Dear Amethyst Angel 🍀 ,
Brilliant! At some point I thought, “nailed it.” All very real with the surreal included, making the wife the central protagonist. There is plenty of tension and intrigue to a reader, pushing further through text with anticipation. I see the prompt posted beneath the story. Seeing it sooner wouldve helped me more quickly acclimate to the scene.
Plentiful in depiction, i was grasping at notions of where this was headed, feeling a strategic moment would present to send the story into motion. If it had been preceded by an act of introduction to Josh, to get a sense of him, it might double down on innocence portrayal, and to conveniently plant a foreboding detail a reader might recall to give more dimension to his character. Cut and dried, left to assume he’s a bad guy. People are way more complicated (as i see myself), as stories wrestle with humanism amid morality, where it gets hazy. Story that grows a character lends reality and ultimate satisfaction. Not much time for that in 2k or less (making me wonder how long was The Outcasts Of Poker Flat by Bret Harte…checked 1,256 words!). Now I'm reminded of A Good Man Is Hard To Find, Flannery O’Connor (maybe, rest of my review will unveil.
So, as long as this reads, and as well as you have frameworked and neatly fit in a believable and riveting story, no need for revision at this point. Considering it’s written for the Short Shots prompt, a contest that essentially culls brief vignettes like this. But, so seldom are any prompt fiction items written this well. Congratulations.
Now, this story would be great at novella length. I had moments of visualization that really sold the story. If you should further, a few things I caught might lend to whatever future endeavors with this, or to tweak copy for the present. I can’t separate these offerings by now or future, intermingled in my ADHD-harnessed head. Offering overall notes for current and future prospects:
1. Josh needs more development. Preserve the first person omniscient with her. Seems her naivete extends to how she flips from love of her spouse to how quickly sold he’s a bad guy. I know from her abrupt wake up and anger about being stranded without a clue was very distressing for her. Works well. Positively perfect start. If we get some back story like length of marriage, a little background on her, what makes her distinctive, it helps me further conceive and connect how the couple arrived in this situation.
2. As to Josh: how a bank president gets caught up in this. Many other stories reveal things like he did someone a favor and it escalates. I’d like to see his character fleshed out as either good, bad or gray, so a reader can also ponder or pronounce their final judgment for his motivations. (Too long for this piece) I believe ‘flippant’ described his attitude. That he drugged his wife and left her alone on a mysterious private island really sells betrayal. I can digest that
3. I like how hard she had to fight herself from exploding, blowing their plans to trap him. Perhaps, if she was a safe distance away, but could still hear, a great way to convey to her well-crafted reactions, though seems too careless to trust she wouldn’t overreact to the betrayal.
4. The chain of events here. While I don't buy he’d leave her this exposed, without something that compelled him to desert her. She, a pampered wife (assumed), is more likely catered to, with offered excuse he’d be away (business). I buy the drugging, if no other means to keep her deluded. But, he took too long, not enough precautions. He's either blackmailed into doing this, faking his phone presence, or he’s really greedy and has an addiction of sorts from suspicions at the bank, gambling debt or drug addiction…my favorite. They seem young, she is attracted to his charisma, great job, lifestyle, and parties.
5. Plot twists. I imagined about six directions the story could take before they revealed themselves to her. Made me take tangents on where the story could lead. I had not noted the length of this story before I started, so it could have curtailed my imaginative processes.
Kidnapping. Who’s the target?
They get separated by unforeseen circumstances and she’s a humorless Goldie Hawn type to one that is surprising the reader each step of the way toward unwitting action hero. Great empowerment vehicle for women who trust or depend on men too much, rely on self, to reveal their intelligence/problem solving, savvy and internal fortitude to adapt on the fly without resources, even MacGyver a way out of situations to thwart those with the most guile. I can think of lots of female leads who fit that archetype.
