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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1010945
About a girl who goes 1000 yrs back to meet her fav fairy tale character
Well how would you feel if you get a chance of becoming a part of fairy tale? Fairy tale you know which consists of lovely tales of beautiful princess like Cindrealla, Goldilocks, Sleeping beauty, Snow white and so on. The tales while reading which we gain a lot of pleasure and which we like to read late at night. How if you get a chance of meeting one of the most beautiful princess who lived some thousands of years ago? Well sounds increadible right? I am sure that you must be thinking that i have gone crazy but i am telling you the truth. I am the girl who is born in 19th century but had went back once to 10th century to meet the some of my favourite characters of that time. You know why? Just because my dream was to be a part of one of the well known fairy tales. Well i know that still you dont believe me and so let me explain you how it happened.

First let me introduce myself. I am Miss Ella Joseph. I stay at Los Angles and is 15 at present. I dont have mom and dad. I stay here with my uncle named Peter Joseph. He is my father's younger brother. He is one of the best scientist of Los Angles and has invented many such devices through which many unbelievable things can be done.

Well i study in high school and is currently in 9th grade. Even though being 15 years old i read fairy tales every night before going to sleep. All my classmates and friends make fun of me as i still read fairy tales. I even read them in the school at break time. Even my uncle had brought many such novels that would suit me at this age but i never read them as i was totally interested in fairy tales only. I just dont know why but i wasnt able to take off my mind from them. I wasnt even being interested in studies as the fairy tales always used to distract me.

While reading fairy tales i always used to wonder about the condition of the people who used to live at that time. Many a times i used to wonder that how did the famous characters like Cindrella, Snow white and so on suffered in their day to day life. I always used to think that if i would have been surviving in that century, i would have surely helped those people and would have helped them with their daily problems.

Whenever i used to go to church i always used to pray god to give me a chance of going back in ancient period. But i knew that it was just a dream that was impossible. How is it possible to go to the past life?

But you wont believe that my wish was really granted.

It was 17th June 1998 when as usual i was in the school and the lecture of work experience was going on. This time our teacher was going to assign us some project and accordingly the best one was gonna get selected and that indiviual was going to get the prize.

"Good morning everyone" said Mrs. Weinger as she entered the classroom.

"Good morning madam" replied everyone by getting up from their seats.

She ordered everyone to sit down.

"Ok class" she began. "As you know i am assiging you with your projects today. But this time the projects will be done by your choice not mine. This time i want you to do something different than the normal routine of life. What has to be done should be decided by you. Its not compulsary for all but if anyone is interested in participating, they can give their names right now. So who is interested?"

I raised my hand and turned back to see who all are participating but none of them were interested except me.

"Ok Ella" said Madam. "I am registering your name. You have to start with the project from this week itself and will have to submit it in the end of August. If your work is good you will be awarded and remember that you have to do something different than regular activities of life."

"Yes madam" i replied.

After the school on the way to my house i was just wondering what to do. Madam had told to do something different and i was the only one participant from the whole class and so i had an hope of winning but i knew that i would be able to do the work properly as my Peter uncle was an scientist and so he would surely suggest me some idea.

After reaching home i went to my uncle's bedroom where he usually keeps all his invented things. As i opened the bedroom door i saw one big device with lot of lights inside it. Well i thought that this must be uncle's some new invention but he never said anything about it.

"Whatz going on Ella?" i heard someone saying behind me. I turned back and saw my best friend Danny standing.

"You scared me" i said.

"Dont tell me that you got scared just becoz of such a small thing" he teased. "Anyways how was the school?"

"Just as usual" i answered. "Madam has assigned me with some project."

"What kind of" he asked. "Want me to help you?"

"Well no its ok" i replied. "Peter uncle will help me. We have to do something different."

"Different means?" asked Danny.

"Like other than our regular activities" i answered.

"Ok good" he said. "So what have you planned?"

"Nothing yet" i replied. "Will have to ask Peter uncle about it."

"Ok but where is he?" asked Danny.

