Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1139172-The-Qualmish-Cosmos-Prologue
Rated: ASR · Novel · Sci-fi · #1139172
This is my new novel and this is it's prologue. A sort of Sci-Fi Comedy...
The Qualmish Cosmos: Test Subject Number Four



A sudden feeling of sickness, faintness, or nausea.
A sudden disturbing feeling: qualms of homesickness.
An uneasy feeling about the propriety or rightness of a course of action.

The universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious whole.

Used before singular or plural nouns and noun phrases that denote particular, specified persons or things: the baby; the dress I wore, the best novel ever written.

(taken from Dictionary.com)


         Kreman hates humans and everything to do with them.

         Luckily he is on his way to abduct a human right now and is planning to perform painful tests on them so that should make him feel a little better in the long run.

         As Kreman ambled down the corridor he recognized the smells and sounds that were almost too accustomed to be noticed any more. He heard the random boops and beeps of the surrounding gadgets. He smelt the reek of a passerby that reminding Kreman of himself. He also heard the usual voices in his head, which were politely asking him to report to the main deck for directional purposes.

         The main deck was the place where only the highest in rank were allowed to go. It is where the leader directs the coxswain and the coxswain directs the ship. The main deck is located on the very crown of the spacecraft. It protrudes out like an mast on a ship.

         The spacecraft resembles an earthly pumpkin. Though, instead of the vibrant orange color and the slimy innards the ship is made from chrome metal and its innards are upholstered. The stem on the pumpkin is where Kreman was currently headed.

         It is good to note that this ship is equipped with the finest weaponry in its sector of the universe. For that reason alone, Kreman, the leader, likes to take action whenever it is or isn’t practical.

         “You called for me?” asked Kreman as he gallantly entered the main deck.

         “Yes, sir. When we get to the planet, where would you like us to land the ship?” asked Kev, the coxswain.

         “Never mind that! We have to get to the planet first. Do you know where you are going? This sector doesn’t look like it could be populated with that dreary sun in the middle of it.”

         “We are not lost, sir.”

         “Are you sure we didn’t take a wrong turn?” he asked Kev who was standing at the helm.

         “I am most positive, sir,” Kev replied.

         “As leader of this ship I order you to look at a map!”

         “I know where I am sir, I do not need a map.”

         “Maybe it would be a good idea to randomly shoot our biggest projectiles out into space,” added Kreman’s eager, giddy side.

         “That wouldn’t help us even if we were lo-”

         “No! But it would be exciting! And it would warn any unsuspecting spacecrafts out there of the kind of power we hold,” interrupted a very enthused Kreman.

         “There is no need, sir. We are almost there,” replied Kev as if he were talking to an eight year old. Sometimes it did seem that way.

         “Alright. But if we end up back in the Vendron system I will have to kill you.”

         Kev didn’t respond. He is indeed headed for where the planet Earth is supposed to be. It isn’t labeled on the map but he had been there before. Of course it was not a most successful trip. They ended up crashed on the surface and men in black suits came and took his companion away. Luckily Kev got away before the large mass of farmers came to see what all of the commotion was about.

         “Who do you think we should abduct, Kev?” asked Kreman.

         “Well, sir, there is this girl. We have her on our files and she is a suitable subject. She actually wants to be abducted, sir,” said Kev.

         “Weird… She probably doesn’t know us and how ruthless we are!” Kreman then tried his attempt at an evil laugh, which he had been practicing for some time now. It didn’t turn any heads so he decided to stop and work on it later. “Ahem… she sounds like the perfect person. I hope she likes needles and large electric shockers!” He tried another laugh and quickly realized it was complete trash compared to the last which wasn’t too far from complete trash itself.

         Kev looked down at his control panel and shook his head in annoyance. A few hours and they would be there, he kept reminding himself.

         A few hours later they came up on the planet Earth and Kev put the invisibility shield up to prevent any unsuspecting humans from getting any ideas.

         Kreman rambled on about how small the planet is and why the heck he is wasting his time with its inhabitants.

         Kev didn’t pay any attention to him because he was busying himself trying to figure out why the invisibility shield wouldn’t work. He then noticed the storm he was heading strait for and thought that maybe the shield wouldn’t work because of the massive amounts of electromagnetism extending from the storm’s location. He passed through it anyway, uncloaked, and no human noticed the large spacecraft airborne above their heads.

         Except for one person who did notice but she was too tired and too busy worrying about college stuff to continue noticing the ship in the sky. She instead dismissed it for a comet and mistakenly went to bed.
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