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Review of For My Son  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies. "THE DROP-OFF BOX

My Overall impression:
Your rating, title and genres are appropriate.

I've been through a divorce and I too left for my kids.
It's always hard to look at a situation through the child's eyes but once you do and can clear up what needs to be done. The things we were putting them through was harmful and unfair.

Your poem is truthful and shows you as being a strong woman..for your son!

You have some punctuation a couple of ? and period..I'd go through and add punctuation where needed. Close a few more of your thoughts.

So here we are we have moved on
I think this would be a more effective read if you have a comma after are~which would make for a pause there.

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
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Review of All That Glitters  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies.
Monthly newbie contest.
#530577 by Tammy~Catchin Up~

My Overall impression:
Your title fits well and your rating is appropriate.
Your subtle message on judging comes through well.

I like that you start this out with a strong quote.
Your story flows well and I like the humor you slide in.

You could add one more genre~they help your item get exposure.
Comedy would be good.

Maybe expand just a little and tell your readers where this relationship ends...do you guys date any more or end up being friends or??

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
Reviewed by Tammy

Review of The Night Sky  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies. "THE DROP-OFF BOX

My Overall impression:
Your rating, title and genres are appropriate.
Pretty poem, your words just flow together very well.

You paint a beautiful night for your readers in stanza one.
In stanza two you show yourself writing under the stars.
What a great place to be writing and getting inspiration from nature.

Your ending shows you becoming vulnerable and letting go.
I love the line on digging your toes into the sand.
Lines like that make the poem believable.

Your image for this is pretty.
my favorite part:
'Gliding through time on a pencil
and tracing over memories I've stenciled

Thanks for sharing.
I think your readers will identify with these thoughts/feelings that you share with us.

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
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Review of Trees Scream  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies.
Monthly newbie contest.
#530577 by Tammy~Catchin Up~

My Overall impression:
Your rating, title and genres are effective.

Great poem and it holds such a big message.
I love your ending, the last line with the two sentences is very effective.
That break up of the sentences with the question at the end~is very dramatic.

You capture a tragic part of nature very well.

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
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Review of For A Genius...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies. "THE DROP-OFF BOX

My Overall impression:
Your rating, title and genres are appropriate.

Wow, what a turn of events.
This holds a big message.

You set up your main character really well..with his actions and his conceit.

A few areas doesn't really sound like seventeen year olds.
(like the part about him being a socialist...)

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
Reviewed by

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Review of False Alarm  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies.
Monthly newbie contest.
#530577 by Tammy~Catchin Up~

My Overall impression:
Your rating, title and genres are appropriate.
Your character is likable.
Your story is believable~I just think it needs to be developed a bit more.

You really leave your readers hanging with this.
It doesn't feel quite finished.
Maybe expand a little on the ending.

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
Reviewed by

Review of The Spyglass  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*Thanks for entering your poem in
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#962569 by Not Available.
and good luck.

Your rating, title and genres are appropriate.
I love the humor/word-play you show with the introduction.
Your rhymes are good.
I like the last stanza on her being your queen the best.

This could easily be an image~shape poem with a little adjusting of a few of the lines and this could look like an hourglass!

In the last stanza, I keep stumbling over the first two lines...maybe a comma after rough in th first line.

*Star*Keep writing.

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Review of You and I  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Star*Thanks for entering your poem in "Invalid Item and good luck.

Your rating, title and genres are appropriate.
Your rhymes work good together.
Great ending thought on the dreams!

favorite lines:
'Your eyes are like my journey, with your hand acting as my guide,
Our love is like a roller coaster, too tempting NOT to ride.'

little things:
Its in line one should be it's.

In line ten, i needs to be capitalized.

*Star*Keep writing.

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Review of Thoughts On Me  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Star*Thanks for entering your poem in
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#962569 by Not Available.
and good luck.

Your rating, title and genres are appropriate.

favorite parts:
I love the line on dreaming.
I usually don't like repetition like that but in this it works well.

