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1,679 Public Reviews Given
1,699 Total Reviews Given
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I look at the fun factor.
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Knowing what sells and Knowing what is good are my skills.
Favorite Genres
Murder mysteries.
Least Favorite Genres
Long sad stories.
Favorite Item Types
Murder She Wrote, Columbo and NCIS.
Least Favorite Item Types
Sad, tragic endings.
I will not review...
My obituary.
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Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Are we in a simulation?
What is Hell and Heavan?
Eternity is a long time.
How important are we?

Thought provoking poem.

Bob County
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Atlas got Hercules to take his place.
Your poem is spot on.
Where is Atlas holding the Earth?
The Earth is mostly oceans.
He would drown.

Just my whimsy.

Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Writing for me is therapy.
Artificial intelligence is here and is writing.
There is nothing illegal about AI yet.
Morality is subjective.
So, let the writing continue.

Bob County
Review of CLEARLY ESTRANGED  Open in new Window.
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Cancer is an overactive cell.
Carnivora is popular cure.
I hear it advertised on the Paranormal radio show.
They talk about ghost and UFOs.
Jeff Norey is the host.
9.67am on my 2002 Winstar radio.
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Woman in the Old Testament were property.
Moses' first wife Sarah did not have a child until late in life.
He used a slave girl to procreate a male heir.

I am of Irish and Jewish descent.
My father was a red headed Irish American.
They did not want me dating black girls.

I dated Racheal Wild, but her father thought I was a NAZI.
Gunther Wild escaped NAZI Germany hidden in a suitcase.
Gunther didn't like my family's pro-Vietnam older brother.

Gunther opposed the war with Vietnam.

I don't know if I am racist.
But you write a compelling story.

Just my opinion.

Bob County
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Hero drowned.
He was swimming off the coast of Greece.
It was night...
He wanted to see his girlfriend.
And he got a stitch and drowned.

I think love of a women is sexual.
Nevertheless, Hero drowned...
Nice thought about church.
But love is a hot mess.

Bob County
Review of The Jump  Open in new Window.
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Doorways are fun.
I watched my sisters dress and undress through a key whole.
I did pull ups on a bar between a doorway.
I watched my sisters in the bathroom through the key whole.
Sometimes they would let me in.
I was just a boy...

Bob county
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Conservatism is first and foremost a natural conservation.
We have only one planet and Mars is mostly dead and a long way.
Corporation run the world and think about greed.
The single biggest threat to all life on Earth is human.
Where do we put all the pollution?

That's me venting.

Bob Country
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Go Mike!
Pink stilettos Barbie heels is all it took?
And Mike had waited 6 years to ask her out?
Weird but romantic.

Bob Country
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Symbiotic relationship... Evidence for a designer?
Maybe, or maybe not. It might be an accident.
I was just watching Jimmy Kimbel and young adults addressing letters.
They couldn't do it. They didn't know where the address goes and the return address goes.
These were Havard school students... They had never addressed a letter.

We live in a wacky world.

Bob Country
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Is Carl Lewis still alive?
Are the male and female athletes competing with each other?
Teenage boy athletes are stronger and faster than adult female athletes.
That has been proven.
That is why there is a male competition and a female competition in sports.
I suppose chess can be unisex.

Just my opinion.

Bob Country
Review of Dear Pip  Open in new Window.
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I got dumped because of boredom.
I had two strokes later and the girls aren't interested.
Were you looking for marriage?
He left you.
I guess that's all she wrote.

Bob Country
Review of Golden Lights  Open in new Window.
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Valentine was a Christen Martyr, who was executed.
He was a Roman archer and asked he be executed by arrows.
So, there are Cupid's arrows...
I never was a fan of Valentine's Day.
My parents told me the story of Valentine.
I was a child...

Nice Poem!
for entry "The Secret PassagewayOpen in new Window.
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

I'm reminded of Young Frankenstein.
"Put the candle stick back!" Frankenstein said to his lovely assistant lady.
This is a lovely yarn about hidden secrets.
I hope there was a little violin playing.
Grampa has good friends... He should try some honey.
That should help his singing.

Bob Country
Review of Dear Me.  Open in new Window.
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Looking over your script treatment, I am reminded of a pineapple.
The ula amba gatta, pine needle in our brains or pineapple.
The Pope has a pineapple on his staff.
There is a stone carving of a pineapple in the Vatican Museum.
The pineapple is considered the connection to God.
Maybe the universe is a pineapple away?

Bob Country
Review of Normality  Open in new Window.
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

A very dead poem.
Cats will eat their owners.
Maybe Pete wants more of a nibble?
Joan of Arc said she got her inspiration from a tree.
Was she psychotic?
She was burned alive at a wooden stake with fags at her feet.
Your poem is about death... and snowflakes.
I fire hurts more.

Bob Country
Review of Bullfighter  Open in new Window.
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

I am reminded of walking this blind girl at U-Mass Boston.
We had both attended an English course about Gulveer's Travels.
And another girl stopped us an asked, "Kelly are you alright?"
I had let Kelly feel my face and she asked that I take her to the Bus stop.
Nevertheless, Kelly excused herself and went on her girlfriend's arm.
I felt abandoned...

A boyfriend wants to be hymn.

Bob Country
Review of How to be special  Open in new Window.
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

"Bongo just pawn in game of life."
I'm quoting a Mel Brooks film.
I am not certain Pawn can choose to be other than Pawn.
If you are writing about a chess piece?
But do we have freewill?
How would can we be objective?

Just my opinion.

Bob Country
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

There were these Romanians exchange students.
They came to this country on green cards.
They wanted to earn as much as they could.
The Romanian government decided if they would go to college.
Then the government would pay for their college education.
All other Romanian' students were provided for basic education and shop classes.

In the USA college is political and elite schools take only elite students.
Accept if you're a relative or political.
Just my opinion.

Bob Country
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

What is an "HQ"? And why is "THis" written that way?
Is Igor dead? Or is he in a nuclear snowball?
What is "D.I.D"? I'm not a psyche major.
A nuclear winter is very dead.
No light can get in the ozone.
The ozone is mostly gone and can be open to outer space.
Is that the ball of collective consciousness?
I am so confused.
Review of You See Me  Open in new Window.
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

I remember eating chocolate crickets.
They tasted like popcorn.
Sometimes, I will find a small black speck in my milk.
I occasionally fish it out with my index finger.
Sometimes, I swallow the black speck.
It could be an insect...
Or maybe it is something else?
I think we just have to accept what we are given.
"Disserving got nothing to do with it." William Money from Unforgiven.
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

I had a tux cat that slept on the microwave.
The tom, Rusty, had a female cat Patches.
When Patches died, he peed on the microwave.
The vet told me Rusty was in mourning.
I keep Rusty in mind now he has died.

Bob Country
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

I can't pull up my photos.
Maybe, I have too many stories?

Bob Country
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

My older brother went to Vietnam as an Airborne Ranger.
That is similar to a Marine in a Huwe helicopter.
He chose to be an Airborne Ranger to fight the Vietcong.
He was in ROTC in Boston University.
I was too young to understand his sacrifice.
As I grew older, I grew to know he is a hero.
I enjoyed your poem about Sergeant Gus USMC at Cal Berkeley.
Review of My Home  Open in new Window.
Review by bob county Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

I'm a little cenacle.
But it is good to have a positive outlook.
I liked your poem; "My home has its mountain tops."
You are aware of natural disasters?
More innocent people die from natural disasters.
Think of the people killed in mud slides.
But the sky is blue, accept during a tsunami.
Just my cenacle opinion...

Bob Country
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