"Well i am looking for him only" i replied. "He is not here."

"Letz go and check backyard or garage" Danny suggested.

"Well its ok" i said. "He will come. He doesnt stay away from his creative room for the long time."

"Ok then i will leave now" said Danny. "Actually have to do some homework."

"Ok fine bye then" i said and then he left.

Danny was my best friend since childhood. He was 2 years younger than me but was still much taller and much wiser and smarter than me. I was 5.3 while he was 6 at the age to 13 years and so everyone used to make fun of him. All the classmates in the school and all his friends used to tease him by saying "Giraffe, Giraffe" and he didnt use to like that. He always used to go home and cry whenever anyone used to tease him. He was a kind of coward i can say. He used to get scared of going outside during night time and so i was just the opposite. I never used to get scared of anything and almost loved to rome outside during night.

"Hi Ella" i heard someone saying breaking my thoughts and that was Peter uncle.

"Yeah hi uncle Peter" i replied.

"Whatz up" he asked.

"Well i want your help" i said. "In my school project."

"Yeah sure" he replied. "What kind of?"

I told him everything and he promised me to help. He told me that he will think about it tonight and let me know on the next day and so i thanked him and went upstairs to read fairy tale and to complete my home work.

After doing my homework i started reading the fairy tale of Cindrella. It was one of my favourite tales and whenever i used to read it i always used to get lost in Cindrella's world. I always used to feel bad whenever i used to read the part in which her step sisters and her step mom used to trouble her and used to make her work for the whole day. I always used to feel that if i would have been present there i would have surely made a change in Cindrella's life by taking her away from her cruel family.

After completing the tale i went to the bed.

Next day i got up little early and as i got fresh i went to Peter uncle's room. He was there sitting on his pc and on the left hand side of the room there was that big device kept which i saw yesterday. According to me the device was new because i didnt see it anytime before.
"Good morning Peter Uncle" i said as i entered the room.

"Good morning Ella" he wished back. "How did u got up so early?"

"Well actually i told you about that project yesterday, remember?" i asked walking towards him.

"Oh yes, how can i forget it? I remember it very well dear" he said.

"So what should i do?" i asked.

"Well i havent thought about it dear" he said. "You go to school and come back till that time i will think of something."

"Yeah sure" i said and was about to leave when i again saw that device lying in the corner.

"Peter uncle, what is that device about?" i asked pointing towards it.

He turned to see about what was i talking.

"Oh thatz one" he started. "Thatz called as 'Tenser'."

"Tenser?" i asked. "Whatz that?"

"Well its my new creation" he began. "Its been made to take the people living in present tense to past or future tense."

"Does it really work in that way?" i asked.

"Well yeah but havent tried yet" he said.

"But how can the machine take us into past or future life?" i asked.

"Well actually it has got some belts attatched to it" he began. He went towards that machine and lifted up the belts. "These belts contains all the power of this machine and so if these belts are tied on one's wrist and are switched on they can help us to go to the future or to the past."

"Oh thatz great" i appreciated. "But like how come you created such a great thing?"

"Well its a secret dear" he said. "I cant tell you how i made it."

Well Peter uncle always keeps his creations as a secret. He always used to allow me to use his devices but never used to tell that how he made it or what all instruments he has attatched to it.

"But Peter uncle, is it safe to try it out?" i asked.

"Why?" he asked. "You wanna try it out or what?"

"Well will you allow me if i say yes?" i asked.

"Well yeah why not? Just tell me whether you want to go in past or future?" he asked.

"Well yeah in past" i replied. "Well in the world of fairy tales."

"Oh i see" he said. "But you will have to take a lot of precautions dear."

"I am ready to follow all of them" i answered. "Please let me go and meet Cindrella once."

"Ella you dont understand" he said. "Dont you know that the life of the past people was much different than that we are living today?"

"Yeah i know" i replied. "But i promise that no one will come to know who i am and i will take full care of myself."

"Well yeah that i no dear" he said. "Dont you know that this device will be attatched to a computer like screen where i will be able to see you properly and constantly."

