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Rated: XGC · Chapter · Erotica · #1130329
The first eppisode to Summer in Skye Street. another summer means another hazing
“Dude, Kyle! Glad to see you could make it, bro!”

Kyle Mayers, one of the many average, recently graduated Juniors whom lived on Skye Street, had been invited to one of Skye Streets’ annual pool parties, which was teenager only, of course.

Skye Street’s history of pool parties and hot summers was a tradition that all the teenagers had brought up and carried on for some decade or two without any of the elders or parents to know what actually went on in the neighborhood.

Every summer it was the same thing: hot-moody weather, wet parties, mischief of all sorts, and an aura of sensual pleasure that drove many of the kids into a time of hormones.

Kyle went to give one of his best friends, Tod Munshower, a man-to-man handshake symbolizing their so-called ‘brother-hood’ of trust that they both had established over the year. This was Kyle’s second summer on Skye Street, and he knew exactly what would be happening all over again…and he was ready.

Through the dieing twilight, both entered Tod’s backyard, where a dozen and more of his fellow peers, most of which were already suited for the occasion in their swimming trunks and bikinis, had begun the celebration of the new-coming Summer.

The recognizable faces, Tod’s swimming pool, the refreshment bar, the blaring party music, the party quirks, the various games of limbo and Marc Polo…not to mention the babes: all of which brought back a smile to Kyle’s face. It was summer again, and he felt the season’s embrace of fun grasp him again.

“Psyched about this aren’t you?” Tod asked, unable to help but smile along with his best bro.

“No doubt,” Kyle replied as their fists pounded each other in celebration.

Kyle took another gaze around at the party and noticed the slow incline of people in their swimming suits; he knew he should change immediately, “Hey, Tod, you got a changing room inside right?”

“Of course. Through the screen doors, then onto your left go down the hallway, and second door on your right.”


Kyle followed the directions easily having a slight familiar for the house. He found the bathroom door, knocked twice to make sure not to stumble onto anyone else’s changing. With no respond he entered the bright, elaborate bathroom. It was hardly anything new for Kyle to see a rich house, pool, and luxurious bathroom as Tod’s. Skye Street was primarily populated with the rich and wealthy. Kyle unfortunately didn’t fit under the wealth of the community though he didn’t have a bad house or life either. It was all mediocre.

He began disrobing, starting with his shirt, flinging it into a pile and continuing on downward revealing his slim yet not so muscular physique. He was fine with his feeble built as long as his weight wasn’t overwhelming he was proud of his body. Down to the stripping of his boxers, he gazed in the full sized mirror behind him. He had to admit, he wasn’t that bad looking with his short brown hair, fair hazel eyes slim abdomen, and fair sized…

A clatter of footsteps and talking slowly grew louder outside the door until the bathroom door creaked open. Kyle turned to see the many faces of some blondes he recalled from school…one in particular that shocked him.

Rachael Cox, claimed by all as one of the hottest babes at school. Her long blonde hair, captivating blue eyes, fair smooth skin, addicting bright smile: it had dozens of boys at school in a daze of her glowing appearance. Her previous laughter and bubbly expression turned into a sudden shock and astonishment to see Kyle in the buff.

Her (and her friends’) gaze turned wide-eyed for the moment gazing at Kyle, and she finally smiled apologetically, “Woops. Sorry bout that…”

Quickly she closed the door shut, Kyle catching her eyes slip down at his more private features. His heart raced of embracement for all the while from the door’s opening to his breathless moment of recapping what just happened.

He examined the doorknob, having sworn he locked it before undressing…obviously he hadn’t. He swore under his breath and gazed back at the mirror to see his horror-stricken face of shock and embarrassment. He shook it off for a moment, knowing it’d all probably be forgotten the next day…possibly next week. Then another wave of shock overwhelmed him as another thought crossed his mind: what status was I?

Quickly he turned back to the mirror to see a straight posture of his part that had been half-way stiffened yet not at its peak of stature. A small ping of comfort crossed over him realizing had he not been partially erect that her seeing a smaller, weaker part of him could be extremely downing to his current novice reputation. Though had he been fully erect there might had been some confusion overwhelm Rachael why exactly he’d been at full performance, however it could have gained him some points with her having shown her his full capabilities.

He shrugged off his thought and the embarrassment was all he felt, half-thankful that seeing Rachel’s face brought him some growth, and he continued on with changing.