She is the villain, fooling us. She’s in on it with her hubby. It might either require her being an anti-hero. She discovers what he’s up to, goes along with plans to keep his ass out of trouble. This can meet with many more conflicts, as she, the anti-hero, leaves behind necessary casualties to protect an idiot she loves, furthering a female lead who is closer to cleaner/assassin to secret agent or ex-cop trapped on an island with geography she carefully studies with plans to equip herself.
If he violates her with drugs, it will be an unexpected detail that forces her to play innocent until she locks up the husband and wife before transaction to get after what happens next, knowing he put himself in crosshairs, possibly learns that he’s outlived his usefulness, or plans to make this the last transaction, or learn of the setup and a plan to kill all by the real bad guys. Dark.
(you can ignore this, still spinning thoughts i had) Not your story intent, but my first of several wonderings, being remote location. Dumbed down, he’s captured because culprits steal American’s organs, leaving them to die, having to save themselves (there goes that Stabbing Westward song again in my mind). Been done, seen it, and a great cautionary tale. If it's freshly updated with awareness, if it’s gotten worse, mutated by MO. A running out of time ordeal, if there's time to save him, put herself in jeopardy with time running out, until too late, and now it's survival for herself. I have been in remote locations in Mexico, seen lifestyles there, near resort communities. It's beneath poverty to the level they are a community looking out for one another and rich Americans are easy targets. I thwarted a pickpocket attempt, saw how all deny seeing the event unfold.
I wondered about surrealism. How much of a drug stupor? Is she an unwitting Alice who actually does begin to imagine her surroundings. Striking a tender balance with her unwitting stupor slowly evolving, her realization what’s happening with the original, intended story of a drug transaction gone wrong. Two ways to split off that, he’s an idiot that can’t get out of something, no one will help, or the bad guy who doesn't really care if she lives or dies to save himself, and when she has knowledge, charms her to deceive before the plot twists back in a myriad of plot-twisty ways.
Getting off of all that, having complimented your strong writing and conception that's provoked my insane amount of rambling with a tablet, tapping without trimmed nails, character by character tenaciously to this point in a looong sentence, the ending wrapped too neatly, too quickly to feel full satisfaction. It might be the one nagging detail. Maybe,mother title could be better? What’s central to story, most profound: The Banker’s Wife? / Paradis Lost ? seeing no John Milton tie-in) Sunburn Island? I guess I have lots of them… How I Lost My Ignorant, Drug-Dealing Husband On Vacation? I’ll stop.
I loved how it was playing out. I would hate to see the illuminating start truncated to add to the epilogue. Getting more value from her reactions: a need to show more emotions in need of consolation, and more power from the couple’s beliefs to the point spiritualism plays a bigger role to help shape a takeaway. She should utter a phrase beginning with, “But I thought…” that can quickly encapsulate trust/betrayal/overlooked signs/duration, age of relationship amid this unique bond formed with this couple offering wisdom and spiritualism. If you could tie one detail from the beginning, already introduced or quickly contrived, it could be the piece to get satisfactory resolution to intone a takeaway.
A story this well-told with rich detail that can lead a reader by the nose deserves more consideration for expansion. I offer my help all the time to writers longing for enough words to produce the printable, shelve-able tome…usually during NanoWrimo type events. I’ve severely curtailed my own writing and reviewing, deeming it is not meritorious or advantageous to participate in a community that has gotten my life’s blood in the past. I know I'm prone to overcommit. But, should you further conceive this story, if my help might be deemed worthy, I'm always up to helping a deserving writer with good words get as much as they can from their craft.
Sorry, knowing ingo too far to deep. Self-editing is not my strength, thanks to a paternalistic life domineering that iIexplain myself before ultimate condemnation, without the late medical diagnosis that informed anxiety-provoking tensions. TMI. Good work. A pleasure to have witnessed today.
DWG Reviewer
![No Crusader [#2336298]
Holy Grail of Myth stays the Excalibur.](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Didn’t know it’d be nearly 95-hundred characters before I started