Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1005062-Chapter-2-The-Narins-Revenge
by DawnK
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Fantasy · #1005062
Hadah's story continues.
In the heat of the day Hadah Jor Torel stood atop the hill looking down the rugged mountain trail that lead to her uncle’s dwelling. Uncle Tal had built the small house with wood and mud brick soon after her parents died. It was austere but functional and she considered it home, though she stayed in the Forrest of Hazurr with the rest of the freedom fighters most of the time now.

Her horse nudged her shoulder. “Yes, I’m sure Uncle Tal has a bag of Oats for you Jad. We’ll be home soon.” She absently reached back and patted his velvety nose, smiling softly at his gentle whicker. He was fierce in battle, lean and fast, but as gentle as a lamb with her otherwise.

She wore a soft white cotton tunic tucked into an emerald green cloth wrapped around her lower body which formed a skirt that fell to mid calf on her tall frame. It was held with a gold pin that was once her mother’s and a slim gold chain-link belt that sat on her hips accenting her slender waist.

She missed the leather boots she usually wore that laced up to her knees. Today her feet were encased in the soft leather slippers that Tal made for her. The slippers made her feel exposed even though her usual outfit of a fitted leather jerkin and a leather plated skirt reaching to just above her knees was more revealing. The men wore like outfits which enabled them to move more freely during battle.

She had grown into an attractive young woman and when she smiled, her entire countenance seemed lit from within. Unfortunately she didn’t smile much; the burden of avenging her parents death weighed heavily on her too much of the time.

She sighed and tossed her long gently waved hair over her shoulder as wispy blond tendrils caressed her heart-shaped face. Her hair was naturally brown, but the strong Ardaran sun brought out blond highlights that matched her striking lion colored eyes.

Most Narans, including her parents and uncle, had light brown eyes, a legacy of the Mystical order of the Narins, the ancient warrior sect the people of Naran descended from.

Hadah’s eyes brought to mind a muted topaz gem shot with amber or the image of the lions which roamed the dry land. When she was little she asked her father why her eyes were so different from most and he told her it was because the ancients gifted her with the heart of a lion. Her eyes simply were a reflection of her heart.

Hadah thought of the story she had heard so many times while growing up from her Uncle Tal. Long ago in a civilization when a warrior was held in high regard, and the mystical realm touched the natural, it was believed that doorways existed where the two realms touched. Through these doorways anointed ones traveled freely. On one bloody day the doorways shut and those on either side were no longer permitted to pass the boundaries that separated the mystical and the natural.

During an ancient battle, when all was thought lost for the Narins, a new doorway opened between the two realms. Unknown, two Narins escaped through it and the rest fought to their death. On that day it was as if the sun stood still and the earth cried with the children of this proud group. Frightened by the loss of their loved ones, the children left behind made a pact to never practice their progenitors' arts again and to never speak their names.

But secrets have a way of wanting to be heard and in time their descendants questioned the concealment of the Narin’s greatness. Soon legends began to surface. One such legend gave a prophecy which said that someday the two lost ancient ones would return and rebuild the order. It was whispered and repeated until one day it was written down. The offspring of the Narins found great hope in the prophecy and every new year it was speculated whether this would be the year of their return.

The wheel of time spun again and the year of their return had not yet happened. Hadah sighed. Uncle Tal always said time is the great eroder of hope, and he was right, for hope eroded lead to ridicule of the promise once so desired to be fulfilled.

Most people of Naran, forgot the brilliance of the promise of salvation. Satisfied with the luxuries they acquired from compromises and concessions to greedy invaders, they dismissed the prophecy as a myth made up to comfort their ancestors who did not have the understanding that they now possessed.

Yet in the midst of the people, a small group had not forgotten the promise. The family of Torel rekindled the vision of the return of the ones who would lead their people back to the greatness that once was Narin. What Tal never revealed to Hadah was that a flicker of hope had begun to build again, and it rested on Hadah and her destiny fulfilled.

Hadah looked down and pulled out the amulet she wore around her neck. It was oval shaped and made of intricately engraved silver with a hole in the center from which a cylindrical ornament hung. A diamond shaped Topaz crystal was set into the flat silver at the top of the Amulet. The engraving was of a lion and lioness approaching the topaz center from opposite directions, interwoven with a wild vine which was also the symbol of Naran.

It was a reminder of the ancient prophecy given concerning the return of the lost Narins.

Her father had made it for her mother not long after they settled in Ardara and she had rarely seen her mother without it. On the day Mama died, it disappeared - or so they thought.

Much later, Uncle Tal found it wrapped in a cloth tucked in the wooden box where he kept his holy scrolls, scrolls which escaped the fire that destroyed most of everything else in their home.

Tal held onto it and gave it to her when she turned fifteen telling her that her mother must have hid it so she wouldn’t lose it. Mara told him many times she was going to give it to Hadah when she turned fifteen, the day every Naran girl became a woman. When that day arrived he, in her mother’s place, placed it over her head with reverence and told her never to take it off until it was time.