A moment later he returned to the party where the sun had now completely went down the horizon and the party was beginning to rise. Dancing, swimming, pool games, non-pool games, karaoke, chatting, quirky pranks, all the lot. It was really going up hill and slowly more people had become pool active.

Kyle had jumped in the chlorine infested waters himself and been practicing his physique by doing a few laps back and forth as a kicker to his adrenaline.

Shortly after Tod joined him and the dozens and dozens of other swimmers in the 20 X 24 sized pool. Kyle complimented Tod’s proposal to the neighborhood for his place to be the source of fun this year and also complimented his parents for being so rich to buy such a large pool.

The two both shared much time of gossip transferring about some of the guests and other fellow classmates, both tried their share on hitting on some of the more appealing guests, babe-watched as they kept a total of how many thong wearers they could locate (the total had been 3), and joined in with much of the pool games such as Marco Polo, water polo, and many more.

Both had been enjoying themselves and watched the time fly by fairly quick for all their entertainment and joy. It was about 12 at night that someone stepped up on the diving board motioned for the music to be turned down, and to have everyone’s attention. The chaos of chatter, screams, and blaring music all dulled down.

Kyle examined the person on the diving board closely: it was Max Hoffants, one of their schools greatest football players and most renown jock of Skye Street. He seemed to taken the leader of such gatherings (despite who the host was). Kyle found it hard to decide whether he should like or hate the guy for his popular, well-liked reputation that also had been crossed with the tendency to be cocky and be the arranger of some of the Summer’s questionable ‘rituals’.

“Can I have all your attention please?” Max called out to his fellow peers. He made sure his voice was loud enough to be heard yet to the point where it couldn’t be heard to the neighbors, “As you all know this is our annual, Skye Street pool party to kick off to another kick ass summer!”

A roar of cheer erupted from Max’s audience by his words and slowly died down for him to speak once more, “We’ve kept it tradition to do this because we all love summer very much. But there’s other traditions we must uphold tonight.”

A low rumbling formed around the pool area as many people asked each other what he was talking about exactly while others snickered and began whispering to one another what was about to happen.

Kyle smirked remembering last summer vividly. He leaned over to Tod, “The hazing of newbies right?”

Tod nodded, “Something you should remember pretty well after last year.”

Kyle sighed recalling what he had to do last year for acceptance to his peers in Skye Street last summer, “Is it the same thing I had to do?”

“They never changed it as far as tradition has went.”

“Do you know who it is this year?”

“Kyrstal Butt. A fine ass babe she is…this should be interesting.”

“You say that like you enjoy Max’s hazing,” Kyle snapped back, taking some offense at what he had said. Despite however was up for this year’s haze, Kyle wouldn’t take much amusement in it after last year’s experience. He didn’t entirely thing the hazing of Skye Street was fair, though he did stomach himself to go through it.

“Hey, man, we all had to do it. You’re lucky you got to do it in your Sophmore year…everyone else, including me, did it as Freshmen.”

“Big deal,” Kyle replied.

“Oh, but there is a big deal. Size matters dude. You got one year more then I did to grow before the ceremony.”

Kyle silenced himself from then on, knowing Tod had a point. He continued to watch what was going on.

“The Newbie Acceptance Ritual,” Max declared, “Or as some of you like to call the Skye Street Haze.”

Some more laughter and more chatter climbed in volume around the pool and died off once more as Max continued, “This year, surprisingly, we only have one Newbie whom decided to show up. Kyrstal Butt.”

At the announcement of her name, a smaller yet very dazzling blonde, whom possessed great assets, stepped up to the diving board, passed Max. As she did Max gave her a firm slap on the ass as she jumped from the sudden gesture. Max chuckled as a small laughter roared from the pool once more. Kyle examined her closely.

Tod had been correct in saying she was a babe. Her ass was tight, alluring, and in perfect proportion to her body; this was clearly obvious even with her cyan colored bikini covering such an area that had Kyle rising behind his trunks. Her breast were a fair sized as well with a small C-cup, and her blonde hair flowing over her gentle hazel eyes added a state of innocent and endearing look. Kyle would have said she almost looked cute, though many other would have classified it as petite instead.

Kyle could tell what she felt through gazing into her gentle eyes. She seemed afraid, embarrassed, and shy. A small pain of sorrow and sympathy overwhelmed Kyle’s lust stricken hormones, though the bulge in his trunks had continued at it’s state

“As many of you may or may not know the traditional so-called haze of the Summer goes like this. The Newbies…in this case newbie must strip down to their buff and jack or finger themselves for half a minute. Once the ritual is over they must remain completely naked throughout the end of the party for full recognition.”

