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Rated: E · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1061074
This is about a girl named Keila who has a premonition that the world is going to end.
The end of the world

I sit in my boring, slow Science baby watcher class. I write down a note for my friend Clara. Clara is my best friend we have been friends since second grade.
She sees me write down a note and starts to write her own for me. Mine says to her:

Clara E. are we still on for shopping? I have to get ready for my new job. Wish me luck!

I just got a part time job at San Mall bakery. It will help me get ready for my other plans in my life.
I hand the note to the next table over and the person hands it to my friend Clara. Suddenly the bell rings right when the note gets to Clara. She looks at it and gives me a sign that says ‘Yep we are still going to the San Youth Mall.’

At the San Mall Bakery, I do my hours and talk to the other employee’s.
“Hi everyone!” I say to the employee’s that are working in the bakery. Some wave to me and some keep working.
“Hi Keila!” Says my friend Shay.
“So what’s up?”
“Nothing really, same old, same old.”
“Well Keila. I have decided to move to Mars. I will be leaving for my flight in about an hour.” Says Shay.
“Cool Shay! Congralutions I hope you enjoy it. But don’t forget about your home earth.”
Minutes later I realize that I have to go. I say goodbye and leave the San Mall Bakery.

I am sixteen and in training to be a baby watcher. I live with my parents and sister Jane. As you know my name is Keila. At home my family keeps getting sick, and my mother has been diagnosed with CTT. It means Critical Tentatis Tumor. She has a tumor and tentatis in her brain. The tumor has been developing quietly for several years. So know my mom has noticed the Tentatis Tumor but it is too late for treatment and surgery. Also it is hard to cure any person with the disease. The Tentatis Tumor is hard to find in the body of the diseased person. The doctors said she has only a few more days left. My sister Jane seems to be getting crazier by the minute. She is twelve years old. Also my friend seems be getting weirder. Oh yea and did I mention the year is 2072! And I think I have been seeing visions, of people dieing and the world being destroyed! Isn’t that great!

After I do my job, at San Mall bakery. I meet up with my friend Clara at the San Youth Mall. We are only aloud to go there since we are still in training, for are future jobs.
“Hey Clara!” I say across the hallway from her.
“Hi Keila!”
“How’s life Clara?”
“Crazy as usually. I think I may ask the elders to change my occupation. You?” says Clara.
“Oh nothing much but I have been seeing things. Like I think something may happen in the near future.”
“So do you want to go to the Warp Machines first?” A Warp Machines is a desk with buttons. It is quick clothes shopping, otherwise. “Of course.” Suddenly I see the San Mall being destroyed. I see running children and blood. I start to cry, Clara notices and stops walking.
“Keila you okay? Is training putting to much stress on you?”
“No I am fine Clara.” We step to the Warp machines and press the red button and I say, “I need some simple and something funky to wear. What do you have today Warp machine?” I shake my body. Clara starts to laugh and suddenly she falls down. I whisper in her ear.
“Clara you okay?” She doesn’t speak. I scream “Clara! Clara!!”

Suddenly I am in San Medical Plaza. It is a hospital for all ages. Everyone goes through stages, like tots, kids, and teen. I am a teen in training for my future job. As I said I am going to be a baby watcher. That means I take care of tots when they are just born. I have three more years of study, until I am a baby watcher.
At San Medical Plaza I suddenly have vision of my friend dieing at the medical plaza. I see people in other beds either being killed or being smashed by walls. Clara is having a heart attack. I scream. I see blood falling from Clara’s face. I cry in angry and freight. Hoping it is not real.

