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Love and marriage, to what lengths would you go to save yours? |
This is a short script about a married couple who gets caught up in a love triangle that's too tempting to pass up. Dexter, in his mid-40s, the CEO of an advertising firm, is tall, hansome and a bit of a womanizer. He's been married for ten years to the sophisticated and beautiful Maxine, an investment broker, who has become increasingly aloof and distant over the past two years. He seeks comfort and understanding in his secretary, Tiffany, who's been with him for a year now; and is kind, warm, and too eager to please. She's the opposite of his wife, and it intrigues him. The following scene takes place in a suite at the Mirage Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. This will be the first time that Dexter has taken Tiffany to bed. He's pretends to be sure of himself, because she seems very nervous. Dexter (Pouring two glasses of champagne) Relax, sweetheart, this is our night to celebrate. Tiffany But Dexter, what about your wife (she is agitated and nervous) isn't she expecting you home tonight? Dexter (Handing Tiffany a glass and coming closer) The "Missus" thinks I'm still away on a business trip. She's not expecting me until tomorrow night. Let's make a toast (raising glass). To a beautiful night, one we'll never forget. (He takes a drink and sets the wine glass on the bar. She takes a sip and does the same. He pulls her cloase and goes to kiss her but there's a knock at the door). Damn, what timing (under his breath). (Dexter opens the door. It's the bellhop with a dozen of beautiful long-stemmed red roses in a crystal vase. Tiffany quickly reaches in her bra and pulls out a small vial and adds a few drops of liquid to Dexter's drink. She pretends to need a kleenex and wraps the vial in it and places it in the waste paper basket behind the bar. Dexter says something stern to the bellhop and closes the door). Those incompetent idiots were supposed to deliver these before we arrived. (His expression quickly changes when he comes to Tiffany) For you, my darling (he hands the vase of roses to Tiffany). Tiffany They're beautiful, Dexter (she brings the flowers close to her face and breathes deeply and then sets tehm on the talbe by the couch. They continue embracing). Why don't we continue this in the bedroom (alluringly, she picks up his champagne and hands it to him, and picks hers up and leads him to the adjoining room by the hand). I thought we had reason to celebrate (she takes a long drink of champagne and he raises his brows in surprise, but follows suit). (They set their drinks down on the dresser. He begins to caress her neck with his mouth while he's unzipping her dress from the back. It falls to the floor. She loosens his tie and unbuttons his shirt. They move eagerly, but at a controlled pace, as though they're savoring every moment. Tiffany runs her fingers through Dexter's tight curly hair on his chest, Dexter unfastens her bra and lets it drop tot he floor. He takes a firm nipple into his mouth and suckles and nips and teases until he elicits a moan from Tiffany. They begin to move frantically, continuing to undress each other, and fall to the bed. As they both lay naked, Dexter gives Tiffany a quizzical look as though he just recognized her for the first time. Then there's a look of anger and he passes out on top of her). (She carefully rolls him off and proceeds to tuck him under the covers as though putting him to bed. She then goes into the bathroom, turns the light on and stares at herself for a long moment. A slow grin comes across her face as h she realizes that she did it. She reaches up to her head and slowly takes the Auburn shoulder-lengthj wig off and removes the pantyhose cap keeping her own naturally dark brown medium length hair hidden out of sight. She removes the fake eyelashes and proceeds to wash off the layers of makeup that she caked on her face, with a satisfied knowing that this was the last time she would have to wear this disguise in her husband's office. Relief spread through her body, but at the same time anger coursed through her veins. She looked over at the man lying in the bed apparently knocked out from the sleeping drug she put in his drink earlier. Her emotions were mixed. But she knew at that moment that she loved him and would do anything to keep him). Maxine I didn't sacrifice ten years of my life for nothing. He'll understand why I did what I did. I had no other choice. (She says this aloud more to convince herself than to her sleeping husband. She thinks to herself that she would have lost him to another woman, if she hadn't become that other woman). (Aloud, talking to herself in the mirror) Every man needs a diversion. Maybe he'll realize that he can have the best of both worlds. I'm willing to play any role, to keep what's mine (she finishes with determination. She dries her face and walks over to the other side of teh bed her husband is sleeping in. She climbs in and cuddles closely to Dexter, kisses him gently on the cheek and whispers) Sweet dreams, my husband; I love you (and falls asleep). It's the next morning in the same hotel room. Dexter begins to wake up and realizes what happened last night. (The sun is shining brightly through the windows and Dexter wakes up with a pounding headache. He groans and covers his eyes. He then remembers what happened last night and turns over to see his wife, Maxine. The thought at first seems comical that his reserved wife could pull something like that off, and he chuckles. His smile slowly fades as he realizes that she knows everything about his private conversations and office romance he supposedly had with Tiffany. How can he be angry. Although he wonders if he could ever trust her again. He looks at his wife with renewed admiration and a little fear. It was remarkable at what lengths she went through to keep him. Does that prove her love for him after all, or is she just cold and manipulative)? Dexter (Aloud with resolve, more to himself) The fact that she's here proves she's here to stay. There's no better time than now to start making up. (Dexter begins to kiss his wife tenderly as though he isn't sure of her reaction. She begins to moan softly and opens her eyes. They look into each others eyes for a long moment, searching for the other's thoughts. When they find understanding in their eyes, they kiss and caress each other until the tears begin to fall. Neither one knew where their tears began and the other's ended. They both realize that they haven't been this close or shown such raw emotions in over two years). Dexter I'm sorry, Baby, I don't know why I did it. Maxine I forgive you, Dexter, because I know I'm partly to blame for not being there for you emotionally. I was still dealing with issues from my miscarriage and withdrew before I knew how it was affecting our marriage. But, Dexter, this will not happen again. I won't accept it. Dexter I know, Maxine (he caresses her face gently as he wipes her tears off her cheeks). Let's just start again and try to find out what went wrong between us. Maxine Well, we can start now. Dexter, I want us to try to have another child (she searches his eyes for reassurance). Dexter Whatever you want, Sweetheart. I love you (he kisses her passionately and they make love). |