Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1044636-Darkened-Desires-2
Rated: XGC · Other · Adult · #1044636
Vampires, rape, violence, sexual content, supernatural, bdsm
An hour, perhaps would pass...although it certainly would have seemed an eternity for her. Trapped in the slender glass display case that he had fashioned for her...her eyes stared out into the dimly lit room.
Her body shook slightly...and ever so often a bead of blood would roll down her wrist...over her palm and finally drip from her fingertips as the tender flesh was pressed to the sharpened edges of the barbed wire.

Her emerald hues took in the room around her...she
could see the monstrosities that were collected in the room with her...The dried mask of human flesh...there was a blanket that was laid out over a stand...it had a multitude of colors...but they were all natural colors...shades of
orange...brown...black..blonde...and then she realized that it was all colors of human hair. Her eyes shifted to a coiled structure of barbed wire and she let out a soft whimber as she realized that fresh intestines were coiled around the barbed wire...

She shut her eyes tightly...trying to breath in and out...trying to calm herself...She let out a little cry as she hear the door open and her eyes shut open...watching as Anthony stood by the door, ushering people inside the room. They all were an
oddity...wearing odd fashions of clothes and make
up...although they looked to be wealthy in
status...they alls seemed to have unearthly beauty
like Anthony possessed...

Who were these people? She stood stock still as they wandered into the room...thier eyes playing over the items...admiring them...they didn't even react to the grotesqueness of them. She let out a small whimper...watching as they began to wander over towards her glass casing...gazing at her...toothy smile of satisfaction and admiration curling those lips...and she let out a soft gasp as she seen thier teeth...sharp...elongated...fangs. Her eyes widened as she watched them...and when Athony was done, he made his way over to her glass case...

He paused just beside the case and smiled at the

"This...my wonderful guests...is my newest art
work....she is a beauty isn't she? Can you believe I found her on the slave market?"

He let out a soft chuckle and it spread throughout the group...making her nervous. He paused for a moment and then opened the glass door....the small click of the lock sounding as he swung it open. He ran a few fingertips over her flesh...starting from the side of her neck...ending at her waistline.

"You can see the intricate designs that I have painted upon her delicate warm flesh....Feel free to touch...just don't break her..."

He said with a soft chuckle...and then stepped aside from the box. Her eyes widened and she let out a little cry of protest...watching as a few of them stepped foward and began to run thier fingers over her...tracing the intricate design of the
paint...tracing over her skin...she felt a shiver go through her and she would have recoiled back, had she the option...but all she could do was stand there as they touched her. Finally, he stepped foward and closed the glass door...a smile widening his lips.

"I want to thank you all for coming this night to veiw my latest work...feel free to contact me if you wish to buy some of my art....except for this one...."

He said softly...his eyes shifting to her as he spoke.

"This one is for my own...private...collection."

He said softly...then the others began to proceed in formalities...shaking hands and then taking thier leave. Finally...all were gone and he turned to the glass box...standing there for a long moment as if taking her fully in. Then he opened the glass casing and stepped foward...leaning in as his eyes never left her own...his hand coming out to stroke her cheek gently.

"You were perfect this night, My dear...the art show was a success..."

He said softly...his fingers trailing down over the neck corset...his fingers finding the back clasp and he undid it...slipping the neck corset from around her throat and mouth. She trembled slightly...her eyes still wide as she stood there...she felt as his fingertips traveled to her lips...tracing them ever so lightly...his eyes shifting to them as if studying thier structure.

"We retire for the night now, lovely..."

*He whispered...and then lowered his hands down to her sides...unwrapping the barbed wire from her wrists. He unclasped the collar from the contraption and hooked the chain back to it. He stood there for a long moment...and then his hands lifted her wrists...seeing the blood upon them. He gazed at them for a moment...lifting them to his lips...his tongue flickered out and he traced it over the blood lightly...sending chills upon her flesh. What the hell was he doing? He lowered her wrists finally and pulled out out of the glass case and lead her out of the room and back into his bedchambers...and then into her own. He began to remove her corset and skirt....leaving her flesh once more exposed to him.
He opened a drawer and took out another nightgown...it was almost identical to the first, except that it was a purer white this time. He slipped it on over her head...letting the soft thin material setting snuggly around her curves.

He stepped away from her and his eyes wandered over her frame...as if taking her in once more. He moved to her once more...unsnapping the chain from around the collar...and then moved to the doorway.

"Goodnight, Lovely...sleep sweet..."

He whispered...and then turned out the light and
closed the door...darkness consumed the room around her and she could hear the soft click of a lock as he secured the door. She stood there for a long few moments...her chest rising and falling as she breathed...then she moved to the bed and laid back upon her back...her eyes staring up wide eyed at the ceiling until sleep finally claimed her.