I then come back to reality. I realize I am Clara’s hospital room. And she is getting tons of tranquilizers in her body. They are filled with red blood and dripping all over Clara’s body. The tranquilizers are slimy and perspiring all over her body. I then realize that she has at least forty tranquilizers on her body… I scream!
Clara then tries to speak; I put my hand to my mouth and run out screaming. On the way out of the hospital a doctor stops me.
He says, “May I speak to you Keila?”I smile and start to walk away.
“ Keila it is about Clara.” I stop, I then turnaround and start to cry. He hugs me in his arms.
“What is it?” I say in a shaken, and frightened voice.
“Clara is ill with a horrible heart attack. This is not normal for a sixteen year old. Is she under stress? Anyways she getting medication and resting.” I suddenly see death of random people. They are running from my house. I see blood on my sister Jane. She is melting. I cry even more. I taste blood in my mouth all of a sudden. I touch my hand and see blood seeping through. I shake it in freight. The doctor says “Keila do you want to sit down? You are really shaking. You are quite a bit shaken up about the news of your friend. Aren’t you?” I then all of a sudden see him running from San Medical Plaza center. The whole Plaza is melting and then I see him slip into a sea wage system and die.
“I’m I fine doctor?” I say in a confused, questionable voice.
“Okay I am sorry. My name is Dr. Snochex and I am treating your friend Clara.”
“Yea I know! I gotta go!”
“But what about Clara?”
“Call her mom.” I hand him the number.

I then rush out of the hospital. Then all of a sudden I see a mediator hitting the planet. I see everyone on the planet crying and dieing. Pollution is crumbling down sewage and homes. I see my mother and father trying to get out of their melting house. I scream! I almost faint for a minute but then I realize I must safe my family from this danger ahead of us.
I get in my car and drive eagerly home. I then rush to my mom, dad, and sister Jane. I hug my mom in freight and terror.
“Mom, dad, Jane I have a… premonition of everyone dieing. The world was ending!” I savor every word and try to make it last awhile.
“OH…okay...” My mother says nervously.
“Keila I think you are under a little too much stress sweetie. How about some rest?” Mom says scared and yet believing me somehow.
“No mom! Why don’t you believe me?”
“Just relax!”

I run out of the house and tell everyone, I see of the world ending. And yet no one believes me! I cry in scream in anxiety.
I then think all of a sudden, I can leave the planet! I can go to the new and improved Mars! It is all renovated and safe to live on know. And oh yea there is only a few people living on Mars.

I call my mom from my cell and she and I argue about the family moving to Mars and why now? She says the family will stay but I can go if I want too. I then say, “Mom, I am not coming home. I know that the world going to end at 9:00 tomorrow morning. I saw it in a vision, premonition thing!! Why don’t you believe me!!!?”
“Because Keila. Know relax!”
“I am going to call Clara and tell her of the ending of the world problem. I hope you guys survive.”
“ Keila relax we will be fine. The world will not end tomorrow!” I hang up on my mom and call Clara. Instead of her; I get her cell phone message. Clara is not there! I then get my virtual clothes and supplies packed and get on a ship to go to Mars.

I am now in space. But I have not reached Mars yet. I think I may be lost!! I have been traveling for five hours and the guide said it only would take two! I think the ship maybe running out of fuel. I believe there is some more in the cargo. And I am not in the Milwaukee anymore either. I think I am somewhere in unknown space!!

Several years later-
I am stuck in space and I am starving for food and water! Why won’t the space people find me! I am going crazy!

Several decades later- Okay know I am old and dieing. I think it may be my last few days in space. I am so dehydrated and hungry. I ran out of food about four weeks ago.
Anyways I think I am in an unknown part of space and have been for about 10 decades. I think today I am celebrating my hundred and sixtieth birthday? Maybe????????????

Several hours later- I can’t see because of thirst and hunger…………. I am dieing kno…

In truth the world did die that next day. Luckily Keila saved herself and convinced millions of people to move too Mars. Which Keila never made it too. The person that set up her ship accidental sent her to the middle of the galaxy of some unknown dead planets.
Human kind lived for another nine billion years and then some unknown creature from a different planet took over Mars. They were evil and exploded are planet because it was in their way. So all ended well! Or did it???

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