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Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)

Thank you very much for entering this round of
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#1063687 by Not Available.
. I hope you will be able to find further inspiration in other rounds.

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Here is my review:

The title is not bad. It is not great either. One word titles are hard.

Joe’s face was a rictus grin of abject terror and blood was streaming from his eyes as he ran from the tunnel.

Please consider:

Joe’s face was a rictus grin of abject terror and blood streamed from his eyes as he ran from the tunnel.

“Will this stop your army now?” It asked, the stink of its brimstone breath filling the air.

it asked,

I am sworn to protect this land and its peoples.” The creature hissed, as its wings unfurled and beat at the sky.

peoples," the

He had come to terms with the idea of dying in war but not to be burned to death by a devil

Opps, you forgot your period.

Cradling the scorched body in its hands the djinn smiled “I should thank you little man.


You freed me and though you won this war my people will take back this land and with my aid none shall prevail against us.”

war; my


I like that you got how epic a djinn could be. I wish this had a little more description.

I do hope you will try again. You never know where a flash might lead.

I know my rating is low. However, if you work on it and tell me, I will be happy to come back and give it another read. I am sure my rating would change.


Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
In case you have not guessed it, I am making through you chapters. I feel that is the best way to of any aid. I too am tentatively working on vamp novel. It is very different from yours.

Okay, more notes...

I turn my inner thoughts out and project sensuality and sex through every pore.

I think sensuality and sex are too close. I think you should either remove one or change one.

He’s olive skinned with dark hair and dark eyes, fit of form and tight of body. He is dressed in a black Italian suit that looks like it was custom made for him. He might be the Antonio I have listed in the file. His power radiates off him like a calling card. It labels him as one of the undead. I can tell by the feel of it as it pushes against my senses that he’s been dead about 50 years. His eyes zero in on me as my desire coils about him like a snake. His nostrils flare as he takes a deep breath in and he sighs as he walks to the front desk. “I’d heard this place was like candy for your soul, but I had no idea.” Like most predators, he focuses on the prey in front of him, and doesn’t spare a glance at the lobby around him.~2~

I think some of the sentences that start with pronouns. I feel it bogs down a prose.

It occurs to me that in some places that the story might be better served if you were to allow Viv to hear thoughts, so as:

He obviously hopes to taste my power and see for himself just what my voluptuous body holds.

My reason are: it would expand the world and it seems odd that she would say "Voluptuous". But if he were to think this...

He is sexy and I want him, and he knows it.

I think this is a place that needs more...

There are double french doors that close the entrance to each wing off from the cavernous lobby.


On the main floor, the pool is in the east wing, it’s ceiling rising two stories.


A lot are original first editions.

I do not think you need "original".

I always advise the guests to peruse the erotica section, you never know where you might pick up something new to try.


I note each individual’s reaction to the room around them and the feelings running across their features.

I note each individual’s reaction to the room around him or her and the feelings running across their features.

I note individual’s reaction to the room around them and the feelings running across their features.

I assume it is his mate, the lush brunette, that has her hand resting in the nook of his arm.

brunette that

I create a barrier in their minds, they will look everywhere but at me.

I focus again on my minds eye and see my lovers wet mouth.


I know the spot you need it most.....let me ease you....~25~

most... let

I look up and see women cling to the person standing closest, men reach a steadying hand to the front desk or a nearby piece of furniture.


The ending here was very good.

Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello again,

Here are some notes for you to consider or not:

The opening paragraph makes sense from where you left off. But somehow it lacks enough of a pull.

Jonathan is our head grounds keeper and quite a unique man, with very unique blood.

Why is it unique?

Man, that boy is efficient, it’s only been a couple of minutes since he left room six.


Right now, I’m in the north wing of the hotel on the second floor, it contains rooms six through ten. The first five are located in the west wing. Rooms one, three and five have windows that face the main drive. Rooms two and four face the hot tub grotto nestled between the west and north wing. The north wing is set up the same with three rooms on one side and two on the other. ~8~

It is nice that you know the lay out of the place so well, but unless it is really important to the story, I do not think it is important enough to mention.

Never underestimate a good hotel room, a calm relaxed environment can go a long way in helping to open one up to suggestion.


One of the maids, a young local woman of Inuit Indian descent, is walking towards me.


She greets me with a warm smile, “Hi Vivian, I’m good.


She nods, “Thanks Iona, we would’ve looked bad to miss that.”


I’ve been lovingly dubbed “Dr. Ruth” by our patrons.