The darkness gathered in the corner of her room as his eyes gazed out from the shadows at her. His eyes took in her form....watching as her chest rose and feel with each breath...her skin looked soft...she looked peaceful. He had waited for her to fall asleep...it had taken her a while...but he was patient. Finally...he moved foward silently...he hovered over her for a moment...his eyes never leaving her form...and then he sat down beside her....watching her for a few more minutes....just studying her...she was going to be his perfect peice of art...

He could easily see the shape of those perfect mounds as they rose and fell beneath the thins soft fabric of her nightgown. He reached his hand out...his fingertips barely touching her flesh...starting from the nape of her neck...trailing down her collar bone...til he reached the ball of her shoulder. He gently pushed back the strap of her nightgown...the fabric pulling back some from her breast. He traced his fingertips gently down her chest...until he reached that partially exposed breast....pausing for a moment...

Then he continued down...his fingertips rising over her soft flesh...pushing back the material until it left her breast exposed to his probing eyes. His fingertips traveled over her breast...as if exploring it...remembering it...She let out a small sound and shifted a little. He stopped for a moment...and then leaned down...his nose brushing the soft flesh of her neck as he took in a breath...breathing in her scent. He brushed his lips ever so lightly against her neck...then he brought his lips down her neck...over her chest...pausing near her breast. He pressed his lips to her flesh...placing a soft kiss there...and then moving down to her nipple...

Suddenly, She woke up slowly...her eyes
opening...feeling something upon her breast...she let out a soft gasp...her eyes widening as her body stiffened...realizing what was happening. His hand suddenly came up to press hard to her lips....muffling any sound that she might have further made. She laid stock still...her heart pumping hard in her chest...he shifted slightly...pressing his ear now to her chest...listening to her beating heart as it thumped against her chest. He lifted his other hand....pressing a finger to his lips.


He said softly...a grin curling his lips....and then his expression grew serious. He shifted now...so that he hovered over her....one of his legs on each side of her. She let out a cry and tried to push him away, but his hands quickly coiled around each wrist....pinning them on each side of her head. She whimpered and let out a shrill scream...a sob escaping her lips. A low growl was sounded as he suddenly struck out...the back of his hand catching her cheek hard.

She let out a sharp cry and he took a black peice of cloth out from his coat...and then quickly forced it between her lips...tying it tightly around her head so that her screams were muffled. She let out another sob....his hands pinning hers down against the bed again. He let out a soft chuckle....he pulled her hands up...pinning htem down with one of his hands....his other reached down around past the bedframe...and pulled out a metal shackle...and quickly cuffed one wrist to the bedframe. He moved to the other side...pulling out the other shackle and snapping it shut around her slender wrist.

She tried to pull at them...tried to slide her hands out from them...but the shackles were too strong and too tight. Her chest heaved with another sob as he hovered over her...his black eyes seemed to glitter even though no light penetrated the room. He moved foward....his lips barely touching the flesh of her throat as he whispered to her.

"Third time is the charm...you have denied me
thrice...I gave you three chances...but now...I will take you wiether you are willing or not..."

He said...his voice growing cold...his words sent a chill down her spine...a soft whimper was muffled by the cloth. Suddenly, his teeth lengthened...brushing against her flesh lightly and she squealed and sobbed again...what the hell was he? She squirmed beneath him...

She felt as his hands moved over her...he moved
up...shifting so that his weight was pulled back upon his legs...moving his face away from her neck...his hands found the fabric of her night gown once more...sliding it now the rest of the way down her body...slowly...ever so painstakingly slowly...as if torturing her now in anticipation of what he would do.

When he shifted his weight...moving so that he could pull them down her legs....leaving her body fully exposed to him...she suddenly lifted one and kicked it hard into his chest, sending him stumbling back...catching him off guard...She cried out and tried to scramble up so that she was sitting instead of laying...pressing her legs tightly together...

He let out a loud deep throated growl as his eyes
flashed...he whipped around and the back of his hand connected with her cheek...jerking her face to the side as it hit. Her cheek reddened as the blood rose to surface and he was quickly on top of her once again....yanking her feet down and spreading them apart as he sat between them....his hand now reaching out and coiling around her slender throat...tightening around it...cutting off her air supply. He leaned foward and spoke heatedly in her ear...his hot breath brushing her ear as he spoke.

"Try that again, Lovely...and I won't be so nice as I am being now..."