“When will that be?” she asked, bewildered by his cryptic words. He smiled and told her the Ancients would show her. She had yet to remove it.

Hadah tucked it back under her tunic, took a deep breath and released it. She began again down the trail, leading Jad home.

Her stomach rumbled and she realized she hadn’t had anything to eat since the meat Luc offered her last night by the fire. She usually wasn’t as famished as the men right after battle, so she took only a few bites.

She saw her Uncle waiting by the entrance, watching as she approached. A look of concern crossed his handsome, weathered face but he said nothing. She stopped to wash her hands and face in the bowl resting outside, as she toweled dry, she eyed him with speculation.

“Have another vision?” She knew full well he did. He was a seer, The seer for the people.


“Concerning me?”

He gave her a silent look deciding whether or not this one was for sharing.

“Yes.” He turned to go back into the house. His shoulder length hair looked whiter than she remembered, though it was only a couple months since she saw him last. He still wore his burnt orange advisor robes, having recently returned from the City. Hadah sighed quietly and followed him in, ducking under the low entrance. She had lived with him since she was five, after her father and mother died. In that time he had numerous visions concerning her and none of them bode well. Some came true, most did not, but he insisted that their time had not yet come.

“There is stew on the fire, sit, eat.” Tal walked over to his script table and sat down.

Hadah grabbed a bowl from the shelf and ladled in some of the savory vegetable stew. She walked over and reclined beside the low table in the middle of the room, tearing off a piece of flat bread and dipping it into her bowl. Several minutes later, with most of the stew gone from her dish, she leaned back farther on her side, stretching her torso.

“What did you see?” she asked him.

The soft scraping sound of Tal writing on his scroll stopped.

“Have another bowl of stew. Judging from how quickly you ate, you have obviously neglected your stomach these last days."

After Hadah finished refilling her bowl and was seated again, Tal looked up from his writing. He leaned back closing his eyes and began to tell her what he had seen.

“In the vision you were standing in the forest before the tallest tree. You were clothed in the finest linens with jewels of ruby and sardis sewn into it. The great tree bent down and extended its right limb to you. You reached up to touch the limb and as you did, you were transformed into a tree as well. Soon many peoples dressed in dirty rags lined up to stand before you and the tall tree. As you extended your limbs to them, their clothes were transformed into fine linens.”

While her Uncle spoke, warmth spread throughout Hadah’s body. Her heart burned within her and she knew there was a blessing on what he was saying.

Tal opened his eyes. “One day, my child, you will stand before the King and receive favor. Your favor with him will grant you influence to change the lives of many. Have a care with what you do with your life for from this day forward preparation is soon to begin.”

Hadah looked down at her bowl and realized she no longer had an appetite. Her hands were trembling.

“Uncle, how can this be? I am nobody, an orphan with no connection to the King, and with no wish of a connection.” She rose from her seated position.

“It does not matter what you wish. What will be will be. It is your destiny.”

Hadah walked over and placed her dish in the wash basin beside the fire. She turned with a determined look on her face.

“I respect you Uncle, but this...” she looked away, “This cannot be. You know I must avenge my family. What I am given to do will never allow me to stand in front of Kings unless it is to my death.”

Tal closed his eyes as if in pain. He looked tired, his angular face showing every one of his seventy years.

“Revenge is not yours to take.”

“Yes, it is mine!” She said, turning back to him.

“Then it will lead to your death indeed”. Tal looked down at his scroll and began to write again.

Hadah went to the door, looked back at her Uncle for a second, then turned and walked out.


The palace garden was an oasis of cool, fresh air in the heart of the grandeur that was the King’s residence. Rare essences and beautiful ornamental, woody vines with brilliant purple and floral clusters, perfumed the entire palace garden.

Many years ago, King Jo’El’s grandfather had ordered it built to please one of his wives who longed for the green mountains of her homeland. A technical marvel, as well as an aesthetic one, the architects of the garden did their best to create a jungle paradise in the barren land that was Fasad and they succeeded beyond even the old King’s expectations. Complete with an elaborate tunnel and pulley system which watered the entire garden, it pleased the old King greatly and had become a jewel of the provinces.

With hurried steps Vara, wife of King Jo'El, the current High King of Ardara, moved down a narrow tiled path beside an immaculately clipped lawn. Tall bushes grew here and there with groups of flowers filling the garden so that everywhere one looked there was a new colorful sight to behold. Palms stood tall, bending their leafy arms along the walled perimeters. Trimmed bushes grew beneath and vines covered every inch of the walls.

Everything was artfully arranged and maintained by the large team of palace gardeners to create an air of harmony not found elsewhere in the palace. Man-made ponds covered with giant lily pads and a softly trickling fountain in the center increased the air of tranquility, though they did nothing to soothe Vara’s racing mind.

Vara turned from the path walking over the lawn, past tall fragrant orange and red flowers, to a corner in the back of the garden. She came to an enclosed marble gazebo that only a select few knew about. Perfectly hidden from prying eyes, it was surrounded by more palms and lush vines. She removed the hood on her crimson robe revealing inky black curls. Her perfect brow furrowed as she looked around to see if anyone followed her.

