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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1032812
Macy's Short Story Series
Hired For Sound

Macy's cell phone rang as she stepped inside her flat, answering it with one had she continued inside, "Mace." Scanning her flat for signs of any intruders she listened as the voice on the other end of the phone replied, "Hey Mace, it's Raul." Macy knew it was serious or Raul wouldn't have called, he rarely called her for anything except serious business.

Macy worked off and on for Specially Hired, S.H. on various missions in Toronto. Today's call meant that something had gone down that Raul wanted to see her about. Macy continued about her business in her flat as she asked, "What's up Raul? Dennis lock himself in the bathroom again?" She listened to Raul's chuckle as she unloaded her bag on the kitchen table. Her flat was above a bowling alley, which she had renovated to her own tastes. Almost all of the rooms had been soundproofed, and Macy owned the entire thing. She was able to acquire it because of her pay from Specially Hired.

Raul said, "I need to see you stat. Chris is here, and you'll be working together." Macy asked, "How long do I have?" Raul answered, "I told him to head out in a half hour. You are at home?" Macy grinned, it was Raul's business to keep an eye on S.H. employee's off duty. He simply confirmed the knowledge he knew. She replied, "Just walked in, but I bet you knew that." Raul agreed, "I did, I'll see you soon."

Disconnecting, Macy moved into her high gear pace. She finished with her bag, packing a mini backpack and then headed to the shower next. From the shower she dressed in comfortable clothes, she hadn't been asked to suit up for anything yet, so she wore casual clothes.

She slipped into her dojo next, another room she had styled for herself. A martial artist of various arts she meditated here. The floor was padded with mats and she entered to pick up a few items and meditate before Chris arrived.

Not many had known the skills she possessed. Her teachers, and those she respected in the arts were the ones who did know. They were the ones who she spoke to often, and she discussed the ancient arts with them.

She picked up two throwing darts, and slid them away inside an open seam of her long sleeved shirt. They fit nicely, and discreetly. She intended to wear a jacket over it, so it would not be noticed. She did the same with the opposite sleeve before sitting down to meditate.

The last mission she'd been on in Toronto required her to use plenty of skills, along with her massive underground skills. Not a single person in the underworld suspected her of being a trained elite soldier. At 5'3 and small sized she was frequently overlooked, and un-noticed. It made it one hundred percent easier for her to make a confirm kill, and get her work done.

Chris arrived, and she left with him, noting he was in a hurry to return. Macy asked, "Any preamble about this one?" Chris shook his head, "I don't know much, Raul is keeping us in suspense." She looked him over, Chris had arms the size of cannons, and a chest that made King Kong look minute. The man worked out regularly in S.H. Headquarters gym. He was also an ace with weapons, but his fighting skills were what impressed her the most. Macy worked with Chris often, and she liked that they would be in on whatever Raul had together.

Entering S.H. Headquarters she looked around, and Chris grinned, "Don't worry, Dennis locked himself in the bathroom by accident again." She gave him an impressed grin. Chris knew about the long hated feud between her and Dennis. She guessed Raul had told him her remark before he came to get her.

They headed straight to the meeting room, she heard someone at the firing range and asked, "Who's here?" Chris shrugged, "Maybe Raven."

She followed Chris into the room thinking about the man that she'd dubbed Silent Raven. He was a tall big man that nobody wanted to face, with piercing jade eyes, and red hair he looked like a gigantic devil waiting to devour the next person that crossed him. She held respect for the man although he was completely opposite her in style.

Closing the door behind them, she noticed Raul sitting at the table waiting for them. He was the only other person there, and she followed Chris over to the chair next to him and sat.

Raul looked at them, "Okay this is it, out in Peterborough we have some drug problems that have headed this way. Some gang violence, and some gun running." Flipping open a folder he said, "You're sharing." He pushed it toward them saying, "All your Intel is in there, what we need to do is shut it down on this end. However I can't compromise Macy's position in the underworld. That's where you come in Chris, and I need you to work it from Peterborough's end."

Chris looked the file over and Macy glanced at it deciding to commit what she wanted to know for now to memory direct from Raul. She asked, "Who's it hitting? Someone in Scarborough?" Raul shook his head, "No, the dealers for guns and drugs are two various groups in our region." Macy asked, "They are?" Raul answered, "Gotti is one of the people you know from the one in Mississauga, the other is someone I think you know out in North York area."

