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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #1069554
What do you do when you've killed a man, but can't remember it ?
" I killed him ........ " I rose up from the dirty floor of the bathroom. " I killed him" I repeated. I ran out of the bathroom and brust out onto the street. It was snowing that night slowly falling constantly that whole night. I ran donw the street trying to escape what I'd just done, trying to get away. I collaspsed in an alley about an hour later breathing heavly, I hadn't even realized that I'd been in shorts and a T-shirt this whole time.

The cold was starting to get to me chilling my bones and it was becoming very hard to breathe. I spotted a open window futher down the alley and began to walk toward it. The images flashed through my head as I walked, "walking into the bathroom and then nothing.....untilI saw the body on the floor ripped open with entrails hanging out. He look like he'd been attacked by a bear or a lion. He face.." I almost gagged at the memory of it. " It didn't look human, it looked like something out of a bad horror movie. His eyes were gone there was nothing there but two gaping holes leering at me, tauntimg me" I tried to force the images out of my head but I couldn't, I reached the window which was flaping open in the wind and quickly climbed in so I wouldn't be seen.

It was a warehouse, I guess someone left the window open by mistake. I was one large room with shleves all around and a small office in the far right corner. " Its Sunday I think, nobody will be back until tomarrow" I thought. I walked slowly across the cold,damp floors of the warehouse and entered the office I had seen earlier and sat down on the black computer chair that was inside. " How could I have done such a thing ? " I asked myself outloud. " I don't remeber it , how could I ahve done something if I don't remeber it !! " I demanded to myself. I stood up " maybe im going crazy" I stepped in front of the mirror that was nailed to the far wall of the square office. My once styled blonde hair was extremly desheveled, my dark green eyes were bloodshot, and my white T - shirt was stained with blood. I glanced around the room and saw a locker. I walked over to it and tried to open it and it ws locked. My spirts sunk, I spotted a pair of plaiers lying against the the door to the bathroom and grabbed them. I snapped the lock on the door in half and opened the locker.

Inside the locker was a watch with read 2:00 am, so i assumed I'd been running for about two hours. A black long sleeve shirt and a pair of track pants. I changed into the shirt and pants and threw my other clothes into the right outside the window from witch I had come in. I climmbed out the window and began to walk inconspicuiously down the street. "By now" I thought " The police would have already found the body" Thats when the suicide thoughts began " I'll never be able to prove im innocent" , " Maybe im not innocent" , " Ill just do it again if I don't end it now" I walked about the streets of Chicago for awhile. "I've decied" I said outlound. I walked into a dirty,smelly alley and pulled down the fire escape, I grabbed out and began to climb. I could feel the rust flaking off in my hands, I metal was so cold. I heard the sounds of mother's cooking for their families.

It was then I began to think about my family, It wasn't even a year ago that I graduate from High School and was going to be in college soon. I'd miss them terribly, but I just couldn't live with myself. "My sister Sara , her beautiful smile and her bright blue eyes. She ould be going to Middle School this year. My mother and father who were so proud to have a son that would be in college." "But none of that would ever happen, I killed a man" I said as I reached the top of the apartment building " I'm a danger to everyone around me" I didn't want to die but the guilt was too much. I stepped out onto the roof and braced myself against the heavy wind. I stepped out futher and reached the edge. As I stood there I looked at the sunrise, the last beautiful thing I would ever see.

So, this is were I am now, standing on top of that roof. I just don't know what to do, I don't want to jump but I have to.

* Thanks for reading and please rate, this is my second story and I'd like to know what you honestly think about it and this is only part 1, part 2 will be coming soon*

© Copyright 2006 A.P Fritz (savethequeen77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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