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Rated: 13+ · Other · LGBTQ+ · #1013546
Now that Jon, Jake and Jonathan are back together, they have to see Jon's parents.
By: Jeremy Denton





Jon and Jake had been back together for two weeks now and Jonathan was used to having Jon there.

They would take turns getting up and getting Jonathan ready for school and letting the other one sleep in for a little while longer.

“Jon, you’re phones ringing!” Jake said from the bedroom. Apparently Jon had forgot to turn off his cell phone.

“MOM,” the display read.

“I have got to change the name on that number,” Jon thought as he looked at the caller ID.

“Oh no,” he said.

“What?” Jake asked.

“Hold on,” he said and aswered the phone. “Hello?”

“Hey hon, when are you coming home?”

She asked him that as if nothing was wrong, as if she didn’t know that he was Jake, with his lover.

“I thought that I wasn’t aloud to come home?”

“What gave you that idea?”

“Well, when I got into the Parleton city limits, you told me that if I was going to see ‘him’ that I wasn’t aloud back home.”

“Well you are aloud to come home when you see the error of your ways. Then when you come home, you can have access to your bank accounts again even though there isn’t a lot of money in either of them.”

She still had no idea that he had another account with money in it from his Grams.

“Mom, I am not going to see the error of my ways because I have not made any errors. I am happy here. I have a partner and a son. Yes, I said I have a son. His names Jonathan and he’s five years old.”

“Is this true?”

“You bet it’s true. He was created through artificial insemination a month or so after we moved away and he was created from a mixture of Jake’s sperm and mine. He looks like Jake more but has my eyes and my smile. He’s your grandson but I don’t think you or dad will ever meet him. You seem like you’re too bitter.”

“Listen Jon, just give us a chance. We can change. We promise. Don’t keep Jonathan from ever meeting his grandparents.”

“Don’t try to make it out to be my fault that you don’t get to meet him. I’m not keeping him from you, you are.”

“Why don’t you bring him to the house today. Let us meet him. We promise to be on our best behavior.”

“Can Jake come too?”

“Sure,” she said and Jon could here the distaste in her voice.

“Okay. Is 2:00 okay with you?”


“Okay. See you at 2:00. I’m guessing the gate codes are still the same.”

“They are.”

“Okay. Bye.”


“What?” Jake said, running his hands around Jon’s stomach and smelling in his early morning scent.

“Mom wants us to bring Jonathan by the house today. She says that they will be on their best behavior and that they really want to meet him.”

“Are you sure that that is wise?” Jake asked and the two of them sat on the edge of the bed.

“I don’t honestly know. I had hoped that Jonathan could have a better relationship with my parents than I did but I don’t know how they are going to react. I know that they wouldn’t do anything violent but the anger and hatred could be bad.”

“Well, it’s up to you. They’re your parents.”

“It’s just 8:30 so why don’t we get a shower and then we can decide what to do then. Okay?”


The two of them went and got a shower and when they got out of the shower they had discussed what they were going to do about his parents while they were in the shower and had decided to go on ahead and go over there.

They loaded Jonathan up in the car and when they got to Jon’s parents house, Jon took him aside to have a little talk with him.

“Listen, lil’ man, you know I love you, right?”

“Yeah, Da. I know you love me and I love you too.”

“Well I want you to know that my mommy and daddy might not be what you have expected. They were mean to me and Daddy. They were the reason that I had to move away from Daddy for such a long time. They were the reason that two weeks ago was the first time that I had ever talked to Daddy. I just want you to know that what ever happens here today, Daddy and I love you more than anything in the world. That will never change. Now give me a hug,” Jon said and Jonathan wrapped his little arms around his Da and then Jon stood just as the door opened.

“Master Jon, good to see you again,” Alfred, the butler, said as he opened the door.

“Alfred, this is Jake, my partner and this is our son, Jonathan.”

“Hello Master Jake. Hi Jonathan, my name is Alfred. Would you like some cookies and milk?”

“Can I Da?” he asked Jon, looking up into his Da’s eyes.

