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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #1055459
about a girl working and falling in love with one of her co-workers
Bob’s Bedding

I (Justine) got a job at Bob’s bedding. I worked with a lot of neat people, but mostly they were guys. I was almost the only girl that worked there. Jasmine and Sandra also worked there, but I hardly worked with them. Judd worked nights with me, it was in the middle of the summer. Judd and I mostly took closing because it was better off for the both of us.

Judd and I talked sometimes, but not very often. He wasn’t really an open guy. I don’t know when I started developing feelings towards him, but I did. He could be so sweet and sensitive at times, but others rude and sarcastic. I don’t really know when our relationship changed but it also did. He became nicer and more open with me. We started flirting with each other and made each other laugh. We never saw each other outside of work, but we were happy to be there. We asked fir more night hours together. The boss wasn’t bothered or thought anything of it.

Judd and I got used to being around each other and I never wanted to leave his side. It seemed as if he felt the same way but I really was too scared to ask him. I really don’t know if he likes me it seems as if he does. Why won’t he just come out and say it? Oh the same reason I won’t fear of rejection it’s hard not believing there’s a chance of being turned down. When will he see that I am interested in him and then ask me out and get it over with!

Maybe I will tell him that I like him and ask him out. I should ask him. I am so confused it’s not fair that we have to go through this why can’t we both be blunt and not so shy. I will do it, I will ask him out. I’m sick of this always scampering around each other. I can change him into an open person and then we will have the best relationship.

School that day didn’t go fast enough I had made up my mind to tell Judd the truth. My feelings for him were getting in the way of my work and concentration. There was no one I rather spend my time with than Judd and there is no other guy in my life right now as it is. I just wish there was an easy and simple way to tell him about it. He would understand and tell me that he felt the same way I am so sure of it.

2nd period is a bore. Mrs. Santramaco couldn’t explain World War II anymore boring than this. I really never was interested in history anyway when are we really going to use it. Finally, the bell rings and I walk out of class.

3rd and 4th periods go by faster and lunch is here. I sit down with a bunch of my friends and explain that today is the day to tell Judd. They were happy for me and very enthusiastic. I knew I would have to grab his attention today though because he’s going to be working with Margaret the new girl today. She’s pretty and skinny. Unlike me though she has no sense of humor and that’s important to Judd she’s always serious.

The lunch bell rings and last period begins. What fun, English with Mr. Pierpont, he’s cute; no one said all teachers had to be ugly and old. I really didn’t listen too much of what he said. I really was just planning what I was going to say to Judd when I went into work. I couldn’t wait until we could be together.

Finally school ended and I wanted nothing more than to go to work at that moment, but I couldn’t. Five o’clock wasn’t coming fast enough. I reached my bus and my friends were standing there waiting for me. “What’s up you guys?” I asked. “We were wondering are you going to tell this Judd guy tonight or are you going to chicken out?” They asked. “No I am going to tell him tonight. I want nothing more than to be with him he makes me happy.” I said. “We’re glad you met someone Justine. We want nothing more than for you to be happy.” then said. “Thanks you guys, but I better get going before I miss my bus and you all better too.” I said. I got on the bus and just kind of sat there thinking of what I was going to say. What he was going to reply. I hope he feels the same way about me as I do about him. These feelings are to strong to keep hidden away it’s not fair to me or him to keep them inside.

Finally after about a half hour drive I got home and went inside. All I could think about was this night, tonight when I tell him the truth. My heart always feels like its going to break out of my chest. I know that I have felt this way before and I am glad that I can feel it again. I just hope the outcome is different.

I started to watch a movie, but I fell asleep. When 4 o’clock came around my sister came and woke me up. I got up and took a shower. Then I prepared for work and wanted to look my best even if I had to wear some kind of uniform. I did my hair and make up. Put on my best pair of jeans and my work shirt then grabbed another shirt for the end of the night. I put on the best perfume I owned and then went downstairs. I looked good I could tell. This night was going to work out I had a good feeling about it. I could tell that he felt something for me. He was always rude and sarcastic with the other workers, but he was different with me. He was honest and true with me.