Consulting his palm pilot he brought up the name adding, "Eagle." Macy nodded to confirm and then asked, "And the guns?" Raul continued to consult his palm pilot, "Ticker from Scarborough, and Toole from the Beaches area." Macy nodded, "I know someone who knows Ticker. He works for Benny 'The Hammer'. His name is Tony 'The Toenail'. Toole I've heard of, I can get in with any of these people anytime you like." Raul looked at her, "Without compromising your status there we need to break that connection. You didn't hear it from me, but I want to keep these four names under wraps for a while. There may be something bigger coming down the line we may need them for and we want them to be available."

Macy nodded, "I got you, so you want us to penetrate, find their source, bring it in. Without letting them take a big wrap for anything." Raul nodded, "Good, and as far as I know, you'll get as much coverage as I can allow to keep you from getting heat, but be careful. Peterborough is not your jurisdiction, and you could get heat."

Macy looked at Chris, "So what we need to do is play it so that we're in Peterborough under one of my contacts here from the city. Only the guys in the city can't know we're going out there to bust them. I say we play it one by one, a play against each other in order to cause some dissension in the ranks." Chris shrugged, "I'm game, but I'm not taking any name like Chris 'The crusher'." She grinned, and looked at Raul who said, "Play it how you see fit, I can't give any direct orders without having your situation on my shoulders."

She understood and then asked, "Anything else we should know that's not here?" Raul shook his head, "That's it." Chris asked curiously, "Anyone we should know that's not here?" Raul shook his head; "Everyone else here is busy with something else." Chris asked, "Wasn't that Raven I heard practising?" Raul smiled, "You're weapons do not deceive you, it was, he's in for a brush up and some wind down before I send him off to New York."

Curious, but not enough to ask Macy shrugged, and Chris teased, "He's been bad!" Raul grinned, "Actually it's to look into something. He will be available if you need him for some bash and crash." Macy didn't like the idea of using that, but shrugged again indifferently. Chris replied, "If we need it we'll call."

He looked at Macy who said, "Ready when you are." He nodded and the two stood, and left the meeting room.

They were quiet as they headed out, and once in the car Chris asked, "Want to get in with your contacts?" Macy nodded, and directed him to a place she knew in North York where she could get in with Eagle.

It was her basic in and out, touch base with various major drug dealers she knew. It wasn't long before she had a meeting set up with Eagle. Eagle had heard of her, which made the meeting go fairly smooth. It would take a few more days of finagling before she could get in with all of them and find out who she was going to meet up with in Peterborough.

It was the same for Ticker and Toole, and Macy decided after that they should head out to Peterborough to case the area and see where the drug dealers lived. It was a long drive up, and she spent most of it reading the Intel to Chris who listened as he drove.

Macy had a regular Joe Shmoe job that she did part time, it gave her the typical average every day citizen look. So she wondered about the time it would take to get this one resolved and how to fit it in with her other work. Luckily it kept her cover in Toronto, unluckily, she wasn't known in Peterborough it made things dicey.

She decided she would have to eliminate that cover of her story, and make it look like she was one of the regular dealers and gun runners in Toronto instead. She'd work it out with the people she knew in Toronto that she heard they were untrustworthy and was checking on them. This would keep her cover in Peterborough.

Before the end of the night, they'd found several big time dealers, took photos and did general surveillance of the people they were after. By their actions, Macy was able to determine a fair number of reasons for her Toronto underground friends to be suspicious.

By morning, she learned they were not as trustworthy anyway and had small evidence of it. Enough for her to go back to Eagle and Gotti with a good excuse to start her hit on Peterborough.

They needed to wait until she finished her regular part time work, it was just the morning, and then Chris delivered her to Gotti, and Eagle. He wasn't needed, so he kept out of the picture carefully observing from various coffee shops after he dropped her off and met her elsewhere for pick up.

It was settled, Macy would be able to get in, out in Peterborough and do a bit of legwork for her 'friends'.

Her next mission was involving Toole and Ticker, it was easy to get Ticker through Tony, but hard to get Toole to trust her. He didn't care who he sold his guns to in Peterborough, as long as he was paid. She dealt with him over evidence, and promised to find some and bring it back for him. She was sure he would investigate her, and was sure to drop a lot of names putting Eagle and Gotti at the top.

They headed out to Peterborough next, and Chris was ready to rock and roll. Macy had her hidden spikes, and several stars. Her casual outfit held several hidden compartments for it this time. Chris also brought a web harness and a Beretta 94F for her. Posing as a dealer from Toronto it was necessary for her to actually look the part. Luckily, although she rarely used guns, Macy was an ace with several weapons the Beretta being one of them. She slid the harness on and checked the Beretta's action causing Chris to grin, "Music to my ears Mace." Macy continued her inspection of the slide and the safety before slamming a clip in, "I thought that was the sound of bullets whizzing up your ass." He laughed, and glanced at her impressed as she finished with the weapon and slid it into the harness.