“Sure. Alfred, do you mind taking him into the kitchen for a few minutes? I will be along to get him after Jake and I have talked to my Mom and Dad.”

“Certainly Master Jon. Come with me Jonathan and we’ll see what kind of cookies we have in the kitchen.”

“Good, now let’s go find my ‘parents’,” Jon said.

It didn’t take them long to find his parents. They were in the library talking in front of the fireplace.

“Ahhh, Jon, how are you?” Jon’s Mom asked.

“Good. I’m sure you remember Jake?”

“Ahhh yes, Jake. So good to see you again,” she said, hugging him.

Jake looked at Jon and Jon just shrugged. He didn’t know what to make of the odd behavior.

“Ohh, Jon, my boy. How have you been.”

“Good. How’ve you been, sir?”

“Good. Ahhh, Jake. How are you.”

“Great in all ways. Yourself, sir?”

“Good. Couldn’t be better. Just got over the flu a few days ago.”

“Sorry to hear about that. The flu can be a killer if not treated well.”

“Absolutely right.”

They all moved over to the fireplace and Jon and Jake sat side by side on the, what could be considered, loveseat.

Fifteen minutes of laughing and talking and actually getting along was interrupted by the doors to the library bursting open and Jonathan came running in with a huge smile on his face.

“Da, can we go see your room?” Jonathan said, jumping up in Jon’s lap.

“Sure. Do you two want to come?” Jon asked his parents, knowing that Jake was going to come just so he wasn’t left alone with Jon’s parents.

“We’ll be there in a minute,” they said and Jon, Jake and Jonathan got up and went up the stairs to Jon’s room.

“Wow. Nice room,” Jonathan said just as happy as he had ever been. He went and got on Jon’s bed and started jumping up and down like any kid would have.

“It may be a cool room for a teenager but not really for someone Jonathan’s age,” Jon said to Jake as they stood there at the door way. “The X-Box isn’t a good thing for a little kid. They get addicted to it at a young age and they wont want to ever give it up.”

Jon walked over to his dresser and pulled open a drawer and lugged out a large photo album.

“Hey Jonathan, come ‘ere,” Jon said to Jonathan who was now running around the large room and got him to come and sit on the bed with him. “You too Jake. My parents never knew I had this. Would you like to see pictures of your Daddy and me when we were teenagers?”

“Yeah. Yeah,” Jonathan said enthusiastically.

“Okay. Here we go. Blast from the past,” Jon said and he opened the album.

The first picture Jon pointed out was of him and Jake at the movies. Jake was on his back and they had their tongues stuck out at the camera. Just rough housing. They had only been dating a few days at the time. Actually they were still putting up appearences for their friends. The next picture was of the two of them sitting on a stone wall at a spanish field trip and they had their arm around the others back and Jake had his head on Jon’s shoulder. A few pictures later was one of great memory. Jon and Jake were at the prom. They were out to their friends but Jon’s parents knew nothing of them going to the prom together. The picture showed Jon with his head on Jake’s shoulder as they slow danced there on the dance floor at the Elderado Coutry Club. The next picture was one that neither Jon nor Jake knew was going to be taken. It was at Jon’s friends Alexandra’s house. They were at a pool party and the two of them were kissing, french-kissing, under the diving board and Alex’s sister shot the picture and before they knew it, they had been caught on pool-party-frenching camera. The very next picture was of the two of them with shocked looks on their faces after they realized that they had just had their picture taken while they were ‘kissing’.

“What’s this?” Jonathan asked, reaching for a folded up piece of notebook paper.

“That’s a letter that I wrote to Jake before I moved but I never had a chance to give it to him. I had hoped to find a way to send it to him but my parents watched my every move.”

“Can I read it?” Jake asked.

Jon handed him the paper and he opened it and began to read it to himself.