"Really? Thatz great" i said. "Then whatz the problem?"

"Well there is no problem as such but like if they find out that who are you they will surely put you behind bars" he explained.

"But why behind bars?" i asked.

"Well because if you tell them that you are from 20th century they will surely wont believe you and they will think that you are some fraud or someone and so you will be in trouble" he explained.

"But what if i got there by dressing same like that of those people?" i asked.

"Well yeah then that will be fine" he said. "But from where will you do all these arrangements?"

"That you dont worry" i said. "I know one shop where we can get such type of dresses."

"Ok fine then if you really wanna try out my new invention, you can go ahead for it" he said.

"Thanks Peter uncle" i said and left the room.

I was very much excited as my dream came true. Anyhow i got a chance to go in the past and meet my favourite characters of fairy tales.

I skipped my school on that day. I went to that shop and buyed some dresses similar to those which the princess used to wear. After my shopping i came back home. I wanted to tell about this to Danny and so i dialled his number.

"Hello?" he said as he picked up the phone.

"Yeah hi Danny" i answered.

"Oh Ella, hi whatz up?" he asked.

"Well can you come here if you are free?" i asked. "I really wanna tell you some interesting thing."

"Well yeah ok fine i am coming" he said. "Bye."

"Bye" i said and kept the phone.

I thought of wearing one of the dresses among which i brought and so i took out all of them and among them i decided to wear a pink coloured satin frock with white laces on top of it.

"This is perfect" i said to myself. I got dressed up within few minutes and then i put the pink coloured satin hairband on my hair matching with my dress.

Then i took a glance of mine in the mirror. Well all i can say is i was looking quite similar to the girls of that time.

I quickly packed all the dresses which i brought and all the other stuff which will be required in my bag pack.

I was on my way to uncle's room when suddenly the door bell rang. I opened the door. It was Danny.

"Where are you going Ella?" he asked as he saw suitcase in my hand.

"Well to meet Cindrella" i replied.

"Oh i see to meet Cind. . . . " he stopped. "What?"

"Yeah i am going to meet Cindrella" i said again.

"Well i think Ella you have gone crazy" he said. "Are you in sleep or something or still in the world of fairy tales?"

"Well nope i am awake" i said. "And i am going and so hurry up, follow me."

He followed me towards Peter uncle's room. When i opened the room door i got a smell of some chemicals.

I saw Peter uncle heating some liquid on the gas and that liquid was giving the smell of the chemicals.

"What are you doing Peter uncle?" i asked as i and Danny entered the room.

"Just making an chemical juice" he replied.

"What juice?" i asked as i got confused.

"Chemical juice" he replied. "For Danny."

"Oh so you are done with it" said Danny.

"Done with what?" i asked.

"Actually Ella i told Peter uncle to invent something to make my size small so that no one tease me anymore" he explained.

"What?" i asked. "Have you gone mad or something?"

"Hey whatz wrong in that?" he asked. "I am already 6 feet tall at the age of thirteen and so even i wanna have a normal height as you people do and so what is wrong in that?"

"Well nothing is wrong in that Danny but what if this chemical juice put you in some other trouble as well?" i asked.

"Nothing like that will happen Ella" said Peter uncle. "These chemicals are totally pure and so it wont make any harm to Danny."

"Are you sure Peter uncle?" i asked.

"Yeah dear, very much" he replied.

"Ok what i have to do?" asked Danny.

"Just have to drink this hot juice" replied Peter uncle.

"What?" asked Danny. "How am i gonna drink this liquid full of chemicals?"

"These chemicals are just reactive Danny, not poisonous" Peter uncle answered. "And if you really wanna change your size you will have to drink it."

"Are you sure that they are not poisonous? What all chemicals are added into it?" asked Danny.

"Well sodium chloride, hydrogen sulphide, magnesium chloride and so on" anwered Peter uncle.

"Well these chemicals are poisonous uncle" said Danny. "We study about them in science."