Our patrons have lovingly dubbed me “Dr. Ruth”.

My hand makes contact and I see into her mind. She is hoping to be chosen to donate blood. She is not repulsed and she is not afraid. She is aware of what our guests are and feels a strong family tie to me. In her mind I am like a great Aunt. I hold a position of respect and kindness in her heart and she longs to feel what some of the others have revealed to her in bits and pieces. She offers herself to me, not knowing that I do not normally feed from my employees. “Are you sure this is a step you want to take?”~20~

I think here, you should rework some of the sentences that start with "She". I think it is too much.

“Yes, very much so.” she says with sincerity.~21~

so," she

Ahh....so that was why this strong Inuit woman was so sure in her choice.

Ahh... so

“Yes, my great Aunt spoke of her very well.”


Keeping to the ruse that my ‘Aunt’ ran the Inn first.


Pick ones you like, it’s going to be fun.” I say the last with a wicked smile on my face.

fun," I

That long stare into my eyes was quite bold, she caught me off guard a bit.


Those in the our tight supernatural community know it and have flocked to my previous properties around the world for over a century.

in our

The resort is set way out from town, it’s closest point is 10 miles out.


Living on property has it’s perks and Tommy is ever hopeful when he sees me.


“Too true.” he replies.

true," he

I drop my hands and he’s back to business in an instant, which is why he’s paid so well, “Isn’t the MacKellan party due in next?”


He taps his fingers a few more times, looks up and replies “Yes, ma'am. Consider it done.”


I was glad to see they would be needing additional food while staying with us.

be need for

My body opens at the thought and I get excited by the prospect of doing just that in front of complete strangers.

My body opens at the thought and the prospect of doing just that in front of complete strangers excites me.

I loved that you couldn’t wait and had to press yourself into my tongue so early on......mi amore, what you do to me.... I could see him when he spoke to me. This time he was straining against the front of his slacks instead of his briefs. His hand reaches down to re-adjust....

on... mi

I think the conclusion for this chapter is not strong enough.


Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
I adore vampires.

My comments are personal. I am trying to help.

Here are some notes for you to consider or not:

I open the door and there is a body at my feet.:

I've got to ask, wouldn't the body have prevented the door from opening?

I reach out and to the right for the light switches on the wall. I know they’re there, after all, this is my Inn.


The room is about eighteen by twenty feet, with doors on the right for a walk in closet and large bath. The room has the feel of a rich nobleman’s country estate circa late nineteenth century.

To me, this detail is boring and not needed.

Ornate bed coverings with curtains on the four posters, matching hand carved cherry end tables, and an elegant round table with two chairs.

So they are all done in the same pattern?

There is fabric all around, from the lush drapes framing the windows to the walls papered is a light blue silk fabric.


I love description, but this is your opening chapter. I feel that it is more import that you speak about the characters. I feel they should come first.

Death did not come right away for this man, it crept upon him slowly and stole his life with each drop of blood lost.


I know this guy has a family somewhere, and I should have some sympathy.

How do you know they have family. Honestly, not every one does.

I run, with my husband, an exclusive destination resort in the wilds of Alaska for the undead.

This is where the story got interesting. I have a fascination with Alaska. So far, the story could be set anywhere. What I mean it does not seem like Alaska. Perhaps this will, change. I hope so.

I aim my thoughts to my human husband, glad for the mind connection we share through our mated bond.


Hopefully, any trace I detect, will help me later to identify his things if I find them.

No comma.

I take a deep breathe now that the smell is dissipating.


I stand, smooth the fabric of the gown down my stomach and hips.

. The dress is a cross between Elvira and Morticia, it hugs all my curves and the jersey fabric drapes beautifully down my legs.

There is not enough of a difference between Elvira dn Morticia dress for you to compare.

Good place to stop the chapter.


Review of The Hidden Half  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

And thank you for entering the contest. I'm one of the judges.

Here are some notes for you to consider, or not:

Jen shrugged and brought the red candle to her nose, quickly scrunching up her nose.

I would remove the first "nose" and replace it with "face".

The candle flew from Jen’s hands to Laurens, and Jen soon followed, plopping back down on her sleeping bag.


“I’ll take your non-response as a ‘no.,’”


“Where do you come up with this, Lauren?” Jen asked.

I think you should show what Jen is doing. If you have some room to add on with.

