Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1118629-Unconditional
Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #1118629
My favorite poem, it speaks of God's unconditional love.
I could deny His great heavenly existence,
But still unchanging, He would always care for me.
His kindness, sacrifice, love, I could resist.

But still unchanging, He would always care for me.
Be blasphemous, hate Him, blame Him, and forsake Him.
But still unchanging, He would always care for me.

How someone could love so much, this seems to be dim.
Without a doubt, His love is unconditional.
And how could we really, truly exist to Him?

We are His creation, should be remedial.
But He only wants to love us, and get love from us.
As His creation, why are we not trivial?

I could have use of foul language and could cuss.
I could lie and fib about those who are living.
But that He will never forsake me, I can trust.

Forever, eternally, He'll be forgiving,
Whenever I backslide and constantly mess up.
That is why I'm thankful, lucky, and believing.

His love overflowing in heaven's largest cup;
He said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Despite my imperfection, perceives a tulip.

His wonderous majesty, everlasting and true,
Waiting for the day when I walk the streets of gold.
Everlasting atonement between me and you.

As time passes by, His first creation gets old,
His protection hovers forever above earth.
With His everlasting love, can't help but feel bold.

On His love, one cannot place a price on it's worth.
Humans cannot grasp the concept of his glory.
So magnificent, He knew us before our birth.

In proof of ignorance, I shall tell His story,
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you," All.
It's his pre-protection, so I do not worry.

He is my spotter and won't allow me to fall.
Man at his lowest point, He vowed for salvation,
Long before the forsaken, corrupt days of Saul.

El Shadai is our spiritual compensation.
Gave sight to the blind, and health to all who were ill.
All the pain of His death, the loving duration.

I live to love Him, worship Him, and do His will.
Has kept me alive through all of my disasters.
A plethora of car hits --- I should have been killed.

My gratitude grows stronger, faster and faster.
And I'm thankful for the cleansing blood of the lamb.
The great love that makes your sacrifice so vast, Sir,

Is the greatest gift of all - so lucky I am.
He stole back the key from the enemy's dark lair,
Freeing us from him and damnation, freeing man.

All this to crucify our flesh because He cares.
The stone rolled away, Deliverer rose again.
Ascended, Thee High Priest, make atonement up there.

Now all may approach His glory saying amen.
Many acts committed from everlasting love,
The fallen temple risen in three days not ten,

Three ascended together, the Father, Son, and Dove.
Eternally forgiving and ever watchful,
He has yet to forget us on His throne above.

Of His attendance, I shall never be doubtful.
Man's eyes cannot behold His glory and survive.
His magnitude is so great, this I am faithful.

With His blood I am born again, I am revived.
We always make mistakes; He always makes a way,
Shedding His blood for us, for our eternal life.

He protects me at night in my bed as I lay,
In darkness where any evil creature could creep,
Protecting me from all harms that may come my way.

I will take advantage, this promise I shall keep.
I shall live my life righteously, leaving all flesh.
I will live by the Spirit, sins will not seep.

No other shall have my soul, I rebuke all mess.
I am a child of God, a finely loved Christian.
I am proud to be so I will no doubt confess.

When I am in the wrong He convicts, I listen.
He will be here by my side continually.
Thinking of what he has done for me, I glisten.

Blessed am I, with love unconditionally.
Never gives up on me, pursues with persistence.
My Lord and Savior, Trinity, GOD ALMIGHTY.
© Copyright 2006 Jolie Le' Claire (rabidmustang at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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