Chris had been one of the people to see her handle the weapon before, and it always amazed him she showed no signs of rust from not being around the weapon. Her way of killing was silent, and everyone else at S.H. did it loud and proud. Silent Raven being the loudest of all the operatives.

They slowed in Peterborough, travelling through downtown and finding the brother's local hang out again with ease. They were the main dealers to Toronto for the drugs, and the ones Macy had brought back evidence on. She'd purchased some flea powder from them, the weakened narcotics turned out to be one of Eagle's distributions. Her point she made to Gotti and Eagle drove home hard about how easily one of them could take the rap for bad narcotic distributed by them.

The brother's had pot, coke, hash, and various types they sold. She needed to get the weapons dealer though, and it would be tough to negotiate that when she was supposed to be there for drugs.

Called 'The Brother's Grimm' she used Chris again as her enforcement. They got out and headed over. Brother one, she aptly dubbed due to his height and longer hair, noticed them first. Brother two was busy pulling on a joint while he sat on the bench. They operated out of a park near the main street.Brother two was shorter and dumpier, not as observant, but he did pot which slowed him down considerably.

Brother one looked at them musing, "Came back for more did you?" Chris looked at Macy, who nodded, "I was talking to Eagle, he said he had a shipment going out to you some time soon." Brother one looked at two, and took the offered joint. Taking a pull off it, he waited a moment for it to take effect before he answered, "Yep." Offering the joint to them, Macy declined, "No thanks, we had some other business to tend with." He shrugged, and offered the joint back to his brother.

Macy informed, "We're meeting up with a guy named Brad Billing, ever heard of him?" Brother one shook his head, "No, who's he supposed to be?" Macy lowered her voice replying, "We want to trade some merchandise for weapons." Brother one looked at two, "Ever hear of him?" Two shook his head and finished his turn with the joint handing it back.

Trying not to inhale as much of it along with them, she looked at Chris musing, "Maybe it's an alias. He didn't really know us." One took his pull from the joint before he asked, "What does he look like?" Macy had made up the fake Brad Billing, so she made up the description using one that resembled Dennis. If Chris caught on, he didn't let it show.

One shook his head, "Don't know him." Macy shrugged and then pulled out the money from her fanny pack, "Well, doesn't matter, we need what we got last time, maybe more if you got it."

One handed the joint back to his brother and reached discreetly for his stash, looking it over inside his jacket before he looked at her again, "I got about five or ten more kilos." Macy added the correct amount of money to what she held; "I'll take it." She handed the money to Chris; it was his duty to do the transaction. This was in case the locals took them down she would be still clean in the underground.

Chris made the transaction discreetly with Brother one, while brother two watched. Before passing the joint back to his brother when the transaction finished he said, "You should see Tommy Fox."

Chris put the package of drugs away while he looked around, and Macy asked, "Oh yeah, and who's he?" Brother one took the joint and let two do the talking now, he replied, "He's who we get our guns from. We'll vouch you didn't stiff us and he may make you a good deal. It's our stuff so he'll know it's a good trade." Macy looked at Chris; he gave her a cool stare. She loved working with him because of his ability to look smooth anywhere.

Looking at brother one and then two she said, "We'll make our meet, but we're interested in looking this Fox up." One passed the joint back to brother two, and said, "He's down near the lift locks. You can't miss his gang; they hang out near the college all the time. If you go in that area and ask around someone will tell you. We never really find him in one spot, he moves about on account of the police." Macy nodded, and then looked at Chris again who said, "Let's go."

Macy looked at the brother's, "Nice doing business again, I'll tell Eagle and Gotti about it." They both nodded, and then Macy left with Chris.

She grinned at him as they drove off; "You're so cool." Chris grinned as he laughed, "Well it's natural...as natural as your description of Dennis." He laughed as he steered the car in the direction the brother's gave them to find Tommy Fox. It was a name Macy didn't know, but she wasn't worried. With Ticker, and Toole in Toronto able to confirm they somewhat knew her as trustworthy she would be able to worm her way in.

Coming across several of Fox's associates, they were treated near hostile. Macy nearly reached for her spikes, but had the Beretta in hand ready. Two scum’s came forth, "We gonna shoot each other?" Macy replied, "No, we're defending ourselves, we came to talk to Tommy Fox. The brother's Grimm told us about him." She didn't take her eyes off them knowing Chris held his own weapon at the goons. One moved forward slowly, "Alright take it easy." He peered at them and asked, "Who are you?" Macy replied calmly, "Mace. This is my enforcer, call him 'Pissed off Incredible Hulk'." The scum looked at him and then back at Macy saying, "Be cool. We're all going to lower our weapons, and then I'm gonna call Grimm."