I really like how you present this with the stanzas on the opposite side
and the italics for the thinking parts.
Very creative.

In line three you have o'er, but don't use that type of language any where else.
I'd change that to over.

I was I am I will
I'd change this to
I was- I am- I will
This will give the breaks needed and will also compliment the above stanza that you have like this.

In stanza four you have one period after paper, I'd remove that since it is the only ending punctuation that you have.

*Star*Keep writing.

Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*Thanks for entering your poem in"Invalid Item and good luck.

Pretty title.
I like that you include what inspired you to write this.
I always enjoy hearing what inspire others.

favorite lines:
'Like an old friend
Glowing its smile upon me'

You have punctuation in the last line but no where else.
I'd suggest removing it or adding more punctuation where needed.

In both lines two and three you have a sunset..I'd change this to break up the repetition there.
I would make it in a sunset
A sunset closing on a day of wonder
I would make it in a sunset
closing on a day of wonder
I would make it in a sunset
One closing on a day of wonder

*Star*Keep writing.

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Review of Tree Of Love  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*Thanks for entering your poem in "Invalid Item and good luck.

Your rating, title and genres are appropriate.

I like the parallel between nature and a book.
The growing relationship, like the growing tree.
I like that you include the details of the friendship, the conversation etc.

Your rhymes work well and you have some unique ones.
The poem flows well.

My favorite stanza is number six.

favorite lines:
'Which will broaden up the tree,
That was but a seed before.'

*Star*Keep writing.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*Thanks for entering your poem in"Invalid Item and good luck.

I love the ending for this and the way you have it in italics.
Great image that you include.
Your rating, title and genres are appropriate.

What a poem full of beauty and imagery.
Your pride for this comes through very strong.

I love the presentation of the stanzas they are like a flowing, winding river!

*Star*Keep writing.

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Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Reading*Overall Impressions:
Your title, rating and genres are appropriate.

I was beginning to doubt the mom not waking up...until I got to the end there.
You keep the suspense very well for the readers.

*Idea* Suggestions:
Only one, I think it would be more effective and believable if you make the abuse a bit worse...that way your reader could believe that the girl would go to such extremes.

*Smile* Keep writing,

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Review of ROADS OF WAR  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*Thanks for entering your poem in
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#962569 by Not Available.
and good luck.

Your title fits well.
Your genres are good.

I think many of us feel like this.
Your poem shows well the results/consequences of war.

I like the rhyming pattern that you use throughout.
I really like the firs two lines in stanza four...

Be sure and rate your item.

*Star*Keep writing.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies. "THE DROP-OFF BOX

My Overall impression:
Your title, rating and genres are appropriate.

Very unique poem!!
I like it.
You use just the right statements together to get your points/feelings across.

In the author's note you have:
All line make 2 statements except for the line in the very center of the poem, which make only 2,
I think the second 2 should be one.

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
Reviewed by
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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Reading*Overall Impressions:
Love the title you picked for this!
Your rating and genres are appropriate.

You touch on your readers senses with the smells and sounds that you include in your story.
You have the readers right there beside you.

Love the way you end this.

*Idea* Suggestions:
Your story is well-told.
I wasn't left with any questions.
And you leave the ending up for the reader's imagination!

*Smile* Keep writing,

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Review of Butterfly  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies.
Monthly newbie contest.
#530577 by Tammy~Catchin Up~

My Overall impression:
Your rating, title and genres are appropriate.

I really enjoyed your story.
Your story was a bit insightful for me.

This reminds me of me.
It's really close to a part of my life story.
I too got a butterfly tattoo when I left my ex, who was a lot like the father you describe....
We have two kids and I wonder if either one of them felt any of what you described.

In the end, after you have aged I see you get the real meaning of your Mom and probably exactly what her thoughts and actions were at the time.

I've always felt a bit guilty of breaking up the 'family,' even though I knew it was the best thing I could do for my kids. I hope one day they are as insightful as you have become with age.

