Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1108087-DragonQuest
by mpast
Rated: E · Other · Sci-fi · #1108087
An epic tale centered around the most powerful creature to ever walk this planet.
I'm looking for a ghost writer to convert my 127 page script into a novel. Let me know if you're interested.

Synopsis: 800 years ago inhabitants of a dying world discover earth. A civil war erupts amongst these aliens after a rogue knight viciously wounds their beloved leader. With help from William, a chivalric knight, can our team of heroic aliens stop their counterparts and save William´s kingdom? These aliens are rampant throughout mythology with origins never adequately explained until now; they are better known as... dragons.

1 page Treatment:
What is the most dangerous creature ever to walk this planet, a beast captured in legend and lore? The Dragon, and its origin, is unveiled...

Inhabitants from a dying planet risk the dangers of space travel to seek out a new world. Their ship exits a wormhole arriving in England during Medieval times. Technologically advanced dragons of various size and color exit the ship onto English soil. Could this new, uncontaminated world be their salvation?

The dragon crew is fascinated by humans who unequivocally prove dragons are not alone in the universe. Unfortunately Earth´s inhabitants see dragons as a menacing threat. Eventually dragons establish primitive communication with two brave souls: William (King's trusted guardian) and Merlin (a young Wizards apprentice).

After a bizarre discovery in China the dragon commander sends a scout ship to investigate. It appears a sister ship may have arrived on earth thousands of years ago somehow crossing time in the wormhole.

That night Osbert, an immoral knight, leads an attack against the dragon ship. Under the cover of a dense fog Osbert lances the benevolent dragon commander.

Shortly thereafter the scout ship returns with evidence from the sister ship. Only a few members survived a crash in the Himalayans thousands of years ago. The ships log reveals survivors perished at the hands of human savagery.

With their commander in a deep coma this new information divides an already irate crew. Several dragons believe it´s still possible to peacefully co-exist with humans and are led by the dragon, Mobolus. However, Bruxlus´s (Mobolus´s antagonist) thirst for vengeance against the humans causes a mutiny. Bruxlus, along with several other dragons deviously leave the main ship.

Outside the castle William and Merlin uncover Osbert´s plan to take over the kingdom. Unfortunately Osbert´s mercenaries block their return to the castle. While waiting for the cover of nightfall William and Merlin agree to seek out the dragons. By now the ships translation software has deciphered the English language. Mobolus greets William with necklaces (PDA´s) which translates language for both parties. After William and Merlin explain Osbert´s treachery they are offered a breathtaking flight back to the castle.

Upon arrival they discover Bruxlus´s team of dragons attacking the castle. Mobolus radios for backup and the stage is set for a ferocious battle, the likes of which this planet has never seen. All dragons are equipped with armor and freeze guns which immobilize a target by temporarily altering it´s molecular structure. During the dragon battle William reveals Osbert´s treachery to the king but Osbert still manages to escape. Mobolus´s team is triumphant but Bruxlus also eludes capture.

Mobolus assembles a team to track down Bruxlus. This leads to an inevitable battle between the two largest dragons. Despite suffering a broken wing Mobolus is victorious. While staggering back to the camp Mobolus falls for a trap lain by Osbert and is knocked unconscious.

What fate awaits Mobolus and the other dragons? All will be revealed in my newly completed script, DragonQuest.

Email: mpast@hotmail.com
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