Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1068343-The-Transformation
by aea
Rated: GC · Fiction · Fantasy · #1068343
A vampyre transforms his lover into a vampyre.
Alech moaned as he felt the blood drain from his body, he could no longer feel his fingers, and his arms felt as if they each weighed a thousand pounds. The vampyre drinking his blood lifted his head and smiled at him, then dropped his head back down to Alech’s neck, his white-blond hair falling and blocking his sapphire blue eyes.

“Uhhh…” Alech moaned, and lifted his arm, it’s weight multiplied by loss of blood. He raised his hand and touched under the vampyre’s eye, as if to plead with him to see his eyes. The vampyre took Alech’s hand in his own and kissed the palm, gently laying it back across his chest. It smiled, and pulled its hair behind its ears allowing Alech to see his eyes again.
“Rest my angel.” The vampyre whispered, and smoothed Alech’s raven black hair behind his ear, and kissed his pale white lips.

“Soon we will be one.” The vampyre said, and bent it’s head back to Alech’s neck, and continued to drink until he was on the brink of death. By that time, Alech’s vision was blurred, and he could only see the sapphire blue of the vampyre’s eyes.

“Come, love.” The vampyre whispered, and gently cradled Alech to his chest. He held Alech close, and Alech’s cheek was pressed against the vampyre’s chest, his ivory skin a contrast to the black silk of the vampyre’s shirt.

“Uhhh, cold…” Alech moaned, and held the vampyre’s shirt to block the pain and cold as they both grew worse.

“Hush love, drink.” The vampyre whispered, and used its pure white blood teeth to rip a hole in it’s wrist pressing it against Alech’s partly open mouth. Alech tried to turn his head away, but the vampyre held his head still stroking his forehead, and wiping away his the sweat, even as he started to shiver.

“Drink love, drink.” The vampyre whispered, and Alech drank, as the warm, sweet, salty liquid poured down his throat. As he drank, the pain started to recede, and the cold began to turn to warmth, and it flowed through his body, healing him, changing him. He drank, until his skin glowed, and his lips changed from pasty white, to the palest of pinks. When he stopped the vampyre pulled his hand away, and kissed the blood off of Alech’s lips as the bite on his wrist healed in seconds.

“Come love, we haven’t much time.” The vampyre whispered as he stood, cradling Alech in his arms.

“I can walk.” Alech said hoarsely, his voice was barely louder than a whisper.

“No, love, you are yet too weak, I will carry you.” The vampyre said to Alech, his voice loud enough for only Alech to hear. Alech ignored him, and pulled himself out of the vampyre’s arms, standing in the dirt road. As soon as his feet hit the ground, his head reeled, and he stumbled, his vision blurred. Again, he felt the vampyre’s arms encircle him, and lift him from his feet. He began to cough and spit up blood.

“Come love, we must hurry.” The vampyre whispered, and lifted Alech again, holding him against his chest, his arms slightly tightening each time Alech coughed. Alech moaned in-between coughs, and his chest began to hurt.

“Soon, love, soon.” The vampyre whispered, “but we have to travel the astral plane, come.” And the vampyre closed its eyes. Soon, everything around the two went black, and they could feel an unearthly wind blowing on their faces. The vampyre’s arms tightened as Alech began to shiver again. Seconds after this, they arrived in the bedroom of the house they shared together. The bed was a large four-post canopy bed with burgundy as the vampyre walked across the emerald green carpet and laid Alech on the bed. He then gently undressed Alech, pausing each time he coughed. When he was completely undressed, the vampyre lifted him, and placed him under the thick comforter on the bed. When he was done, the vampyre sat down on the bed beside Alech, and reached toward a bedside table. From it he pulled a shining silver letter opener, and it cut it’s palm, laying it across Alech’s blood flecked lips.

“Drink love, it will warm you.” The vampyre told Alech, and Alech lifted his hand to touch under the vampyre’s eye before he turned and took the vampyre’s hand in his own, drinking until he could feel no more cold. When he was done, the vampyre pulled away his hand, the cut healing instantly. “What now?” Alech whispered, and the vampyre looked at him with tears in his eyes, which made them look like precious glass.

