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by J_F_
Rated: E · Short Story · Entertainment · #1068517
human or android. a story about both, with a twist... read on


Hi! I’m Chip and my family and I live Harstine Island, Washington. It’s not like Seattle, all busy and all the attractions, it’s kind of quiet here. My family and I live right on the beach, so I can walk down to the beach every day and Analize shells! I will talk to you later! Bye.

Hi! I’m Chip! I live in florida. The houses are close together so you have people 20 feet away from you on every side. It is a nice neighborhood with nice people, but dad always wanted more for me. I have to go Dad’s calling me. Bye!

Chip put down his pencil and looked out the window. His parents weren’t home from work yet. Of course they had sent a radio beam they would be home in approximately 30 minuets. So he went back to his homework, until he heard the blast of rockets shooting off far in the distance.
“Better open the window,” he thought. Here they (his parents) came, soaring through the sky. They (his parents) landed right on the X on the floor of his room
“Good news!” announced his father.
Chip was an android boy of about 12. He was tall and skinny, just like his parents. He had on a red and blue striped T-shirt and blue-jeans, like always. His mother, Lara, wore a purple shirt and jean skirt, and was tall and very pretty. His father, Pod, had on a green and blue jeans, he was tall and almost bald.

Chip sat at his desk looking out the window at the now deserted streets. No sign of his parents coming down the road. Chip’s mind began to wander.
“What if they crashed and died? What if an android hit them?” His mind wandered even farther to more unrealistic things, “What if an Al-iph-ant smashed their car and they had to take a cab and the guy got into a car wreck and and…” he didn’t want to think about that kind of stuff. He concentrated instead on his hardly started math homework. It was awful. Just because he was sick for two days, he had ten assignments due the next day, plus his regular homework! “Why can’t I be home schooled like all my friends?” He questioned himself.
His father had driven up so quietly that Chip didn’t notice that his parents had been there until his father spoke, making him jump.
“Good news from work Chip! We are packing up and moving out!”

Chip stood eager to hear the news.
“What’s the good news father?” He asked.
“I got offered a job as an embryologist (a scientist). I jumped at it. I got it the day I applied. So now I’m are heading to Antarctica to search for other life forms!” He sounded so excited.
“Oh, I am so happy for you! When do you leave?” Chip asked excitedly,
“You misunderstand, the whole family is moving,” his father explained.
“I understand now, but when will we get back?” Chip said he was getting worried. The android/human horse (the truth) race was only a month away!
“Don’t worry about the horse race.” his father said reading Chip’s face, “We will be there for the race.” Chip was relieved. He now knew that all the training he had done with Red Circle (his horse) would not go to waste.

Chip looked startled. First his mom and dad had been late getting home. Now they wanted to move!
“Moving? Where?” He sounded uneasy.
“To Antarctica of course.” Chip’s dad threw the words out like he had practiced the whole way home.
“Why?” Chip asked, uneasy and confused.
“I was offered a new job that I could not resist. We are being sent to Antarctica to search for life forms other than humans and androids.”
“What about schooling?” Chip asked, hope in his voice.
“You are going to be home schooled.” His father said immediately. Chip was shining with happiness, then suddenly all the happiness drained out of him.
“What about the android/human horse race?” He asked hopefully.
“Don’t worry, we’ll make it.” His father said.
Somehow it didn’t seem like his father meant it.

The family started packing for the long journey. Chip packed all the red and blue striped shirts and blue jeans he could find. Lara got together all the purple shirts and jean skirts she could find. Pod got all of his green shirts and blue jeans together. Each had their own suitcases and their own backpack. They flew to the airport in Seattle by jetpacks. Since it was too long of a flight to go off jet power, they got on The Alaska Express airlines plane and started off to Antarctica.

Chip stared at his closet, but he couldn’t decide what to take. He threw on some blue jeans and a red shirt and headed off for school with the satisfaction of knowing that this would be his last day at Princeton’s school for boys which he dreaded going to.
After Chip left, Chip’s mom set to work packing. She packed all of Chip’s red and blue-stripped t-shirts and his blue jeans. She packed all of her favorite purple shirts and all of her jean skirts. Then she set about packing her backpack putting toothbrushes for all the family and extra little things like that. As soon as Chip got home, he started packing his own backpack. When Pod arrived from work, they set off in their car for the airport.

Chip looked out the window, and then looked at his watch. It was 7:00 in the morning.
“Why doesn’t the sun come out?” Chip wondered aloud. Somehow Pod heard him from the seat in front of him.
“In Antarctica the winter is always dark, and the summer is always light.”
“So when we get there, it will be dark for 2 more months, then it will be light?” asked Chip
“How will we work in the winter?”
“With flashlights, lamps, candles, and …” Pod numbered off the possibilities. Chip drifted into deep thought about going to Antarctica.
Suddenly he was jolted out of thought by Red Circle. Red Circle, his horse was about 15 hands high and just small enough for Chip. She was all white except for a round red marking around her eye. Red circle got very panicky on planes so he decided to go check on her. He went to the back of the plane and through a little door to a stable. There were 2 or 3 other horses besides Red Circle in the stables. Chip went to lean by his horse and think some more. He looked around at the other horses and noticed one other that looked exactly like Red Circle.