The last thing I need is someone reporting back to Jo'El on my comings and goings. She knew some bastard would be happy to do it. People were always looking to get in good with the King and blabbing about her nightly activities would certainly do that. Seeing no one in the vicinity, she parted the green leaves that hid the arched doorway to her private hide-away and stepped in.

He was waiting for her. Vara admired his beauty, almost as perfect as hers. His eyes were midnight black set over a long aquiline nose, accenting a perfectly symmetrical face. He was clean shaven and his hair was long, reaching past his shoulders. Normally tied back at the nape of his neck, tonight he wore it down and the gentle night breeze stirred the soft black waves. She looked up at him through thick sooty lashes as he approached. He smiled at her feigned innocence. Having been between her legs more times then he could count he knew there was not an ounce of innocence left in her.

Bright royal blue, with gold and rust colored accents, decorated the inside and a golden spigot trickled water into a dark green tiled basin at one side of the gazebo. Gauzy yellow, blue, and white drapes fell straight down from a high latticed ceiling. The night breeze ruffled the material creating an ethereal atmosphere which lent the perfect feel to a place designed for night pleasures.

Ashem leaned down and crushed her lips with a bruising kiss. She growled in response and bit his lower lip. He pulled back and pushed open her robe finding she wore nothing underneath. He chuckled, lifting her as she wrapped her legs around him. He climbed the steps and they fell onto the royal blue and white cushions that lined every inch of the raised dais in the middle of the room. She rolled him over and parted his robes almost shrieking with glee to find him hard and ready.

Holding his thick penis in her hand, she mounted him slamming their hips together. Ashem got up on his elbows to watch her hungered movements.

“What’s the matter my Queen, the King doesn’t know how to satisfy you?” He smirked. She didn’t answer; her head flung back moaning as she ground her mound on his pubic bone.

Ashem leaned forward pushing her onto her back and slapped her across the face. She moaned again, licking the blood from her lip, savoring the pain as he drove into her with a vicious thrust.

She gazed up at him grinning, “The King doesn’t know what I like,” she breathed, “But you do, don’t you my Love?”

“Oh yes,” he said through gritted teeth while brutally pushing into her over and over.

“Then why don’t you give it to me”

Ashem pulled out, turned her over and hit her pearly white ass with his hand, leaving a red mark. He spread her cheeks and plied her hole open with his finger. Spitting on his other hand he reached down too slowly stroke himself. Relishing in the feeling of power, he then positioned himself where his finger had prepared her for him. Forcefully he thrust his way into her.

Vara moaned loudly, reaching between her legs to quickly bring herself to her peak.

“Oh yes,” she moaned “Yes, that’s what I like.”

Later, Vara rolled over and propped her head on her hand. Reclining on the large satin cushions she reached down, absently stroking her inner thigh while she watched Ashem light a long thin pipe. He stood staring at the starry sky out a window high up, hands on hips. His robe was open letting the night air cool off his brown naked skin.

Sitting up, Vara reached for her robe. “When will it be done?” Her blue eyes never left his back.

“Patience,” he paused, “is not one of your virtues.”

“And you rely too heavily on it.” She pulled her hair out from under her robe and stood up. “I want him out of the way.”

Ashem drew on his pipe and allowed the smoke to snake out of his mouth.

“This would have been over with years ago if we hadn’t lost that seal.”

“And that, my love, was not my fault, now was it?”

Ashem looked over his shoulder, cold black eyes raking over her.

“No, no it wasn’t,” returning his gaze back to the window.

“Timing. We must wait on the right time, and then everything we’ve planned for will be ours.”

His sultry low voice never failed to send a shiver down her spine. She didn’t tell him that though, the perfect man had too many women fawning all over him as it was.

Vara walked over and wrapped her arms around him. Reaching down she cupped his sac in one hand gently scratching her nails over them with the other.

“I’ll wait…but not much longer. I’ve decided I’ve waited long enough.” She tugged on his balls becoming more insistent with her grip. “If you can’t get the job done, I will have to find the man who can.” She released him and left the hide-away.

He stood silent as the smoke from his pipe shrouded him.

“You can come in now, she’s gone”.

A lushly built auburn-haired woman entered and sensually crawled over to him. Ashem turned around hard and ready for the second time that night. The slave came to a stop before him, kissing his feet.

“Finish it,” Ashem rasped. The slave cried in delight as she put her hands around her master's buttocks, taking him fully into her mouth. The King’s second in command lifted his pipe to draw on it. He watched as the girl eagerly pleasured him with her very talented mouth and thought of how he would have the King perform the same act. He almost came right then, but held back. Pulling himself free, he pushed her onto her back and stood over her. Seeing the look in his eye the slave held back a groan of pleasure. It was going to be a long, delicious, pain-filled night.
© Copyright 2005 DawnK (dkelley at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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