My mom put on her shoes and grabbed the car keys. We got into the car and headed to work I was happy to be going in tonight. I was happy to be with him tonight.

Finally, we got there and I kissed my mom goodnight and told her I would call her when I got out. I walked in and Judd was already there the other workers were on there way out. I walked into the back room and Judd followed me. He grabbed me and turned me around. He told me he had to talk to me and that’s why he came in early.

The shipments would be coming in soon so we had to make the conversation short. He told me. “I can’t stop thinking about you. I want to only be with you. I didn’t want to face the truth before but I have to now I have fallen for you.” There was nothing that could make me happier than to hear him tell me that.” Judd stop there please I have something to admit also. I feel the same way about you I came here today to tell you. It took me all day long to gather up the courage to tell you. I want to be with you Judd and no one else it’s not fair that we keep our real feelings for each other hidden away. Thank you for being honest with me and thank you for telling me what I had hoped to hear.” I said. “What happens now though?” He asked. “We have two options either we can ignore the way we feel about each other or we can embrace our feelings.” I replied. Then he did nothing I would ever expect him to do. He grabbed me and kissed me passionately it felt like I was on fire. Nothing I have ever experienced before. I wanted nothing more than him to be next to me to feel his body up against mine. To feel him inside of me. I wanted it all I wanted everything. Then he pulled away from me and I felt alone and really hot.” Judd does this mean that you want to be with me?” I asked. “Silly I thought the moment I kissed you would have answered that question for you.” He replied.

“I want nothing more than to feel close to you and have more intense moments like this one. I want everything that comes with a relationship. I want to be with you and tell my friends about you. I want to be able to go out in public and kiss you. Open doors for you hold your hand. I want to be with you but I am scared. The last time I was with someone my heart was broken and she left me so suddenly. I couldn’t stand to feel that way again. It felt like my heart had been ripped out.” He explained. “Judd I want to be with you! I can’t help what your last girlfriend…Then I stopped abruptly and noticed the tears in his eyes. Judd what’s wrong?” I asked. “It hurts to think of her and to feel the love I had for her.” He replied.

“Judd what happened between you two?” I asked. “It’s not something she did to me; it’s something that happened to her. One night it was late and she left a party with one of her friends. We all had been drinking and no one thought anything of it at the time. Sharon got into the car and I kissed her goodnight for the last time. I love her you see and she loved me I would have married her. We both were too young for that though. I thought that I would see her again the next morning I would talk to her. I never expected that to be the last time. She was so beautiful so kind and sweet. Just like you and I don’t want that to happen again. I don’t want you to leave me too.” He paused.

“Well her friend was kind of trashed. No one expected what was to come. It was a stormy night and the roads were slippery. Sharon’s friend Kimmy was kind of tired. She started closing and opening her eyes. Plus she was stoned out of her mind. The truck came out of no where and hit the Honda head on, Sharon was killed instantly. Kimmy was critical she had cuts and bruises but worst of all a gash to the skull, but she pulled through and is still living to this day. I lost Sharon and I don’t want that to happen again.” He explained. “I’m sorry Judd is that why you push so many people away?” I asked. “Yes I don’t want to be hurt like that ever again.” He replied. “You can’t just live like that forever though you need to let someone in. You need to trust someone. I’m sorry it happened but there’s no reason to pull away from everyone. I would never do anything purposely to hurt you. I feel just like you do. My life is filled with dark hidden secrets also and yes I have been hurt many times before. My heart has been broken, but I know that I will find the one that I belong with and that means going through heartbreaks.” I explained. “I guess your right! I do want to be with you right now and I just hope it works out. I hope you’re the one for me.” He said.