Chris played his role, "Better had lower them, or I'll eat them." The second one lowered his first saying, "Take it easy Hulk." He reached for his cell phone adding, "I'm going for my phone, which’s why I dropped the weapon." They eased off when he pulled out the phone. Motioning to Chris, she lowered her Beretta, and Chris did likewise with the goon one.

Goon one did all the talking on the phone to the brother's Grimm, and learned that they had indeed just come from meeting them. He looked at Macy asking, "They wanna know why you're looking for Fox, what happened to that other guy?" Macy replied coldly, "Brad Billing? Tell them he had an accident with Hulk." The goon repeated the information into the phone and then said, "Yeah, okay. Thanks." Disconnecting he slid his weapon away saying, "You're cool." Handing the phone to goon two, they watched as he put it and the phone away. Macy and Chris did the same, and then she asked, "So what's the deal? Fox doesn't want the business?" Goon one shrugged, "I dunno, I didn't ask him, but I will when he gets back. You're going to have to leave a number." Chris asked in a snarl, "On your forehead?" Goon one looked at him, "Easy Hulk, a number is a message, we make a meet."

Looking at Macy he said, "Roll in your leash Mace. We need to set up a meeting for another time." Macy snapped, "He's in Peterborough, and I want a meeting NOW or Brad Billing will get some company." She had the Beretta back out in top speed, both goons held up their hands.

Two said, "Easy man." He looked at One, "Just call him and ask him-." Macy cut him off, "Just tell me where he is, NOW!" One nodded, and then said, "Behind the college, but you'll get stopped by his guards. I'll still have to call and tell him you're coming." Macy nodded, "You do that, and tell him that you had a near death experience."

Holstering her weapon she motioned for Chris to follow her back to the car, Chris kept an eye on them as they headed off.

Out of earshot at the car, he mused, "I don't know if I should be surprised or pleased." She climbed in asking, "Why is that David Banner?" He followed her inside laughing, "The name, or your actions there just now." Macy shrugged, "Try both, and get us behind the college. We'll do a recon before arriving. I want to take one of Fox's guards it'll make us look good."

Chris did as advised, and then he followed Macy out of the car. They did a check on their weapons before he looked at her asking, "Ready?" She nodded, and he followed her lead down the grassy slope; in along a line of trees; towards the back of the college.

They came across the guard she wanted, and took him via silent mode slipping up behind him and pulling a cord around the guards neck hard enough to immobilise him, but not kill him. Chris took his weapon, and Macy eased up slightly whispering, "If you want to live, you'll do as I say. Lead us right down there to Fox and no funny business. I'll loosen the cord and you'll nod once you understand and then do exactly as you’re told." Letting up enough for him to move, the guard managed a nod. Then he proceeded steadily ahead. Macy followed along keeping the cord close in case he tried something warning softly, "Alert anyone and you'll have outlived your purpose." The guard nodded slightly to show he understood and did exactly as he was told.

Chris had his gun at the ready as they neared the back of the college. Fox noticed the captive, and gave an order to the guys around him. He signalled to another guard Chris spotted and trained his gun on. Fox called, "Back to your post." The other guard turned and headed back, Macy proceeded forward with Chris and her captive.

Staring coldly at Fox she watched as they stopped and said, "You have some idiots for sentries Fox." Fox agreed nodding, his shoulder length hair swaying with the movement, "It's all Peterborough has for hire." She didn't like that he wore sunglasses in the middle of the night.

She snapped, "What's the matter, are you blind or something?" Fox held up his hands, for a tough guy he was a skinny long haired creep. Easing the shades off he replied, "Take it easy, I'm light sensitive." Macy snapped, "I'm itchy fingered, you don't see me catering to my problem." Putting pressure on the cord she asked her captive, "Do you?" He shook his head, and she looked at Fox again, "When I come down looking for weapons, I don't expect to be treated with a gun in my face by two pukes who look like they just got out of bed."

Fox waved a hand like he was about to conjure up a spell; "They're idiots, as you said. It doesn't mean I don't want business. Like all business though, I need to check out my buyers." Macy retorted, "All you need to be sure of is you aren't getting stiffed. We have merchandise from Grimm so you know you aren't." Fox nodded, "Which makes us cool." She gave her captive a rough slap on the shoulder; "He doesn't think so."

She looked at Fox informing, "Hulk has the stash, he makes the trade. If anyone pulls any shit with us this guys head rolls on you." Fox nodded, "Okay, our goods are here." He turned and looked at his friends, motioning with a hand. One produced a duffel bag and brought it forward. Chris stepped closer to watch as the goon dropped the bag near Fox and then moved back to his spot quickly.