"Well these are poisonous only when we add some other artifical chemicals to it" answered Peter uncle. "And i have already told you that these chemicals are pure."

"Trust him Danny" i said. "He is an scientist. He knows everything."

"Well yeah ok fine" said Danny. "I am ready to drink."

Peter uncle poured the hot juice in a glass and gave it to Danny.

"Here you go Danny, drink it" said Peter uncle.

"Yeah ok fine" said Danny.

"All the best" i said.

I was able to make out from Danny's face that he didnt wanted to drink that chemical juice but for the sake of changing his size he had to.

He somehow raised the glass close to his lips and started drinking. After taking few sips he threw the glass on the floor.

"How dirty" he said. "Something is happening to me Ella."

He caught his stomach and sat down. Just within few seconds his size went on decreasing and decreasing and within few seconds he got very small.

Danny was just 6 inches now. Just as small as our thumb. I was totally shocked when i saw the whole thing by my own eyes.

"Whatz this Peter uncle?" i asked.

"Well aaaa i think Ella i should have examined the juice before giving to Danny" said Peter uncle.

"Hey look at me, helloooooo" shouted Danny. "I am just like a small as insect now."

"Well i am really very sorry Danny" said Peter uncle lifting him up in his hand. "I will surely try to find some solution to this."

"No you dont have to do that" said Danny.

"What are you saying Danny?" i asked. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah i am" he replied. "I am really loving to be so small."

"Have you gone crazy Danny?" i asked. "Do you know that you are about only 6 inches now. What are you going to do? How will you go to school and what about. . . ? I just dont know how are you going to survive?"

"Dont worry Ella" he said. "I wont go to school now and so no one will tease me now and so i can lead my life just as i want now. No one will force me to do anything. I will be the most happiest man in the whole world."

He seemed to be very happy by getting shrunked but i wasnt happy at all. I knew very well that his whole life was spoiled now and he wont be able to do anything by himself and his parents would surely put Peter uncle behind bars. I was really getting scared now as i knew what was going to happen further.

"Whatz wrong Ella?" asked Danny. "Any problem?"

"What questions are you asking you little boy? Dont you know what you will have to face now?" i asked.

"Well i am not at all scared" he replied. "I am very much happy."

I just wasnt able to believe him. He used to get scared of each and everything in life but this thing didnt bother him at all.

"How come you are not scared Danny?" i asked.

"Well thatz because i am unnoticiable now" he replied. "And so no one will put any restrictions on me now or neither will force me to do anything. I have become such a small that nothing can happen to me now."

"And what about your parents?" asked Peter uncle.

"You dont worry about them" he replied. "They have always given me what i wanted and so if i tell them now that i like to be such small they will surely allow me to and so now you guys dont worry at all. Thanks a lot Peter uncle and thanks a lot Ella."

I just didnt knew what to do now. Danny wasnt ready to get back to his normal size and wanted to stay such small forver.

"Ella" called Danny breaking my thoughts. "Why have you been dressed up as the girls of olden days? Are you going for some fancy dress competetion or what?"

"Well no Danny, i am going back in 10th century with the help of Peter uncle's new device" i explained.

"Oh thatz great" he said. "May i come with you?"

"But your parents?" i asked.

"You dont worry about them" he said. "They arent here right now. They have been gone to St.Deigo for some work and will be back after few days."

"And so then who is ther with you at your place?" i asked.

"My caretaker Mrs. Thomson" he replied.

"Then who will inform her?" i asked. "Will she allow you?"

"Yeah if i tell that i am busy in studies with one of my friend" said Danny. "So call up at my home and tell her."

"Why me?" i asked.

"Becoz i am not in the position to hold the reciever next to my ears" Danny answered.

"Yeah right" i said and gave a call at his place and told Mrs. Thomson that Danny wont be coming home for next 3-4 days and she gave permission too.

"Now what?" asked Danny. "How to do it?"

"Well you will have to tie these belts around your wrist" said Peter uncle taking Danny towards that machine.

"Yeah i am ready to tie Peter uncle" i said.

