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Emily is adopted, and is ready to marry Brett Wentwood. Yet... |
Chapter One: "He's coming tomorrow Erin!" twenty-one year old Emily Addison screached over the phone. She paced back and forth in her dorm room, smiling from ear to ear while trying to contain her emotions. "Yeah, thats wonderful, really." eighteen year old Erin Addison stated, trying to sound cheerful for her sister. Emily could tell that not only was Erin's excitement not there for her only sister, but Emily detected that Erin was jelous as well. "I think after class tonight I'm going to go to the mall and pick out a new outfit" Emily would usually invite her sister to go shopping with her, but Erin was heavier set and couldn't usually fit into any of the clothes in any of the stores that Emily and her friends went to. Emily lived on campus while attending college. Since they lived states apart, a relief swept over Emily that she didn't have to come up with an excuse as to why Erin couldn't come along to the mall. "Emily!" A shout came from outside her dorm room, and the scream sounded like it was coming from down the hall. That wouldn't be her close friend Mandie shouting her name, could it? She heard her name being called, but this time the scream sounded closer, and right by her dorm room. All of a sudden, the door came flying open, and sure enough there stood out of breath, Mandie Ezzel. She stood with the widest smile one person could possibly have on their face. With no hesitation Emily quickly told her sister she would have to call her back, and flip closed her cell phone. "What?" Emily stood there with her hands on her hips hoping there was a good reason her best friend was screaming her name from down the hallway. She tossed her cell phone on the bed, and waited for her suite mate to catch her breath. "You know Brett your boyfriend?" Mandie asked still grinning. What kind of question was that? Of course Emily knew her boyfriend. They had only been dating since they were sixteen. "Yes?" Emily asked shaking her head back and forth, not understanding Mandie's outburst. Mandie stepped closer to Emily, knowing that what she would say next, send Emily's heart to the moon. "Javo and I just got back from the mall Em', and you know what we just bought?" A sad expression quickly moved onto Emily's face. Mandie and Javo had been dating for a few years, and they were soon going to be engadged. Although she was happy for her friend, Emily desired Brett to ask her the question. Knowing that Mandie was probably going to say that her and Javo picked out the prettiest engadgement ring for Mandie, Emily tried to remain excited for her friend. "You and Javo picked out an engadgement ring?" Emily asked. "Congradulations, really Mandie! I'm excited for you." Emily reached out and squeezed Mandie's arm. "You won't even let me finish!" Mandie turned her friend back around and had Emily face her again. "Javo and I just picked up YOU'RE engagement ring! Brett called Javo last night and said he picked it out, and was excited to get it as soon as possible, so he asked Javo and I to pick it out for you! Your dream is coming true. You are soon to be engaged to Brett Wentwood!" Emily's eyes grew wide and she started to jump up and down and scream. The only dream, the only wish she had was finially coming true. She was soon going to be engaged to Brett Wentwood! " I know I shouldn't have told you Emily, but I knew you would be excited!" "We have to celebratte tonight Mandie, really. Tonight after were done with clinical's." Mandie agreed, and gave her friend a close and long hug. "Meet you by your car in ten minutes." With that, Mandie left her excited friend. As Emily was dressing into her scrubs for clincals, and making sure she had all the essentials, excitement fled into her heart and bones. Her dreams were finally coming together. Thoughts of how she met Brett Wentwood flooded her mind. Emily Addisons parents were barren. They tried five years to become pregnant, but never succeeded. Emily's father was a doctor at a hospital. He often saw woman delivering babies at his hospital and then abonding them. Emily's parents decided that the next time a woman gives birth at Doctor Addison's hospital and abondons the new born, Doctor Addison would be sure to contact social services and request adoption of that child. Six months later, a fourteen year old teenager came to the hospital and delivered a healthy 7 pound, 2 ounce child. Doctor Addison called his wife, and then they contacted social services. Two months later, the baby was named Emily and was given into the hands of Catherine and David Addison. Two years later however, through fertility drugs, Mr and Mrs. Addison became pregnant with Erin. Even though Emily was cherished and loved by her parents, she felt detachment from her parents since Erin was their biological child. Emily always excelled in everything she did. She made all A's in highschool, was the captain of the cheerleading squad in both middle and highschool. She graduated first in her highschool graduating class, was valvictorian, and received a full scholarship to Florida University, the college of her choice since Brett decided to attend there as well. Yet, even though Emily achieved higher then her sister Erin in every way, and was more beautiful then any man has ever set his eyes on, there was one problem Emily always had to face. She was not the biological child of the Addison's, and Erin was. There was the constant "Oh Erin looks just like you Catherine!" from Grandma and Grandpa Addison. Or "Erin acts the same way you did David" Emily felt jelous of Erin even though Erin always struggled with weight, or her highschool grades. Mr and Mrs. Addison