Hi Wolf,
I found this verse on The Review Request Page. You mention that it is the final installment in a series of verses. I have not read the series, so I will be commenting about this piece on its own merits (in my humble opinion) as a stand-alone piece.
First, let me commend you for completing a series of verses; that is an accomplishment that I have not personally attained. Also, there are many things that I like about this particular piece. The rhyming scheme is unobtrusive and pleasing, at least to my ear. You continuously change the meter of the lines, but in a way that I find very enjoyable to read. This is nicely done.
There are a couple of areas where I feel you might make some improvement, though. For example, the third stanza is extremely weak in my opinion:
Your laugh is so charming,
That what I felt was alarming.
New feelings surged through me,
More powerful than ever before.
It starts out just okay (more on phrasing below), and then slides downhill, saying nothing other than, “I have these really strong feelings.” What feelings? It is not enough to say, “My emotions are really intense” and leave it at that. As a matter of fact, it is much better to show us your emotions, rather than telling us about them at all. Use imagery. If you can, make me feel the emotion you wish to convey, and then I will know it completely. Otherwise, I have nothing to connect to, and the words are just…well, words.
The other thing to be aware of is common or clichéd phrasing (something I have a problem with myself). I’ll just cite one line, by way of example:
Eyes of blue, and cool as water.
“Eyes of blue” is a common way of phrasing this. It reminds me of a song that you are probably too young to know. How about (please excuse me for mangling your verse):
Eyes blue, and cool as water.
Or some such. That may not be much better, but I hope you take my point. You have a great sense of meter, rhyme, and rhythm; I’d love to see you bring the words up to their caliber. Anyway, these are just one man’s opinions and meant to be constructive. Get other opinions— they may differ greatly from mine. And keep writing.
Peace and Love,
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NULLUM GRATUITUM PRANDIUM–so bring a sandwich.