Fox stooped and zipped the bag open, laying it for Chris to look in, "This is what we call our display models, a sample of what we have in stock. We can get them in quantity for you at a later meet." Chris replied, "We need to supply our dealers right away, I don't want a demo." Macy agreed, "If we wanted demos I'd show you how this cord works." She whispered into her captive's ear, "Now is the time to plead your case." The captive begged quickly, "C'mon Fox, they're going to keep me like this until they get a deal." Fox held up a hand, "Cool it."

Looking at Macy he said, "They can be traded tonight, pick what you want give us a quantity and one of my guys will go get it." Macy's captive asked, "And leave me like this Fox?" Macy applauded the timing of her captive, and waited for Fox's answer.

He motioned again and Chris asked irritated, "What are you a magician or something?" Macy would've laughed if not for the situation, instead she pulled on the cord enough to scare everyone; "He's lying, and this guy's dead!" Fox panicked, holding out his hands, "Wait, no. Hold it." Chris trained his weapon on one of the goons behind Fox warning, "Don't tempt me punk."

Fox stepped forward, "Everyone wait!" Lowering his voice he said quietly to Macy, "Take me, I'll take you to the weapons and we'll deal alone there." Macy looked at Chris, and then at Fox again. Chris read the _expression and moved toward Fox, "You're with me Foxy." He smiled menacingly and Fox looked at Macy, Chris searched for weapons and tossed them before Fox knew what was happening. As soon as he had him, Macy released the cord from the captive and gave him a shove forward saying, "Anyone tries anything and Fox bites the dust."

Looking at Fox she ordered, "Lead us to your wheels." Fox did as he was told, and when they were away from the others Chris put his gun away. There was no way Fox would make any move around them.

It turned out the trunk was their warehouse, and Fox tried to make out like he had a warehouse further off and this was just a stash for bigger sales. Ignoring the bragging, she let Chris deal with Fox. She knew from what she saw that he had to have a supplier somewhere and that was who they were after.

Chris traded the drugs, and pulled out a wad of cash to supplement the rest. Once the transaction finished and Chris had the duffel filled with the weapons, Fox closed the trunk; "It was a pleasure doing business with you." Chris laughed, "Good one, goof." Moving toward the car he pulled the handle of the door. Noting it was locked he said, "Open it." Fox looked confused, "What?" Macy shoved him toward the driver's side, "Open the door!" Fox moved, "Okay, take it easy, where are we going?" Chris waited on the passenger side, "Your practice range. I'm not sealing a deal until I know these are good weapons." Fox opened the door saying, "Jeez all you had to do was say."

He opened the door for them and they got in, Macy taking the back seat so she could help cover Fox. They went to the firing range, which was just a farmland that Fox likely owned. She watched as Chris tested all the weapons, and Fox mused with impression, "He's good." Macy asked, "So tell your supplier." Fox laughed, "Gumbo doesn't care about shooters." He looked at Macy realising he'd let the name slip, and Macy mused, "Gumbo is a soup." Out of sheer luck it had been one of the codes used to prove they knew who Gumbo was. Fox asked, "Why didn't you just go to him?" Macy played along, "We needed a small quantity, and we heard you had lax security around here." Fox sighed, "Jeez, if I'd known you knew Gumbo I'd have sent out a welcome wagon." Macy mused, "Make up for it by setting up a welcome wagon for us with Gumbo." Fox nodded, "Anything to get rid of you two. You're too freaked out to deal with."

Macy called to Chris, "Hulk, test the rest on Fox's guards, we're moving." Chris looked at them, and smiled.

Back in the car they headed to meet Gumbo. Macy didn't know who he was, and didn't care. Her plan was to make Fox look like an idiot. Chris used several of the purchased pieces as back up when they got out.

Following Fox to the big dealer's restaurant Macy grinned as she glanced at Chris. Glad to have got to the ring leader quickly this would be finished soon.

Like an idiot, Fox led them right through to the back where Gumbo's guards looked at him quizzically. Gumbo met them outside the office in the hall, "What the hell Fox?" Fox looked around surprised, and Macy put the Beretta to his head, "Yeah Fox what the hell?" Chris trained his weapon on an approaching guard, "Easy goof, this isn't about you." The guard stopped and looked at Gumbo who yelled at Fox, "Who the hell are these people you brought Fox? What's wrong with you? This is my restaurant!" Macy pushed her gun into the back of Fox's head, "Answer him Fox." Fox stammered, uncertain of what to say.