“When I was little, this was the major myth of the camp I went to over the summer. This was the biggest, baddest dare—no one had the guts to go through with it…of course, we were all eleven, but that’s beside the point.

I think you should get rid of "little" with "eleven" and remove, "we were all eleven, but that’s beside the point. "

She spoke back into the phone, “Yes, mom.


Her hair disheveled, patches missing, her skin peeling…rag-like.

peeling; rag-like.

You put your own spin on a classic theme, well-done.

The reason for not a higher rating, is because I would liked more description. Now I know, there is a word limit, but there you have it.

Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The opening paragraph really does not work. It's clunky and a little cheese.

The opening dialog is good but it needs some active tags. Show who is saying what.

After this, the story starts to take off.

Last night I woke up from a frightful nightmare which I dare not write about.


As I checked my face for it's integrity, I discovered a slimy unidentified substance on my fingers.


The texture was like something I never felt before, and I couldn't decide on it's nature.


He then addressed Roger with a low, hoarse voice:

"Mr. Grim, as the president of the twelve realms I demand an explanation. How did this happen?"

He then addressed Roger with a low, hoarse voice: "Mr. Grim, as the president of the twelve realms I demand an explanation. How did this happen?"

"Mr. Grim, are you the same Mr. Grim from your story?" A faint squeaky voice asked.

a faint

"Yes Mr. Grim." The whole class pronounced together.

Grim," the

The next words that were heard in the room, were said in the most gentle and soft voice Mr. Grim has ever heard. It was like listening to an angel.

No comma.

But the content was that of the devil:

"I can hear a whispering… They're coming."

But the content was that of the devil: "I can hear a whispering… They're coming."

That it's out for now. Use the notes or not. It is up to you.

Until you write again,


Review of Caterpillars  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Here are some notes for you to consider or not:

“It was in my way.” Chuck says, while scraping the remains from the bottom of his sneaker.


“How on earth could a caterpillar be in your way?


“Nah, I don't need the heat from my Ma.”


When his Dad beats him, he doesn't cry.


Your writing takes a tale that could have been only OK to a higher level.


Review of The Death  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Thank you for taking part in:

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#1063687 by Not Available.

The title is a little plain.

I appreciate the details of Poe's life and stories have added to your inspiration.

He leaned his head close and she spoke to him so weakly that I couldn’t make out the words. I’m not even sure if he, resting his head against her chest, could make out the mumbled whispers, but he said “Yes, Virginia.”


“You will help me!” He exclaimed before I could escape.


Over all the tales works fine.

I hope to see you in other rounds.


Review of Poker with Poe  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

Thank you for taking part in:

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#1063687 by Not Available.

The title is interesting. I know Poe did like to gamble.

The opening paragraph is good.

The flickering candle light must have dimmed my mind.


I am not sure how candlelight could affect his mind.

“Take your turn, try not to burn.” With this hiss he pulled a poker from the smoldering fire and waved it across my face.

“Take your turn, try not to burn," he hissed and pulled a poker from the smoldering fire and waved it across my face.

I like the pun.

I hope to see you in other rounds.

Review of Tekele-li  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: ASR | (3.0)

And thank you for taking part in:

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#1063687 by Not Available.

I am not sure about the title, but at least it is different.

Everything is a blurred haze right now for Edgar, trying to make his way home through an intoxicated fog.

You are mixing your tenses.

"is" is present.

"intoxicated" is past tense.

So it should be: Everything was a


intoxicating fog

It was his very name that created confusion in Edgars poor drunken mind.


It was so very low, almost inaudible in it's rumble.


"Iiii wouuuuullllldd d d d liiiiike to sssshhhshshooooow yoouuuuu whhaaaat Iiii fooouuunndd at the mooouuuunnntaaiaiaaaiainnnssssssssss......"

s. . ."

It's mass was not a body of any shape Edgar could recognize.


"Wh... what.... what is that?" He asks his old acquaintance.

he asked

A chaotic sense of dread completely overcomes Edgars mind as a deafening roar comes from the beast.


Left behind is nothing more than repeated visions of the hell that was brought to him as a dark souvenir from the farthest reaches of his understanding.

behind was

I am just not sure which time the story took place in: past, present or future. I had to work on this too. But once you get better at it, so will your stories.

The idea of the story is not bad although Edgar's fate seemed more like something that would happen to Lovecraft.

I encourage you to enter again. You will come up some new tales.


Review of Jack it  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

Welcome to Writing.com.

Nothing I say is personal. I am only one person. I hope you find my notes hopeful.

