Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1032661-A-Diplomacy-lesson-with-Allindi
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1032661
a short story, i hope you like it! its a little 'fantastic'!
(short word of explanation; this short story is written about a world that is connected to our particular galaxy but generally runs on its own. It is a world of Goddesses who join the human race for a time and save humanity and produce progeny. This world has an animal, of sorts referred to as a 'cousin' they change their shapes on a routine basis and bond to those brave enough to enter the forest. While many enter the forest there are rules; you must be educated, you must have a guide, and you must realize the truth that if you are not chosen you may not return to the world you left. This story then is about four cousins, one already chosen and the other three on their way to the forest.)

"A story Grandmother! A story! Please!" At least twenty voices squeked for my attention, their nursery maid looked at me with pleading in her eyes and so I shushed the children. I will tell you a story of the King and Queen, would you like that? Their affirmative answer was hard to miss and so I began;

A long time ago, before I met your grandfather, I was chosen to be a guide in the Cousin's forest to my three younger cousins. I walked into the courtyard on a warm spring morning. The sun warmed my legs through the leather riding pants that I wore and a small breeze blew at the loose green blouse I was wearing. My hair was braided into a thick coil that hung down my back looking horribly similair to the color of unwashed rope. My two favorite cousins were quarreling again.

"You are still sick Daoud! We can always do this another day.” Princess Elizabeth looked frustrated. Going head-to-head with our cousin King Daoud, who was as stubborn as an ox, I would look frustrated too.

“I am a King, and you are only a princess. I will do this today, on my birthday.” Enough fighting was enough.

“Alright, stop the bickering you two! Anyone would take you for members of feuding families and not cousins who happen to love each other. You should feel privileged and humbled that you got us two as guides. Going into the Cousin's Forest is no joking matter.”

The three, my demure sister Isabel was there too, mumbled apologies and mounted their horses. It would only be a short ride from the town Lost Hope in Munajoo to the Cousin's Forest. I told Rolan to meet me in the courtyard. Taking a running leap a few yards before I would have run into his hide I leapt up into the air, somersaulted midway and landed cleanly on Rolan's neck. <Show off> As always my Cousin's voice was big as it sounded into my mental ears. A rich bass that many of my friends would have killed their grandmother's for. I did not bother with a reply, mostly because he was right. Instead I admired his fine form, never has there been a better looking dragon than my Rolan.

Rolan spread his black gossamer wings and launched powerfully into the sky. The riders became less and less defined as the air chilled around me. Rolan was uncomfortable, I could tell by how his ears were laying off to the side that he wasn't telling me something. You can always tell a dragon's mood from their ears. Rolan's were currently held flat out to the side in a very nonchalant way.

<What's wrong Rollie?>

< I am not sure>

<Whatever it is it must be important, for you to be thinking about it now.>

<Not dreadfully so. I cannot remember why I chose you. You are so unbearably young and naïve. So cocky and sure of yourself that it grates like fingernails on my scales. Not to mention your teasing nature.>

<It is because we ARE Rollie.>

<My name is Rolan, but thank you for reminding me, chosen.>

<Anytime my Cousin>

<That girl will be queen.>

<What girl Rollie? There are only two girls down there; Isabel and Elizabeth. Princesses yes, but far from either of the two crowns.>

<Whatever are you talking about Chosen? Do I need to add insanity to your list of qualities?> Uh-oh, Rolan had made a prophecy. My Cousin would ramble them off every now and then and then promptly forget them. 'That girl will be queen.' I did not like the sound of this at all.

At the edge of the forest, everyone stopped, and Rolan landed. The horses were let loose to return where they might. Rolan shapeshifted into a centaur after I kissed his smelly dragon nose. My Cousin is pretty set in his ways. I think he had another Chosen before me, but that is rare, and Rolan will not say. Rolan does not like shape shifting, it takes too much energy he says. Really he's just an old grouch, but I would not have taken any other Cousin. Rolan, now with the ability to speak aloud, did so.

“Alright young mortals, I and my Chosen have been elected to lead you. If you do not wish to join our party you do not have to. Good luck young
scholars!” Rolan can be very authoritative when he needs to be. I pulled my bow and quiver over my shoulders before mounting Rolan this time. Then we were off, I mounted, they on foot.