He walked up to me and kissed me. “What do you want to happen?” He asked. “I already explained to you that I want to be with you, but it’s up to you whether you want to take the chance and be with me.” I replied. “I know I just don’t want to be hurt again like that, it’s not fair that it had to happen to me or her. I loved her so much and then she was taken from me. She was taken from me to early in our lives.” He said. “I’m sorry that it happened to you, but you have to learn how to love again sometime in your life why not take the chance here and now with me.” I explained. “I want to be with you and I know that I have to learn to love again. How about we take things slow okay?” He asked. “That’s fine with me I don’t want to rush anything anyway I want to feel everything for you. I want to get to know everything about you.” I replied. He grabbed me and pulled me into a passionate kiss. My body once again lit on fire and flames engulfed me. Then we separate and go back to work. This was the best day of my life nothing could make me happier.

We worked and worked until it was time to close up. We closed up the store and I was getting ready to leave when Judd pulled me close to him. “I made up my mind I want to learn how to love again. I want that love to be you!” He exclaimed. “I am so happy thank you Judd you will never understand what this means to me.” I replied.

I laid down on one of the beds and just looked up at the ceiling thinking. “Honey what are you doing?” He asked. “Just thinking.” I replied. “Thinking about what?” He asked. “About how happy I am.” Come lay with me for a little bit.” I said. “Okay but we can’t stay here long we both need to get home.” He replied. He lay down next to me and held me in his arms. I could hear the beat of his heart it was so steady. We fell asleep and woke up to the sound of the phone ringing. We had been asleep for an hour now.

I got up and answered the phone. “Hello.” I replied. “Justine what are you still doing there, you’re suppose to be home now.” My mother said hysterically. “Sorry mom work ran late we’re leaving now okay. I’ll be home soon. I promise.” I said. “Okay honey I was worried when you didn’t call or come home.” My mother exclaimed. “I’m okay mom I will be home soon.” I said. I hung up the phone and turned to Judd.

“I need to get home my mom’s hysterical with worry.” I said. “Okay let’s get our stuff and close up.” He replied. We got our backpacks, books and jackets, then locked up the door and set the alarm. We got into the car and Judd started the engine. We got to fall asleep in the arms of the one I love and cherish, it was well worth anything. We hardly said two words to each other on the way to my house.

We arrived at my house and Judd turned towards me. “So I will see you tomorrow at work?” He asked. “Of course hun, I will be there every night until well until anything.” I said. He kissed me goodnight and walked me to the door just too well walk me to my front door. He kissed me goodnight once again and I swear I never wanted to let him go. I wanted to be back in those arms in that bed. We said goodnight and I watched him walk away to his car. I went into the house and went up to my room. I got ready for bed and jumped in. I got all warm and comfy when the phone rang.

I wondered to myself who would be calling me at this time of night. I reached over to my night stand and grabbed the phone. I answered it. “Hello.” I replied. “Hey hun I just wanted to call and wish you goodnight and sweet dreams and to let you know that I will be dreaming of you. I will think of you tomorrow and I will see you tomorrow night.” Judd replied. “So will I hun, goodnight and sweet dreams also I will see you in my dreams. But hun I got to go because I need some sleep tonight.” I said. “Okay I will let you go then, I will talk to you tomorrow. Bye.” Judd said. “Goodnight baby.” I replied. I hung up the phone. All I dreamt about that night was Judd and this one happy night. The happiest night of all and I was the happiest person.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I got up and quickly jumped in the shower. I got out and dried myself then got dressed. I was wearing a black miniskirt along with my black lace tank top and a black bra and thong, also my chocker cross. I put my hair up and did my make up then I went downstairs and put on my freak boots along with black nylons. I went outside and lit up a cigarette. I finished my cigarette and then went into the house to get my books. The bus stopped in front of the house and I boarded.

We got to school and I went in and hung out with my friends in the café. They all asked me. “Something seems different about you what is it?” I knew the answer but I wasn’t sure if I should tell them yet. “What happened last night?” They all asked. “Nothing I swear.” I replied. “Liar I know something happened last night. “ Becky replied. “Fine I’ll tell you. Remember that guy Judd I told you about that I liked and that I thought liked me. Well I found out that he does like me and we got into a discussion about it. He has been hurt before and was scared to start another relationship. Well by the end we were kissing and he asked me out. It was wonderful. Then we laid down on one of the beds and stared at the ceiling, until we fell sleep. I fell asleep in his arms. Then an hour later my mom calls me hysterically. She was worried about me so we locked up and left. He drove me home and walked me to my door and said goodnight and he kissed me. Then about twenty minutes later he calls me and wishes me goodnight and sweet dreams. He told me he would be thinking of me and dreaming of me. It was so sweet.” I explained. “Awww.” All my friends said.