Thanks for sharing a part of you with your readers.

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
Reviewed by
Review of Julie  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies. "THE DROP-OFF BOX

My Overall impression:
Great poem.
Your title, rating and genres are good.

I love the pace of your poem.
Your rhymes work well together.

Your imagery is good..I could easily see this little blond girl in
the mirror as her parent looked on.

Your love and pride come through well.


*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
Reviewed by
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Review of School Days  
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies.
Monthly newbie contest.
#530577 by Tammy~Catchin Up~

My Overall impression:
Your rating, title and genres are good.

I like the message that your story holds.

Parents usually do know better!!

You need to space after each period, so that it's not all running together.

You might also break this in to two paragraphs.

Maybe set this up a bit more...give the readers some details.
How old is Kayla?
What grade is she in?

Just expand on your story a little and check your spacing throughout.

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
Reviewed by
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Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies.
Monthly newbie contest.
#530577 by Tammy~Catchin Up~

My Overall impression:
Creative title.
Your rating and genres are good.

Romantic thoughts you have here.

The different language threw me off...maybe add an author's note explaining what that is.

There are a few places I stumbled over.
Its hypnotic hue, its abysmal aesthetic distraction
maybe cut the aesthetic here

eyes in hands in hair in skin in lips in cheek in legs in...
Maybe re-word and cut some of the ins.

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
Reviewed by Tammy
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies. "THE DROP-OFF BOX

My Overall impression:
Your poem was entered by Blake~almost got scammed!

Your poem is very romantic and sweet.
What an awesome tribute to your wife.
Your love and pride for her comes through very strong in each word.

In the last stanza I like line three, She is my wife.
Makes a big impact.

Your rating, title and genres are appropriate.

Let her read this if you haven't already!

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
Reviewed by
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Rated: E | (4.5)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies.
Monthly newbie contest.
#530577 by Tammy~Catchin Up~

My Overall impression:
Your poem tells your readers a story.
What an experience you share with us.
It sounds like it was really fun.

I could feel your pride in this accomplishment!

Your rhymes work well together and your pace is steady throughout.

My favorite lines:
'Breathlessly I reached the top
What panoramic view
Twas there I made my resting stop
Before decenting down anew'

Before decenting down anew'

You might try adding punctuation, read it aloud with and without the punctuation to see what would be more effective.

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!

Reviewed by Tammy
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies. "THE DROP-OFF BOX

My Overall impression:
Great title.
I love a good swing!

Great imagery throughout.
From the creaking chair to the powder-blue sky!

Try spacing between the paras, it is easier for your readers and it looks better.

In a few areas your sentences are very short.
Maybe work on combining them to prevent a choppy read.

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
Reviewed by
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Review of Irony  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies.
Monthly newbie contest.
#530577 by Tammy~Catchin Up~

My Overall impression:
Your descriptions in stanza one are good.
Your title and rating are appropriate.

Add some genres.
Experience, nature, and personal would fit.

very awkward:
I sit on the rooftop
And look out over
I sit on the rooftop
And looked out over
I sit on the rooftop
looking out over

Maybe expand a little on your feelings regarding the trees being cut down.
There is no emotions in your poem.

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
Reviewed by Tammy
Review of Seasons  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Flower1* Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for entering The Drop Box, my contest for newbies.
Monthly newbie contest.
#530577 by Tammy~Catchin Up~

My Overall impression:
Very pretty nature poem.
You really put your readers outside with these thoughts and words.

Great imagery throughout.
You touch on your readers senses.

favorite part:
'Little flakes, all of myriad patterns
Gently covers the land in a blanket of-
Powder white.'

Maybe a more unique title to fit your poem.
suggestions from your poem:
Seeds of Hope
Shifting Chiffon
Peaceful Slumber

*Flower1* Hope you enjoy yourself here. Any questions, e-mail me.
Keep writing!
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