Gumbo looked at Macy and then Chris asking, "Who are you?" Macy shook her head at Fox, "Fox, aren't you going to be polite here?" Looking at Gumbo she smiled, "We're a big time gun shipper from Toronto, we came looking for merchandise and tried to see how easy it would be to find out who's boss here." She looked at Chris adding, "I won, you get to hand over Fox." Chris took the order, and keeping a weapon trained on the guard he took Fox by the shoulder. Stepping carefully toward Gumbo he dragged Fox over saying, "Here's your dealer." Macy put her Beretta away, and asked Gumbo, "Are you going to have your guard put his weapon down?" Chris added quietly, "Or should I shoot the shit out of this place causing a hell of a ruckus?" Gumbo motioned to the guard, "Down."

With the weapons put away, Gumbo took Fox by the collar as he led him into the office saying, "You two, follow me."

Inside the office he shoved Fox down into a chair in front of his desk. Motioning to a guard he said, "Sit on him." The guard moved to watch Fox, and Gumbo looked at Macy, "Names?" Macy grinned, "I'm Mace, call him Hulk." Gumbo nodded, and then asked, "Am I supposed to know you?" Macy shook her head, "Not even in the slightest. I'm from Toronto." He looked at the guard, "Take that idiot out and give him what's coming for jeopardising my business. Teach him a lesson. A GOOD LESSON!" The guard picked up Fox's arm and dragged him out.

Macy took up the empty chair asking; "Do you know Tucker, or Toole?" Gumbo asked loudly, "Now you tell me you know someone I know?" Macy grinned, and Gumbo sat down, "Ah, Fox did wrong and is an idiot." Waving a hand he added, "He deserves what he gets." Macy mused, "Think of how simple it would be for a cop to come busting in here Gumbo." Gumbo nodded, and Macy looked at Chris who moved to stand next to her. Gumbo looked at him, "Keep it cool Hulk." Looking at Macy he asked, "So now that you've accomplished your mission of seeing how easy it was to get to me. You want to do a deal right?" Macy grinned, "That's Hulk's business." Gumbo looked at Chris who grinned.

Gumbo started talking over a deal with Chris, and they set up a big meet. They used their recent clean purchase from Fox to enhance their character. Gumbo wasn't worried about them though, simply because they knew the brother's Grimm to start their transaction in Peterborough.

They made their transaction for the end of the week, and then Gumbo got a goon to give them a ride back to Chris's car.

Once they were back inside on their way to Toronto, they discussed the events. Deciding on heading straight to S.H. so they could deliver the entire thing to Raul.

Hours later inside Raul's office, they took up chairs in front Raul's desk explaining the entire ordeal to him. Raul listened, and then said, "So we're ready for the clean up." Chris looked at Macy before adding, "We can't compromise our status. Especially not Macy." Raul nodded, "I know, we're going to work it as though this Tommy Fox got the deal compromised." Chris looked at Macy and then asked, "What about the cops out in Peterborough?" Raul replied, "I'm on top of that, I'll give them the tip off and tell them I've got people to bring you in. We'll get someone from here to take care of you when the deal goes sour."

Macy looked at Chris who looked at the ceiling praying, "Please not Sean, please not Sean." Grinning she copied him looking up praying, "Please not Dennis, please not Dennis." Raul laughed, "Prayers be answered, neither. I thought that maybe you'd like Raven in on this. It's a big time deal, with a lot of gunners to factor in." Chris looked at Macy, "Oh cool, Jack’ll bust us!" Macy glanced at him, and then looked at Raul, "Who else?" Raul grinned, "You know Jim, and since he's our local insider he can take the cruiser with Jack." Chris laughed, "Raven's going to ride in a squad car!" Macy laughed, "Ha ha, you're riding home in the back!" Chris didn't find that funny and stopped laughing so did Macy who looked at Raul. Raul said, "Thank you."

Looking at them both he added, "I'll set it up, get yourselves ready. We'll be set for the end of the week."

They held a big meeting Friday afternoon; it was minus Raven who needed to be somewhere important. Raul had already briefed him about the mission for the night though. He would meet up with Jim after dinner for the ride out to Peterborough. Macy didn't worry about Jack, as long as Jim knew what was going down it didn't matter. Jack always played from the same music sheet as everyone.

It was decided, since Macy was ambidextrous, that she would use the Beretta 92F, and when the crap hit the fan she would use her hidden stash of spikes, to help with Gumbo's guys.

It was scheduled that Raven and Jim would be in on a tip about Fox, and gather the information of Gumbo's deal to alert the Peterborough police. Fox would take the heat for causing Gumbo's deal to go sour.