I hope you know how much I love you. I’m only seventeen but I already have more than anyone could ever need. I have of the most special people by my side. Jake Bradford, you are my soulmate, my world, my everything. You are so loving and kind and I am so blessed. There was a time when I swore that it all must be a dream and that I was going to wake up and find out that I had just dreamed you up but now I know that this is no dream. You are real and I love you so very much. Jake, what we have together is something that a lot of people never experience. We have an unconditional love for one another that is priceless. You can’t buy what we have. We are going to be together forever, baby.


Love from every corner of my heart,


A tear escaped Jake’s grasp and rolled down his cheek.

Jon leaned over and kissed the tear away.

Unknown to the three on the bed, Jon’s parents had walked up to the door and had seen their son kissing his lover’s tears away.

Clearing his throat, Jon’s dad spoke as they moved across the room.

“What are you boys looking at?”

“Nothing, sir,” Jon said, closing the photo album with the letter tucked away inside it and sat it behind him.

“Nonsense. Let’s see it.”

Jon handed them the photo album and they sat on teh bed next to Jake. Jon’s Mom was next to Jake.

They loooked through the album, not getting upset and then they came to the letter and they read it together.

“Jon, Jake, we’re sorry for the way we treated you. We never knew, atleast not until now, how much you really loved each other. And now you’re both fathers to this wonderful little boy.”

“Do you three want to stay for dinner?” Jon’s mother asked.

“We’d love to,” Jake said.

Dinner came and went and Jon, Jake and Jonathan were getting ready to leave when Alfred hurried up to them with bad news.

“Master Jonathan, it has started snowing and it will be impossible for you to leave anytime soon.”

“Well, looks like we’ll be staying here tonight,” Jon said and moved over to Alfred. “Alfred, could you get my tent out of the clost in my room and set up on the upper level of my room for Jonathan. He should get a kick out of that.”

“Certainly, sir. I’ll put a sleeping bag and lantern in there as well.”

Alfred went to Jon’s room to his job and about ten minutes later he told Jon it was ready and the three of them went to Jon’s room for bed.

“Jonathan, would you like to go camping?”

“Boy would I.”

“Up there’s a tent, sleeping bag and lantern.”

“Cool,” Jonathan said he took off for the upper level.

“Jake, here’s your shirt,” Jon said, throwing him a bright red wifebeater.

“Hey, this is mine!” he said with a smile.

“I know. Every once and a while I would sleep in it just because it had your scent on it.”

“I love you, Jon.”

“I love you too Jake.”

“Well, I love you both,” Jonathan said from the upper level.

“We love you too. Goodnight,” they both said.

“Night,” he said and climbed in the tent and turned out the lantern.

Before climbing into bed themselves, Jon started a fire in his fireplace and then they climbed into bed.

Jake fell asleep in Jon’s arms.

The next morning they awoke to Alfred coming in their room. Jake was still in Jon’s arms and they were facing the fireplace.

“Sorry to wake you sirs, but young Master Jonathan wishes to go out and play in the snow. Is that okay with you sirs?”

“Sure. Could you stay with him for a little while. We will be down there in about twenty minutes.”

“That will not be necessary Master Jake. Master Jonathan’s mother said that she would take Jonathan and play in the snow with him.”

“Oh okay. Could you have Jonathan come up here before he goes out to play?”

“Certainly sir,” Alfred said and he was about to walk out the door.

“Thanks, Al,” they both said.

“You’re quite welcome, sirs.”

When the door closed, Jon turned Jake over onto his back, balancing on his arm and elbow, he leaned over and kissed Jake lovingly.

“I can’t believe how good things are going,” Jon said, laying his head down next to Jake’s and resting his arm over Jake’s chest and stomach.

“You wanted to see me Da,” Jonathan said when he came in the room dressed warmly in his jacket and mittens and everything else.

“Yeah. Come sit over here a minute. I need to talk to you,” Jon said and he got up and sat ‘indian-style’ on the edge of the bed.

“What is it Da?”

“Well, you know how we have always told you to tell the truth?”


“Well, we want you to remember that when you are with my parents, If Grandma asks you something, even if it’s about me and Daddy, tell the truth to the best of your knowledge. If you don’t know, tell her that you don’t know. Okay?”