Kyle saw Tod’s hand slip near the brim of his trunks, and edge slowly beneath them. Fortunately both of them were at the back of the pool, far away from everyone else’s gaze though Kyle still questioned Tod’s motive.

“In your own pool Tod, are you crazy?” Kyle whispered to his friend.

“No, just horny.” Tod replied and he caught Kyle’s long gaze of disappointment at his friend, “What, you think I should do it in my bathroom?”

“Anywhere but in here, man! Have you any respect?”

Tod sighed, retreating his hand, “Fine…There is still a window in there after all…”

He exited the pool and before just heading off to his house he said to Kyle, “I’ll be back in a minute or two…if you want I can save you a spot in the window…”


Tod turned back to his house and quickly retreated inside, most likely headed for his bathroom. Kyle shook his head in disappointment at his friend and turned back to Max and Kyrstal.

After some more chatter amongst the guests Max raised a hand into the air and declared, “The Hazing Begins now!”

At his declaration a peer working the stereos for the party switched over to some fitting Techno music and everyone’s gaze was on Krystal. Hooting, chearing, and rooting went on in the pool as Krystal moved her hands hesitantly to her top. Chanting such as “Take it off!” and “C’mon Hottie!” as well as other individual outbursts struck out in the audiences’ rythematic, almost tribal sounding chanting and rooting.

Slowly her fingers reached around to her back and she felt the strap that kept her breasts concealed. She hesitantly worked them with her small, dexterous fingers and finally she removed it revealing to the crowd her lovely C-size bosom. A loud cheer erupted from the waters of lust and hormones. She flung it aside where some peer greedily collected it.

At the sight of her breasts Kyle felt the bulge in his trunks rise more and grow sturdier. The newbie moved her hands then slowly to the rest of her outfit. Her hands shaking with much hesitance. She grabbed the rim of her bikini’s bottom and slowly edged it downward until it passed her small thighs in which she then wriggled them down her legs to plop at her feet with one more cry of an orgy lust came from the pool.

Kyle’s eyes grew wide by the sight of her neatly shaven vaginal area and his periscope rose to its climax. Kyle gaped his mouth open a bit and closed his eyes feeling his dick slowly move across his trunks to its final stage. Kyle glanced back at Tod’s house and a thought crossed his mind that maybe that bathroom didn’t seem so bad of an idea after all. He shook away his raging desire of sensual relief and continued to observe as the many others did.

With her dainty foot she kicked her bottom into the pool where many guys went to dive off after it. Now came the final part as her body shivered in embarrassment and with a rush of sexual adrenaline; she could already feel her clit tingle. She slowly moved her hand to her opening and began to rub it slowly. Back and forth. Back and forth; her hand moved with such care and pleasure. Soon she abandoned her rubbing motion as she picked out two fingers for her to gain pleasure from. Into her orifice her fingers plunged, slowly, in a rhythm that captivated her audience. In and out. She could hear the clock ticking away to 20 seconds in her head as did Kyle as each second his penis pulsed in an eagerness to relieve his load.

She could feel, as well as the audience could see, her fingers grow wet and her pussy felt warmer and warmer with each plunge. She closed her eyes at 25 seconds and cooed in a semi-orgasmic way, reaching her full breach of full pleasure only half-way. Another plunge and it was 30 seconds.

“And it is done,” Max declared as her fingers retreated from her. And soon after his declaration Max finished the ceremonial hazing as he pushed her into the pool for lust and humiliation to overwhelm her. Kyle slowly decelerated his heart beat and pacing as he desired so much for relief. He gazed around the pool seeing some of his peers bulge as well as him. He gazed down at his trunks seeing his quite noticeable.

“Let’s party!” Max roared as the music blared once more and the celebration continued.

Urgently Kyle retreated from the pool, wishing his erection to dissipate. Quickly he sought refuge in a separate water mass: Tod’s hot tub. He plunged himself inside the foaming water and felt relief to have the bubbles cover up the bulge in his trunks.

