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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · War · #1022170
the beginning of the war bettwen Helion and the Shangard overlords

Seven o-clock and my alarm went off as it always dose, I slowly open my eyes and shift my body to wake up, my mother knocks on the door and tells me to get up like every day but this time there was some thing in her voice that made me move faster, I pushed the sheets to the floor and got up I found some clean clothes hanging in my closet and in my drawers, I leaned over by bed and look up threw my sky light so see what the weathers like, it looked to be a bit cloudy but still sunny, I slip on my clothes and walk out into the hall I walked down to the living room, the moment I got past the hall I froze, every one in the room was just staring at the TV no one moved, I tried to get there attention but I couldn’t. I walked up to them and I was about to grab my sister’s arm when I saw what they were looking at, on the TV was the morning news, a video from the traffic helicopter’s camera showed in the industrial district where the highway had been split in two a crack about the width of our house was dug into the road.
“What the hell is that.” I said as the reporter started to his description.

“This happened about three minutes ago, a large crack formed in the center of highway one, the crack is actually what was left behind as a large beam cut it’s way threw the road, I am getting calls from the drivers ill patch it in.”
“Hello, focus your camera under the nine fifty bridge the people at home will want to see this.”
As the camera focuses on the location, it finds nothing the cameraman starts to pan left and right after a few seconds it finds its target, a man about six feet tall was walking down the cut in the road, the man was wearing normal clothing blue jeans a plain black shirt a grease stained jean jacket over top, and a sword sling around his waist.
“Im getting word from one of the Drivers near the beginning of the crack patching in.”
“He just jumped out of the ground under all the concrete and asphalt it’s unbelievable, he pulled out his sword ran it against the ground and slashed up quickly, that’s when the beam thing started.”

“A slash attack, no way” I said stunned
“What you know what he’s doing?” My father asked
“No not yet, but im going to find out.”
I was about to leave the room and put on my jacket and shoes when I heard the next drivers report.

“Hello, he’s started to say something.”
She held the phone up in his direction.

My entire family just turned and stared at me.
There faces full of confusion and horror.
“You now that lunatic?” my mother asked
“Yah, I killed him three years ago.”
All there jaws dropped, and they went wide-eyed.
“You never told us, how come.” My little brother asked
“I told one of you and only one because if I had told all of you, you’d treat me differently.”
“Do you have to do it again, last time he nearly killed you.” My sister stated.
“Yes you now better then any one that if I don’t stop him the world will suffer.”
“Look the armies arrived on the scene.” My dad basically yelled
“They won’t be able to do anything trust me.”

Before they could ask me any thing else I slipped on my shoes put on my coat grabbed my sword and ran out of the door.
“He’ll never make it there in time.” My mother said worrying now
“Mom you have never seen what James can do, he can run at near fifty mph, you never gave him a chance to show you.”
“An I guess you have.” Mom asked aggressively
“Yes I have seen him, he can do more then you give him credit for.”
“And this man on the road who’s he.” Dad asked

“His name is Jason, before he could begin his domination of the world James stopped him, that all happened three years ago it took them three years to end there fight all they thought about was each other, going over there fights trying to find a weakness, it all boiled down to a stupid act of James’s, the idiot I gave him shit after he did it they ended the fight In the middle of the night at the school, James took a hit in the side from Jason’s sword the blade was facing down so he twisted and jerked the sword from Jason’s hand then he struck taking Jason by surprise he got him right in the heart, that was it we thought he was gone.”
“Apparently he’s not,” my little brother said
“How did James find out about Jason?” My mother asked
“I’ll let him tell you.”

“Hey, a person has just appeared on the scene, man he’s fast.”
I ran straight past Jason and at the army it stopped and told them to turn around they didn’t listen they just drove right by me so I did what I had to, to stop them from killing themselves, I ran up the back end of one of the trucks, jumped into the air, drew my sword, made sure no one was in my way and sliced at the ground stopping the trucks dead in there tracks.

“I see you have gotten better at this.”
I turned around in mid air to look at Jason. I landed with one arm out forward and hand flat on the ground, my sword facing behind me, my knees bent, and my head facing down.

“Who the hell is this guy?”

I stood up and looked Jason in the face.
“Where have you been for the past three years I’ve been bored outa my mind?”
“Oh you know stuck in the other world, trying not to get eaten by the bugs, you’ve done well in my absence world not dead and all.”

“Why are they just talking?” my mom asked my sister
“Three years of constant fighting makes two people friends, James was actually crushed when he had to kill Jason.”

