Dear Jay,
I found this item on the Read & Review, and I'm so glad! This was fun to read and well written. I love how you told the wonderful truth of Jesus' birth, life and resurrection without sounding preachy. This would be a great read any time of the year, but especially during the holiday seasons. I like the lay out and how you used bold subheadings to help break it up. I enjoyed it, thank you for posting and sharing it with the WDC community.
Hello Jessica,
I decided to pop into your port for a poke around and discovered this little gemstone. You made your trip to Central Park sound so exciting and fun, I almost want to go myself! And I would never venture into a city as vast as NY. I loved all the details you included and I like how you never wrote any directions down, you just relied on the kindness of the people around you. Reading your account, it made me feel as if I'd taken the trip with you. Thank you for the adventure!
Hi AmyJo,
Boy, this brought back a lot of memories from when I was a kid growing up. At slumber parties we would intentionally break a mirror to see if it really WAS bad luck or we'd try to conjur up some dead woman said to appear if you said certain words...I can't remember the dead woman's name tho. It was a common rumor she haunted the halls of a local elementary school in my hometown. I enjoyed reading your detailed story and congratulations on getting every single trivia question correct! Your prizes are on the way :) But, shhhhhhh....don't tell anyone what you get!
Shadow Prowler is now Zombie Cat
Hi Mia,
Wow, this is short but powerful. It gave me chills. I had to read it twice, and could really feel the emotions you poured into it. I liked the easy to read format and that you double spaced the paragraphs. The ending leaves me with so many questions, and I would love to see this made into a full sized story. It is well written and I feel it deserves a full five stars. Please keep writing and keep sharing!
Your Friend,
Hello Mia,
Welcome to and congratulations posting your first story. You mentioned that English is your second language and I have to say, you are really good at it. I enjoyed reading your story, it sounded like it was perhaps written as a letter to that guy. I felt you expressed your emotions very well and your story came to life so I could imagine it was happening. It is a very bittersweet recollection of your time with him and the yearning you felt came through clearly. The only thing I would suggest, and it is just to make the whole thing easier for people to read, is for you to double space your paragraphs. Everything else looks great and I hope you write a lot more stories and share them with us.
I've fanned you, which you can do to other members and other items you want to remember. You just double click the little PLUS sign at the end of their names. Like for my name, Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love see the little plus sign at the end? Click it twice. Now, you will see when I add new items to my port AND you should see when I make posts on the news feed :)
A new kitty trinket is just the ticket to grab folks' attention to introduce this exciting new feature, The Automatic Review Response system. While I'm not 100% sure what this does exactly, I am excited to find it and give it a try. The instructions on where to find it are clear and easy to follow. I had no trouble finding the button. I am excited to play with it and see what exactly it does :). Thank you for always thinking of new and fun ways for members of the community to get involved and interact with each other. And, thank you in advance for the adorable kitty trinket.
Hello WebWitch,
In honor of WDCs birthday, I am reviewing your delightful activity. This is the second year I e experienced this game and it is fun and entertaining. It is very well laid out and clearly explained. I love the colors and images, they really grab a person's attention. This activity is well managed and offers generous prizes. It is something I personally look forward to each year and hope it continues to be a fun part of WDCs birthday parties for many years to come. Thank you for making it such a hot in the community.
I can relate to this in so many ways. It is my nature to be impulsive, often acting without thinking things through and yes, being impatient and not waiting for GOD to open doors. Instead, I open wrong doors and then God not only has to help with the original prayer but then has to get me out of the mess I got in. God is good and merciful and thankfully forgives us. This is a great devotion and I hope to read more of your items.
This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports" . Come ride with us!
I discovered your essay posted on the Please Review page and found it to be quite interesting. It is a well written, well thought out essay on the difference between being male and being a man. You raise several good points and express yourself clearly and eloquently. You are direct and straight forward and hopefully spur the reader to think about the truth of what you are saying. You are very persuasive but not pushy and you back up what you state. Clearly you have given this much thought. You provide excellent details and it flows smoothly.I am giving it five stars and hope many people will read this.
This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports" . Come ride with us!