He rested in the tub for some time trying to relieve his erection, though the heat of the water wasn’t helping his full erection. He gazed around the party to see what was going on after such an overwhelming ritual. Everyone pretty much had gone back to whatever they were doing before, for the exception of the few that had been harassing or hitting on Krystal, whom had remained in the buff for full acceptance. Kyle also examined a number of the guys whom began with their make out sessions and groping with other flirtatious women as a result of the overwhelming hormone explosion from the hazing. On occasion he spotted out some women diving their hands into the trunks of some doing what Kyle had easily suspected to be hand jobs while other girls began going in corners or other secluded areas to flash some of their own goods to other erect guys.

Kyle remained put, not in the mood for flirting with such a powerful hunger for sex at the moment. A few moments later, his personal relaxation was disturbed as Rachael, and her friends, paid him another visit.

“Hey Kyle,” she said with a seductive tone and her shining smile, “Mind if we join you?”

Kyle hesitated for a moment, not knowing exactly what to say to Skye Street’s hottest girl, “Erm…uh…eh, sure.”

They all found their place in the tub, Rachael next to Kyle, all gazing at Kyle with sleazy eyes. To Kyle’s guess, the ritual had as much of an effect on them as it did on the guys…probably with the site of the masturbation sequence that made theirs tingle as well.

“So how’d you enjoy the ritual?” Rachael asked, getting a bit closer to Kyle.

“I-I liked it, I guess,” Kyle replied, smirking pleasantly hoping to cover up the fact of Rachael’s intimidation on him and to cover his boiling desire for some sort of sensual pleasure.

“I remember when you had to go through with it,” Rachael chimed, smiling at him.

“Yea…that was something wasn’t it?”

“It was,” Rachael cooed getting closer, and misplacing her hands onto his trunks as she neared him. Both of them felt a ping of embarrassment and shock as she had misplaced her hand on his private parts.

She jumped back a bit, surprised of his erection yet let off a devious smile knowing both their desires now, “So…happy to see me, are you?”

Kyle went along with it, seeing her beauty and lust merge into a figure of absolute pleasure overwhelming his whole entire body, “I guess you could say that.”

“Mind if I have a look?” She asked, eyeing him in a dirty fashion.

“Be my guest.” Kyle felt his security and ego rise along with his personal periscope. He was now hitting on the babe of Skye Street.

She felt her hands reach for the brim of his trunks and slowly pull them down. A feeling of warming freedom came over him as his dick was no longer suspended by his own trunks and now free to erect within the tub.

Once she’d removed his trunks she swished the bubbles away that concealed his lower torso and gazed upon his erection with a lustful gaze. She curled her lips into a lustful smile, licking them once.

Kyle challenged her, raising his posture so his head breached the surface of the water. Slowly she neared her head to his. Just as Kyle closed his eyes, feeling the soon-to be pleasure overwhelm his cravings sirens roared into the street and the music and uproar in the pool died off.

“It’s the cops! Scramble!”

Quickly Rachael darted her head around in a panic and got up, as well as her friends. The reality of the consequences overwhelmed her sensual mode and she quickly grabbed Kyle’s trunks away from him, gave him a wink and said, “See you some other day, sexy,” and then scattered away as well as many other of her peers.

Kyle began to panic. He swore under his breath for Rachael’s devious move she made on him and he got out from the hot tub, in search for something to clothe himself in. Nothing. Towels were taken, clothes had already been recovered, he was stuck. He contemplated to go back inside and retrieve his clothes but he knew by that time he’d be busted and wanted nothing more then to be at home right now. He heard the cops coming from the gate that Kyle used to go from the front yard to the back and watched many of his peers get caught at that spot while others scattered inside the house for salvation and other hopping the fence.

The gates looked like a good idea to Kyle and he sprinted for them, and thanked his track coach as he went over it with speed and guile. He returned to the sidewalks of Skye Street and looked around. He saw many of his poor peers get busted, some naked some half-naked by the police. He swore once more and sprinted off to his house, feeling ridiculous and humiliated for having lost his trunks.

His sprinting finally rewarded him to the location of his own home; a small yet humble house. He entered quietly, yet frantically enough, not sure if the cops were still on his tail…or rather bare ass. He closed the door behind him with much care, making sure not to wake his mother or sister (if his sister was asleep or not).

He made it to his room, silent enough not to disturb anything. He glanced over at the second bed in the room quickly. Inside was his sister, appearing motionless in the dark bedroom. He sighed in relief and headed over to his bed, that neighbored hers and got under the covers, discouraging the idea of putting on any sort of nightwear at the moment.

He panted silently, enduring all that happened: the party, the hazing, Rachael, and the run.