He growled softly...tightening his hold on her
neck...she could feel her throat constricting...she grew light headed...her face reddening...and then
suddenly, he withdrew his fingers and she gasped
against the gag...trying to suck in as much air as she could. He sat up slightly...his hands clasping the edge of his jacket and he slid it off...tossing it to the floor...and then he did the same with his skirt. He had a broad chest...but a slender waist...he had that uncanny, uneathly beauty that all of those others had...seeming almost flawless in design.

He moved quickly as his fingers found the clasp of his pants...undoing it and then sliding them down his form...disguarding them unto the floor as
well...leaving him exposed to her view...she could
see his his form...almost a silohette...and then he moved over her again...she didn't realize that he had had something in his hand until she felt the sharpened blade pressed against her ribs...

She let out a cry of protest...her eyes widening as he pressed it a little harder...he seemed to be enjoying her panic. He leaned foward a little...holding his weight pressed unto one hand as it braced himself against the bed...his other hand toying with the blade against her flesh...brushing the cool metal against it as his eyes took in her form. She could feel his member brushing her high thigh as he shifted...

He found a spot between her breasts.....and he pressed the blad into it...slicing into her flesh a little...leaving a tiny trail of blood as he moved it down...She let out a cry of pain...it burned almost like a paper cut...such a thin fine cut to her flesh it was...he leaned foward...his tongue flickering out as he traced it over her wound...

"How very sweet fear tastes...even now I can taste it in your blood...."

He whispered...it sent a chill down her spine...Her body grew still...not wanting the blade to nick against her flesh again...a soft whimper was issued as she closed her eyes tightly...

"Funny how a little pain will suffice to make you
obey me...now open your eyes...Or I will do more than leave you will a little scrape...I want you to enjoy this..."

He said...his voice deepening as he leaned foward a little...his eyes barring into her own as she opened them. She didn't want to see this...didn't want to be here...She wanted to pretend like she was somewhere else. She felt as he pressed his body against hers a little...his hardened length pressing now to her leg...and then he shifted so that the tip of it brushed against her lower lips...as if threatening to enter. She trembled now with fear and anticipation...her heart hammered against her chest...he set the blade down upon the dresser and then his hands moved to her legs...wrapping them around his waist....

She let out a desperate sob...then suddenly, he drove his member deep within her...giving her no warning. She let out a scream against the cloth...her eyes widening as he thrust against her...then slowly began to pull out and then thrusted hard again...her inner walls forming around it as he moved...and even despite herself...it was easy for him to move with the wetness that had accumulated. Her chest heaved with sobs as he began to make a steady rythm of it...his body moving against her own...making her body rock against the bed. He leaned foward...pressing his body to her own as his lips found her neck...his arms slid around her...pulling her slender frame closer to his body as he moved...lifting her body up some so that her back arched and he drove himself deeper within her.

A low gutteral growl issued from his lips against her ear as he thrust against her....his nails lengthened and drove into her back...peircing her flesh some...she let out another scream of pain...his nails scraped against her flesh from the force of the movement...the room grew hot...or so it seemed, from the friction of thier bodies...sweat began to
accumulate on her flesh as he moaned into her
ear...sending a chill through her...

Suddenly...he shifted....and then he drove his fangs deep into her throat...his sharpened teeth piercing her soft flesh. Blood soon rushed to meet his lips...his tongue flickered against the wound...drawing in her blood...it was both pleasurable and painful...She let out another cry of pain...her body shaking not only from his movements...but from her fear and pain...

He continued to feed from her as he thrusted within her...and despite herself...she could feel her inner walls tightened as did her muscles...her climax
building...the embrace that he had on her seemed to tighten as his muscles tightened...and then
suddenly...there was a flood of warm liquid within her as he released...and it triggered her own release...a low moan escaping his lips as he trembled against
her...his body jerking a little as he finished...

And then it was over...all that could be heard was the heavy labored breathing and she could still hear her heart beat against her chest and make her head throb. He stayed there...holding her against him...until
finally, he retracted his fangs...a tongue passing
over his lips. He kissed the wound softly...and it
healed instantly...then he slowly uncoiled his arms from around her...then moved away from her...his
member sliding out of her.

She still trembled....watching as he moved to unclasp her binds...she let out a soft whimper and drew herself into a ball...curling up on her side as she buried her head into her knees...he stared down at
her...and then without another word, he was gone...only signaled by the click of the lock on the door. She lay there in sweat and blood and filth...the scent of sex, sweat and blood assaulting her nose and almost made her sick as she lie
there...weeping softly until she finally cried herself to sleep.
© Copyright 2005 Nehmahati Kerosna (Kala) (nehmahati at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1044636-Darkened-Desires-2