I love reading stories about random acts of kindness because weighed those involved or not know it, I don't believe anything is random. That all things happen for a reason. We do not know the young man's situation but God did. And through your willingness to show medcy, you shone A bright light into that young man's darkness. I appreciate the fact you did it so smoothly and without fanfare or strings. It was just between you, the boy and God. As charity should be! This was delightful to read and I enjoyed your simple, straight forward way of telling it. I'm looking forward to seeing what other gems you have in your port.
This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports" . Come ride with us!
I couldn't resist reading this comedy. Oh the good ol days of actually going to the store! Your poem brings back many happily forgotten memories of my own shopping adventures. How did we ever survive that drudgery? You employ a lot of humor and truth and just about any reader (except maybe this younger generation) can relate to your words. I can pretty much see readers bobbing their heads in agreement as they read your words. It's fast paced and flows nicely. Vivid details make it easy to picture in the readers mind. This was fun to read and I thank you for writing it and sharing it in your portfolio.
This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports" . Come ride with us!
I could not resist your tempting article on I corporating food into our writing. I noticed the few times I added a food element or recipe to a story it received a higher rate of views. Food definitely draws people!
Your article points out several fantastic ways to incorporate food as well as reasons why. I enjoyed the fact you reference numerous books with their authors for examples and make it easy for people to look them up. Your article is inspiring and insightful. Well written and I hope many writers take its advice. I know I am now inspired to include more food into my own writing by using several of the methods you discuss. This is an excellent article, thank you for having it in your portfolio.
Hi Richard,
This sounds very plausible and well thought out. Definitely a crime. Great scam! It has the potential to cause .multiple conflicts of interest not just for your protagonist but the company they work for, and can create a domino effect that can grow as big as hour imagination. So many things could go wrong....and increase the tension and suspense. Its a very interesting scenario.
Hello Writing Friend,
center} This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports" . Come ride with us! {/center}I saw your post on the Please Review page and decided to drop by.
From the title, I was expecting the story to focus more on the dogs, but it doesn't. We sort of shadow a unhappy worker as he trudges through a very long, hard day. You describe the facility and at one point refer to a resort employee but never actually tell us what that facility is or why the dogs are there. I would suggest maybe clarifying that so readers are not confused.
In the last part, as the employee is going to the car, you say the car is brused. That made me think I missed something. When and how did the car get bruises? And why is that important?
Over all, it is an interesting story and I think with just a few adjustments it could be great. I enjoyed reading your story.
Hello Mike,
You know me. center} This review is part of my journey to complete {ite{m:2298873}. Come ride with us! {/center}
I decided to cycle through your port and discovered this bit of mayhem. Now, I have had plenty of experience handling rambunctious boys and this has a strong ring of truth to it. I could easily relate to all concerned. The humor shines through as does hour vivid imagery. Its a shame your entry was tardy for the content it was intended for, but keep the dust bunnies off this gem and do search for a contest to submit it to! I saw nothing I would change and no technical issues. It is very well written. I will give this five stars, and hope more folks has the pleasure of reading this. Thank You for sharing it.
Hello Jeff,
My name is Tina and center} This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports" . Come ride with us! {/center} As part of this journey, we got to choose three purple cases to review and I thought of you. While prowling through your port, I came across this gem. I'm reviewing your article about reviews for a review activity.
Let me be honest, I wasn't exactly excited to read about elements of reviewing. As a writer, its not exactly the fun part. A few paragraphs into your article I changed my mind. This WAS interesting! You hooked me. I am well impressed with your layout. You took the time and effort to use bold subtitles and bulleted your points. This added interest and made it pleasant to read.
The information is easy to understand, even for newbies you might not have written a review before. I've been on WDC now for 3+years and am still learning new tricks and tips to better my reviewing skills. Your article has encouraged me and prompted me to expand on things I focus on during reviews.
I'm going to rate this 5 stars because I feel it is well worth it and I will definitely point others to this article if/when its needed.
Thank you for letting me rummage through your port, I do hope to get the opportunity to visit again.