saw Emily's sadness and heard of an adoption conference for teenagers in Florida one year. An Adoption Conference was being held at the Marriott Convention Center. This conference was suppose to help adopted children with their feelings of being adopted. They forced Emily to go at the age of sixteen even though she was appalled to go. Emily barely allowed her feelings to be shown, so it was a shock when her parents forced her to go to this conference. Yet, Emily hopped on a plane and sure enough she checked into the hotel. At six oclock in the summer on Monday, Emily entered the conference Hall. The idea came appealing to her. When she entered the hall, they teenagers all had assigned seating. A short chubby lady who directed the meeting showed Emily to her seat. And sure enough the only other person sitting at her table that moment, was seventeen year old Brett Wentwood. He had a broad smile and welcomed Emily. She shyly smiled back and sat down. He had the most incredable big brown eyes she had ever seen in a man. He was the first guy that ever recieved her attention, even though every guy would desire back at her highschool desired to go on a date with Emily Addison. Brett and Emily had a lot in common, except Brett's family had five adopted children, all boys. Brett's father was a dentist, and his mother the secretary. Her name was Charity Quincy. Charity and Brett's father Tim were soon married, and tried to start having children right away. After three years they realized if they wanted children the best way to go was adoption. They went to an adoption agency,. Within one year they had all their paperwork done, homestudy completed, and were waiting for that phone call. Within another year, Mr and Mrs. Wentwood received their first phone call of a married couple in their late forties who realized they were pregnant. After having three grown children they realized they didn't want to raise another child and chose Charity and Tim to be this baby's parents. That was the adoption of their first son, Ryan. Then, exactly one year and one month later, they recieve another phone call of a woman having twins! Mr and Mrs. Wentwood were excited, and soon had Seth and Trevor. After Seth and Trevor, the Wentwood's thought there was no way they would be selected again to have any more children, because other family's are without children. Yet, another call was recieved, and soon they adopted a one year old child Brett wentwood. He was adopted at one years old because at first, his drugged up teenage mother tried to raise him herself, and she soon lost custody of him. Then, the social worker who worked for the Wentwoods saw how well they were raising three boys and knew that they would be perfect for raising a fourth child. Two years later, they recieved another phone call from the adoption agency for a child who was blind. He was born blind. His parents knew that child would be their last and they knew this child would be theirs. They named him Peter. Emily remembered Brett telling her that story as though it was yesturday. They were in the lobby of the luxurious hotel. This was on the fourth day of the conference. They were sitting on a comfortable red sofa and there was a fountain in the back of them. Emily leaned back in the love seat, and crossed her legs. It was late that night, and yet she soaked in every word Brett was telling her because she felt relieved that someone knew what it felt like to be adopted. "You have four adopted borthers though. My only sibling is the natural child. I can't help but feel envious of her, no matter how reassuring my parents are that they love me. You don't have to deal with that feeling Brett because your parents do not have any natural children. All five of you are adopted." A single tear dropped from Emily's bright blue eyes. Brett was the first person Emily allowed to show her emotions to. Brett leaned close to her ear. "One day you'll feel natural Emily. When you get married you'll have a natural husband just like everyone else." Brett Wentwood was wiggling his way into Emily's heart. After the conference Brett and Emily dated. Every other weekend, Brett would fly out to New York to see Emily, or Emily would fly out to see Brett. They began dating during and after the conference. Emily smiled at the thought of when she first met Mr and Mrs. Wentwood. Especially Mrs. Wentwood. Mrs. Wentwood adored Emily and often spoke to Emily as though she was a daughter. "I can't wait Emily until you become my daughter in law." Emily couldn't wait for that either. Mrs. Wentwood would call her daughter in law Laura (who married Ryan.) Laura and Mrs. Wentwood often took Emily shopping. In Emily's senior year of highschool, Mrs. Wentwood sat Emily done one day. "You know Emily, Brett is in love with you. We love you too, and I'm counting down the days until you become part of our family." Brett decided to attend Florida Medical School and become a pediatrician. Emily soon decided thats where she would attend Medical school as well and become a nurse. That way they would have a normal dating relationship, instead of long distance. Mrs. Wentwood was thrilled to peices with the idea and so was Emily. After five years of dating, and now Emily being at the age of twenty-one, she was ready to become Mrs. Wentwood. Emily met Mandie outside her SUV. "Ya ready for Mr. Cranky pants to start yellin' up a storm because we didn't wash our hands before cleaning up a patient" Mandie was referring to their instructor Mr DeeLee. Emily unlocked her SUV and giggled as Mandie hopped into the passangers side of the vehicle, and Emily in the drivers side. She didn't laugh at Mandie's joke, but giggled because her only dream she ever had was about to come true. |