Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I enjoyed reading your poem. Thank you for sharing it.
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Overall Impression:
Hope is an odd thing is so very true. You couldn't be more right.
Your words gave life to something that too many have lost or given up on.
This poem isn't one that is simply read. It's one that makes you feel each word.
Your words are powerful and are what this world needs right now. I love it.
Favorite Part: The whole poem is awesome for sure but this was my fave part.
"For, it gives people strength
To do the impossible
It gives them the arm's length
To make them unstoppable"
Suggestions: Keep sharing your voice and words with the world.
We all need more of it.
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Overall Impression: Good work, way to go! I think we can all relate to this.
Rhyme, Form & Flow: I think all of it was done well and not forced. Everything connected nicely.
Favorite Part: I like the entire poem but my favorite part was this: I wasn't created this way,
The things I do leave me dismay.
I want my life to be arranged,
So I tell you this, I will change.
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Overall Impression: This is great writing. The title caught my eye because of my own personal experience with the "L-word"
But the what came along with the title is what kept my interest.
Rhyme, Form & Flow: Everything worked well together.
Favorite Part: I liked the entire thing but there are two parts I liked the best.
The first is: Nicholas was the only person she tried never to offend
She was by nature rough, rude and lazy but when Nicholas was near you should have seen how polite she’d pretend
See her to her best of behaviors ascend
And the second is: So she’d stare into the sky and wonder why the Creator above
Had to create a feeling and emotion such as love
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Overall Impression: I like this. I really like Mr. Snoresalot,
He reminds me of my sons, they all snoresalot =)
Rhyme, Form & Flow: Rhyming pattern was done well.
Form and flow was also great, All three worked well for each other.
Favorite Part: I liked the whole thing. It's a great kids poem, in my opinion.
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Overall Impression: I can relate to your words here. On a personal level,
The "beast" can be so many things we all deal with.
It's short and straight to the point. Well done.
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Overall Impression: It's a very heartfelt poem. A broken heart is fragile.
Good job writing.
Favorite Part: A heart does not start unbreakable,
One creates an unbreakable heart
Would I Change Anything?: Not at all. You did a great job conveying your thoughts.
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Overall Impression: LOVED IT!! I can relate so closely to this myself.
Just when I thought I was beginning to lose all hope, He was there.
He's always there, never leaving our side. We just somehow forget that at times.
Stay strong my friend and have faith in the Lord. Keep sharing your beautiful work.
Favorite Part: "Don't worry my child,
I am here to be your strength,
I hear your cry and I will be your rock."
This is his promise to us. I know He's been there by my side during
Times when I was close to giving up. It was his strength and love that pulled me through.
Would I Change Anything?: Not at all. It's perfect the way it is.
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Overall Impression: What a beautiful poem. I absolutely loved it. Well done!
Artistic Voice and Imagery: Great use of the seed and growing it to blossom.
It just added to the beautiful and warm feelings of the idea in this.
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Overall Impression: I like this poem. It grabs your attention and interest.
Very thought provoking.
Favorite Part: Could you really say you lived your life,
for what is true, for what is right?
Think, feel, don't just pray for a change,
live for it, don't just stay the same...
Would I Change Anything?: Not at all. Great work poet. Well done.
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Overall Impression: I got a warm fuzzy feeling inside as I read this poem.
Such beautiful words. I enjoyed reading this.
Gives me hope that this kind of emotional connection may still exist.
Favorite Part: Noticed by all, we notice no one
We are alone but together with everyone.
Tone and Mood: I think the mood is personal and emotional.
You can feel the loving connection between the poems subjects.
Would I Change Anything?: Not at all. You've done a good job packing a lot of
Feelings into a small package. I think it's great. Well done.
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Personal Impression: This is a serious subject you chose to write about.
KUDOS to you for doing that.
The topic of addiction, regardless of the kind, needs to be talked about a lot more.
Too many times lives are lost, families and communities are destroyed from addictions.
The stigma that has been placed on addictions/addicts from ignorance makes it harder
For people to come forward for help because they're embarrassed or are afraid of being
Judged and not helped. That should never be the case. Sadly it is.
I think you did an excellent job at getting your point across and making a statement.
Well done.
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Personal Impression: This made me excited for Spring. I enjoyed reading this, good job.
As I read the line about waiting for the sounds of the birds, my mind played it out
With sweet bird songs and everything. That was great =).
Rhyme, Form & Flow: The rhyming is done perfectly for this poem.
The flow of the poem is smooth and easy to follow.
Well done poet!
Would I Change Anything?: Not at all. It's great how it is.
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I'm reviewing your writing as a member of "The Poet's Place "
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Personal Impression: The title caught my eye instantly. I think there is a lot of us who can agree with you, I do.
I'm not a major Super Bowl fan like so many others are. My brain won't sit still long enough for that haha.
If my team or my dads team is playing I'll (try to) watch. Even then it usually isn't the entire game.
I'll admit though, the commercials are the best part =).
I think you did a great job with this. Good expression.
Favorite Part: "It should been call The Commercials Bowl,
with a game throw in for bathroom break."
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I'm reviewing your writing as a member of "The Poet's Place "
I hope you find this feedback useful.
Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Personal Impression: WOW!!!! Absolutely amazing. You did an awesome job.
Rhyme, Form & Flow: All were well done. Reading it was easy and the style kept you involved
all the way till the end. No hang ups halfway through reading. Flowed smoothly along.