Hello Schnujo,
center} This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports" . Come ride with us! {/center}
While searching for my next victim, ur, item to review, your eggplant article caught my attention. This is a short, well written article that offers a bit of language, history and nutritional information. I did not know several of the alternative names its known as and I didn't know it comes in so many different co!ors.Your article is concise, fast paced but detail oriented. I would love if it were lonver. After reading it, I definitely want to buy some eggplant and cook up this not so nutritional berry! Thank you for highlighting this interesting agricultural tidbit in your portfolio. I look forward to finding more hidden treasures in here.
This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports" . Come ride with us!
And, I do see that you are indeed riding with us! Peddle on!
This is a fast paced conversation between a mother and son. Being an 80's child myself this snagged my attention quite quickly. Full of whit and humor I could so easily picture this play out and it could have easily taken place at our own kitchen table. I loved the easy way mom and son talk to each other. Mom has the upper hand, obviously but I like how she challenged her son. The dialogue is realistic and believable, which is a skill I've yet to master. So I admire your skills. I enjoyed ready this and am glad you shared it on WDC. Please have a fantastic weekend.
This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports" . Come ride with us!
As a general rule I don't typically read or review poetry but this particular poem is impossible to ignore. I think just about any writer, passionate about writing can relate to the words in this poem, weighed they are a poet of not. How many writers get the nudge from their muse when dead asleep? How .many keep that essential notebook and pencil by the bed? You brilliantly capture the plight of the obsessed writer in vivid clarity. The feelings of frustration and exasperation then your twist of humor. I admire your poetic skills, as it is something I have never been able to do very well. I enjoyed reading your poem and believe other writers will as well. Thank you for sharing it on WDC.
This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports" . Come ride with us!
And, you kindly reviewed by Bards Journal for June,so I thought I'd return the favor. 🌺 After exploring your port, I decided to take a closer look at your article about hospice and your father. Having been on both sides of that fence, I was interested in your experience. First, let me say how sorry I am for the untimely loss of hour father. However, I am glad to read you and your family had such strong support during those unbearable times. The unwavering love your family has for your father shines through your whole essay.
At home hospice and assisted living services have come a long way, and many find it much more preferable than spending their last days in a hospital or nursing home. Your father was at home with his family and that is what mattered. I'm glad hospice services allowed for that to happen. You expressed yourself very nicely and your emotions came through and as a reader, I related well to you.
Thank you for sharing such a personal story with us here on I look forward to reading more of your writing soon.
Greetings ♥HOOves♥,
You have received a gift package which includes three reviews. This is your first gift review💙 As requested, I searched your images and came across a lovely image of a herd of cows. A striking herd I must say, caramel and white with big, wide eyes. Then, I clicked on it and it took me to a rather brilliant parody based on the Eagles song, Hotel California. You were very clever with your unique spin and lyrics. As I read, I couldn't help but sing to the tune bouncing in my head. I think the Eagles would be quite impressed with what you've come up with. The imagery is vibrant and so easy to picture. It comes to life in my mind as I read it. I'm very glad I ran across this tucked in your images folder. It was delightful to read, and now, I have Hotel COWifornia running on a loop in my brain!🐄🐂🐮
Hello 🌻
I came across your story as I was clicking on the review listings and it caught my eye. This is a really cute story! Fast paced, probably due to the word limit but still remarkably detailed. In a short time you endear me to your characters and I want to know more about them. This absolutely would be a fantastic novel length story and I hope I'm luck enough to read it once you've written it! 💻
Sincerely, Tina🖋
I came across your story as I was clicking on the review listings and it caught my eye. Right away, you introduce us to two unique characters. This is a somewhat fast paced conversation, through which you provide the reader with key bits of information and little details that create vivid imagery. As the chapter concludes, you hook us even more hinting at a great mystery that something is not all as it seems. I definitely want to read more!
Sincerely, Tina🖋🌻
Greetings 🌻,
I came across your story as I was clicking on the review listings and it caught my eye. You hooked my attention almost immediately and I really like you wrote from such a unique perspective. That of a deer witnessing the destruction and loss of its home. Your writing stirs up the readers emotions and I could practically FEEL the overwhelming sadness and dread the poor animals must have been feeling!Thank you for sharing your story.
Sincerely, Tina🖋💻
This play had a fun twist at the end! You hooked me quickly and kept me reeled in until the end. It came to life easily and would be a fun play to watch live. Thank you for sharing with me.
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