“Sure Da. I know to tell the truth,” Jonathan said and jumped off the bed.

“Okay, lil’ man. Go have fun. We’ll be down in a little bit.”

“Okay Da. Love you guys,” he said and he headed for the door.

“Love you too, lil’ man.” they said to Jonathan. “Come on Jake. Let’s get a shower.”

The two of them got up and got their shower as Jonathan went out and met up with his grandme.

Jonathan and his grandmother went for a walk through the woods and they started talking.

“So, Jonathan, how old are you?” Grandma asked.


“Are you in school?”

“Yeah. I’m in kindergarten.”

“Do you like kindergarten?” she asked.

“Yeah. Nap time is fun and we get to fingerpaint and play games and go to recess.”

“Wow. Sounds like fun. What do you do when you are at home?”

“Play games with Da and Daddy. Da will lay on the floor with me and watch t.v. We go to the park and I play with some of my friends from school and Da and Daddy walk along the sidewalk holding hands and talking.”

“They do, do they. Do you love Da?”

“Yes and he loves me too. He says that he hated not being with me when I was a baby but that he would never leave me again. He told me about my grandmother, Daddy’s mom. He told me how smart she was and he cried when he heard that she had passed away.”

“Oh I’m sorry Jonathan, she must have been a very nice lady.”

“I don’t really remember her. I was still a baby when she died but Daddy missed her a lot. Grandma, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, honey.”

“Why did you take Da from Daddy?”

Oh no, time to answer the big question.

“Well, we didn’t approve of Da loving your Daddy. We neven knew how much Da really loved your Daddy until we read that letter in the photo album. We realize now that we were wrong for what we did.”

“Da!!” Jonathan yelled when he saw his Da walking toward them with Daddy by his side.

“Hey lil’ man,” Jon said, skooping Jonathan up in his arms and kissing his rosey cheek from the cold. “Are you having fun?”

“Yeah I am,” Jonathan said, climing onto Jonathan’s kneck and sittin’ there for a ride.

“You look good Jon,” his mother said, seeing how happy he made Jonathan.

“Thanks, Mom. So what have ya’ll been talking about?”

“Nothing really. Listen, Jonathan,” she said, talking to Jon. “I am sorry that me and Dad took you away from Jake. We see how much you love each other and how much you love this beautiful little boy.”

“And he loves us too, don’t ya, lil’ man?” Jon said and he looked up and Jonathan kissed his forehead.

“You bet,” Jonathan said.

“Hey, what about me?” Jake said, making a sad face.

“Oh, you want a kiss on your forehead too. Come ‘ere,” Jon said and he grabbed him with one hand and kissed his forehead.

“Now me,” Jonathan said and he kissed his Daddy in almost exactly the same place that his Da had kissed him.

“Now I’m the only one that hasn’t gotten a kiss.” she said.

“Here Grandma,” said Jonathan, climbing down off of Jon and walking over to her.

She picked the little boy up in her arms and he gave her a kiss on her cheek and that’s when Jon walked over and put his arms around her and kissed her too.

“Come here, Jake. She doesn’t bite,” Jon said.

Jake walked over and hugged her too and gave her a kiss.

They started walking again and they started talking again too.

“So boys, where are you staying for Christmas?”

“Well, we were thinking of staying home at Jake’s house in Parleton.”

“Well, that’s okay but your Dad and I were wondering if you wanted to go up to the cabin with us for Christmas. Jonathan would love it up there and there’s plenty of room.”

“Well,” Jake said looking at Jon who nodded his head and Jake continued. “Okay. We would love to go to the cabin with you.”

Things were going to a lot better than either Jon or Jake ever thought it would. Things were going to be good. Jon was getting along with his parents who finally accepted him and his new family.




This part of the story is finished for now but there will be another part that takes place at the cabin over Christmas. I hoped you enjoyed the previous story. Please come read the next part. Thanks. JM9364.
© Copyright 2005 Jeremy Denton (jm9364 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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