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Rated: E · Prose · Experience · #1103908
A brief look at the little things in life which make a big impact in our lives.
Jottings: 1-3 by Warren Brown

Where do we come from?
We all wonder where we will go to when we die, will it be Heaven, Purgatory or Hell. But, why is it in the nature of man, not to wonder where we came from? Man and woman always tend to look ahead at the future in fear and anticipation. Our souls could have been created in the Spiritual bliss of Celestial Heaven, or we could have been created in the lukewarm environment of Purgatory or our souls could have been created in the blazing flames of Hell.

Where do we come from? Do our Souls have all the answers?

The Indestructible Soul?
There is an Energy Law in the physical sciences, which states that “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it gets transformed from one form to another, while remaining constant throughout.”

Our Souls are lanterns of pure Energy. When we die our souls are not destroyed. The natural energies of the Earth must remain bound to the surface of the planet, due to the Earth’s gravitational force. Therefore, I will be so bold as the come to an observation that our souls do not leave the surface of the planet. It could also be that the same souls have inherited the planet since creation. Could we have lived as cavemen and cavewomen, at the dawn of Creation? Could the animals we see today be the soul inheritors of the dinosaurs, which roamed the primitive Earth? Have our Souls like our bodies been refined and evolved over the centuries of creation?

Is blood magnetic?
There were two brothers who got separated in their teens, by the unusual circumstances of life. One brother stayed in India, while the other went abroad. After thirty years the brother who was in Europe died a widower, leaving behind four children. The brother in India meanwhile was a bachelor, with a good job. On being informed about his brother’s death, he volunteered to take care of the four young children, rather than send them to foster homes.

The young children came to India to meet and stay with their Uncle, whom they had never met. Before long, they were one happy family. After a year the Uncle married an orphan girl and they all lived as one happy family.

This brings us to the question of, is blood magnetic? Is there a magnetic blood attraction between family members?

Jottings:4-6 by Warren Brown

4. Chair of Inspiration

When we are tired, we sit on a chair, sip a cold drink, relax and philosophize. When we have a conference or any type of formal meeting we all sit on chairs and draw up strategies and plans. When we sit on a chair at the dining table, we are relaxed , comfortable while having our meals and making delightful dinner conversation. At school when we sit on a chair or a bench we are ready to absorb knowledge. Does the ordinary chair, have a sort of helpful psychological effect on the mind of human beings, does it enhance our mental and creative abilities? Does a chair really help us in the process of meditation, will the future of man eventually depend on the type of chair he sits on? However, there are those people who go through no transformation, if they sit on a chair, grass or on a rock, it takes a bolt of lightning to get them inspired.

Diary of Work

Over the last seven and a half years as a Librarian at the Goethals Indian Library, at St. Xavier’s College, Calcutta, I have cultivated the habit of recording the daily events at the library. I usually get a diary at the beginning of every new year, this time it is late. The Diary keeps a record of my work in an orderly fashion, which I can refer to when needed, it is like a Captain’s Log book for me. If I was a Librarian during the time of the Egyptians, I would have been recording the day’s work on papyrus. While, if I was a librarian during the Stone-age, I would have been keeping my Diary on a block of stone. So, it would have been appropriate for me to say after a long holiday, that I was going back to the grind, when I returned to work.

Today is the 16th of January 2002 and I am still looking forward to my new diary, with anxious anticipation. I enjoy the touch, feel and look of fresh paper in a leather bound new diary.

The Leather Belt

For that touch of style around your waist, wear one of those shiny leather belts, with their flashy brass buckles. A belt also helps keep your trousers up, especially when you have a sudden weight loss.

A stout person occupies the maximum area of leather of a belt, as it lazily encircles him or her. A slim person, on the other hand occupies the minimum amount of area, as the extra strap of leather curls twice around him or her like a hungry reptile.

Jottings: 7 &8 by Warren Brown

My Jottings have been inspired by the “Notebooks of Samuel Butler”. These jottings contain epigrams, anecdotes, questions, oddities and fables, incisive asides on everything from the Soul to Blood, Tatterdemalions to Race-Suicide.

7.The Librarian:

He is the person who has the duty and the responsibility of taking care of books, periodicals and manuscripts in a library, like one would take care of children, with tenderness and gentleness. The Librarian is also the one to guide individuals in their research, he is similar to the Hermit, who reveals Knowledge and leads others on their Quest for Knowledge, which lies hidden within books, it finally results in the Enlightenment of the individual. A Librarian is a “Guardian of the Books” and the “Keeper of the Keys” to the Knowledge contained in the hidden Universe, within the fragile pages of the old and brittle book, or even the fresh new book.

8.A Shirt Pocket:

When traveling in Public transport it is always faster to pay for your ride, when the cash is kept in your shirt pocket, instead of in your wallet. A number of people prefer a shirt with a pocket, than a colourful T-Shirt without a pocket. This is because cash in a shirt pocket is more fluid, than money in your wallet or at your Bank.

© Copyright 2006 Warren Brown (warrenbrown at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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