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In the absence of political deceit, the world have been much different.
The result of the 2nd World War could have been much different than what tragically occurred in 1945 to create a nuclear world. Today, the history of the atom bomb’s advent is perversely decorated by euphemistic aphorisms such as, “if it hadn’t been for the bomb, we would have lost thousands more GIs in the invasion of Japan, and the death and destruction wrought at Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the hand of the United States were ultimately and decidedly necessary. It was America’s salvation.” That’s what’s being taught to our youth in the public schools since 1950. Not the startling and revolting truth about the American entry in 1941 into the European war, revealed a decade after the fact. If the facts were actually told and the history books revised to reflect what really happened between 1939 and 1941, that manipulated the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor, a major American icon would have to eviscerated. Much like the Soviet reaction to the truth about Joseph Stalin and his planned purges, in which he plotted the murders of millions of innocent Russians, the memorials to FDR, commemorating him as the savior of the nation, would quickly be erased. The Russian people removed Stalin from their history books as the savior of the Soviet Union. They took his name off buildings, tore down his statues, and revised their national history. If the truth were told about President Franklin D. Roosevelt and how he maneuvered Japan into attacking the United States, people might begin tearing down his statues around the country, and revisions in high school history texts might denote him as a war criminal instead of an American savior.

The unmitigated personal pragmatism of FDR, which impelled him to create an illusion for his imagined support of U.S. neutrality after the war between Hitler and Britain began in 1939, was a conspiratorial effort to upgrade U.S. policy from an internationally neutral, domestically focused nation-state to that of an imperialistic international power-broker. While promising the American hoi polloi that he would not suffer the deaths of American youth in another European war, he was whispering into Winston Churchill’s ear, during the spring of 1940, the assurance that the United States would come to Britain’s aid in the war against German Nazism and Italian fascism.

The preeminent historians, John Toland and Dr. Charles Tansill, both agree that, had Congress discovered Roosevelt’s clandestine negotiations with, and allegiance to, Churchill and Britain in 1939, FDR would have been impeached and most likely convicted by the U.S. Senate of high crimes including criminal conspiracy and obstruction of justice. Perhaps war-crimes would have been charges. In 1952, the facts were clearly adduced by Charles Tansill, Distinguished Professor of Diplomatic History at Georgetown University that, between 1939 and 1941, Roosevelt essentially “arranged” for the surprise attack at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. In his book, “Backdoor to War. . .Roosevelt Foreign Policy, 1939-41,” Tansill clearly shows that the economic facts surrounding the Japanese attack against the United States were greatly convoluted as a result of State Department machinations supported by covert U.S. Army Intelligence operations. But those facts showing that Roosevelt knew at least 72 hours before that awful Sunday morning in December that the Japanese fleet was bound for Pearl Harbor were startlingly simple and clear. Roosevelt’s refusal to warn the Pearl Naval Command of the impending attack came after his efforts to obscure military intelligence reports. One of the most damning pieces of evidence, discovered by Dr. Tansill, was a letter written by a young African-American White House maid, who served breakfast to Franklin and Eleanor on the Sunday of December 7, 1941. The letter was written to the maid’s brother and included the following descriptive sentences. “The president was playing with his stamp collection at a table when news was announced that there had been a Japanese surprise attack at Pearl Harbor. I was setting the food in front of the President when he looked up smiling widely and said to his wife, “it is done, mother. It is done.” That’s all he said as Mrs. Roosevelt smiled back at him, nodding her head.”

Interestingly, there was a Blue Ribbon Commission, created by Congress in 1942, to investigate the Pearl Harbor debacle. Thereafter, hundreds of pages of pertinent military intelligence records, documents, and Roosevelt’s personal correspondences were deliberately obscured from the commission at Roosevelt’s behest. The most relevant of this damning evidence was discovered and published by Tansill in his book in 1952.

Can you imagine what might have transpired in world history if Roosevelt hadn’t manipulated Japan into allying itself with Nazi Germany, and if Japan, out of economic jeopardy, hadn’t attached the United States? In all probability, the U.S. would have remained neutral, and there wouldn’t have been an American entry into the European war. Further, there would not have been a subsequent development of an atomic bomb. While it is feasible that Britain might have undertaken to build a nuclear bomb independently, it is doubtful that the nation could have produced an effective weapon in enough time to use it against Hitler. In all probability, neither Hitler nor the Brits could have produced an atomic weapon in time to use it. Nevertheless, the UK would have found a conventional way to defeat the Third Reich. British tenacity in time of war has always proven historically successful. Hence, nuclear energy wouldn’t have been around for another thirty or forty years. Therefore, a cold war between the Soviet Union and the Western powers wouldn’t have occurred, lasting for nearly forty years. Best of all, hundreds of thousands of innocent men and women would not have died fighting Germany and Japan. The world might have actually been peaceful, without the specter of nuclear holocaust hanging in the air.

Does the Blue Ribbon Commission’s report in any way resemble the thick one-volume production of the 9/11 Commission, which failed to include an investigation into evidence and facts obscured from the commission by the White House, the Pentagon, and the State Department? The video documentary, “Loose Change, 2nd Edition,” produced by Korey Rowe, Dylan Avery, and Jason Bermis, discloses some provocative facts which will disturb anyone aware of what the 9/11 Commission declared to the public as truth. These facts came before the public after millions of dollars were spent to allegedly investigate and report on the WTC and Pentagon bombings. If the facts presented in “Loose Change” are true and correct, then the 9/11 Commission’s report is a pack of lies. I challenge all Americans to watch and peruse “Loose Change,” that the ire of a nation might be raised toward a federal government immersed deeply in treachery and deceit.

The most damning fact presented in the "Loose Change" video is that the Pentagon bombing was “not” the result of a Boeing 757 jet airliner plowing into the side of the five sided building, but, instead, was a deliberately planned crash of an old U.S. Navy attack aircraft. A rotor from the aircraft’s engine was found in the gapping hole made in the side of the Pentagon by the crash. The video poses a conundrum of a question which cannot be answered by those who claim that a Boeing 757 crashed into the building. How could ten tons of titanium and steel, the mass of the two large 757 engines, be totally consumed in a fire created by kerosene jet fuel, which burns at a much lower temperature than needed to melt the metals? For both of the jet engines to totally evaporate from the crash site, as a result of the explosion’s blast is a scientific impossibility.

Isn’t it time for federal government deceit, in a republic supposedly geared to constitutional principles, to end by the will of the electorate? How long will the American people suffer the pains and indignity created by masters of political deceit, those people to whom the keys of governmental stewardship have been reposed by the electorate? In another fifty years, our children’s children will, perhaps, study in school some version of history about a once great and noble constitutional republic that might have endured the test of time, but was allowed to decay and change by an apathetic electorate into a state where the people were bonded to a system of fascist control. Under this system, the people were made to believe that, by surrendering their basic freedoms and natural rights to a Machiavellian central government, they were actually freer and more protected. And if it hasn’t been erased from the record by that time, our grandchildren will also read about Nazi Germany and the way in which a freedom-loving German people willingly gave up their rights and freedoms to a mad paper-hanger named Adolf Hitler. Forbid this from happening to the American republic, Almighty God.

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