Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1030572-A-Dutch-Encounter
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1030572
The SunSet Jihad are planning to bring the world to it's knees.
Chapter One.

It was a warm day at Ryne Market,around eastertime and the Apple-Blossoms were just blooming, It would appear that this day would be great.

A tall blond man was looking at Levi Jeans, he looked up to ask the price when he spotted a sexy,yet Innocent Redhead, not many people noticed her but there was something striking about her: Was It her eyes? Her Lips that set her aside from every girl he'd ever met. He didn't know but he was inspired to find out.

His job was simple: He was a Secret Agent.

He searched around the trees, he thought he'd lost her; until he spun around and met her eyes.
"What have you lost?" She Enquired,looking at the ground.

"Actually, I wanted to find you." He Smiled.
"I'm Matthew." "The name's Dawn." She Replied, just then music sounded from the field. "My Song, come and dance Matthew."

Matthew couldn't resist and went to dance, the Town Festival was on and 50 Cent's 'CandyShop' was playing, everyone was dancing; Even the Elderly with their walking sticks!

Now Dawn's dancing blew Matthew away, he hadn't danced with many girls but Dawn was something else, she twirled, grinded and danced 'up close and personal'. Matthew was getting hot, even with a light t-shirt on and felt eyes watching him.

As the music died, the Mayor stepped, Dawn broke from Matthew and waited for the Mayor to speak:
"Congratulation's, you two fine young people are the winners of the Ryne Dancing Contest, here is your prize: two free meals, including drinks, at our wonderful Andre's Pancake House, enjoy with good wishes from the town of Ryne!"

The crowd cheered as they went to Andre's.
Andre's Pancake House was a cosy place with sofa's,armchairs and coffee tables.

The sofa's and armchairs were situated like booths in Diners, and as Matthew and Dawn cosied up in a corner, a Photographer came up.
"Excuse me," Said The Young Man. "May i take your picture for the article on the festival, as you won the dancing contest."

Dawn and Matthew smiled for the shot, the Photgrapher thanked them and went just as the Waitress came up.

"One Toffee pancake with Orange Juice and one Chocolate with Choc-Mint Milkshake." Said The Pleasant Waitress. "Enjoy!"

"You're dancing was Incredible!" Praised Matthew. "I was stunned!" Dawn Smiled. "Thanks, i went to Danceschool in London for a while.." She paused, a memory burned her. "But i left because the Teacher was harassing me."

"What an Asshole!" Exclaimed Matthew Angrily.
"I'm glad you followed your heart."

Dawn brushed Matthew's hand as she reached for her milkshake. "Amazing where fate leads you,huh?"
Matthew leaned in and kissed her, he was enjoying the tingles of pleasure when his Phone rang, his Ringtone was 'Changes' by Tupac Shakur.

"I've gotta answer that." Matthew Apologised.
"Matt here."

"Matt, Jules wants to brief you tommorow afternoon,ok?" Said Amber, Jules' Secretary.

"Got it, thanks Amber," Replied Matthew. "15:00, got it,bye!"

Dawn kept her nose out of it and ate her pancakes, now and again glancing at Matthew's blue eyes and his slightly ruffled blond hair until he put the phone down.

When they'd finished, the pair went to the carpark to get their rides when a nasty man grabbed Dawn's arm.

Matthew on Instinct reached into his car, which was next to Dawn's Motorcycle,for his gun and hid it behind him so he wouldn't alarm Dawn.
"Hey Braindead, show the lady some respect!"

Matthew got ignored and Dawn gave the man until the count of three before surprising him (and Matthew) by legsweeping him, Dawn added more humiliation to the man by kicking him In the balls.

"You were warned." Shrugged Dawn as Matthew tossed his gun back in his car.

"Remind me not to piss you off!" Said a surprised Matthew."That you're ride?" He added, nodding towards the Suzuki.

Dawn nodded and looked deep into Matthew's eyes. "Wanna come back to mine?"
"Well yes and no," Replied Matthew, taking a deep breath. "Yes because I really like you, no because I've only just met you."

"I'm gonna cut to the chase, I don't usually do this but I really like you," Stated Dawn. "If you've got any secrets you don't want to tell me,
I don't need to know."

Wow, cool,Thought Matthew, at least if I tell her my job she won't freak.

Matthew followed Dawn to her home, it had a good-sized Garage so Matthew could park safely.

Inside Dawn chucked him a beer.
"It's a stash I keep for my brother when he visits." Commented Dawn "I don't have tastebuds for It."
Chapter Two.
Matthew opened the can but it didn't get drunk as the pair got to grips with each other, kissing and undressing each other until In the bedroom where Matthew thrusted Dawn on the bed and entered her.

Gripping the sheets, Dawn arched her back as Matthew powerfully thrusted Into her until she orgasmed loud and hard Into the night.

Matthew awoke early and watched Dawn sleep, mulling over the previous day's events.
What an amazing woman, Thought Matthew, but In my job I run the risk of Dawn never seeing me again, I can't let that happen.

"Hey handsome," Murmured Dawn. "How're you feeling?"