Favorite Part: I'd have to say the whole thing. I've read it over a few times now.
Each time makes me love it more.
Would I Change Anything?: Not at all. It's perfect.
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
Instead of caroling I'm reviewing, good thing cause I can't sing heehee.
I hope you find this feedback useful. Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
From a member to a member of "The Poet's Place "
Personal Impression: Such great writing.
Your words express the importance of your friendship. Very thoughtful and kind.
Rhyme, Form & Flow: The rhyming structure was very well done. Not forced or harsh.
It helped make the whole poem flow easily from one thought to the next.
Favorite Part: I love the way the threads of your friendship weaved into the tapestry.
That was really beautiful to me.
Would I Change Anything?: Absolutely not!! It's perfect already.
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I'm reviewing your writing as a member of "The Poet's Place "
I hope you find this feedback useful. Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Overall Impression: The title is what caught my eye immediately.
I lost my dad in 2009 and it still feels like just yesterday. He was my best friend so I can relate.
There's so much feeling and emotion in your writing. Powerful and deep. Great work.
Hugs to you!!
Thank you for sharing your work. Write on Poet!!
Sincerely, JustMeJayE
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From struggle comes strength, with strength comes courage
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I'm reviewing your writing as a member of "The Poet's Place "
I hope you find this feedback useful. Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Personal Impression: Beautiful poem, wonderfully written.
Favorite Line: Tear drops fall like rain
warm hand prints on the window pane
Artistic Voice and Imagery: I felt while I was reading this that
I could see and feel everything you were trying to share.
I could even almost smell the fresh cut lawn and hear birds singing.
I really liked the part about life sometimes making you feel like a pawn.
Those words speak truth. I can relate.
Thank you for sharing your work. Write on Poet!!
Sincerely, JustMeJayE
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From struggle comes strength, with strength comes courage
Hello.. I'm JustMeJayE.
I'm reviewing your writing as a member of "The Poet's Place "
I hope you find this feedback useful. Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
Personal Impression: This work hit a personal point with me.
The title and description caught my eye and the entire piece held my attention beginning to end.
I was impressed with your writing.
Dealing with depression is exhausting and frustrating, from my own personal experience.
I think it needs to be talked about more, in my opinion.
Tone and Mood: To me it expressed the frustration and defeated feelings that depression can cause.
Emotional Impact: One of the best lines I think is, "So will I feel "off" forever?
It's like these thoughts are keeping me tethered."
This feels like the eternal question, will it ever end? Will it ever let go the hold it has?
This is a topic so many of us can relate to. I think it hit right on the emotions felt.
Thank you for sharing your work. Write on Poet!!
Sincerely, JustMeJayE
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From struggle comes strength, with strength comes courage
Hello! I'm JustMeJayE.
I'm reviewing your writing because I stumbled on you randomly and enjoyed the read.
I hope you find this feedback useful. Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
This is a review from a member of "The Poet's Place "
Personal Impression:
I thought this was very emotional and deep. Very good work.
I can relate personally to the devastation left behind from my own dark shadows.
I think this is exceptional writing..
Artistic Voice & Imagery:
I feel like the your choice of words is perfect for expressing the feelings coming through.
I could see and feel the rage and chaos experienced in my mind as I read.
Thank you for sharing your work. Write on Poet!!
Sincerely, JustMeJayE
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
From struggle comes strength, with strength comes courage
Hello! I'm JustMeJayE.
I'm reviewing your writing because I stumbled on you randomly and enjoyed the read.
I hope you find this feedback useful. Anything I say is just my personal opinion.
I'm not a professional critic, just an interested reader.
This is a review from a member of "The Poet's Place "
Personal Impression:
Lovely poetry, it brought back a distant memory for me. My moment in time =).
Favorite Line:
I gasp as my heart skips a century,
and I recognize the depths of a river.
Artistic Voice and Imagery:
The image I got from this is one of a deep, intense love story.
The heart skips a century, not just a beat. It can leave you speechless.
I like the use of the river and canyons to relate with the depths and echoes.
I think it gave more power and emotion to your words.
Thank you for sharing this valuable information with us. I've been working on my family history for singe years now and this had always been an important topic. Thanks again.
I'm Windstorm and we are members of "The Poet's Place Patio" group together. I'm trying to work my way through all of the group's members, one portfolio at a time =). Lucky me, I picked you first and I am very happy I did.
I truly loved this poem. I loved the flow and style but especially loved just reading it. So many things you mention bring back memories for me. I love that!!
One of my favorite lines is
"Extravagance was a “Blue Moon,”
and plastic knives and forks worked fine."
I can relate totally to that. The entire poem was fabulous and well worth the read.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent and I look forward to reading more of your work.
Awesome read!! I'm so happy that it was your poem I came across first today.
"You no longer live, but simply exist; physicality your prison.
You accept.
Broken, you find comfort in conformity; safety in ignorance.
You accept.
Beaten, you dare not raise our eyes; or your voice.
You accept that you must accept."
This was my absolute favorite part!! It's so true.
We all see this everyday in society. Some of us are this.
We need to break this spell we're in and use our own minds and voices.
Live for us, not as robots but as humans with minds of our own.
What a great way to look at something you're considering.
I think this is great! I also think you should keep writing, whatever it may be.
Whether it's poetry or short story or just your thoughts in words. Write on!!
The world only has room for one Shakespeare, just as it only has room for one tonibarri.
Show the world who you are inside, share with us your thoughts. I am already intrigued.
Can't wait to read more from you.
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