“It comes love. The transformation. It will be bad. But I will be with you.” The vampyre said, and stood. He walked over to a dresser in the room, and from it took several strips of long black cord.

“Very well, I understand.” Alech whispered, and closed his eyes shivering. The cold was returning, and he was starting to feel pain flowing through his body. The vampyre returned to the bed, and began to gently, but tightly tie Alech’s legs and right hand to the posts on the bed. When it was done, it sat by Alech’s side and gripped his hand as he started to go into seizures. It concentrated and found itself in a dimension of pure blackness. He extended his senses, and found Alech’s spirit form in a corner enshrouded in blackness.

“Come love, do not go there, follow me, I will guide you.” The vampyre sent this message to Alech, and felt him recoil in fear. The body of the vampyre flinched at this stab in his heart.

“I can’t, I’m too scared, it hurts, it hurts.” The spirit form of Alech sent back to the vampyre, and in the bedroom, his body shook, and the vampyre’s hand, and the cords that bound his hand and feet were the only things keeping him from blindly tearing at his skin to stop the pain.

“Love follow me, follow my voice, the pain will go, but stay with me, come out of the blackness or it will swallow you whole, and your mind will be a ravaged mess, you will not exist inside yourself.” The vampyre said, and he felt Alech’s form reach out and cling to him with all his strength.

“Concentrate love, and I will take you from the pain. I will take you from the pain, I will stop the fear.” The vampyre whispered, and Alech relaxed, the blackness glowing, changing colors, and forming a small forest clearing, with the crescent moon above the center of the clearing. The grass was a wet, cool green that tickled their bare backs, as they lay in the center shirtless. They sat up, and looked at one another, each reaching out a hand to touch under the other’s eye in their special gesture of affection.

“Love” whispered the vampyre, and kissed Alech’s lips, which were no longer blood-flecked or a pasty white, but the palest of pinks, and as luscious as they ever were.

“Michaeles” whispered Alech, and he touched the vampyre’s cheek. The two stared at each other for minutes before dropping their hands.

“How are we here?” Alech wondered, looking around, and laid down, looking at the moon, his silky raven hair spread on the grass like a hood.

“My magic, magic you will soon have, it will take time to develop it, but I will teach you. You will have great gifts.” The vampyre Michaeles told him, and lay down beside him, their shoulders barely touching and their black doeskin pants against each other, so each time one moved, it teased the other. Alech rolled to look at Michaeles, and watched the vampyre lay there staring at the stars, breathing in and out, almost like an angelic sculpture, his hair spread like a halo around his head.

“Very well, but for now, I will teach you magic.” Alech whispered kissing Michaeles, and they made love there in the clearing under the moon and the stars, exploring each other as if for the first time. When they were done, they lay there naked, encircled in each other’s arms, their bodies glistening with sweat and dew.

“We’ll be together forever.” Alech whispered, and fell asleep exhausted from the transformation, his illness, and their lovemaking.

"Yes, and sleep well love.” Michaeles whispered kissing his temple, and they were both suddenly in their bedroom, Alech lying on the bed, Michaeles sitting beside him. Michaeles slowly and gently untied the cords binding Alech to the bed, and where there were burns, he bit his lip, and allowed the blood to drip on them healing the burns. When they were healed, he went to Alech’s side, and bit his lip kissing Alech where his new blood teeth had bitten through his lip. Alech’s lip healed, and his blood teeth receded. Michaeles undressed, and when he was about to lie on the bedroom sofa, he stopped.

“Michaeles, here please…” Alech said, his voice no louder than a whisper, and Michaeles turned from the sofa toward the bed causing Alech to gasp a barely audible gasp. Michaeles went to the bed and lay down beside Alech wrapping his arms around him, careful not to harm him. There they slept and would sleep until the next sunset came, for they were happy, at peace, and in love.

© Copyright 2006 aea (kirowyns at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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