I like the title.

I think the tag might give too much of your story away.

On the story itself, you should consider placing the title in bold. This will help it stand out.

Opening paragraph:

I think it is a little dry. For me, it lacks a hook.

He sliced through the transparent tape with one half of his pair of scissors and plunged into the white packing foam like a fox digging for prey in the snow.

I thought this was a good line.

I am guessing the small holes in the jacket were bullet holes.

I think you could use his name some more.

No bigger than half a match book, the words - ‘operty of Clyde Robins – Do Not Touch!’ - were scribbled in blue ink across the small tattered piece of material.


His motorcycle, his boots,…..his leather jacket.

boots. . . his

He was never heard from again. Neither was the jacket - until Greg happened upon it, surfing the web late that night, all these many years later.

I think this was a bit heavy handed.

In the reflection cast by the light of the kitchen, Greg saw behind him a leather jacket, suspended as if worn by an invisible man, it’s arms outstretched toward his neck.


This is fairly well-written. The main reason, I am not going to give this a higher rating is that the idea of story is not that fresh. Others may feel differently.


Review of The Death  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Dear Starz,

The contest you have enter is still going on. I put this one up as a temporary. You see, I and a good friend of mine run a horror group and the groups things live in her port. She lost her premium status. I put up this contest not knowing how long she would be without an upgrade. Neither of us wanted to let anyone down who has worked hard on a story.

So if you would kindly please enter you Poe story here:

 Invalid Item 
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#1063687 by Not Available.

All of the same rules apply and prizes and judges are all the same too.

I hope to see you there.

When and if you enter again, I will give you a real review.

Review of The Wood  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is much better.

You do not have to say copyright, if you look at any story here, at the very bottom, the site does it for you. Your stuff is yours.

It is hard to know how much to reveal without giving too much away and when to do. This why they call writing a craft.

Here is something else for you consider:

Condense where you can. It helps with the flow of what you write.

Shey had been eleven the summer that she had first ventured into the woods behind the house after dark.

Shey had been eleven the summer she first ventured into the woods behind the house after dark.


Shey was eleven the summer she had first ventured into the woods behind the house after dark.

When someone says, and the will, "This needs tightened up," is what they mean.

I know it seems like I am spending a lot of time at the opening, but if you do not get your reader here, you may never.

Consider a flip.

Jeanne had seen the light first, coming from just inside of the tree line. It flicked and danced in and around the young saplings at the outermost edge of the wood.

Think about this as your opening.

As for the other two lines, all they do is convey information. This is fine once in awhile. There are two reason I say cut those other lines.

You will also hear, "You are telling and showing." and "A story needs to character drive."

These lines only tell us information and do not show it. AND. This is not character driven, which means the reasons for anything happening is shown to be by a character.

Also the other thing you should try and is something I call, connective writing. From the opening paragraph to the second, you need something. You need something that leads you from one to the other.

I cannot tell how long it took me to figure these three things out, but when I did, my writing really improved. AND THE REAL TRICK... is knowing when to do each of these things and when to not. That is partially listening to reviews, (another trick all on it is own--when and what to listen to) and trying things out.

Reviewing others work is also something you should do. Not so much for THEM, but for you. Find stories that have several reviews that are high, or have placed in contest with several stories to pick from and see what you like and try and figure out WHY. Plus it is always easier to see things in others stories that we are not able to see in our own.

Back to your story:

Shey’s father had built a tree house back there for her and her little sister late in the fall of the previous year.

I think you could cut this all together. Not that it is bad, you just do not really need it. It has no real pay off. What "pay off" means, is it something that you need to know latter on in the story.

And, when you read the paragraph, it reads fine without it.

The girls spent countless hours playing in the crooked shack.

You say girls, when you should say sisters. WHY? because in the paragraph before, you give a whole list of girls.

Their father’s only rule had been no going into the woods after dark.

Their father’s only rule, no going into the woods after dark.

As soon as dusk trickled across the sky they were to be in the yard.


They were allowed to stay out a while longer in the backyard but were always strictly mindful of their father’s steadfast rule.

I do not think you need this line either.

The rest of the paragraph is good.

Shey remembered a haunting look of nervousness on her father’s face before stepping into the trees.

A haunting look of nervousness hung on her father’s face before he stepped into the trees.

After pulling Sheila from the woods he practically ran out of his own skin trying to make the line.

I think this is a little confusing.

He practically ran out of his own skin trying to make the tree line.