Nothing approached us the first day. Camp was made in a convenient clearing and dinner was anything they could find, though my Cousin fed me. By midmorning camp had been broken and we were on the march again. Just before dusk set in a beautiful song came from out of the trees, I cocked an arrow to my string. A phoenix flew from among the trees and landed on Daoud's shoulder. He uttered a single cry of joy and turned around. He was heading for home. On my watch near the next morning's light I watched a small pink pig trundle into camp and curl itself into Isabel's arms. Isabel murmured 'Pigasus' in her sleep. She left after the three of us had broken camp.

On the sixth morning Elizabeth finally made some sound, though not what I wanted to hear.

“Maybe I'm not meant to have a Cousin.”

Rolan reared onto his hind legs and left us alone. Heading into the forest at a dead charge. I picked myself off the ground from where I had fallen. My tail bone was at least bruised and I prayed that it wasn't broken.

“Elizabeth, if you aren't Chosen after you enter the forest, you don't get to leave, and I may never utter your name again. I had better go find Rolan before he finds a cliff.”

Now obviously I was not present for the next part of my tale and so I quote Elizabeth;

“I was infinitely bored after Allindi left me, so I Fetched my drawing pad from my room in the inn with a simple spell that grandfather had taught me years ago. I sketched what lay in front of my eyes. Squirrels playing in a large oak tree. When I sat back to admire my work, my hand ached. I wished I could tell time from the sun like Allindi, but I could not.

'That is a beautiful painting, you are very skilled Lady.' I had not heard anyone come up behind me. Instantly I remembered what mama had taught me, never talk to strangers. Then I wondered who the Dickens he could be. I had not turned around to look at him, nor would I. At least I wouldn't steal a pick at him just yet, maybe later though. Instead I replied to his comment.

'Do you really think so? Grandfather will surely find something wrong with it.” The young man put his hand on my shoulder, which promptly started to tingle. He crouched down in front of me and I saw him for the first time, he was magnificent. Then he pinched my chin between his thumb and forefinger and as my heart began to flutter he answered; 'If he cannot see the beauty of this work without critiquing its artist, than it is wasted on him. Tell me your name.'

I did immediately without knowing why, 'my name is Elizabeth.' Then before I could stop it or even understand what was going on, I fell. Right into his eyes, I heard a voice squeak out the name 'Brandon'. The voice might have been my own, or it might not have.”

And that is how I, Allindi found them, staring into each others eyes and letting the world pass them by. The relationship between a Cousin and his Chosen varies between the pairs. My sister's is her constant companion but he rarely talks to anyone, not even Isabel. While Daoud's cannot keep her beak buttoned and talks to everyone. Rolan is in between these extremes for which I am glad, I do not like to share him. All pairs are connected emotionally and spiritually. Me and Rolan opened to each other only after he chose me. What we stumbled upon with Elizabeth and Brandon was an immediate bonding that led to their marriage five years later. To my knowledge no Cousin has ever married, not even one of its own species. In the year 3053, twenty years after the bonding of Elizabeth and Brandon, our cousin Mikheal II, and the heir to the throne of Munajoo was seriously injured in a hunting accident. In the year 3056, when Elizabeth was twenty-three years old, Mikheal II died, and his older sister was lost to the Cousin's Forest. That left the crown to my mother who abdicated. I had already chosen my career path as diplomat to the crown, which left me an unacceptable heir. Isabel was found unacceptable to be an heir by our grandparents. They said that she lacked the strength of will to rule the kingdom. Elizabeth and Brandon were named the heirs in the late winter season of 3056. From the stresses invoked, Grandfather died of apoplexy in the spring season of 3057. Elizabeth was crowned at the end of the official year of mourning.

And now I sit and tell this tale to you, my grandchildren and you look at me with looks of shock in your eyes. Since the forest has been limited in size and no one has seen a pairing since my second son entered the forest almost thirty years ago. What I have told you younglings is true though, and you need only to look outside the window to know the truth.

My grandchildren promptly erupted from their seats on the floor of the nursery and ran to the window. Below them in the courtyard sat an old man, the King Brandon conversing easily with a centaur. They both turned and smiled back at the children and I returned to my book as the children ran from the nursery down to the courtyard, I had succeded in getting the noisy shildren away from me and the nurse maid. And Elizabeth says I've lost my touch as a diplomat! huff...
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