Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1010432-The-Anatomy-of-Modern-Society
by genome
Rated: 13+ · Critique · Educational · #1010432
Human Nature has no precedence, no meaning here; It's Man as Machine.
We hold on to the past; we hold on to EVERYTHING that reminds us of the past. However, like the people (residents) of New Orleans, if we were to lose Everything, what would we do? It only took a Hurricane to [spawn] anarchy among [thousands] of people. How do we think that some National Disaster CAN NOT and/or WILL NOT devastate the Millions of people that inhabit the United States of America. What will it take to tear our nation not apart but into bite size pieces? Who will lead us: a nation to lazy to lead ourselves, a president preoccupied with two wars, a congress too divided and hostile to get anything done...

What happened on 9-11? What happened AFTER 9-11? 4 years later and wounds refuse to heal. People want RESOLUTION, but they will NEVER get it. Why? Because when the [solution] is found, Someone Somewhere is dissatisfied, and the Government believes that is MUST Satisfy EVERYONE! What happens when you try to Please Everyone? Someone is left out. So who is responsible? The People are responsible because THEY are the ones who refuse to listen to warnings, THEY are the ones who endanger those who risk their lives to save you; THEY are the ones who are too LAZY to vote, to work, to help. Yet when crisis arises, THEY are the same ones who speak out with the most fervent of rage. THEY, the People of America the Beautiful, are those who DESTROY our Nation.

We are a Spoiled Nation, and the one who denies this claim is the one who pushes the bar even further. We are a nation of convenience. We want what we want when we want it; Always before but Never after. McDonalds, Cell Phones, the Internet...it's all about the "Right Here, Right Now" mentality...
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