble his heart raced sweat poured from his forehead. The music, chanting, and dancing begin again.

The creature eyes glowed brighter the blue, and green colors mixed together creating a light show that was breath taking.

The colors swirled, around the creature head covered it like a blanket as it grew into one big ball of greenish-blue sparkles. The intensity was so captivating it sent Ted into a Simi-trance.

In an instance the ball of light exploded into a large glisten of erupting color slowly fading out. The light of the fire began to show though the fading colors there stood the tall man with the spear the green stone was in his upraised hand.

“Oh my God.” the sight of the man surprised Ted.

The music stopped at that moment he knew his outburst was loud enough to be heard. Everyone turned in his direction with a surprised look on their faces, in an instance they recovered from their shock of being discovered the tall man yelled something to them, and pointed toward him. The men rushed toward him before he could move, or escape they had him surrounded.

Two of the larger stronger men grabbed his arms another one pointed a spear at his chest. The tall man motion them toward him without hesitation they began pulling him to the man.

The light from the fire revealed that the tall man’s face was painted with blue and green circle around his eyes. He had long waves across his face. The man looked at him with great curiosity circling him examining every inch of him.

He began speaking to the others in a strange fluid sound than he moved away toward the fire. The music started along with the chants all except the two men holding him began dancing.

The man began dancing around him chanting to the rhythm of the drums while holding the stone above his head. The light from the stone began to pulsate getting brighter more intense with every chant. He stopped in front of Ted dancing in one circle his eyes aglow with that unmistakable color swirling and flashing around his head.

What Ted had witness before with the girl he knew what was about to happen? Even with everything happing he still didn’t believe this was real. Real or not he didn’t want it to happen to him. In a flash he jerked his arm as hard as he could surprising the man on his right.

He hit the other man with his free hand as he pulled away from him. Turning to his side he kicked the man in the knees which made him drop his spear.

Bending down quickly he picked the spear up hit him in the head with it. He turned to see the tall man trying to grab him but he ducked than came around behind him. Ted managed to grab him around the neck with his free hand while waving the spear in the air he yelled at the others to get back.

Ted struggled with the tall man the other men were rising from their drums moving toward him. He knew he couldn’t beat them all so he pushed the man into the crowd of men turned, and ran toward the darkness.

Hoping that he could use the darkness to escape their capture. Ted ran as fast as he could still hearing their voices as they persuaded him. His heart racing from the fear of being caught with beads of sweat on his forehead he ran faster to the darkness. Upon reaching the darkness feeling a little safe under its cover he still wondered where could he hide?

The darkness was so thick it made Ted feel like he was running in slow motion not a beam of light shined anywhere. The voices were still behind him he turned his head trying to find a way to go, when a small speck of green light struck his eye.

His heart nearly skipped a beat with the thought of seeing something in this darkness. He quickly turned in the direction the speck flickered from with the hope of finding something that could help him escape.

As he drew closer the speck grew larger he could see an unmistakable swirling greenish-blue color dancing in the darkness like a beacon of salvation. He was amazed that the closer he came to the light the faster he ran. It began to feel like the light was actually pulling him forward to it.

The voices were still a good distance behind him; his heart was racing with the fear of being captured. He wondered if the light pulled him in to it than would it do the same to them? When he reached the light it swirled around in a ball just the same size as he was.

It didn’t take any courage for him to step into the greenish-blue swirl of color his whole body began to tingle like a million needles entering every pore in his skin. He closed his eyes the light was so bright it pulled him forward at a blinding speed. In the blink of an eye he was standing against the wall with a single beam of green light shining on the middle of his head.

He opened his eyes to his amazement he was back in his room but he could still hear those voices behind him. Without thinking Ted leaped across the room grabbed the statue of the tall man from the table threw it to the floor. The sunlight that was shining on the stone vanished at the same time the voices stopped.

Ted stood there for moment breathing hard with a sense of relieve that the voices had stopped. He looked around the room almost knowing how Dorothy felt in the wizard of Oz there’s no place like home.

He still couldn’t believe what had happen he knew something happen that was for sure.

“Ted, Ted is that you? Ted answer me.” Susan was yelling as she entered the room.
“What, what? Ted stuttered still confused.”

“Where have you been? I was looking for you where did you go? Don’t tell me you went out to have a beer with your friends, and you didn’t tell me about it.”

“No, No nothing like that. You’re not going to believe me, I sure you’re not .I still can’t believe it myself.”

Ted began telling Susan about the light from the statue how it shined on him how he fell into the shadow on the wall. He continued to tell about the men how they danced around the fire. He pointed to the statue of the tall man told her how he saw him with that stone, the girl who danced with him.

When he told her about the man changing into an man-animal beast thing she looked at him with a questionable look that said don’t B.S. me. He tried hard to convince her it was true. The fight to get free how he ran into the darkness to get away from the men chasing him. How he jumped into the greenish-blue to escape their capture.

She just looked at him without speaking a word the look on her face showed what she was thinking.

“Ted don’t play with me. You know that I take the supernatural very serious. This is not something I take lightly. “ Susan said with anger in her voice.

“No please believe me. I’m not playing, this is the truth. “

“Well when you are done playing your jokes I’ll be in the shower getting ready for work. When you are ready to admit the truth I’ll be willing to hear it.” Susan stormed out of the room.

Ted was still confused he knew what he saw was real he wasn’t playing any jokes he wouldn’t do that to Susan. He knew how much she believed in these things. `

Susan didn’t believe him because maybe she thought if something like this happens it should happen to her.

“Susan, Susan come here. “ Ted yelled.

“What, what is it now? She said irritated as she came into the room.

“I know you don’t believe me but,” he stopped, “what I told you was true, please believe me. If it wasn’t true than where did I get this?”

Ted stepped back and opened his hand in it was a glowing greenish-blue stone.

© Copyright 2006 MAGIC (magicmoney at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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