Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1054412-What-Happened-To-Cora
by Londis
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1054412
another missing person but this one is fictional
What Happened To Cora
by Londis Carpenter
copyright (c) 2006

Cora wasn’t naïve, nor was she morbidly curious. Cora was a well-adjusted, intelligent and beautiful thirty four year old woman and there was a perfectly logical reason for her apparently strange and careless behavior the night she turned up missing. Nevertheless, I understand why you find it strange that the beautiful Cora had felt it was safe and appropriate to open her door to a stranger that looked as weird as her late evening visitor appeared that evening. He was as ugly as she was beautiful. She was fair skinned and blond with long straight hair like silk. He was as short as a child, with slimy green skin and warts like a frog. He had five antennae each ending with a large bulbous eyeball. Where his fingers should have been were purple suction cups like you find on the arms of an octopus. Of course no one questions what happened after Cora allowed entrance to her unexpected visitor, there were several eye-witnesses to that. The witnesses watched, somehow unable to help, as the creature carried her from her home into the tiny vehicle which hovered silently in a green, misty, glowing light on her front lawn. The green craft disappeared into the starry sky and Cora became just another missing person on the growing list of UFO abductees. But, no! Cora wasn’t naïve and she wasn’t just morbidly curious. She was intelligent and rational. But Cora was innocent and she was blind.
© Copyright 2006 Londis (londis at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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