Matthew held Dawn closer and kissed her. "Great," He replied calmly before laughing "I think someone almost rang the cops last night!"

Dawn laughed and got up, saying "Look, It's still only eight-thirty,I'll make breakfast, Cheese Eggs and Hash Browns ok?"

Matthew smiled."I'd like to try that, thanks Dawn." Dawn skipped to the kitchen as Matthew's phone rang. "Alright Matt!" It was Reese, Matthew's Cockney workmate. "By the sounds of it you've had a bit of how's ya father! haha!"

Matthew laughed. "What's on your mind 'Me old China'? haha!"

"Just thought i'd give you a heads up on your next mission," Said Reese seriously. "Jules is gonna ask you to take a woman with you, Ciao mate."

Ten minutes later Matthew was sitting before a large plate of Cheese eggs and Hash Browns, hungrily Matthew dived in.

"Men like you need their strength." Said Dawn happily. "My god you're enjoying that!"

Beside the plate was a tall glass of milk, after finishing his food, Matthew downed it.

"I'm glad you enjoyed that," Smiled Dawn "You looked like you liked milk so i made sure it was there for you."
Matthew got up and kissed Dawn. "That was great, thank you, i'll call you later on your mobile ok?"

Dawn nodded and hugged him once more before he left. As the front door shut, Dawn swooned on the sofa and speed dialled Denise, her Boss and friend.

"Hey girl,you sound happy, what's up?" Asked Denise, her voice cheery.

"I'm in love and i don't care what his job is," Squealed Dawn. "I'm on my way now."

Dawn worked at Denise's Dance Studio, teaching teenagers free-style dance.

The women had a chance to have a cool drink and a chat. "So what's his name?" Asked Denise, happy that Dawn wasn't alone.

Chapter Three.
"His name is Matthew and he's gorgeous." Dawn Gushed. "He loves my cooking too."

"Dawn I love your cooking," Said Denise chuckling. "The point is he might ask you to do something unexpected, would you do it?"

Dawn's answer was simple. "I'd go to the ends of the earth for Matthew."

Elsewhere, at The Dutch Secret Service, Jules started the briefing.
"According to our sources, The Sunset Jihad are in town tommorow for a meeting with an Arms Dealer to but Nuclear Bazooka's,prototypes stolen from the Army."

"What's the ratio of damage if Sunset Jihad obtain these prototypes?" Asked Matthew solemnly.

"A mini-halocaust, but these prototypes haven't even been tested yet, so If the public gets wind of this It could start GLOBAL panic." stated Jules simply.

On the board was a picture of the leader of Sunset Jihad, Muhammad Akorn:

An Asian man with wild black hair and wearing Army gear, with an AK-47 strapped to his back, the picture was a rally poster proclaiming:
'White Infidels will perish under Allah's eyes!'

This Is It, thought Matthew. Jules Is going to ask me.

"Matthew Is there a woman you can trust for this mission, a brave, out-of-the-norm woman?" Asked Jules, looking straight at Matthew.

"Yes Sir but," Matthew stood up. "I only met her yesterday, she's unlike anyone I've ever met before Jules, I don't wanna lose her."

Jules nodded. "Understandable, but if this girl is as Incredible as you say she Is, I have only two words Matt:Mission Complete."

As Dawn had told Matthew where she worked the previous day, he sped there I his car and got there an hour before It closed.
"Dawn can we talk?" Asked Matthew breathlessly.

He grabbed a surprised Dawn and ran Into an unused hall. Oh god, Thought Dawn, Denise was right; What could he possibly ask?

Matthew took a deep breath to stay calm.
"Sit down please, this might shock you." He Paused as Dawn sat.

"Dawn, I'm a Secret Agent."

Dawn's eyes gaped as she rose, then she smiled "Cool."

Matthew's jaw dropped. "You mean you're okay with It?"

Dawn grinned. "Hell yeah, now, what do you want to ask me?"

"I have to avert prototype nuclear Bazooka's from getting into the hands of a Terrorist Unit called Sunset Jihad, but to do that I need a female counterpart, someone different from the norm."
Stated Matthew anxiously, the Information was sensitive and could only be told to someone he could trust.

"Stop the bad guys causing a nuclear winter halocaust and kick some ass?" Pondered Dawn. "I could try that."

Matthew grabbed Dawn and spun her around, Denise was walking past as she heard her friend laughing, Denise smiled, she had a good feeling about Matthew, no matter what his job was.

They had dinner at Luigi's Pizzeria, sharing a meat feast and a mini food fight, laughing together. That night was safe and they could relax, tommorow they would prepare for the mission.

Chapter Four.
The next night Matthew was dressed in black khaki's and a black jumper with black boots, Dawn shivered excitedly.
She had blue jeans and a pink 'Tinkerbell' hoodie with rainbow Dr. Martens. They were being wired by same-sex Agents. And Dawn was given a small pistol while Matthew had a silenced 9mm.

"You know how to use one of those?" Asked The Female Agent. Dawn cocked the gun ready for firing.

Matthew raised an eyebrow. "I watch action
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