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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Career · #1063702
The start of my story on tips of how I survived Air For Basic Training.
Getting Started

Im not a well educated man. Heck, it's only sheer dumb luck that I even graduated from my high school. But thats not what I'm here to write about. Im sure that there are people out in the world who are curious and have questions about Air Force Basic Training. (Boot Camp)Well I'm here to tell you as much as possible about basic and some of my stories which might help you with some questions.
Now to best help you understand some things I might describe to you I should tell you a little about me. But not too much since your not here to hear about me.
Believe it or not this was never part of my origional plans when i started high school. I joined ROTC basically as a rebellion to my father. He laughed at the idea of me even in ROTC. So I took it. and I liked it, actually I loved it. It became apart of me to the point where I would stay after school just to be in ROTC. It was like my second home. When i wasn't there I was thinking of it and all my friends.
Well since it became apart of me I realized something. What am I gonna do after high school. But really what would I do without any type of military in my life. So I joined. and because of my ROTC background I thought I knew all there was to know about the military or atleast all I would need to know. Well I was wrong.
Well after you sign your contract, whether it was a 2 or more year contract thats when you choose when to go to basic. Which in my honest opinion the best time to go is the begining of fall. The reason why is simple. Your going to be in Texas. And even in late fall you find yourself in the 90's. But then there are times where its nice and cool. That way then you'll also find yourself going to Tech school in the winter and you can go home for the holidays most likely (you'll have to use your leave up) and again it'll be nice weather out.
That's the first of my advise. Keep in mind your free to do what you want but I went in the fall time and I have to say the weather for the most part was perfect.
Now if your flying into Texas dont expect the flight to be first class cause it's the military. They fly in loads of people a year from all over. If everyone had even good tickets the debt would be double the size it is now probably.
Now when they say pack light they mean it. It just makes it all the easier on you if you have to carry less when you arrive because when you leave from there your gonna carry all of it plus more. So for your sake and the sake of your back, pack only what you need to survive.
Now for the first while of your Basic Training your hours when you first arrive will be this basically......... It's all paper work and you just sit there and look pretty while it's processed by others. Then your allowed to go to your respective but not yet respected flight.
Then as your first night as a trainee begins. Your told to strip down and take a shower.... Now I have to say, when i first meet 40-50 new guys and I can't even guess what their names are, I don't expect to strip down and shower with them. Neither did they and so nobody made a move for about 10 seconds, we all just looked around wondering what to do. The our T.I. (Training Instructor) started to scream and believe you, me we all stripped faster than a car in the bronx. Then you were allowed to go to bed. So officially ended your first night as trainees.
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