All set, Macy headed out with Chris, Jim followed them down to the parking lot assuring them Jack would be on the same page as them tonight. Along the way they passed Dennis who snickered, "Ooh, it's Macy and her girlfriend." Chris grabbed Dennis by the arm feigning jealousy, "Two timer!" Dennis balked and moved away pausing to watch as Chris laughed and put a massive hand on Macy's shoulder informing, "I made him have to get locked in the bathroom again Mace!" She gave him a grin, "Good, I'll let you keep your hand." He removed it and moved ahead to get the door saying, "I'm glad, I'll need it tonight."

She got into the car with Chris, and they took off behind Jim. Jim went a different way as they head off for Peterborough. After a week of underground footwork in Toronto the change was a welcome to Macy. She had to go around making Tommy Fox look like an idiot, and it had taken more time than they'd spent getting to Gumbo in Peterborough.

Macy knew the drill, prepare the weapons and wait until they arrived. They were responsible for the recon, and then they informed Jack and Jim.

After they arrived and checked over everything, they made the call to Jim, learning they were en-route. Deciding to grab a bite to eat they found a place, and went inside. Making an order, they checked their time while they made casual talk.

Chris watched their surroundings as did Macy, and both noticed a man attracted to their table. Chris grinned as he teased, "Aw ain’t it cute, you got an admirer." He received a kick on the shin under the table, and barely flinched as he said, "Hey now, be nice or your date will leave you for the can." Macy looked at him coolly; "It's not like I can't flip his ass over my shoulder on my own Chris." Chris nodded, "I know, and we need to keep it quiet now." Macy sighed, Chris was right.

They dined as the staring continued, and Chris joked about having a curse on him by the dagger looks he got. Finally having enough of it, Macy grabbed Chris by a jacket lapel and laid a kiss on him that made everyone in the restaurant blush.

Surprised, and overwhelmed, Chris followed the gesture, and stared blankly at Macy when she broke away and whispered, "Pay, to the car, and don't ever mention it."

Staggering by the kiss, Chris tried to keep cool as he followed the instructions, and when they went back into the car they both noticed the guy that had been staring come out to the parking lot. Macy cursed, "Oh shit!" Chris grinned, "Oh yeah!"

He moved to embrace her for another kiss, glad she didn't cleave him in the ribs and played along. When the guy pulled away, he let her go, "Drive, and don't ever mention it." She glanced at him cringing at his grin, "If you don't I'll tell everyone I gargled with soap afterward." He only laughed, and then said, "I'm sorry Mace, I won't say anything. I'm cool."

He didn't say another word as they head for the meet. Along the way they got a call from Jim and Raven about Fox being brought in. They were on their way to position now.

Chris followed Macy out of the car, and joked to ease the tension, "Now don't lay another of those on me. I need to stay focused." She glanced at him replying; "Can the flattery Hulk." He grinned, and then stopped when he noticed Gumbo with his men at the end of the rows of warehouses. He surveyed the area looking for snipers and moved along at a slower pace next to her. In one hand he carried an attaché filled with the correct amount of cash for the weapons. The other he had primed ready for his weapon.

Arriving on foot at the end of the warehouses Gumbo asked, "Didn't you drive?" Macy nodded, "We parked away from here just in case. Hulk's going to check the weapons; you look at the cash. Then he goes and gets the car for pick up. Cool?" Gumbo shrugged, "Whatever, you go first Hulk."

Chris watched as one of the goons opened the trunk. Macy ignored that, and counted goons. She knew where Jim and Jack would come in from, when Chris moved to go get the car it was their signal to move in.

Chris looked at the weapons asking, "How about a test?" Gumbo replied, "Sure, give me a look." Chris flipped the attaché open and let him gape at the money. Gumbo nodded, and said, "Let him check them over, no firing them off until you get your wheels down here. I don't want attention to us." Chris nodded, "Deal." He handed Macy the attaché while he checked over all the weapons. They looked like they were all good and he looked at Gumbo, "It's good. I'll get the car. Mace will wait here with the cash."

Gumbo looked at his goons, "Good, we'll wait, don't be long."

Chris looked at Macy in parting; "Don't get any shopping ideas." She gave him an un-amused look and watched as he left. Turning her attention back to Gumbo she asked, "Did you have a nice chat with Toole or Tucker?" Gumbo grinned, "I did, with both of them, and the Grimm brother's. They all know of you, and say you're clean. We aren't going to mess with you, I heard you're a tough cookie in Toronto." Macy grinned proudly, "You've heard correct."

Macy turned to look along with all of them at the approaching car. Jack wasn't in the car, but Jim definitely drove it. She was surprised by his sudden appearance as he rounded the group from behind, "Freeze Police."