Chip had been worrying about Red Circle the whole plane ride.
“Mom, I’m going to go check up on Red Circle.”
“Hurry though, the plane is going to land in 2 hours,” said his mom
Chip being in the middle seat had to crawl over his sleeping father to get to the aisle. He walked to the back of the plane and clambered through the little door where he stopped, dead in his tracks.

Android and Human:
Both Chip and Chip stared at each other. They each seemed to wonder the same thing at the same time. Where did the other come from and where were they going? Then finally, the human Chip spoke up.
“What’s your name? Is that your horse or my horse?”
“My name’s Chip. I think that this is my horse, why? Does your horse look like this?”
“Yes, actually he looks exactly like my horse.”
The android Chip slipped open the gate of the horse’s stall, just a hair, and squeezed through. He picked up the horse’s front right hoof and lifted up a flap on the underside of the hoof. The human Chip wondered what he was doing and what was that that little flap?
“He’s mine alright.” He said triumphantly.
“Your sure?” The human Chip asked
“Positive.” The android Chip said. He looked hard at the human Chip and then asked,
“Do you know about the saying, your twin is at the other end of the world?”

Chip hurried back to his parents. He wanted to tell his parents about the conversation he just had with, his “twin”! He had a look of bewilderment on his face when he finally got to his seat.
“Mom,” he whispered, “You’ll never guess who I met!”
“Who?” His mom asked.
“My twin!”
Chip’s mother gave him that evil eye all mothers give to intimidate their children.
“Mom really! Come see!” He pleaded as Chip dragged his mother from her seat.
Chip started to lead her to the stables, at the back of the plane.

Chip hesitated before starting off to get his mother. He wondered if the other Chip was real or was it his imagination? He finally decided the other Chip was real, by the fact that the other Chip talked to him, before setting off for his mom.
“Mom you will never guess what I saw in the stables!” Chip said in his little singsong voice.
“What did you see?”
“You will have to see what I saw. Wait, that didn’t make any sense, did it?” Chip wondered aloud.
“Uuuhhh; no it didn’t.” replied his mother.
“Well, anyway come see. You will never believe this!” He murmured quickly as he dragged her out of her seat to the stables,
“You will never believe this!”

Android and Human:
As the android Chip came to the entrance of the stable door, he spotted the human Chip inside showing his mom the two identical horses.
“Ppsstt,” the android Chip hissed at the human Chip.
“Mom this is my twin!”
“Quit talking rubbish, there is no such thing…” she was cut short by the human twin of her son. The human Chip turned to face his mom
“Mom, come see my twin.” The human Chip’s mother came out looking a little shook-up, but not compared to when she saw the android Chip. Both mothers just stared at each other in astonishment.
“Say some thing,” each mother thought at the same time.
“I didn’t think it was possible!” both said together
“Nether did I!” each said, responding to the other.

Chip’s father, Pod, had awoken finding his family gone. Thinking that they went to check up on Red Circle, he hurriedly started his way to the back of the plane.

Pod, waking to find his family gone, headed drowsily to the back of the plain thinking that Lara and Chip had gone to check on Red Circle.

Android and Human:
Both human and android fathers smashed together in the middle of the aisle. Both sat bolt upright in seeing whom they had slammed into!
“You’re me and I’m you!”
“I’m you and you’re me!”
“Dad, you found your twin!” both Chips looked down at their fathers sitting on the floor. Both Chips, at the same time, reached down to help their fathers up.
“Thanks son” both fathers said at the same time. Both mothers began chatting away like they had known each other all their lives, just talking about anything that popped into their heads.
“So what brings you to Antarctica?” the human Lara asked the android Lara.
“My husband, Pod, got a job at a research lab and is going to Antarctica to search for life forms.”
“Incredible! Exact thing happened to my husband Pod!” They could have gone on and on, but the captain came on the intercom to say,
“Please buckle your seat belts, we are preparing to land.”

Android and Human:
“We’re here!!” android Lara pronounced in a singsong voice ten minuets after landing.
“We’re where? Oh now I see where we are, in the middle of NOWHERE!” Human Chip said angrily. He had spent 5 hours on a plane to get off in total darkness! It will be dark for another 2 months, and to top it all off, his horse would be sent to a stable in Argentina, because it was too cold! The android Chip had found out the same thing, but he was very calm about it. He said something about visiting Red Circle every day, but the human Chip didn’t see how. The Truth race had been called off for some reason about the weather, which was a bummer.
One day the human Chip decides to take a walk.
“Hey Chip,” he called, “wanna come for a walk with me?” Android Chip looked at his parents asked them some thing that human Chip couldn’t hear and answered, “Sure, want to see the horses?”
“We can’t, they are in Argentina.” human Chip replied sullenly.
Android Chip smiled at his parents, then took human Chip’s hand and began to run. Faster and faster he went until they were lifted off the ground! Human Chip looked down and closed his eyes and didn’t open them until he was safely on the ground. They were in front of both Red Circles.
Human Chip ran to her and hugged her. His wish to visit her every day was now possible. Now he new what Chip really was, an android. Now they could fly home and visit his friends! If android Chip wanted to, of corse. He hopped to become good friend and not to judge people by what they were for if he had known Chip was an android, they would have been mortal enemies.
© Copyright 2006 J_F_ (j_f_wwjd at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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