Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1107186-Dont-Open-Untill-Apocalypse
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Death · #1107186
A video tape is found of the end of the world.
Don't Open Untill Apocalypse

10 hours before video discovery

Some doors are meant to stay closed and some, unlike most are meant to be open. As striking as it is people do not understand this concept do to this things can be unleashed to dramatic affect. Finding things that should actually never be found should not be opened and, do to warning they yet still have the bravery to open it. I can not explain why or how it happens just a natural instinct. Well other times strictly curiosity, and we all know the saying curiosity killed the cat. I often wonder what it would be like to have the feeling of knowing I unleashed something that should have stayed shut. Also in fact why do people do these stunts. Maybe a rush you never know unless you ask.

I was walking quietly to my class wondering off by myself. I was basically a loner, always by myself. Right as soon as I was about to enter my classroom I heard one of my only friends yell for me to follow them. I quickly turned to face them and when I saw where they were I thought twice. He was at the end of the hall with some little piece of paper in his hand. I After little thought I walked towards him. "look at this Jake, it's a little piece of paper but a riddle of some sort." My friend Matt specified.

As he opened the paper I had beads of sweat coming from anticipation on it. I was one of those people who loved codes and breaking them and finding things from them. "Well hurry come on and open it already." I pleaded.
"okay, okay, sheesh don't get those undies in a wad." He said jokingly.
The paper was unraveled. It was crinkled from being in his pocket. I looked at the design on it and there was a circle mounted on it with special numbers wrote all through it and one thing I saw cought my attention. it had these words writen accross the top of the paper. "Do Not Open Untill The Apocalypse"

I thought in the back of my mind why would it say this, have we opened a gate to something that should be closed. "Wow, this is worth something keep it untill the end of the day then we can de-code it." I said with a smile across my lips.

I sat through all my classes with anticipation of the code. I needed to find out what it was and what it leads to. Who knows it could be some hoax, or it could be a wonderful find. The coding looks real and I have things to de-code it since I love doing this stuff so much, it kind of makes me feel like I am a treasure hunter or something.

1 hour to video tape find.

The bell sounded for the end of the day at school and I automatically left to my house and met up with Matt there. "Okay here is the paper, just be careful not to put a rip in it anywhere." Matt said in worry.
"Don't worry I'm like a professional" I pleaded back to him.

I sat there adding matterials to make it clearer to read and typed into the laptop I had set up with little tiny beads of sweat forming at my forehead as I tryed to figure this out. Everything was getting hot and blurry as the sweat dripped to my eyes. The worry of damaging this artafact was crutial. I had every right to be worried. I had thought up every possible combination when there was a knock on the wharehouse door. "Who did you invite???" I questioned in authority.
"Well umm, Jamie, Derek, Greg, and Sarah" Matt said stuttering.
"Oy vai let them in." I said in angerment.
The noise they brought with them was irritating me to full content. "Okay everyone just be quiet, this is hard to do." I asked nicely.
"okay, okay, okay baby sorry we know." My girlfriend Jamie clicked in.

after half an hour of long waiting the code was cracked and it read as follows, " Every step you take is valuable, but if you take a few wrong steps they will lead you to death and destruction, in order to make the right choices you must look in the right door for your finding."
I thought in my mind for a minute, what could this possibly mean and in my train of thought there was a slapping noise against the door entrance. " What was that???" Sarah asked quietly.
"How would I know" I answered.
I slowly crept towards the door and when I reached it I opened it to find nothing there...untill I looked down to see a black video tape. I slowly reached down and grabbed it. I read the letters on the tape and they read "Don't Open Untill Apocalypse"
"Hmm, just like the code title." Greg said suspicioucly.
" I don't know but maybe we shouldn't open it I mean look what it says." Sarah replied.
"Look I did the work and there is something we should know, this might be a gate that shouldn;t be open, or maybe not we don't know yet untill we open it and play it." I exclaimed.

After about 20 minutes of fighting we came to a conclusion to play the video. I slid it into the VCR and clicked play, it was a black screen for a few seconds then the video started showing us things we would never think to see. Building were torn, Nukes were flying everywhere, People were killing each other, things were being stolen, war was raging between the people, everything bad possible and unimaginable happening before our eyes. Sorrow brought to our eyes, people crying in the middle of the streets hoping for a better end. Hoping for someone to save them. Churches praying in their sanctuaries. People throwing their lives away, weeping across the world as it comes to a complete stop. Nothingness coming, the earth about to be obliterated. Something big was happening and it was happening now. Nothing could stop this, we are watching it before our own eyes, crying in sorrow for these people, The worst of the worst coming, and I cant describe it in full content.

The video soon shut off and the room was in a silence. Quietness took over like a plague, never had I seen anything like this in my entire life. Tears shattered to the floor, pleaseantville in my house had been destroyed. It was a moment in which I couldn't stand. "Oh my gosh, was that foreal..." Sarah asked politly.
"Yes I think so, but wow that's what the code was for...why in the world does it say "Don't Open Untill Apocalypse"??? that confuses me" I said with disaster flowing through my mind.
"Well, maybe it's a sign telling us the world is gonna come to an end." Jamie added in.
"We might not ever know." Greg said with sorrow in his voice.
"Wait" Matt began, "at the end of the video I saw something, rewind it."
I clicked the rewind button and we watched it through the end and saw what Matt saw the first time through.

We saw us six standing in the middle of the road after a quick zoom with the technology we have these days. We were shedding tears. every single drop different then the last, and our eyes getting redder after every droplet. The earth was ending and we had no control over what was happening. every single time I looked at the screen tears began to form in my eyes as I saw this. "We need to find out what all of this means." I blurted out.
"Maybe it's some joke we will never know." Jamie quickly chimed in.
"Or maybe it isn't, in due time we will find out." Derek slowly said.
"Let's get some fresh air." Sarah exclaimed.

We all just listened to her since we figured no time for arguing.
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