"Ok listen to the instructions carefully now" he began. "You will have to do just as i say."

"Parts of these belts are attatched to this device and so they will function in the way i give commands to this device. This device had got this 24 inch screen where i will b able to see you constantly. Take these headphones Ella and attatch them close to your ears. Through them you will be able to hear what i am saying and also will be able to talk to me. These belts has got this green colour button which you will have to press now to go in the past or future and this is the red button which you will have to press to come back in present from past or future. I have attatched this keyboard to this device so that i can enter the number of years you have to go behind or forward and also the place where you want to land" he explained.

"Ok fine" i said. "Thanx a lot uncle. I will do just as you said."

"Yeah and dont forget to press the red button immediately if you get in some severe trouble" he advised.

"Yeah i wont" i assured. "So should we leave now?"

"Well yeah but how long you will stay there?" he asked.

"Till i change the life of those people" i said. "By helping them out with their problems."

"Yeah and one more thing" he began. "If you need any of the things from here just tell me. I will send them to you with the help of these belts."

"So you have some extra ones?" asked Danny.

"Well yeah i have many and as i send you any of the things you will have to press the white button which is placed here in centre of that belt which will be tied around that thing so that the belt will disappear from there and will come back here and dont press the white button of your belt Ella orelse you will loose your belt and i wont be able to get you back here as it will come here" he explained.

"Yeah ok fine" i said.

"Ok now you hold this little Danny in your hand so that he will also be able to come with you" he advised and placed Danny on my hand.

I then tied that belt around my left hand's wrist.

"Ok tell me Ella, how many years you want to go behind?" he asked.

"Well Cindrealla lived during 10th century and so i want to go to 10th century" i said.

"Think once again before doing this Ella" said Peter uncle. "What about your school and your project?"

"Well Peter uncle, this is what the project is" i said. "I am doing something different."

"So are increasing my work dear" said Peter uncle. "Now i will have to record the whole thing and keep or else you wont be able to prove what you have done."

"You can do that?" i asked. "Is it possible?"

"Yeah it is" he said. "Now dont waste time and get ready."

"Yeah ok fine" i said.

Peter uncle went near that screen and switched on the device.

"So in which place you want to land there?" he asked.

"California" i replied. "Thatz where her house is, i mean it was."

Peter uncle enterd the number of years and then the place.

"So you ready now?" he asked. "Take care you yourself you two. All the best."

"Thanx a lot uncle" i said.

"Press the green button now and close your eyes" he ordered.

I pressed the green button and closed my eyes.

"Open your eyes now Ella" i heard Peter uncle's voice coming in my ears.

I opened my eyes and saw all the trees in front of me.

"Can you hear me Ella?" he asked.

"Yes uncle i can" i replied.

"So we are here" said Danny. "Nice place huh."

"Well whatz there nice about it?" i asked him. "Just trees, trees and trees. Its appearing as if we are in some kind of forest."

"Well Ella" i heard Peter uncle saying. "You can switch off your earphones by pressing the button which is there on its top. You can switch it off if you want and can on it when its necessary."

"Ok Peter uncle but just tell me how to go to Cindrella's place from here if you know" i said.

"Well i dont know about all that dear" said Peter uncle. "You will have to find it all by yourself."

"Well ok fine uncle" i said and switched off the headphone. "Well Danny how long do you expect me to carry you in my hand?"

"Well dont you have any kind of cap or anything?" he asked. "So that you can tuck me in that and your hands will be free."

"Well nice idea" i said and quickly took out pink coloured satin cap matching my dress and put it on my head. I tucked Danny on it and started walking.

"Which way to go now Danny?" i asked. "Give some idea."

"Well i think we should go towards right" he suggested.

"Well yeah ok fine" i said and started walking towards right hand side. After walking a few miles i started feeling thirsty and so i took out the bottle from my bag and had some water.

"Would you like to have some?" i asked Danny.

"Well nope thank you" he answered.

After walking for some more time finally we came out of that forest.