Once clear of the trees, he collapsed to the ground sobbing.

Once clear, he collapsed to the ground sobbing.

I think the rest of the paragraph is fine.

Over the years several of his brothers and sisters had moved on. Two of his older brothers had passed away at young ages. Eventually their parents passed on and he found himself the sole occupant and owner of the century old house.

I do not think you need this. Also, when some says, this needs tightening up, what they can also mean is removing information that is not need. It great you know it, and you will be surprised at how much of what you know and do not way will come across.

He had married their mother in the spring of 1961 and the next year Shey was born.

He married their mother in the spring of 1961 and the next year Shey was born.

Their father had never told them what had happened to her, what had happened to the two older brothers he could now only scarcely remember.

Their father never told them what happened to her, what had happened to the two {{his}} older brothers he could now only scarcely remember.

Why would the memory of their father's fear be a reason for her to into the woods? For me, this is not a very good motive. The better motive is the lights.

Where the group of girls go out is all telling. Use some dialog and description here. This will breathe some more life into your story.

After reading this again, I see why you had recall her father's spankings. This will work better if you say something like, "The memory of .... came rushing back."

The faint giggles of what sounded like a group of young girls materialized eerily from within the wood.

I do not think "materialized" is quite the right word here.

The sound curved and wove through the trees like a heavy fog.

The sound wove through the trees like a heavy fog.

By the time any of them noticed Carol was missing, they were deep enough into the woods that they could no longer see out onto the back lawn.

You need to SHOW this.

They could still hear the giggling of the young voices in and around the trees, sometimes sounding as if it were right beside them.

The giggling sometimes sounded as if it were right beside them.

Dark clouds shifted slowly across the night sky, blocking the moon’s light from the forest below.


Complete blackness surrounded them. Before the clouds had moved in they were able to see somewhat by the silvery light of the moon, now they were blind.

Cut: Complete blackness surrounded them.

“Help me!” It was Carol’s voice, she was screaming in agony.

“Help me!” Carol’s voice screamed in agony.

“Carol, oh my God!” They screamed, “Where are you? Carol!”

“Carol, oh my God! Where are you? Carol!”

Shey’s father grabbed her arm and she screamed.

This would be more affective if you did not say it was her father but show us what was happening and then reveal it was her father.

“Its me honey, where are your friends? Girls!”


“Stay close and follow me now.” Shey’s father had said, “Hold each other’s hands so you don’t get separated.”

“Stay close and follow me now," Shey’s father said, “Hold each other’s hands so you don’t get separated.”

“You have to find them daddy!” Shey screamed at her father. “We can’t leave them out there!” she bellowed. Her father walked to the door and secured the lock. He then lowered a heavy wooden brace across the door. He ignored the girl’s hysterics, ignored their pleas to help their friends. He just sat there, staring out from the door into the pitch black tree line at the edge of the lawn, a blank look drawn across his face.

“You have to find them Daddy! We can’t leave them out there!” she bellowed.

Her father walked to the door and secured the lock; then lowered a heavy wooden brace across the door. He ignored the girl’s hysterics, ignored their pleas to help their friends. He just sat there, staring out from the door into the pitch black tree line at the edge of the lawn, a blank look drawn across his face.

You need to give a reason why there is no fence, and why they stayed on the land as long as they had and why she brought her little girl to the house after all that had happened.

You also need to show us the last paragraph, otherwise it has little impact of the whole story. There again you are telling and not showing.

I hope you found this helpful and keep at it. A great story is there. And remember to take heart, writing is liquid and you can change what ever you want.


Review of A Smile  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hey Shey,

Welcome to the site. I hope it becomes a place for you to grow as a writer, as it has for me.

Your title should be capitalized: A Smile

You should think about picking a genre or genres, it will hlp you pick up more readers.

I found no errors in your spelling or formating.

I thought the poem was sweet but not a home run for me. Do not worry about it. I am one person and this is one poem. Others may find this much more to their liking.

Review of World of Color  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (4.0)

And welcome to Writing.com. I hope this site helps you grow as a writer as it has me.

I found nothing in the way of errors.

I thought that your poem cast some lovely imagery. I liked the last line of the poem the best.

Until you write again,

Review of Affections  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (3.0)

And welcome to Writing.com. I hope you grow as a writer as I have. This site has been so much help.

I found no errors in the way of spelling, grammar or formatting.

