Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1094630-Rine-Valley-Ch-1-edited
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1094630
Chapter 1 in the Rine Valley Story. Enjoy.(Looking for feedback!!)
Chapter 1: The Cold City


Yarek sat in the corner of the dark smoky tavern staring into his mug. It was empty and had been so for the past hour. He didn’t really feel like drinking today. Besides despite the dark interior of the tavern it was just after noon outside and there was a lot to be done today before he could consider relaxing. For the third time in the past hour he thought about getting up and doing what he knew he would eventually have to do, finding his companion…who had obviously lost all sense of time.
“Just like a woman,” Yarek said under his breath to no one in particular, "That girl needs to learn some manners."

This had gone far enough. Yarek placed his mug on the table with a little more force than was probably necessary. This caused a few of the more curious patrons to give him a variety of inquisitive looks. Their interest, however, was immediately snuffed out once they got a look at who had made that particular noise. Yarek was a large man. He had short coarse dark brown hair, a thick beard and had the build of an ox. Even though he was pushing forty he stood up straight and walked with a sense of purpose. His size gave him the aura of being totally unmovable, even though a first glance generally made the common man avoid staring let alone thinking about making him move. Under his heavy traveling cloak and winter garments it was obvious that he was not one to be easily trifled with. This coupled with the suspiciously hefty looking walking stick, which could easily be mistaken for an oversized cudgel, gave him a wide birth as he exited the Shattered Beam Tavern. He opened the heavy oak door and stepped out into the wind and snow that awaited him in the street.

The city of Lamith in the Rine Valley was usually a very pleasant place to visit while traveling, usually. Pleasant that is if one is smart enough to travel in the summer or autumn like any other intelligent creature, however Yarek found it to be his particular misfortune to have arrived just before one of the biggest snow storms in the last seven years. Even in this weather the streets of lower Lamith were crowded with vendors and pedestrians wrapped in so many clothes that they looked like walking balls of cotton. Yarek began to make his way through the thronging crowd in the direction of the shop district.

The buildings that crowded lower Lamith were old and disheveled with countless shingles missing on their slanted roofs, and in many cases sizable holes could even be seen through the heavy layers of snow.
Yarek had always hated big cities, too many people. He doubled his speed.

“This is ridiculous,” he thought bitterly,” how long does it take to find one noisy country girl in a crowd of city folk?”

Just as Yarek was about to give up his search and head back to the tavern he heard the sound that had become all to familiar to him.

“HOY, YAREK…...YAREK!!!!” came the raised call from over the crowd.

Yarek sighed, wishing for once in his life that he could just disappear. Was it really necessary for her to yell so loud in such a large group of people, especially when he had told her to be inconspicuous?

“Where have you been?” Yarek growled under his breath as his companion drew nearer, “I told you to be back by noon. You do understand that we are on a tight schedule.”

“Yarek, would you stop being such an old man. It’s not like I was goofing off or anything, so get off your high horse and be a little grateful,” Lilly retorted hotly. She frowned at Yarek, shrugged, and started on down the street towards their lodgings.

Yarek rolled his eyes, "Now that you’re finally back we can actually get some work done.”

“I’m sure Thomas hasn’t missed us all that much. If I remember correctly he was still nose deep in that book the old man gave him when we left,” Lilly said without trying to hide her sarcasm, “I don’t understand how he can stand that old thing.”

Lilly kept up her brisk pace which left Yarek actually having to make an effort to keep up. Lilly Bowsen was a good foot shorter than Yarek whose size made her look like a sapling next to an old gnarled oak. She was tall for a girl of nineteen with long red hair that came down to the center of her back. It was kept in one thick braid held by a leather ring. The braid swung to and fro as she walked down the street. Her slight build deceived many into thinking she was helpless. This, however, was not the case as one unfortunate padfoot found when they had first arrived in Lamith. The poor fool had tried to rob her of her money but the theft had not gone as planned. She had hit him so many times and so quickly that he barely had time to hit the ground before she had disarmed him of his dagger and knocked him senseless.