"Well letz wait for some car or some bus to arrive so that we can request them to drop us near Cindrella's castle" i said.

"Ella, dont you know that we are in 10th century?" asked Danny.

"Yeah i do" i said.

"Then how do you expect some bus or car to arrive here, you dumbo" he teased.

"Oh yeah thatz right" i said as i totally forgot everything. "Then letz keep walking."

After walking straight ahead we came around i can say a town. It was the town market across which we came. We were able to see many people buying vegetables there. I started walking straight towards it.

"Why are we going near the market?" asked Danny.

"So that we can anyone to help us out" i replied. After entering the market i saw one old man sitting in the cornor of the road and so i decided to go and talk to him.

"Hello uncle" i said as i got near him.

He looked at me and said, "Hello dear."

"Can you just help me out?" i asked. "I am looking out for Cindrella's castle."

"Oh Cindrella" he said. "She is the most prettiest girl in the whole world."

"Well yeah, I am one of her relative" i lied. "I am just getting confused about these roads so can you help me out?"

"Well yeah sure" he said. "Just walk staright from here and take the second left turn and walk till the end of the road where you will see her castle in the front."

"Well thanks a lot uncle" i said and left the place.

"Well Ella, how are we gonna enter Cindrella's palace?" asked Danny. "There will be too many guards outside the palace. They will not even allow us to rome around the palace."

"Well we will see what to do when we get there" i said.

As per that uncle's saying i took second right turn and walked straight till the end of the road. Thera in fron i saw one huge light pink coloured castle.

"This must be Cindrella's palace" i said. "What do you think Danny?"

"Of course it is Ella" said Danny. "Dont you know this palace is a major tourist attraction now and this place is known as Disney Land now?"

"Oh yeah thatz right" i said. "So we are standing here in Disney Land. I didnt knew that this place was full of trees previously."

"Well no one here knew that" said Danny. "Now letz go."

We walked straight towards the palace where we saw a huge gate and four guards standing on the either sides of the gate.

"Now what to do?" i asked.

"Letz go inside" said Danny.

"Have you gone mad? How will they allow us to enter?" i asked.

"Well put me down" said Danny. "I will go and distract them till that time you can enter by climbing on the small wall which is there on the right hand side."

"Well ok and then what about you?" i asked.

"Well i will distract them and then will enter" said Danny. "None of them will be able to see me."

"Well ok" i said and put Danny down on the floor.

"And listen" called Danny. "Just try to go inside as soon you get in orelse they will see you."

"Well yeah ok" i said and went to the right hand side. I didnt knew what was Danny gonna do. After a very few moments i saw all the four guards walking towards the tree and so no one was there on the gate. I quickly climbed on the right side wall and got in. I turned back again and saw. Those four guards were still searching something near that tree.

So i started running inside as fast as i could. After going little ahead i heard Danny's voice.

"Ella wait" he screamed.

"Where are you?" i asked.

"Look down" he said.

I looked down and saw Danny running towards me. I picked him up and tucked him back in my cap.

"What you did Danny?" i asked.

"I just made some kind of scary noises by standing behind the tree and so they all got scared and started searching the person who was making it and till that time i got in" explained Danny.

"You are pretty wise huh" i said. "Anyways, how come you became so brave?"

"Well you silly girl, didnt i tell that i am unnoticiable now and so if i do anything wrong no one will be able to find me out. Isnt that great?" he asked.

"Well i think it is" i said. "Now where to go and hide?"

"Better connect to Peter uncle" suggested Danny.

I quickly switched on the headphone and said, "Hello uncle."

"Yeah Ella, i know you are searching for a place to stay" he said.

"How you know?" i asked.

"I can hear you even if you switch off your headphones and can see you as well. Its just you who wont be able to hear me by putting off the headphone" he explained.

"Well yeah ok fine" i said. "So suggest something now please."

"Well how can i suggest anything dear" said Peter uncle. "You will have to do that yourself as you are present there , not me."

"Yeah you are right" i said. "Fine, i will only find something."

