Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1098384-The-Crystal-Aquarian
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1098384
Story of Family, Fantasy & Fun, written for birth of cousin... A real-life fairy tale!
Once upon a time, in the days of endless twilight, there was a place where magic was not. But still, in the beautiful kingdom of The Enchanted Marshfields, a peaceful people lived peaceful lives. One woman, in particular, was blessed with treasures, true love, and a natural beauty with the deepest of dimples. She enjoyed clowns, cartoons, laughter and nostalgia. Everybody thought that she had everything anyone could ever want. But Jillerella and her husband, Aldor, wished for so much more than what they could buy. There was an emptiness that nobody could fill, and they were sure that they had more than enough love to give a child. And so they lived, their lives full of outer smiles and inner sadness.

Because they already felt the kind of love only parents could give, Jillerella and Aldor did everything to try and have a baby. Lots of friends tried to help them find the perfect child. But alas, Jillerella & Aldor remained childless.

Then, on a day of despair, they journeyed to meet with the rich Sir Richard, Painter Of Dreams. Upon their arrival, they were met by his faithful friend, The Capricious Kenericbil. He led them into an enormous mural and departed with a grin. Aldor & Jillerella looked around, but the rich Sir Richard was nowhere in sight. Jillerella called out. "Sir Richard? Are you here? We'd like to talk with you about something very important." They heard a flutter, and realized that he was there, even though they didn't see him.

As he climbed down his mighty ladder, they couldn't help but notice that his decadent clothing was covered in bright splashes. He looked like he was just splattered with confetti! Since they had come so far in seeking his aid, he listened closely. After many, loooong seconds of silence and reflection, Sir Richard announced that he would use his brilliant colours to paint a portrait of a child's happiness for them! They bid farewell to the immortal artist, and Sir Richard went back to painting the sky.

Aldor and Jillerella then ventured to see the mystical Lady Lindabelle. Perhaps she would be able to peer into her magic cards and have a peek into the future. Lady Lindabelle warmly welcomed them into her Round Red Room Of Radiance. At the grand table, the fortune-teller took her grand seat, and motioned for the questioning couple to sit directly across. One by one, Lady Lindabelle turned her tarots. Picture by picture, smile by smile, it became clear that Aldor & Jillerella's dream would be fulfilled. As they shared goodbye hugs, Jillerella allowed herself to recognize a ray of hope in the distance.

A period of time passed. It wasn't an eon, although it felt like one. Both Aldor and Jillerella longed for a baby more than ever. Feeling desperation settle into their hearts, Aldor and Jillerella make their final plea to someone else who they thought may be able to hear their cries: The Crystal Angel. Perhaps through her magic prisms of light, there may be one last dream before they must desert their lifelong wish...

The Crystal Angel, indeed, heard their hopes echoing through the winds. This would be her most important task ever. The goddess of crystals sent out her loyal messenger, QuickRick The WaterMan, to summon her friends at once. She needed their combined wisdom, strengths and powers to carry out such a wish. Nobody knew the lands, seas or skies better than QuickRick. He had the ability to deliver messages immediately, anywhere. So before you could say, "Run Rick Run", his task was done!

Within the spectacular spaces of the Prism Palace, many powerful personas appeared to assist in this special request. Lydiara Of Laughter couldn't stay long, though, because she was busy tap-dancing to Everywhere. But she wished them well and assured them that she would never forget them. Still other relatives who came included Janetta, Suetta and Nonnahs. All who were there wanted to be a part of the enormous circle of powers because of the love they shared for this generous couple.

Among those there were members of The Ancient Order Of Wise Souls. Astounding Anastacia, Bampy The Balancer, and Thelma Of Thoughtful-ness paid close attention because they were all once a part of Jillerella's family. They wanted to be certain that she knew they all still loved her and was watching over her.

The Crystal Angel closed her eyes and spread her sparkling wings. Her form was bathed in pure crystal light, and millions of prisms danced around the world. She raised her voice to the gods & goddesses gathered, and spoke in a clear, strong tone:

"Now Hear This Truly Urgent Beck And Call -
The Future Must Now Be On Hand For Us All...
Through These United Seven Rays Of Life -
Release Aldor & Jillerella From Their Strife...
May They Be Brought Good Tidings Of Joy -
By The Arrival Of Either A Baby Girl Or Boy...
A Child To Bless Their Two Hearts Full Of Love
Would Answer This Quest From High On Above..."

Once The Crystal Angel's plea was disbursed into the universe, the earth, seas and sky seemed to become one. Thunder roared and crashed. Lightning bolts crackled in & out of the sky. Winds created whirlpools. Waves stood as tall as buildings. It seemed as if the end of the world was about to happen. But really, it was the beginning of a new world for Aldor & Jillerella...

When it was learned that a child would soon be delivered to them, Aldor & Jillerella shouted their joy to the world. And, since Jillerella was a delicate woman, Aldor made sure she was well taken care of. He called for the services of Nanny Normama. After all, Nanny used to baby-sit Jillerella long ago when she was a little girl. Jillerella was glad to see "Auntie Normama" again after so many years!

