Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1112511-Chapter-2
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1112511
Chapter 2. needs R&R.
The darkness swirled around Michael. He felt himself slowly come alive, feeling utterly at peace. After a time he felt solid mass beneath him. He felt at the mass. It wasn’t rock or sand or any kind of organic soil. It felt soft, but firm. As he stirred, a strange scent invaded. It was a cold, empty, sterile smell. / I must be in a hospital./ He cracked his eyes open and surveyed his surroundings.

His parents were engaged in a hushed conversation with Tara off to the side. Everett lounged in a wooden chair at the end of the bed, idly channel-surfing. He looked back to his parents and smiled. His mother, statuesque and cheerful, was playing with her long braid and gesturing to Tara. His father’s spare frame shuddered in restrained laughter at some comment, then the man broke out in a wide grin. “ Good morning everyone. Glad to see you all.” Michael grinned, then gasped as Tara rushed him and hugged him so hard his ribs cracked.

“You’re OK! We were beginning to think that you were in a coma.” Michael wriggled away for a moment. “I’m fine. It’s just a bump on the head.” Michael’s father stepped closer. “ You gave us quite the scare young man. When you didn’t show up at her house, Tara went back to Conrad’s to look for you. She found you lying next to a broken mop handle and an overturned table and chairs. Would you mind telling us what happened?” Michael shook his head.

How could he tell them about last night? /They’ll never believe me./ “well dear, are you going to tell us or not?” Mother huffed indignantly. “ I… I got my legs tangled up in the mop handle, hit my head on the table, and upset the chairs and table.” He smiled weakly. “ The doctor says he wants to look things over and then you can leave.” Mother began ushering everyone out of the room. The doctor came in with a chart.

He pulled a pen from his pocket and began asking Michael about his health. “are you dizzy or nauseous? Any problems with your memory?” Michael shook his head. “I’m fine doctor. There’s nothing wrong at all.” The doctor nodded and scribbled a note on the clipboard. “I’m going to check your vitals, then you’ll be free to go.” He checked Michael’s pulse, tested his reflexes, and checked if there were any problems with his vision. “Other than a bump on the head you’re healthy as a horse.” With that the Doctor turned and left the room. After the doctor left Michael grabbed his duffel bag and changed into a baggy pair of jeans and a green shirt. He paused to check his shaggy dark brown hair in the mirror.

“I need to get a haircut.” Smiling widely, he stepped out of the stark hospital room and strode over to his family. “ Lets get out of here.” As they walked to the exit his father looked at him and asked, “Do you feel up to going to the rest of your classes?” Michael gave a thumbs up. “Sure!” His mother smiled. “Then we’ll drop you off at the school, dear.” Everyone piled into the family van. “why do we always have to drive around in the van? Its embarrassing!” complained Everett. “This thing is a disgrace to vehicles everywhere.”

“Just hold your horses Everett. We’re almost to the school.” Michael’s father skillfully pulled the van into the school’s parking lot. “ you have fun now and we’ll be back to pick you up after school.” Mother hugged Michael and Everett as they got out of the van. Michael helped Tara down and the three started towards the imposing white façade of the school.

Everett peeled away and headed down the sophomore hall to his locker, muttering “Embarrassing!” as he went. Michael and Tara continued walking. “ I’m glad that you’re ok. You had me really worried.” She hugged him fiercely. “If you keep hugging me like that you’re going to break my ribs! Lets hurry, I don’t want to miss English class.” They hurried down the hall to the English room. Mrs. Dellin was waiting at the door. “ How are you my dear boy? I had heard you got a little rap on the noggin.” Her crisp English accent carried a hint of worry. “ I’m fine Mrs. Dellin. Thank you for your concern.” Michael and Tara stepped past and found their seats as Mrs. dellin bustled up to her podium. “ Today we are going to examine Robert Frost’s Two Roads. Please take out the books under your textbooks.”

After English was Chemistry. They worked on chemical reactions for the duration of the class. After Chemistry it was time for lunch. Michael met Tara in the hallway and they grabbed a spot in line. They chose their food and sat down at their usual table in the corner. Hakeem, Jaeden, and Jenny were already there. “How’s it going Mike? Heard you cracked your head.” Jaeden snorted. “you always were the klutz of the group.” Jenny giggled.

“You’re just jealous because I was being tended by an incredibly hot nurse.” Ed had no comeback for that. Tom waved to get everyone’s attention. “ you know, there’s a pep assembly for the football team next period. That means no math class!” everyone sighed gratefully. The bell rang for the end of lunch and the group walked to the auditorium. The room was filling up quickly.

They found seats at the back so they could talk during the assembly. As they sat down Everett sauntered over. “Mind if I sit here?” he plopped himself into the seat next to Jenny. At that point the dean walked onto the stage. “Hello and good afternoon everyone.” The group at the back ignored him. Michael smiled at the uncomfortable silence between Jenny and Everett. He was turning to look at Tara when the world…rippled.

The rippling had the same tempo as Michael’s rapidly increasing heartbeat. A roiling black hole, shot through with streaks of silver, appeared. It covered Michael and his friends. As it swallowed them, Michael thought he could hear a flute playing.
© Copyright 2006 Nathan Nordal (kingofgeeks615 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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