Instead of joining everyone in drawing weapons, Macy ducked for cover behind a goon's car. Bullets started ripping out across the area slamming into cars, and warehouses.

Macy looked for Chris's position, she knew he was supposed to double back from somewhere behind her. The cordite in the air Macy evened the odds pulling out two throwing spikes and letting loose on the goon with the M16 sticking him in the gun hand sending him down. The second she let fly at Gumbo's right hand man. The big goon had a Mac and as soon as the spike penetrated his arm he was out of the gun play.

Sirens following Chris down the slope back to the warehouse he was late for the party, the local Peterborough police were on the scene. He arrived in cover behind a crate watching the fireworks. Jack was making mincemeat of a shooter. Macy lined up two throwing knives and let fly. One caught a gunner mid aim at Jim who took fire behind his car. The other combo thrower struck Gumbo himself as he tried to fire on Jack.

A moment later, Macy and the attaché became invisible as she slid under the car and over two more vehicles toward Chris. Her objective was to break free now with the money and get away from the scene. With her help Jim and Jack could take care of the other goons still trying to take out Jack.

It would be impossible for Gumbo or his men to trace the spikes or knives to Macy; she'd cleared the car unseen and headed off in Chris's direction. Unfortunately one of the goons opened up at the arriving Peterborough police car, not wanting to return fire on the goon he watched as Macy tossed the attaché toward him and then dove.

Jim aimed for the goon, taking him out and watched as Macy tucked into the tiniest ball and rolled the rest of the distance out of the way. Chris ran down to meet her and grabbed up the attaché as he did. Jim checked Jack's status, he was already moving in for clean up kicking weapons away. Jim turned his attention to Chris ordering loudly, "Freeze, drop it!" He glanced at Macy who rolled up to her feet next to Jim. He turned to her saying, "You too." Then he whispered, "Are you okay?" She gave him a 'What do you think?' look and then held out her hands. Chris jogged down toward them and stopped next to Macy. Seeing she was fine, he held up his hands allowing Jim to take his weapon from him. He took the weapon and attaché case ordering them into the back of his cruiser so he could go help Jack.

Macy got in next to Chris and watched as Jim closed the door. Tossing the money into the front he said, "No funny fingers guys." Then he headed down to go help Jack round up Gumbo's gang.

Chris relaxed in his seat musing; "You aren't going to-." Her elbow hit him in the ribs and he grunted. Macy replied, "Don't even joke about it." Chris rubbed his side asking, "What about if that guy comes back?" Macy mused, "What if he was gay?" Chris dropped the subject and relaxed again.

Jack and Jim had Gumbo's gang all wrapped up nicely for Peterborough's finest. They gave their report in front of Gumbo's goons, adding they'd caught two in their car. They made sure Gumbo and his goons got an earful about how Fox had tipped them off, adding they came for Macy and Chris.

The goons believed it, and when they were taken away they assured the Peterborough police they would give them the paper work from Toronto. Once clear, they headed back to the squad car where Jim and Jack got in. For appearances, they had to have Chris's car towed, and ride in the cruiser back to Toronto.

Jack looked back at them and asked, "How did you miss all that buck shot Mace?" Macy replied with a shrug, "Sound, the gunner was tapping the trigger, and the first shots were wide. I just dove in estimation." Jack looked at Jim who said, "It was close, I'm surprised there was no singes on her." Chris asked, "Does anyone care about my wounds?" Jim glanced at him; "You weren't even in on anything." Chris rubbed his side where Macy had elbowed him, "Yes I took a hard hit guys." Jack glanced back at them, and Macy warned, "You'll take another if you keep whining." Chris leaned forward whispering; "Any chance of one of you switching spots with me?" Jim grinned, "My cruiser, my choice. Sit back and take it Hulk."

Chris grinned at Macy and asked, "So what are you doing with your time now that this is over?" Macy retorted coolly, "Stock up on breath mints."

Chris grinned, and ignored the puzzled glances from Jim and Jack in the front. He simply leaned back and closed his eyes relaxing. Macy grinned, shifting; she used one of his immense arms as a pillow and closed her own eyes. He knew what was good for him, and didn't object.

It had been a good week; she'd started off looking for a big time gun dealer out of Peterborough and found him. As soon as the heat died down, she was sure she would be back looking for the Brother's Grimm's major supplier to take them out too. She may as well make the best of buddies with Chris in the meantime.

Copyright © 2005 by Dèsirée Doucette

MACY and all related characters, names, and indica are trademarks of Dèsirée Doucette © Copyright Dèsirée Doucette

© Copyright 2005 mahican68 (mahican68 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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