Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1052387-Satin-Slippers
by Aladyn
Rated: ASR · Script/Play · Drama · #1052387
A scene about burglars trapped inside a mansion.
Wrote this for a drama competition. Please review! Or atleast rate! Also, copied straight from Word. If there are format errors, I apologize!

Satin Slippers

Thief:20s-30s, dressed in all black with a black hat, black makeup around his eyes, holding a sack.

Accomplice: A woman in her early 20’s, dressed in all black but has a sort of appeal. She has tighter and flashier clothes, like leather pants and a tank top. She has blonde hair down in curls and red lip stick.

Miss Dayton: A woman in her 30s-40s, dressed in a satin night gown, hair pinned up in curlers.

Butler: 50’s, hair slicked back, English, wearing a suit.

Maid: 20’s, wearing a maid uniform

INT: A Wealthy Bedroom

(The lights are off except for a candle on a nightstand next to a beautifully covered bed. MISS DAYTON sleeps in the bed, which is dressed in lovely sheets. A robe is hung over the edge of the bed and a pair of satin slippers sits at the foot of the bed. A dresser is to the side, where picture frames and trinkets sit.)

(THIEF and ACCOMPLICE enter stage left, crouching as to not be seen. THEIF holds a flashlight, while ACCOMPLICE gently puffs her hair and checks her nails. They creep over towards the bed, when suddenly, ACCOMPLICE points to the slippers.)

(In a high-pitched, startling voice)
Woooow! She’s gots nice slippers! Nice satin slippers!

(THEIF jumps at her voice and tries to get her to be quiet, motioning to the bed, where MISS DAYTON stirs slightly.)

Baby you’s told me you’d get me some nice slippers, do ya remember? Valentines Day? The candles were all lit and the champagne was poured, and we’s were talkin’ ‘bout how someday-

(He pauses, making sure MILLIONAIRE is still sleeping, then turns to ACCOMPLICE.)

(Lowering her voice)
Oops! (Giggling) Sorry baby!

Don’t you remember what I said about talkin’?

Yeah, you says (imitating his voice) “If you’s gotta talk, do it lightly”.

That’s right. Now remember, only get the goods. We gotta do this quick before someone comes.

(THEIF starts searching through the room. ACCOMPLICE heads straight for the satin slippers and begins examining them. THEIF barely opens a drawer when footsteps are heard coming toward the room. Both freeze. THEIF closes the drawer only half way and nearly dives for ACCOMPLICE, grabbing her elbow and pulling her behind the end of the bed. ACCOMPLICE, still clutching the slippers, crouches down with THEIF as BUTLER enters and the lights come on.)

Miss Dayton, I do believe it is time for your morning walk.

(MAID enters, bringing with her a tray set with tea. She begins setting it up on the nightstand as BUTLER pulls out a small notepad, reading from it the schedule for the day. MISS DAYTON stretches and sits up in bed, yawning slightly. She slips out of bed and puts on her robe. MAID exits and MISS DAYTON prepares herself some tea.)

(As BUTLER reads the schedule, MISS DAYTON wanders around the room, drinking her tea and looking at all of her things. She often walks in front of THEIF and ACCOMPLICE, but does not notice them. MAID enters and makes the bed. She dusts near THEIF and ACCOMPLICE, and ACCOMPLICE begins to sneeze. As she is about to sneeze, THEIF covers her mouth, waits for her to settle down, then lets go. She sniffs slightly, and BUTLER stops, listens, and then resumes the schedule. THEIF and ACCOMPLICE try to find a good time for them to leave and make a move forward, but MISS DAYTON walks near them and they pull back. They continue trying to escape, and MISS DAYTON continues stopping them unknowingly.)

(Pulling out a pocket watch)
Now, it is just past half-after and you are set to get dressed and have breakfast at approximately the hour. Then of course, your morning walk. You have tennis at seven, giving you plenty of time to write a letter to your daughter. At half past eight, we are to receive what one would call a (pause) sing-o-gram. (Pause) Apparently Lord Worthington has a new fancy for the arts. There will be time for a lovely morning ride before brunch with Mrs. Damien. She will be asking you as to how your game is coming along, so be prepared for her boasting. Then at noon, I have planned an impromptu, spur-of-the-moment picnic by the lake. You will enjoy that immensely.

(MISS DAYTON suddenly notices her dresser drawer half opened, and steps in closer, inspecting it.)

There we shall enjoy our afternoon meal and head back to the manor for a rousing game of crochet. I thought perhaps we would-

(BUTLER stops, noticing MISS DAYTON at the dresser.)

Miss Dayton?

(MISS DAYTON motions for BUTLER to come closer and together, they stare at the half-opened drawer for a long moment. In this moment, THEIF listens carefully, then peaks over the edge of the bed and sees that MISS DAYTON and BUTLER have their backs turned. He nudges ACCOMPLICE, still holding the slippers. They begin to creep out from behind the bed, but then quickly retreat when MISS DAYTON turns and walks toward the audience, inspecting everything very carefully. BUTLER follows, both observant of every little detail.)

(Stopping near the edge of the stage and looking far-away)
Something is (pause) odd.

(Noticing that MISS DAYTON and BUTLER are past them, ACCOMPLICE and THEIF creep behind them, carefully walking off stage. ACCOMPLICE quickly reenters and shuts the drawer. The drawer makes a dull sound. MISS DAYTON and BUTLER jump slightly at the noise, coming out of a trance-like state. ACCOMPLICE rushes off stage. MISS DAYTON and BUTLER look at each other for a long moment, until MISS DAYTON takes a breath and releases it.)

My feet are cold.

(MISS DAYTON and BUTLER both look at MISS DAYTON’s feet and then look back up at each other. There is a pause.)

Right. (Pause) well then (Pause) Shall we go to breakfast?

(Nodding quickly)
Yes. Yes, breakfast.

(MISS DAYTON exits. BUTLER follows but pauses and glances around the room. The lights go off and BUTLER exits.)
© Copyright 2006 Aladyn (akissedstar at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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