So it was wished - so it was written... Months later, when the darkness was especially black, two stars collided. The brilliance of their majestic light immediately enveloped the earth. The endless twilight had been lifted!. The gods and goddesses knew that this event is exactly the miracle that Aldor & Jillerella had been praying for.

That night, at 1:37 ‘neath the harvest moon, Chloe was born on the 26th of Januarius in the Age of Aquarius. The first cry from her 6-pound, 2-ounce baby was the most beautiful sound that Jillerella had ever heard. Tears of pride streamed from Jillerella's eyes when she held her precious daughter, as Aldor looked on with a new father's adoration.

Chloe's infant blackberry eyes shone with a depth of deliciousness, and she was happy to have such special parents. However, it was now time to introduce her to the rest of the world. But before that, Jillerella really wanted to present the baby to the gracious Queen Susanaskye first.

The beautiful royal ruled alone, and had the thickest mane of red curls that existed. Her mother, Nora D, was the first and only other woman to ever have curls of red. The two scarlet-haired women lived in a castle filled with fortune, stars & gems of the galaxies. Royal greeters greeted the new family in the Queen's Rose Garden, and uniformed servants served tea in the personal parlor of The Queen.

Jillerella was nervous and held her breath as Queen Susanaskye entered the room. Neither she nor Aldor had ever met The Queen because she rarely received visitors. Her beauty was breathtaking and her charm exuded royalty. Jillerella was relieved that The Queen's warm smile was genuine, and her kind words were inspiring.

Queen Susanaskye was so taken with the baby that she declared Chloe to be the most beautiful child in the Kingdom. And, it was because of Chloe that light finally found its way to The Enchanted Marshfields. The Queen pronounced that, hence-forth, there shall be a celebration on each anniversary of Chloe's birth. Thus, the occasion was inked into the pages of history as the very first BirthDay.

Everyone far & wide celebrated the birth of this amazing baby. Chloe was instantly loved by all, and the family was proud of their newest member.

Many gifts were sent to the family's home when the news of Chloe's birth was spread. Even those who did not live in The Enchanted Marshfields had gifts delivered in many ways. Aldor & Jillerella were very thankful to receive such beautiful offerings from so many people and places.

One package arrived quite some time after the birth of The Baby Of Light, so it was a nice surprise. This gift was held tightly between the wings of a silver dragon as it flew shore to shore. A most unusual light surrounded the box as Jillerella sat with Chloe and her dad to open it.

Within the box were four mesh packets. Each one contained heirlooms from The Crystal Angel's own family for Chloe because she was such a special baby.

There was a bracelet of many sparkles that could stun in the sun. The second pouch had an ancient broach of flowers from The Forest Of Faeries so that she shall have them forever. In the third was the smallest strand of silver beads with a crystal teardrop so that all of her prayers can be heard anytime, anywhere. And in the last matching packet was a symbolic barrette from the childhood of The Diva Of Dazzle so that she shall always know her true self, inside and out.

After they opened all of the small presents, they gently lifted up a velvet bag. As they slowly pulled the prismed-pink string out, their eyes grew wide. Jillerella excitedly said, "Why, it's a crystal heart. And it's filled with pure love!"

But they knew it wasn't just any crystal. They realized it came right from The Crystal Angel herself. This way, Chloe would know that -- no matter what, no matter where -- The Crystal Angel would always love her. It was the angel's way of forever sharing a part of her heart with Chloe. They hung the precious piece in the window and, with the sun's help now, it instantly filled the room with fleeting rainbows.

Here then, they sat together, draped in flying colours, gazing into a heavenly horizon. They could see now that their future had become their present, and their dreams became reality.

As this newly-formed family found their way into happiness, their lives were filled with many blessings. Over the next few years, Chloe proved to be a brilliant child. She excelled in her studies, and possessed many artistic talents.

One of the things Chloe did love was to collect crystals, and cleanse them in the ocean nearby. And anytime that she's sad, or needs unspoken advice, Chloe clutches some of her favourite crystals. At times, she's certain she hears a far-away lullaby being sung by someone with an angel's voice. She thinks, "Maybe magic is real. Could I, too, consult with the greatest of powers and seek answers?" Closing her eyes, Chloe thinks about faeries and rainbows and all things magical.

You see, Chloe also had the ability to tell tall tales, just like her cousin, SherriBam. By the time she was her mother's height, Chloe had already filled the family's library with her own visions of adventure, discovery and magic. She was glad that Jillerella and Aldor read to her as she grew up. She especially remembers liking the story about the baby who brought light to The Enchanted Marshfields. Chloe felt as if she, herself, knew Queen Susanaskye and The Crystal Angel. Many times she imagined herself, glowing in glitter, at The Prism Palace...

Fantasy Fini, For Now . . .

* * * * *

Sherri Laurier wrote "The Crystal Aquarian" to celebrate the birth of her 2nd cousin, Chloe Lydia Calk. To honor Chloe's Waterman & McGrath relatives, the writer weaved their names into a fantasy world of wishes and dreams in hope that Chloe may always know of those who truly love her. In the realms of this world or others, Chloe shall forever be a part of these souls, who, in turn, hope to become a part of her heart...

The QuillMistress
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