Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1036164-The-Celestial-Exorcist
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Fantasy · #1036164
The hell decade is over, and the peaceful age is here.

Chris Trint was reading his exorcism book, at his work desk. He yawned and stretched out his arms. He cracked his neck and glanced at the clock, it took a while for this to get threw this head, finally it read: December 25th, 3008. Chris got up and went to his window, he gazed upon the snowy white buildings of New York City. Chris was a world wide known exorcist, in the hell decade. The Hell decade was ten years of war, poverty, hate trade and many possessions. People believed that Satan was gaining power over God and the world was all evil and peril. Chris had done over 1,000 exorcism rituals, on all sorts of people. Mr. Trint has retired, because it was the Peaceful age. Just one day, all of the evil stopped and it became well again. God has beaten Satan, in the battle of earth. Today, was the 15th year of the peaceful age. The Exorcist was tall, long shoulder length brown hair, a bit of stubble, hazel eyes and a sturdy nose. He was wearing jeans and a faded gray t-shirt. The Exorcist sighed and closed his eyes. He had no one to celebrate this holiday with. His wife, Constance Trint, died from a car wreck, in the Hell decade. She died instantly, so, he didn't get a chance to say I love you to her. Chris was away in London, performing an exorcism on a young girl, he was only 23 when she died. Twenty years has passed since than, now he is 43 years old. Mr. Trint looked much younger than that, some of his close friends say he looks 28 or so...

Later on that night, the ex-exorcist went to the local bar, Bolts. He got a tall glass of beer, and sat at the booth. Everyone was full of joy and were dancing the night away. The bartender came up to him, "Ruff day?" The bartender had a smoker's voice. His name was Tim, he was a greasy older man. Chris hesitated to answer, "..Yes, I'm fine.." he said softly. Tim coughed and peered down into his hazel eyes. "Your eyes don't seem to say that." Chris weakly smiled. The bartender groaned as he stretched, he turned his head to the door, as a young woman walked threw the automatic doors. The bar grew quiet, and everyone turned to her. Chris turned in his seat, and his eyes shot open. The young lady stared at everyone and said, "Umm, hello." Her eyes were on Chris when she said that. His heart gave a jolt. Her voice was smooth and velvety. The woman was about his height, slim, brown eyes, flaming red hair and was very attractive. She was wearing black pants, black boots, a blue tank top and a leather jacket hung about her shoulders. The woman strided over to the bar and ordered a red whine. Slowly the whole bar started to talk again. She sat next to the Exorcist. Chris tried to keep his eye on the football game, that was going on the flat screen, in the comer, but they drifted to the woman. She turned to him and smiled, "Hello, What's your name?" The man took a sip of his beer, looked at her and said, "Chris Trint, may I ask what yours is?" She laughed and replied, "Of course, my name is Victoria Stana. You can call me Vikki, if you like." He smiled at her, "That's a pretty name," commented Chirs. Victoria smiled again, she had straight, white teeth, "Why, thank you!" He felt at ease with her, the ex-exorcist was drown to Vikki, by her beauty and grace. The whole night they talked and finally Vikki asked what his job was. "I'm an exorcist, well, a retired one." She stared at him, in shock. "Wait.... you’re the Chris Trint? The world- wide famous exorcist?" "Indeed, I-" Just then, a near by man rushed over to him. "Umm, can I have your autograph, Mr. Trint? I-I think you're so amazing!" "Of course," said Chris smiling as he was reaching for his napkin. He obtained a pen from his pocket, snapped his fingers and the point of the pen shot out. He wrote his name on the napkin: Chirs Trint. And handed it over to the man. "Thank you so much!" the man said beaming, as he shook Mr. Trint's hand. They bid good-bye, and the man left. He turned back to Victoria, "Anyways, yes, I am...Are you okay?" By this time, Vikki's eyes were still in shock, and her hands were shaking. "Yes, I-I'm f-fine...I have to go, it was nice meeting you" She said getting up. The bartender stumbled over to her and said, "It's on the house." "oh, thanks," she said pushing her drink to him. Tim didn’t notice the drink, he had already left for another costumer. "Do you need a ride home? My car is just out-" "No! No! I'm fine, umm, see you soon!" And she bolted out of the doors...

Vikki sprinted all the way to a dark alleyway. On the left side, there was a steel door, she went up to it, stated her name and went threw. She closed the door, and leaned against the cool metal. She was perspiring freely. Vikki took off her coat, and threw it on top of her bed. her house was small, the walls were all black, and there were no windows. She had a bathroom, a bed and a Dell 4 laptop on top of a glass table and there was a red rug underneath it. Victoria drew out some matches from her pocket, and went about her home, lighting the candles, there were six black candles, one in each comer and two by the door. The firelight bounced off the face, which made her look dark. She yanked off her boots, set them by the door and went over to the table. Vikki pulled the glass table off the rung, and lifted the rug up; there was a wooden trap door. Vikki opened the door latch, there was a dark stairway leading down. Victoria lightly stepped on the stairs, closed the door, locked it and glided down...

Chris Trint left the bar and followed Vikki. He was baffled by her odd behavior. The Exorcist stopped in the alleyway. '...Were is she?' he thought. Chris strided around the alleyway and spotted a steel door and went over to it. He studied the door for a handle or for something to make it open. The man frowned at it and pounded on the door. After a couple of minutes, he said, "Victoria Stana." The door opened for him. Mr. Trint entered threw and the door closed behind him...

At the end of the hallway, Vikki waved her hand upon a wooden door. The door also opened and she walked into a dark room. It was much like her home, but it had an evil aroma around it. She brought out her matches again and lit one. There were several torches around the room. Victoria went about the room and lit them all. At the end of the room, hanging on the wall was an upside down cross. She went to the middle of the room, raised her arms up and chanted in a language, not known to anyone. The language head died in the Peaceful age, it was Aramaic. "Threw out me, threw out the earth. Threw out the depths and fires of hell. Let the Satanic pentagram seep into this unholy room." There was a blinding flash of light and appeared an upside down pentagram, were Vikki was standing...

When Chris stepped threw the door, chills went up his spin. He glanced about the house, he felt very protective of himself. This feeling was normal, when he was performing an exorcism. The ex-exorcist spotted the wooden trap door, once again frowned and scrunched his eyebrows together. One of the candles blew out by the door and there was a flash of white light. All of the remanding candles blew out too. Chris squinted in pain. There was a force, which caught him off guard. He gave a yell and the force sent him smashing against the metal door. He cried in pain, as his back hit the steel. The Exorcist felt a warm liquid traveling down his face. His vision got blurry, and there was a surge of pain that went through his shoulder blades. Chris Trint fell to the ground and was in a deep sleep…
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