I was blown away by this poem, however I was not. Not that it bad, it is just does not sing to me. Take heart, I am but one persona and this is one poem.

Review of Not Forgotten  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

I think the title of poem is fine, although not too outstanding.

I found no errors in the way of spelling, grammar or formatting.

I thought this was easy to follow. But the words did not sweep me away, nor did I find the subject matter to something I have not read before. No worries. Many will read and feel something else than what I did.

for entry "Invalid Entry
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I thought I would give this a read. I love Sci-fi. I am on chapter 2.

The opening paragraph is good. Very nicely written.

I think you should combine these.

The commercial district looked like most of the crowded districts in New York; it was dense with tall skyscrapers and bustling with mobs of people in expensive-looking suits. They went in and out of the buildings, looking like worker ants entering and leaving their nests of tall anthills. To Daniel Chin that is what they were -- ants, mindless insects with a single-minded purpose, doing their bidding for their queen. Their reward was to live, to eat and go on another day of foraging and doing whatever the queen wished. Their reward in life was to live; their reward for good work, was more work.

I wish you would use his name more.

I really think in this chapter your story starts to come to life of its own.

Good dialog.

But when I found you was a scumbag politician! Man, that was just enough.”

I think?
you were a

He had once commented to Julius that, “?the only reason you like this ship so much is because it’s the only thing older than you.”

I am sure the question mark is a typo.

It seems soft on the SF but that is what appeals to me. Perhaps it is the way in-which you have presented it and it just seems more excusable.

I think for a first Sf novel you are doing a fine job.


Review of My Poor Fred  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (4.5)
We recently welcomed in a new blessing into our lives, Littlput, our own black cat. It amazes me how he can just disappear.

He is why in my last three stories have little blacks running around, kind of like what does in my heart and my keyboard.

Let's face black cats of all seizes need all the good press they can get. Here's to you and Fred for doing your part.

Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I commend you on going back into your story. Writing is largely revision.

This is so much better. I hope you are proud of yourself.

Okay: here are some more notes. Nothing like last time. I do feel that these may help go to the next level with this story.

Please consider:

The face of her father, his vacant eyes staring straight ahead, his mouth open, his raspy breathing, and the tears as they trickled from his eyes just before he died, it all haunted Daphne.

I would remove "it" you do not need it, and it weakens your writing.

Daphne had wanted the suffering to end but now all she wanted was to feel his arms around her and be able to look into those brown eyes again.

Daphen wanted

Three days before her dad died, Jeff delivered his crushing blow. Daphne knew Jeff did not plan it that way, however, such is life. The emptiness consumed her and she needed to escape.

What was his crushing blow?

Confused, lonely, and afraid, her father dead, Jeff gone, and nobody to turn to, Daphne wanted to run but she had nowhere to go.....


She ran her fingers through her long dark hair biting her bottom lip, the moving would begin again, and those ten years of wandering from place to place like a nomad rose before her eyes.

I think this is the wrong tense. Please consider:

She ran her fingers through her long dark hair and bite her bottom lip, the moving would begin again, and those ten years of wandering from place to place like a nomad rose before her eyes.

I think this could be tighten here also.

She ran her fingers through her long dark hair and bite her bottom lip, the moving would begin again, and those ten years of wandering like a nomad rose before her eyes.

Daphne squeezed her eyes shut against the past but it came rushing back.

I think most of this is very good.

I would consider changing a word. That way, you could make this even more about your own voice. Think about changing " rushing." We have all heard this before, therefore it is an opportunity for you to find a new way of expressing this.

The needle in the arm and oblivion; the nameless, faceless, men; the courage in a glass; and the obsession of mind that followed; Daphne knew the drill.

Think about:

A needle full of oblivion:

Here is another challenge for you:

Daphne never thought in her wildest imagination she would watch the brilliant man of her youth descend into a world so incomprehensible.

"wildest imagination" change this to something else.

The bench.......

bench . . .

Here on this bench, she experienced all her longings, her dreams, her passions, her nightmares, her sadness, her hopes, and her creations.


Here on this bench, she experienced all: her longings, dreams, passions, nightmares, sadness, hopes, and her creations.

A fine mist beaded her hair and skin.

on her

The breeze had turned into a wind that whipped through the trees and Daphne listened.

breeze turned

trees -- Daphne

She heard voices coming from the trees. She was mesmerized. It was as if there was whispering all around her.

The voices came from the trees mesmerized her.

the lightening. . .It. .


it. . .