“I know he’s perfect. The guy I have always been looking for, but what am I going to do. What will my mother think of him? I just don’t know if he truly cares about me as I do for him. It’s not fair that he has been put through so much.” I said. “Why has something happened to him in the past that really hurt him?” They asked. “Yes something has happened to him I just don’t know if I should tell you all, it’s not my story to really tell.” I explained. “We won’t tell anyone we promise.” They all replied. “Okay but you all promised you wouldn’t tell so please be quiet and let me tell it all. Don’t say anything until I finish.” I requested. “Okay now please start.” They all shook their heads in agreement. “Judd had dated someone in the past that he had fallen in love with. There was one problem he was hurt. She died in a car crash. After that he closed himself off so he could never be hurt again. His love was lost and he could never get it back and it wasn’t fair to him. He blew off everything he ever cared about just so he wouldn’t be hurt again. It wasn’t fair what happened to him and it wasn’t fair what happened to me. We both lost trust in love along time ago, but maybe together we can gain that back in time.” I explained.

“One night they had gone to a party and everyone was drinking there. Sharon, Judd’s girlfriend was getting a ride home with her friend Kimmy. She didn’t think anything was going to happen. Well Sharon got into the car and Judd wished her goodnight and bid his love fair well. He kissed her goodbye and watched the car pull off into the distance. Kimmy was exhausted she was drunk and stoned. She kept opening and closing her eyes. The truck came out of no where and hit them head on. Sharon died instantly and Kimmy was in critical condition she had cuts and bruises but worst of all she had a gash in her skull. Her concussion bettered and bettered and she’s still alive to this day, but Judd had lost Sharon. She died so young and so in love. When Judd bid them fair well that night he expected he would see or talk to her the next day, but no that was ripped from him. He lost the one he loved and he didn’t even get to tell her he loved her before she left him. After that he lost everything dear to him so he wouldn’t get hurt. He closed himself off and secluded himself until now, until me. I came along and opened his eyes and let him know its okay to hurt but its also okay to love again.” I explained. “Honey that’s so sad and so unfair. Defiantly something you don’t go around telling just anyone, it’s something that happened to him and if he wants anyone to know he should be the one to tell them. We promise that this will stay with us and only us. It’s not something he whole entire world needs to know.” Becky replied. “We promise we won’t say anything to anyone.” They all shook their heads in agreement.

“Thank you all. He’s special to me and I don’t want anything to screw that up between us. I want to be with him and learn new things about him. I just don’t want to hurt him right now or ever. I just hope he feels the same towards me.” I said. “Well I think he does even though I have never met him I think that’s the kind of guy he is. He will love you for who you are. How could anyone ever think of hurting someone like you? Your loving, caring and kind-hearted there’s no way someone would be able to use you like that.” Kevin said. (One of her best friends.) “That’s not true because Jeremy was able to use me like that just for fun. Until he found out I care about him, that I loved him. Then I was nothing to him, I was just one of his conquests. He never cared about me.” I said.

“Jeremy was just an asshole he had no heart that’s why he couldn’t care for you. Judd isn’t like that and you know that you can sense it in him, that’s why you opened yourself up to him. That’s why you allowed him in.” Kevin explained. “He’s really sweet and he treats me right I can talk to him about anything just like a friend. He’s the perfect guy. There’s no one else like him out there and I mean that.” I replied. “Hey I take offense to that. I’m just like Judd. I’m sweet and kind hearted.” Kevin said. “I know but your not someone I’m interested in being intimate and open with. Sorry to tell you Kevin, but those days are over remember.” She said.

Kevin and Justine used to be partners a couple. They dated for almost a year until they realized they knew too much about each other. They knew it wouldn’t work out but they were glad they tired. The experience was an eye opener for both of them. They found out what they were looking for in the opposite sex.

