Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1101532-Of-Demons-and-Men---Prelude
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1101532
A story of gain, loss, power, revenge, and peace (in that order)
It had been 2 months. They had been traveling for 62 whole days since they had left their home in Siberia to come to this famed capital of London, wherein their older kin reside. To reach their destination was to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - and what a pot it was.

To put it mildly, the parents of the twins' mother and father were rather ill; and also rather rich. From what they had been told, even the twins were to be included in the will, which was also partly why they were traveling. And at last, they were finally nearing their destination.

-Much later that night-

The caravan had suddenly halted. A familiar voice was heard outside. Though barely awake, the younger of the twins heard every word. "They are well enough, for the moment," said the burly voice. The response came in a feminine, overly-sarcastic voice, "Then we shall wish for her wellness." Her sarcasm was apparent to anyone and everyone but Abbicus. That is, to say, he was too young to understand both the concept and what it meant. There were steps heard, someone boarding the caravan, and then they were both hoisted up from their roots and out of the place, carried a few moments, then were unceremoniously thrown onto what he assumed was the beds in one of the many guest rooms. He wasn't troubled by it much longer, though, as he fell asleep soon after.

Soon, all was stirring in the Comadar Manor; daughters, mid-wives, and grandmothers alike were up and about, preparing breakfast for the entire family, which was approximately 30 members strong at the time. Around this time, both Atticus and Abbicus were up and about, exploring the place, to which for them, was relatively new. By the time breakfast was ready, nearly all of the males were already at the table, waiting to eat as though they had never eaten before as a famished person always does. The food was set on the table, quickly after which, the eldest member of the family stood up and raised his glass.

"A toast; to the ever-strengthening bond of the Comadar Clan." "Cheers!" came the rather forced enthused voices of the other 29. "Let the feast begin!" then came the real roar, all of the men digging into the many foods prepared by the women of the household. By the time the meal had come to an end, the air was filled with rude words and lewd gases alike; and also by this time, the women were once again up and about, cleaning whatever of the messes remained.

"Now that we are all filled to the brim with the sumptuous foods prepared by our beloved mothers, daughters, and sisters, may I now address why we are all gathered here today?" Again came the raucous roar of the many peoples in the house, and the forefather was, from that moment on, all the wiser. "Well, we've put forth much thought into this decision and have decided our youngest members shall retain the entire fortune - Money, Mansion, Possessions - Everything." Everyone looked around at the twins, now seeing them in a rather new light, one filled with much hatred. "I know what you all are thinking - why them? We've reached this conclusion because the rest of you are the most selfish, most brutish mob of 'humans' I've ever seen, and that is much a disgrace to the Comadar name. Despicable!" after which he spit on the floor.

"Now go, forever from my sight!" Things then became more restless as men and women alike started to move back to their caravans, All except 5, that is - Atticus, Abbicus, their mother and father, and their uncle Kornelius, or to anyone who knew him better, "K."

"Congratulations, my fine fellows, I'm glad that he chose you - I myself could not stand to take the fortune, and I would have given it to you all the same." And indeed it seemed K was pleased, for he hugged both twins and parents. In a few minutes, K would be gone.

-Later that night, around 8 pm.-

"Why don't we take a walk, little ones, and discuss how much should be spent on your loving parents," said the mother, while Abbicus replied, "But grandfather said ..." "Nevermind what he said," Cut in the father. "He's weak and feeble minded, he didn't know what he was saying!" They started out of the door, walking around the town, which was dead quiet, for about thirty minutes or so. Coming back, now looking paler than when they had spent a year in the northern sect of Siberia as they came to the house. They had run all the way there, having seen bright colors and smoke against the black skies. What they had feared most was true; the house had been burned down, most likely with both parents inside. As Atticus and Abbicus looked around, there came two sickening biting, gnawing, chewing noises behind them, and when they turned around, they could not believe their eyes: on the left, a vampire, and on the right, a brown furry something, presumably a lycan. As they looked on in horror, they could not run, they were very much immobile, struck dumb by all that had happened in this past half hour.

The next thing that happened came so fast, they had no time to react - the vampire had attacked and bitten Abbicus; the lycanthrope, Atticus. After that, all went black, both thinking the same last thoughts, "This cant be happening ..."
© Copyright 2006 Jocaste Nonaka (jocaste at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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