After a good twenty minutes of walking they saw that they were finally approaching the tavern in which they had been living for the past week and half. The Giant’s Barrel tavern was an out of the way hole in the wall that would have been easily missed by the unwary passerby. The door of the tavern was the cross section of what once had been a large oak tree and due to its shape and cheap construction made it particularly difficult for its taller patrons, like Yarek, to enter without ducking. After they were inside they made their way between the few empty tables and chairs that scattered the tiny tavern’s first floor. Lilly immediately went up the narrow flight of stairs in the back of the tavern to rouse Thomas from his room. Meanwhile, Yarek went to have a word with the bartender and settle their bill.

The second floor of the tavern consisted of a narrow wood paneled hall with four doors exiting off of it. Two of the rooms faced the street while the two shared by Yarek, Lilly, and Thomas faced the shabby alley behind the Giant’s Barrel. Lilly made her way to the door on the left end of the hall, knocked briskly and entered. The room that Thomas and Yarek shared was small and dusty. An assortment of what Lilly could only assume were Thomas’ clothes had found their way into a pile in one corner while many other items of clothing had been scattered all across the room. Thomas’ pack was propped against the side of the old moth eaten arm chair in which he was sprawled reading. The book in which Thomas nose was currently embedded was a dusty leather volume with a dark brown cover, the title of which was almost completely worn away, both by the years and the constant reading.

“Thomas, tell me you haven’t been sitting here all morning reading that old thing,” Lilly said derisively.

Thomas looked up from his book and adjusted the wire frame glasses that were perched on his nose. “Ya, I guess I have been,” he said sheepishly scratching the back of his head and smiling.

“You could at least have offered to come with Yarek and I,” Lilly said glumly.

Thomas was only about five inches taller than Lilly. With short scruffy dark brown hair grey-green eyes and a physique that reminded many people of a willow branch. Thomas Alderin wasn’t much to look at. As Lilly entered and closed the door behind her Thomas stood and closed the clasp on the book's cover.

“So did you actually find it?” Thomas asked as he placed the old volume in his satchel.

Lilly pushed some of the dirty clothes off of Thomas’ bed and flopped down.
“Ya, I found it,” she said in a tired voice, "It was a real drag getting the guy to believe me when I told him who had sent me though,” She sat up and looked over at Thomas.

“Well where is it?” Thomas asked absentmindedly.

Lilly opened her belt pouch and produced what looked like a simple block of black wood about two inches square. The block seemed to have words and what looked like symbols carved on it but it was impossible to read them. Thomas walked over to where Lilly was sitting and looked at the box.

“All that work for a wooden box?” Thomas asked in bewilderment. “Well I hope it was worth the trip.”

“Ya, I mean we traveled a whole week to get here,” Lilly added dourly, "and we’ve spent that much time and some more just finding the darn thing. I told you that the old man was a kook for sending us all the way up here, Tom.” Lilly poked her finger in Thomas’ face.

There was a knock at the door and Yarek poked his head into the room.
“Get packed you two. We’re leavin’.” Yarek shut the door before either of them could say a word.

“Leaving? Now? I just got finished walking all the way across town to get this dumb thing and now we’re leaving,” Lilly said angrily.
Thomas shrugged.

“I’m just as confused as you are,” Thomas started gathering up his clothes and stuffing them into his travel sack. “But I guess we don’t have much of a choice do we.” Lilly went into the other room to get her things while Thomas finished packing.

A few minutes later the three of them were in the street outside of the Giant’s Barrel. Lilly still looked cross with Yarek for not letting them rest before leaving but this didn't seem to bother him at all. It took them the better part of an hour to make their way to the cities southern gate. It had stopped snowing and the sun looked as though it might just peek through the dark clouds that had blanketed the sky for past week and a half. As the three of them made their way to the Guard’s Station at the South Gate of Lamith, Thomas couldn’t help but feel awe struck by the sheer size of the walls of Lamith.

The walls were made of white stone that rose sixty feet above the streets below. The crenellations at the top gave the occasional glimpse of a watchman on duty. The walls completely encircled the city and were only broken in the North and the South by the main gates which were guarded day and night.