He ran his hand over his penis, feeling it still erect as ever. He had to get rid of it: the hunger, the lust, the erection. He slipped off his covers, giving his cock some air. He placed his hand around the shaft and began massaging the head with his thumb. He closed his eyes enduring the sweet, sweet pleasure that he desired so much.

Oh Rachael, he thought to himself. He fantasized her lips gently running over his head and letting her tongue do all the rest. Yes Rachael, he thought some more, you know you love my cock.

More passionate had his desires become as he stopped his thumb and began working his shaft. Slowly he stroked it, imagining going inside and out of Krystal’s hole…any hole for that matter, it didn’t matter to Kyle. In and out, in and out he imagined. Her moaning and moaning for the love of his sexual tool.

Yes, yes, she screamed in his mind, give it to me, give it to me!

Faster he stroked it and the wetter and hotter his cock became. Every sweep of his hand over the entire shaft occasionally went to the head, and feeling the moist, sticky sensation of pre-cum already dispersed.

Harder, harder! C’mon baby, either of them screamed, both Rachael and/or Krystal. They were all one to him, all one sensation blonde that were making his head tingle, his heart and shaft pulse, his body dampen with sweat of his own rising body heat and a mixture of the summer air of lust around him.

Their nice round tits, their beautiful ass. OH! OH YES! YES! HARDER! FASTER!

His fantasies plunged him to a more vigorous velocity of his stroking his shaft. They wanted it so bad, he wanted it so bad.

The image of Krystal masturbating on the diving board was replaced with her fingers being Kyle’s fully, erected, sweltering cock. He would give her the satisfaction she couldn’t acquire in the 30 seconds she had. They’d both orgasm, both enjoy.

The almost leathery feel of his cock moving so fluently in his hand brought another force into Kyle’s body as his body cringed in another position with his legs. They twitched as he went a notch more desperate, a notch more faster.

Up and down, up and down went his shaft through his hands, and soon the pulsing, the pulsing he so desired, began. He tried his hardest to resist it, to delay it for some more moments of sexual craving. But it started in his shaft as it bobbed on every pulse. In his climax he went to his full limits of jacking. He felt it, the pleasure, rush through his genitalia and through his shaft.


He staggered in an unbelievable force of the climax at each pump until he felt THE pump that sprayed a warm, milky, sticky substance all over his abdomen. The pumping’s echo vibrated his skull with such power of lust and an orgasm he couldn’t deny. Two last pumps his cock sprayed the puddle of cum over his stomach and he sighed in relief as he panted in joy.

As an act of cleaning up his personal session he wiped his hand all over his cock, his abdomen, feeling the milky substance between his fingers and the gooey spread of it all over his lower torso. He brought his hand up to his face, examining the shimmering white goo. He wondered it’s taste…and so many times he dared himself to taste it.

He put his hand back down at his side, and continued to pant.

“Masturbating again, bro?” Asked a familiar feminine voice.

Kyle jolted in his bed, hearing his 19 year old sister’s words. The shock of her being awake was all that quaked his body; Kyle had learned to not care if she heard or knew of his masturbation sessions as she listened to them every night without a word of disrespect to her brother. Though she listened onto his ‘beating’ every so often, she never saw him do it as she often closed her eyes and let the sound of it drive her to sleep or made out nothing through the darkness.

“How long have you been awake?” Kyle asked, wiping the rest of the cum on his hand onto his body.

“Ever since you came home…would you like to give an explanation of any sort?”

Kyle guessed she knew he came home in the buff…which meant she saw him IN the buff. A rush of panic overwhelmed him at the thought of his sister knowing him THAT intimately, having her knowing his midnight sessions was enough as intimate as their relationship as sibling should have gone.

“Skinny dipping at the party,” Kyle lied, hoping it’d cover him.

“So I noticed.”

Kyle gulped, “You…noticed?”

“Oh, give it a break Kyle, it’s fucking dark in here! I could barely see anything.”

“Oh…right,” Kyle managed to say, feeling an awkward moment push along in the night.

“So how was the party?”

“Fun,” he said simply, not about to say any more then that.

“Sounds good,” she said with a yawn, “Well, if you want, go try at a second session there. I could use something to get me to sleep.”

“Sorry, but I think I’m out of fluids for the night,” Kyle replied, examining his drenched, sticky body that he had spread with his own juices.

“Allright, night then.”

“Night,” he said as he gently stroked his sticky, cum covered cock till he drifted off into a wet dream.
© Copyright 2006 PenMightier (penmightier at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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