“Well I guess were going to have to start this again.”
“Yah this time lets not take three years.”
“Agreed, now… is here good for you or should we go some where else.”
“No im good here.”
The stair down was the best part of our fights we got a chance to think of our moves and the others counter moves, even though we had pretty much matched each other. Jason held his sword with one hand hanging down his right side, his other placed in his jacket pocket, he was going to fight one handed. I had my sword hanging over my shoulder with my right hand.
“Hey no shit this time, we do it all or nothin”
“Your askin for it.”
We both charged my sword now raised and in both hands vertical, Jason had his horizontal and in both hands we had the same idea.

“Holy shit there gonna duke it out.”

“Watch mom you’ll see what your son is capable of.”

Our swords met, causing a strong rush of air in all directions the air around us dried, windows in cars around us shattered, people fell to the ground, and the helicopter above us spun out of control it crashed in the woods nearby.
Jason made a move that I had not anticipated he pushed his sword in my direction, spun under it and popped out right behind me, I had to move fast twisting my body and ducking at the same time his sweep went right over me, I was facing him now ready to lung my sword into his chest, I stood up, straightened my arm and swung straight forward he jumped back dodging my attack, he lunged at me I blocked the attack.
I jumped back to gain more ground landing on the nine-fifty bridge Jason jumped after me and tackled me on the edge we landed some where near my fathers building.

“Enough… no more playing James ether kill me now or the earth will suffer.”
“Why, why do you want to destroy the planet?”
“It’s not to destroy… it’s to enslave. For to long have the normal dominated the planet, for to long have we been kept at bay, well now we get a chance to rule, now we will be dominant.”
“What others, you’re the only person ever recorded to do this.”
“No, there have been others, the Salem witch trials my ancestors burned at the stake because of betrayers like you.”
“I know all about my kind we are nothing like you, the secret war that raged between our kinds, ever since the days of Caesar our rebellion has lasted for eons and it will last as long as I exist you cannot hope to succeed.”

As we were talking the camera crew had survived the crash they crept up on us and got it all live, my family heard every word I said.

“He can’t be serious can he?” my mother asked
“He’s quit serious.” An unknown stranger had appeared in the house.
“Who the hell are you?” my father asked with a bit of anger in his voice
“Ahhh master Kremen it has been to long.” My sister said
“Dear Jessica you have grown so much in a year, how is he doing?”
“Good but I fear he may not finish him this time.”
“I remember when your brother first meet me I can barely believe it has only been three years since that day, but back to maters at hand where are they.”
“They just entered the business section by highway one.”
“This will be where it is decided, I wish I could be there.”
“What you’re not going to go help him?” My mother shouted not knowing all the facts.
“No I must not interfere it was his ancestors who stopped the Shangard from arising the first time, if I were to interfere James would surly lose.”
“I suppose you’re the one who taught James how to do all this then.” Danny asked
“Yes I am, why do you ask.”
“Well doesn’t that mean that someone must have told Jason to then right?”
“Yes that is true.”
“Soooooo even if James beats Jason then there’s is still another Shangard out there.”
“ We have come to the same conclusion, the counsel is deciding whether to search for Jason’s teacher or not.”
“A counsel, then that means there are a lot more of you then we first thought.”
“How do you know about us, who else knows?”
“A few friends of mine found an old text in the ruins across the seas, we’ve been looking for the Helions for five years.”
“Wait even you knew, dammit we no nothing about this.” My father said.
While my family and master Kremen talked I was fighting.

Me and Jason had been at it while my family talked we were now in the back lot of my fathers shop, fighting it out like we had never done before anticipating the others move was no longer the case it was now if I would win or if he would win.
We had distanced each other and were just standing there preparing. I started the attack I ran at full speed sword in the air I had to finish It hear and now. Jason was just standing there he had his sword loose in his hand, as I approached him I swung straight down I was stunned by the fact that he simple side stepped out of the way, as I continued forward I wondered why he had not finished me I was wide open, not wasting the time I spun round pulling in my arms I had my sword hanging out my left side I hit him in the shoulder I landed and we started the whole thing over again, but there was a look in Jason’s eyes something I had not seen in him before, he was clam unusually calm, there was no anger in his swings, no defiance in his movement.
I had won the fight I could tell by those signs before I finished him he told me some thing that I will never forget and I still remember it.
“James I want you to know I realize now that I have never been on the right side, I know why you beat me last time and your ancestors before us, you have a greater cause then me you fight to protect what you love and care for, I fought for power and control, I will miss you old friend.”
“And I will miss you.”
After that I simple killed him, a true friend one who has taught me more then the world had to offer, I had done it the world was safe and I hope that this will be the only time I have to lose a friend like that.
© Copyright 2005 R.Dykstra (r.dykstra at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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