To the East and West of Lamith Thomas could see the peaks of the Blue Heights with clouds circling the peaks. How long had it been since he had left the heights? Too long he thought ruefully.

Thomas was abruptly taken out of his daydream as he turned to see where Yarek was taking them. Before the group could reach the South Gate several guards in blue and gold uniforms moved to block their path. Yarek stepped forward to confront the guards but before he could say a word the men parted. A lone officer stood in the space between the guards now. He wore a blue coat with a white stripe covering each shoulder and running all the way down to the cuffs. The coat was adorned with gold buttons down the front and a number of what Thomas could only assume were military medals and ribbons pinned on the left breast panel. His pants and boots were pitch black. The boots shone like mirrors from all the polish. A saber hung at the officer’s side and his left gloved hand rested lazily on the hilt. He was about Thomas’ height and, even though he looked only about thirty, had white hair that came down to his shoulders. In his left ear he wore a delicate gold earring. He had an air of aristocracy about him as he stood before them. His pale face looked severe but his thin lips were curved in what could only be assumed was a smile. His cold blue eyes surveyed the group with interest.

“Yarek! How good of you to grace our lovely city with you presence,” the man said in a nasal voice. ”If only I had known you were here I would have made arrangements to meet with you and your…companions...earlier.” He bowed grandly.

Yarek glared at the man and gave a stiff hesitant bow, “Counselor Rolley. As you have probably guessed by now, there was a good reason for my not letting you know I had arrived. Now if you’ll excuse us.” Yarek made an attempt to step past the Counselor but Rolley stepped into his path.

“Come, come Yarek. What ever can you mean?” Rolley said in feigned shock still smiling, “I would greatly enjoy hearing about your…recent travels…who you have met...what you have seen. Will you join me?” The Counselor smiled even wider which turned his already thin smile into a single line. He gestured back towards the center of the city.

“My doings are my own business thank you...,” Yarek almost growled, "Now if you and your men will excuse us we have ground to cover before nightfall.” Yarek shouldered past Counselor Rolley, Thomas and Lilly were quick to follow. Thomas had the distinct impression that this man was not to be trusted. As they passed by Thomas took the chance of glancing at the Counselor's face. To his surprise Rolley was watching him intently as he passed. Turning quickly Thomas increased his speed.

As the group walked towards the gate Thomas heard Rolley shout, “You might want to watch who you offend in this city Yarek. It is important to be careful. Very, very, careful!” The Counselor then turned and made his way down the street heading farther into the city followed closely by his line of guards.

“Who was that?” Thomas asked confused and a little shaken.

“I’ll tell you later,” Yarek said in a gruff voice, “All you need to worry about now is us getting on the road as quick as we can.”

Yarek went up to the Guard Station door talked to the man inside through the grilled window. The door opened and Yarek handed the guard a small ticket. The guard then reentered the Station and after a few moments returned with several weapons which he then handed to Yarek.

“Well don’t just stand there.” he said briskly.

Yarek retrieved his deadly looking double bladed ax from the pile and handed Lilly her bow and quiver of arrows. Yarek then grabbed Thomas’ sword and handed it to him. Thomas attached it to his belt awkwardly. The sword was nothing too special. It had a simple iron hilt and cross piece which was wrapped with bandages that served as a grip. Yarek had insisted that when they traveled Thomas carry a sword, if only to make him look a little more dangerous than he really was. He still wasn’t used to wearing it and was glad that he would likely have no use for it in the weeks to come.

As the three of them left the city of Lamith Thomas couldn’t help but being a little relieved. Even though the Southern Capital of the Northern Empire was beautiful, he was much happier with the knowledge that they would soon be back in familiar territory. Once they had cleared the Azure pass to the South they would be in the forest and beyond that lay the heights. They were finally going back. Back to the place he and Lilly had come to call home.

***Author's Note: Hey! I hope that the editing did this piece some good. I’m embarrassed that I missed so many simple errors. Doubtless there are some I still missed. I hope you enjoy this piece and I enjoy your feedback. Be sure to read chapter 2. Don’t forget to review and comment!!! ^_^ ***
© Copyright 2006 Cautious Pen (akira1892 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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