"Ella, look on your left hand side" said Danny.

I turned towards my left side and saw a very pretty girl with fair skin, blue eyes and golden hair entering the garden. Her hair was in mess and her clothes were little torn from either sides and her cheeks were wet with tears. But that didnt affect her beauty. She was the most prettiest girl i ever saw.

Here i came to know who was she. Yes she was the only one for whom i was looking. Yes, she was the Cindrella herself. It was as if dream coming true seeing Cindrella in front of my eyes.

"Shes so pretty" said Danny.

"Yeah i know" i said. "Letz go talk to her and ask her why shes crying."

"Ella, have you gone mad? You will change the whole fairy tale" said Danny. "Dont you know that she is crying becoz her step mother or step sister must have troubled her?"

"Well i know that much better than you" i said. "But i have come here to change the fairy tale itself and so i think this is my first step here."

"Ok as your wish" said Danny.

Cindrella was sitting in the corner of the garden with her head down. I quickly went near her and sat down.

"Cindrella, are you alright?" i asked.

She slowly lifted her head up. She just kept staring at me for sometime.

"Who are you?" she asked in her very sweet voice.

"Yeah hi, my name is Ella" i introduced myself.

"Hey my name is Ella too" said Cindrella.

"What? So you are not Cindrella?" i asked.

"Yes i am" she said. "My real name is Ella and i have got this name Cindrella just because i sleep near cinders."

"Oh so your real name is Ella?" i asked.

"Yes it is" she replied. "But mostly no one here knows be by my real name and so i request you to call me Cindrella."

"Yes of course" i said. "I will call you Cindrella."

So the real name of Cindrella was Ella. Well i didnt knew that and neither it was stated in any of the books of fairy tales.

"And this is my friend Danny" i said taking Danny down in my hand.

"Oh he is so tiny" said Cindrella. "He is so cute."

She took him in her hand and kissed him. She smiled looking at him.

"How come is he so little?" she asked.

"Well actually its a long story" i said. "I will tell you later on. First tell me why were you crying?"

"Actually Jane and Margaret snatched away my favourite dress and spoiled it" she explained.

"Who are they both?" i asked. "Your step sisters?"

Well even their names were not written in any of the books.

"Yeah, but how do you know that?" she asked.

"Well its a long story again. Will tell you later on" Danny replied.

"Oh thatz how sweet of you" said Cindrella. "You both are really very nice. Will you be my friends?"

"Well yeah sure" i answered. "Thanks a lot."

"You are most welcome" she said. "But from where did you come?"

"Well aaaa actually we came here for you" said Danny.

"For me?" she asked.

"Well yeah actually we heard that you are in trouble here and so we came to help you out" i said.

"Oh thatz how sweet of you two" said Cindrella. "Come i will give you a room to stay."

I tucked Danny on my cap and followed her. She took us inside the castle and truely speaking it was the most beautiful one which i ever saw.

She took me downstairs and then opened one room. The room was all messed up and was old fashion like. It didnt suit with such a beautiful palace.

"This is my room" said Cindrella.

Yeah right. The most old fashion, dirty and messy room was given to Cindrella by her step mother.

"You will have to hide here itself orelse if anyone sees you here we all will be in trouble" she said. "So please."

"Yes of course" i said. "Its a pleasure to stay with you."

"Well thatz so nice of you" said Cindrella looking at me. She stared at me for few seconds as if she got confused with something.

"What happened Cindrella?" i asked.

"What is this next to your ears?" she asked looking at my earphones. Well i decided to tell her what it is.

"Its headphone" answered Danny before i say anything.

"Head what?" she asked.

"Headphone" i repeated.

"Well i saw it for the first time" she said. "Is it some kind of toy?"

"Well no actually it can help us to talk to the person who isnt present at the moment" i explained.

"But how come?" she asked. "Is there some kind of magic in it?"

"Well no, its a scientific creation" answered Danny.

"Now whatz that?" she asked.

"Well i will tell you later but first if you want you can try this out" i said.