He looked again at the woman and then at the oak…..

oak . . . .

the oak.


The larger limbs branched out into smaller limbs into branches into, into branches, into twigs, into twigs and so on until it was impossible to count.

The larger limbs branched out into smaller limbs these branch into twigs, into twigs thin twigs and leaves.

Maybe if she could just disappear……

disappear . . . .

just disappear....

Just disappear . . . .

The oak interrupted. "Just a little closer..."


closer . . ."

the oak...

The oak . . .

just so very very tired…..of the ache in her heart.

Just so very, very tired . . . of the ache in her heart.

just so tired..then came a favorite line from Shakespeare to her that often came to mind as she drifted into sleep ...

Just so tired . . . then came a favorite line from Shakespeare to her that often came to mind as she drifted into sleep . . .

Balm of hurt minds.... ."{/b]

minds . . . ."

she felt herself drifting away....

further and further she drifted...

Daphne transcended to another plain. No longer did she feel....

The pain was gone . . . . and she let her spirit go upward . . . .

She felt herself drifting away . . . .

Further and further she drifted . . . .

Daphne transcended to another plain. No longer did she feel . . .

The pain was gone . . . and she let her spirit go upward . . . .

One was saying, "See how much she wants; She wants to feel the wind; she wants to stand tall and watch life go by..."

wants; she

A fear seized Daphne as she gazed upon her body below her on the bench.


She had gotten more than solace this day.

that day.

I really think this is coming along very well.

You should think about entering this here:

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#1300413 by Not Available.

"Twisted Tales Contest


Review of She and I  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (3.5)

And welcome to WDC. I hope this place gives as much to you as it has to me.

Please keep in mind I am one person. One of the hardest thing to learn is what to listen to when you receive a review. Please note, this in no way personal, although I know your writing is, because it comes from you but my view of it is not. After all we do not know each other.

The title: this is a little lack luster. I a title should not connect to your story in some way but it should entice a reader. To me, your title is a plain white cracker.

I do think it is wonderful that you have incorporated a language that is not English into your story, but I do think there is a way to give this information into your story without having be a note.

Opening paragraph: these are so important. They must do so much, give us a setting, show us something of the character or characters and give us a hook.

I do not feel yours gives us a real setting. Now I am sure it is a real place, but I could remove it and put in any other university and it would change the story at all.

Your opening paragraph hasn't any hook. You give no reason for me to read on.

I have always found joy and fulfillment in helping others, so joining Alay Ni Ignacio (ANI) as an English teacher excited me.

What is (ANI)? Is it what the group of taught was called? If so you should say so and not imply. If you did so this would then become active writing and not passive writing.

Your formatting, grammar and spelling are wonderful.

Your story has solid transitions.

It is easy to follow.

This comes across as a male's voice. There is of course nothing wrong with that.

A second look at her hair revealed how her bangs covered her ear on one side of her face, but were tucked neatly behind her earlobe on the other.

A second look at her hair revealed how her bangs covered her ear on one side of her face, but was tucked neatly behind her earlobe on the other.

Ah, I now see I was right, this is written from a male POV.

I joined Para Kay Kiko which was a program similar to ANI, except that it was composed of high school students from Xavier School and its sister school, the Immaculate Conception Academy.

Kiko, which

That was when I met who was then the love of my life, the first girl with whom I had an insatiable crush on.

I think this could be tightened up some:

I met who was then the love of my life, the first girl with whom I had an insatiable crush on.

Back then, there was no nearly shattered spell— her long dark hair flowed down her back like that of a model from a shampoo advertisement.

I think this is cloudy.

. As we attempted to teach the difference between figures of speech, my partner and I stood our ground against the onslaught of paper balls and airplanes, the talking/ laughing/ yelling/ screaming/ singing/ dancing of students, and the occasional incriminating question.

I think instead of a stream of / it would be better if you replaced these with a simple comma.

“I mean, you guys think I’m pretty, right?” She asked pointing a male classmate, then another, then a third.


She stared at me with her round Little Bo Peep eyes longingly waiting for an answer.

I really like this line.

“Um…err…I think you’re really pretty, and I like you. But…umm…maybe we can talk about this after class,” I replied.

This may very well be what you said and I know she was not a "real student" but if a real teacher said that to my kid, I would go the school board.

My body froze like an iceberg yet my cheeks burned red as tomatoes whenever I was near Shereen.

I think this is nice too.

“Kuya Verry. There’s no way I’m going to let you get away with this,” she replied between laughs.