Last period started and school was almost over. Work was coming faster than ever. Judd was going to pick her up from school and they were going to go to her house so she could get ready for work. Last period finally ended and Justine went to her locker and got her stuff. Then she went outside and had a cigarette while she waited for Judd. He showed up in his mustang and everyone looked at her getting into the car. She kissed him and they drove off.

“How was your day hun?” He asked. “It was okay. How was your day?” She asked in reply. “Kind of boring because you weren’t there.” He replied. “You’re a suck up babe sorry to tell you. I still like you though.” She said. “I know I am but I missed you and thought about you all day.” He said. “Awww I missed you to and thought about you also.” She replied. They arrived at her house and she walked up to her front door, Judd followed. Her mother was home cooking in the kitchen. “Hi mom how was your day?” She asked. “It was okay, why are you home so early?” Her mother asked. She turned around and asked. “Oh who is your friend?” “Mom this is my boyfriend Judd, he works with me.” She replied. “Well hello Judd it’s nice to meet you.” Her mother replied. “It’s nice to meet you also ma’am.” Judd replied.

“I’ll be right back. I have to go upstairs and change for work.” She said. “Okay babe.” He replied. She went upstairs and changed her clothes then she went down stairs and they were off she said goodbye to her mother and then left for work.

Work went well for both of them. It went by quickly. Tuesdays were always quick and quite busy. So they didn’t spend much time together. Closing time was coming quicker then ever she called her mother on break and told her she would be home late. Judd and her were stopping for something to eat after work. She understood but she wanted her home by eleven. Justine understood that she had school and Judd had college. Break was over time to go back to work. Work was almost over Justine helped her last customer for the night. Judd was in the back room doing inventory. She shut off the lights and locked the door. Went in the back and helped Judd. Then they went and cleaned the counters and windows also vacuumed. They laid down for a couple minutes.

Judd took her chin in his hand and turned her face to his. She looked him in the eyes. He kissed her for as long as they could breathe. “Justine you know I care about you, I have fun with you, and I feel comfortable around you. I can talk to you about anything your not just my girlfriend your so much more a friend, a companion. Justine I love you. I know I do because you were willing to put your feelings aside for my pain. That said a lot to me. That told me how much you care about me. I don’t want to stop you from doing anything you want to do. I don’t want to hold you back. I want to make sure we last. I don’t want to be hurt again. I know you would never intentionally hurt me. You helped me realize I need to live, I can’t stay closed off. I need to love again. I want all this with you. No one else inspired me like you. No one else tried. They didn’t care enough to try.” He said. “Judd your worth the world to me who ever didn’t try that’s their loss you’re a great guy. Their stupid for not noticing I was hurt and never thought I would have a strong connection with anyone again. I’m glad that I do with you. Thank you for listening o me. I love you Judd with all my heart. If we don’t last I don’t know what I would do without you because I love you so much. You’re what keeps me going.” She replied. They got up and headed out.

They got in the car and headed to a restaurant. They ate and he refused for her to pay. Two lost souls found each other. He always made sure she got home safe and on time. He made sure no one worried. He introduced her to his friends and his parents.

Within a year of being together she knew everything about him and he knew everything about her. They moved in together. They stayed with Bob’s bedding until Justine went to college. Four years later Judd asked Justine’s parents for permission to marry her. They were engaged for two years well Justine finished college.

On February 18, 1999 they were married. Justine’s father walked her down the aisle and gave her away. She then became Justine Angela Dubous Michalego. She promised through sickness and health she would love him and she did for five years after their wedding day.

Judd died he had a hart mummer that no one knew about until he died. They had one daughter Meagan Marie and a son Dominique Micheal. The kids were so young when he died but they always remembered him. They had a very short marriage but Justine was always faithful to him she never remarried or dated after Judd. She couldn’t handle heartbreak. Judd was her soul mate for life. She was buried next to Judd. She died four years after him everyone said it was from a broken heart. The doctors said she had cancer and never got treated. You can make up your own mind though. The kid grew up happy and healthy. Judd and Justine were in peace together happy and in love.

The End

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