"Well yeah ok" she replied.

I took off the headphones from my ears and tied around Cindrella's ears and switched it on.

"Now say 'Hello'" i said.

"Hello" she said with little fear.

"I can hear somebody talking" she said.

"Yeah its my uncle" i said. "Talk to him."

"I am good, yeah shes fine, yeah i know, ok fine i will give it to her" i heard her talking.

She handed those headphones back to me.

"Its good" she said. "Where do we get it?"

"Well not anywhere right now" i replied. "But if you want one i can give you."

"No i dont want" she said. "To whom should i talk? I dont have any relative nor any friends. Ok what will you have to eat?"

"Well nothing like now. Maybe later on" said Danny.

"Well and what about you Ella?" she asked.

"Same here Cindrella" i replied.

"Well i am really sorry but you will not get much good food to eat here" she said. "Because my step mother and step sisters hardly leave anything behind for me and so we will have to share in that."

"No problem dear" i said. "Its fine and when your step mother and sisters wont be home, i will make a few good things and serve you."

"You will make?" she asked.

"Yeah why not? Is there any problem in that?" i asked.

"Well not for me" said Cindrella."You two get fresh now and then i will take you to the garden. Till that time i will clean up the house."

"Well then we will help you too" i said. "Your work will get much easier then."

"Well you will help me?" she asked. "Well i dont want to trouble you two."

"Common Cindrella, you work for the whole day and so i think its better that you take a rest right now and we will work" i suggested.

"No please, its alright. I can manage it by myself" she said. "I have the habit."

"Yeah i know that you have a habit but you but be getting tired and so i am telling you to take some rest" i replied. "Please listen to me. You will feel better."

"Well please listen to us" requested Danny.

"Ok fine if you say, i will" replied Cindrella. "But i wont take a rest. I will help you out in the work too."

"Yeah fine with us" i said.

Soon we started working and within few hours we finished cleaning the whole house.

"Thatz how nice of you guys" said Cindrella. "I had never finished my work so soon till today. Thanks for helping me."

"Its absolutely no problem" i said.

"Ok i am a bit tired and so i will go and take rest now" said Danny.

"Well yeah ok fine" i said. "Ok Cindrella where are your step sisters and your step mother?"

"Well they had gone out and i dont know where" she answered. "But they will be back any moment."

"Yeah ok fine, i want to meet them" i said.

"No Ella, you cant" replied Cindrella. "Its better you and Danny hide in my room while they are around."

"But why?" i asked. "Like i know that they are strict and much cruel with you but i can try to change them if i can."

"Well do you think you can do that?" she asked.

"Well i think i should try at once" i replied. "Thatz why we have come here."

"I'm sorry Ella but i cant allow you to meet them as they will put both of you in trouble" replied Cindrella. "So better stay away from them."

"But whatz the harm in trying?" i asked.

"Please Ella" requested Cindrella. "If you want to stay safe here, its better you do just as i say."

"Ok your wish" i replied.

"So like now you want to go to see the garden now or want to take some rest?" asked Cindrella.

I was much tired after doing the work and i wondered how Cindrella might be working everyday.

"Well i am tired" i replied. "So is it ok if i take some rest?"

"Yeah fine with me" said Cindrella.

"And what about you?" i asked.

"Well i havent eaten anything since morning and so i will go and see if something is there in the kitchen or not and i have to cook dinner too" explained Cindrella. "Would you like to have something?"

"No thanks" i replied. "Should i come to help you with it?"

"No its ok." said Cindrella. "You go and take rest."

I went to Cindrella's room and switched on the headphone.

"Hello Peter uncle" i said.

"Yeah hi Ella" he replied.

"I am going to sleep now so is it ok if i take off this headphones?" i asked.

"Yeah fine but dont forget to put them as soon as you get up" he replied.

"Yeah fine with me uncle" i said and switched osff the speaker phone and went off to sleep.

After sometime i heard someone calling me by my name.

© Copyright 2005 ADITIS CREATIONS (shiningaditi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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