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this is just one off many chapters of a book i am writing called dasaster at hand |
john watches as the cat swipes at the mouse flinging it into the air repetedly amusment is clearly pasted on his face not realising his mistake till a hand cuffs him rapidly over the head and a voice sings to taunt him "a mouse is a mouse but what is the disaster here but a boy with nothing to do" the girl suddenly appears her head very close to him "distatourious" she says again and then runs screaming towards the open doors off the second floor stopping just in time not to slide over the edge and stands muttering to her self "changing the matter to a smaller compersistion to fit the sise would need a capsule would to ay" "ay" "stacey" john said quietly "i didn't mean to be pleased but i am a boy after all i do delight in such a matter as a dead mouse" "tis not dead foolish boy" she yells and runs back towards the cat who hisses and tryes to escape but is not cleaver enough she grabs the cat in both hands and starts to pull it as if trying to rip it in half then chucks it up high in to the air points her finger at in a mummbles under her breath "cat as a mouse a capsule is not needed for such a simple change" chuckling they both watch the cat as it is suspended in mid air mist invelops it "will it survive it?" john askes stacey "should" pause "mite maybe or not depends" john "on what" stacey "wither mice fly" at this she lits of a high wistle and the mouse becomes a bird that flys in to the air and sailes out the door the cat in the mist gently driffts to the floor and the mist lifts and vanishes leaving a dead mouse on the floor "minors" john mutters flicks his eyes and the mouse grows changing back to the cat and comes back to life lets off a low hiss and escapes on to the belconey and in to the garden "mothers coming" stacey said and then ran for the door "ooo and im so scared of mother she is only an eighth of us and uyou are going to hide?" "no" stacey replies quietly "its just were not soposed to know and well" shuffling her feet "we shouldent be mean she is still our mother" "no" "she isent our mother is dead" john says in a wisper as they start to hear foot steps on te stairs "no" stacey hisses "no" with that she walks out off the room by the side door and mother enters through the hall door "what was that preformance about" she says with a hint of rage in her voice "what preformance," "i was only playing niceley with my little sister as you asked" he said back with cheek writen all over his face mother races her hand and said this time with a hint off fear "no more this is enough" "no" "wrong" he spoke forcefully "enough is you lieing to her like that" anger burned in his eyes the women turened pale "stop it" she wisped fearfully "no" he said anger mounting to rage "you will tell her the truth or i will for you, she is not your daughter and i am not your son" the lady had tears streming down onto her face "you hate me don't you?" at this she glances to the side door stacey is standing there mother stears at her open mouthed stacey is shacking she points to the person she once called her mother and then at the belconey the poor women started to walk then broke into a run then as she spead towards the edge she screamed in teriour as if nothing could save her now stacey was fulled with rage john just watched then at the last minute he stood and uttered one word "econplatoal" at this the lady shot into the air and disapared john stared at his sister "temper temper" he tuttered then sat back down stacey wiped tears from her eyes and departed the room. |