From then on, whether in text messages, e-mails, or actual conversations, she addressed me by that name.

I think this is a wonderful detail, so real and so sweet.

By then, the nerves of planning a surprise when I was right beside her became too much for me to handle, so I volunteered to check the rest of the essays at home, and made up an excuse— that I needed to leave early.

I feel this would be made more clear if you broke it up into two sentences.

Honey Crunch cake sounds wonderful.

We met each other’s gaze, and once again I was enthralled by her beauty.

We met each other’s gaze, and once again her beauty enthralled me.

I have stated what you have done right. This reads almost robotic. It is full of precise details of time and place with no sensory details which would allow anyone to experience the story. You leave out the heart.

This story could be much improved if you showed us the place instead only stating where the story was. A setting is more than a name.

Also, if you were to show us why you felt the way did that would be very nice. I mean other than you worked together and you thought she was pretty. A good love story is deeper than long hair and nice skin.

Stories are more than plot, grammar and facts. The best take you somewhere. This story does not do this as of yet. I hope it will someday.


Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Where I think you did a nice job on the opening, I seriously question as if any cat would recall their birth. Most people do not, so I do not see why a cat would either. There ears and eyes are closed. I doubt they are aware of anything.

Overall this is pretty clean and I know that is not what you are looking for.

I too am writing about a cat for my NaNo. I have taken a different altogether. Mine does not talk. Boy is that a challenge.

I feel you should tells how Misty came to be with her owner.

I do not think referring to humans as owners or servants is very fresh.

I think you have given the cats interesting names.

I do think it works well as YA.

The whole portal thing is nice. I think for the most part the cats act like humans and not too much like cats. Now that may be bothering because I taking a different take on the cat thing, so unless you get other feedback about it, do not take too much to heart.

Keep at it.

Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
I think the title is interesting. It gives a glimmer of what the book may be about.

The opening line of your prologue is too cheesy. It reeks of stereo typical bad sf. That does NOT mean I think your story is.

I know that this does just what a prologue is intended to do, tell a per-history but... I REALLY think you could do a better job of weaving this into the story as you go.

Well, it is something to think about.

The writing itself is straight forward and easy to follow. The idea sounds interesting.

Review of November 5, 2008  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I thought this was nicely put. I too am thrilled to how the elections turnout and turned out.

I worry for him. There is so much to do and everything needs attention immediately. And what we love, we sometimes tare down, which may happen because it will all take time and not everyone will be pleased no what happens.

But I hope that this feeling carries into a brighter future.

Review of The Gift  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

I am one of the judges for the
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#1478353 by Not Available.

The title is lackluster. I know it fits the story but it still is too common for my tastes.

The tag does nothing for the story.

Formatting looks very good.

The opening paragraph does a nice job of giving us something to go find out and a good amount of clear description.

My footsteps slowed and my palms slickened with sweat as I approached my car. I jingled my car keys trying to drown out the thudding in my ears. A gust of wind drew the tendrils of ribbons toward me and they undulated, pulling me forward. The package was in my hand before I knew it and the wiper thumped back into place. The wind died. And the ribbons dropped over the little golden box tickling the back of my hand. The sound of my keys jangling against the parking lot pavement shattered the calm of the night. The wind picked back up for a second.

Although this is nicely written, I do not feel it is needed.

“It was 53 days and 21 hours… or thereabouts.”, but I had stopped counting by then.

or thereabouts," but

Having your hair ripped out in large amounts is very painful. I do find it curious that she reacted so rationally after.

I did my best to not glance at the package as it bumped and slithered on the seat next to mine. After a couple of potholes I turned the package over so it sat on the bow, trying to stop the silver ribbons from flashing at me and calling me from the dark well of the passenger seat.

I think you need to mark the transition above this paragraph.


I think you should only have one ! If you want to express more, do so with words.

I tend to not be fond of first person POV's. The tend to be as whole repetitive. Hundreds of "I" 's flood the story. But it can convey a certain sense of self-centerness, which I feel you have done here.

I maybe wrong, but I thought he did not open the package in the freezer, why would he open this?

She whispered to me “You should never have gotten rid of me. You’re worthless without me.


I think you have some run on sentences that you have to do with the use of semicolon?

I wanted more from the story. I of coursed guessed what was in the packages. And I know that after a breakup we blame anything bad that happens to us the other party but still I thought it lacked motive.

I can however see why many liked the story and I have little many after me will again.


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